
Assignment # 9

(chapter 8 continued)

TCM 710 – Project Leadership

Due Date: Tuesday, March 29th at 11:55 PM Name: Enter Name Here

Discussion Board – A discussion topic has been posted in the Instructor Guided Discussion Board for week 9. Please make at least 1 posting to the discussion board by the due date. Simply posting once every week does not guarantee full credit for the discussion board. Discussion credit will be evaluated based on your contribution to discussions and your ability to interact with other students in the class.

Homework Assignment # 9

· Continue referring to Chapter 8 of the course text and the assigned article below.

Complete the questions in the template at the end of this document and return it through the Assignments Tab in Blackboard.

Additional Instructions:

· List your answers in the template below. Expand space for your answer as needed.

· Provide discussion and thought with the questions (a one sentence response typically is not enough).

· Be sure to complete the assignment in this template file and return the entire file using the assignment link located in the Assignments tab. DO NOT RETURN IT USING REGULAR EMAIL.

Begin Work Here….. 5 points per question number unless otherwise noted (25 points total)

For questions 1, 2, and 3 refer to the article “Challenges and Benefits of Matrix Management in the Workplace” You can locate the article using the link from the reference below:

Reh, John F. 2019, Challenges and Benefits of Matrix Management in the Workplace, The Balance Careers,

1) Referring to the article “Challenges and Benefits of Matrix Management in the Workplace” discuss some challenges the project manager faces in managing a cross-functional team on a temporary project.

2) When assigned to a cross-functional team under the weak matrix structure, discuss which types of power would likely be available and appropriate for the project manager to use. Refer to the assigned article and also review the first few pages of Chapter 5 in the course text.

3) Given the challenges and complications associated with matrix management, discuss some of the key benefits that make this structure worth considering.

4) Describe the factors that generally contribute to high levels of team cohesion.

5) Describe how a leader can avoid conducting nonproductive meetings.

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