Archive for March 27th, 2022


Experiment 3.

Density Determination


The students will be able to learn that:

1. The density is an intensive property and it is independent of the amount of sample used.

2. The volume of an object can be determined by the volume of the water it can displace.

3. The density of a mixture is between the densities of the constituents forming the mixture.


Density is a physical property of a substance that is often useful part of its identification. Density of a substance is described as the mass of a unit volume and it is an intensive property. Intensive properties do NOT depend on the amount of the sample used. Density may be thought of as how heavy an object is for its size, or the ratio of an object’s mass to its volume.


m g( )

Density 

d =

Equation 1.


V (mL)

The units of density of a solid object are g/cm3 and for the liquids are in g/mL. (1 cm3 ≈ 1 mL).

There are three parts to this experiment.

a. Density of the regularly shaped objects.

b. Density of the irregularly shaped objects (water displacement method). c. Density of a mixture

In these investigations, you will determine the density of several objects by measuring their mass and volume. The density of a sample usually varies inversely with temperature. The density of an object usually decreases with increasing temperature. Therefore, when reporting the density of a sample, you must report the temperature in the laboratory during the experiment; i.e. “the density of water is 0.997 g/mL at 25 oC”.







10-mL graduated cylinder, 100-mL graduated cylinder, centigram balance, metric ruler, rectangular or cubic shaped objects (PVC, Wood, Brass, Iron, Copper, Aluminum), marble chips, unknown salt solutions.



1. Identify the formula for determining the density.

2. List the units for the variables found in the density formula.

3. Identify the formula for a rectangular solid (cuboid).

4. Look at the table of densities found on page 41 in the lab book. Based on the information provided predict if rubber will float.

5. Look at the table of densities found on page 41 in the lab book. Identify one material which will float.





Figure 1: Determination of the volume of a cubic or rectangular shaped object

The volume of the object (cm3) = length (cm) × height (cm) × width (cm)Equation 2.


1. Obtain a cubic/rectangular object from the box and record the sample number.

2. Weigh the object using a centigram balance.

3. Measure the length, the width, and the height of the object.

4. Calculate the volume of the object using the formula given in Equation 2.

5. Calculate the density of the object using Equation 1.

6. Repeat the experiment and take the average value of the density. This is needed to minimizeerror in the experiment.





Trial 1

Trial 2

1. Measure and record the temperature.



2. Mass of the object.



3. Length of the object



4. Width of the object



5. Height of the object



6. Volume of the object: V = L × H × W



7. Density of the object (line (2) / line (6))



8. The average density of the object:

g/cm3 at oC.

9. Find the accepted density of the sample from the table provided below and calculate the percent error in your determination:


Density (g/cm3) at 20oC

















Marble Chips












Table 1: Density of some common materials.

Accepted value  exp erimental value

Percent Error  | | 100 =

Accepted value


ISSC457Week 2 Lab 1

Name: _________________________Date: _____________

Fill in your name above, put your full response below the question, save the file using the file naming convention: “ISSC457_Lab1_LastName_FirstName.doc” where LastName is your last name and FirstName is your first name, then return this document for grading.

In this lab: Review the steps only.

Estimated completion time: 60 minutes


Report the steps you need to perform these tasks.


· Where can you find Apache logs?

· What are some of the logs maintained by Apache?

· Where can you find ProFTP logs?

· What are some of the logs maintained by ProFTP?

· What are other common logs maintained in Ubuntu via Syslog?

Lab Solution

1. VMWare


Note: We are using VMWare Workstation 6.5 for this exercise but the following steps are similar for VMWare Player.

2. Click on “Open Existing VM or Team” to open an existing virtual machine and browse to the directory where you extracted the UbuntuWebServer image. Select the Ubuntu.vmx file and click on Open.



3. Click on “Take Ownership” on the following dialog box.


4. Click on Power on this virtual machine to start the UbuntuWebServer virtual machine.


5. On the next window, select “I copied it” and click OK.


6. Wait while the virtual machine starts.


7. Press Enter to bring up the login prompt and login with username root, and password password.


8. Type cd /var/log and press Enter to go to the directory storing the log files.


9. Type ls –la | more and press Enter to list all log files.




The most relevant log files include:

· auth.log

· daemon.log

· debug

· kern.log

· messages

· syslog

10. Apache 2 stores its log files in /var/log/apache2. Type cd apache2 and press Enter to go to this directory.


11. Type ls –la and press Enter to list all log files used by Apache.


The access.log file keeps a record of all accesses to the Web server. The error.log file stores error messages generated by the server.

12. Type nano access.log and press Enter to open the access log file.


Get familiar with the structure of each entry in this log file.

13. Next, type nano error.log and press Enter to open the error log file.


Again, get familiar with the structure of each entry in this log file.

14. Now, go to the /var/log/proftpd/ directory on your UbuntuWebServer box. ProFTP is used by UbuntuWebServer to offer an FTP server. This tool logs all login attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, to /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log.


15. Type nano proftpd.log and press Enter to open the access log file.


Get familiar with the structure of this log file.

16. Close all windows.

Ethnographic Interview

Please use the interview attached to complete the questionnaire that the teacher is asking . I am the writer and Im Ebony . Which who interviewed Qwanza.  You can skip bullet question (e). I will fill in my own similarities and differences.

ET212 Lab 2


Materials and Equipment:


Simulated Parts (Multisim):

 10:1 center-tapped transformer

 Two diodes 1N4001

 Two 2.2 k resistors

 One 100 F, 50 V electrolytic capacitor

 One fuse (any rating is fine since it is for simulation only)

Hardware Parts (In the Toolbox):

 Two diodes 1N4001

 Two 2.2 k resistors

 One 100 F, 50 V electrolytic capacitor


Virtual Instruments (Multisim):

 Function Generator (Multisim)

 Function Generator (NI Elvisms Instrument Launcher)

 Arbitrary Waveform Generator (NI Elvismx Instrument Launcher)

 Tektronix oscilloscope (Multisim)

 Oscilloscope (NI Elvismx Instrument Launcher)

Hardware Equipment:


 NI myDAQ Instrument Device

 Screw Driver

 Screw Terminal connector

 Jumper wires

 Oscilloscope and Function generator from NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher


***** This lab has to be implemented in both software (running simulations on Multisim) and hardware (using NI myDAQ) *****

Part A: Half wave rectification: Software (Multisim):

1.  Construct the circuit of a half-wave rectifier in Figure 1 in Multisim. Use a function generator to provide the AC input of 30VRMS (Make sure to convert the RMS to Peak voltage) and use a center tapped transformer to obtain VSEC . With a 10:1 ratio, the VSEC should be 3 VRMS. Be sure to set the tolerance of the resistor to 20%.

2.  Connect the Tektronix oscilloscope so that channel 1 is across the secondary output side of the transformer and channel 2 is across the load resistor (RL). Observe the waveforms VSEC and VLOAD.

3.  The output isnt very useful as a DC source because of the variations in the output waveform. In order to produce steady DC from a rectified AC output, you need to add a filter. There will be an AC ripple voltage component at the power supply frequency for a half-wave rectifier, twice that for full-wave, where the voltage is not completely smoothed. Connect a 100 F capacitor (C1) in parallel with the load resistor (RL). (Note the polarity of the capacitor).

4.  Measure and plot the peak-to-peak ripple voltage, V8RIPPLE, of the output. Measure the ripple frequency. Tabulate all data gathered and compare the results with and without the filter capacitor.

Figure 1

Hardware (NI myDAQ):

Note:  Change the load resistor value to 10k ohm to compensate for the limitation of the MYDAQ module for the halfwave and full wave rectifier circuits.

1.  Using the voltage VSEC obtained from the simulation, build the circuit in Figure 2 on the breadboard with VSEC as an input, which connects to the diode and load resistor RL in series. (See Figure 3)

2.  Using the jumper wires, screw driver, and screw terminal connector, connect the board to NI MyDAQ Instrument Device to analyze the circuit.

3.  Use channel AO0 on the NI myDAQ Instrument Device to provide the input (VSEC) and channel AI0 to measure the output voltage(VLOAD).

4.  Using the function generator from NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher, provide the input voltage VSECto the circuit. Measure the output voltage VLOAD, across the load RL using the oscilloscope.

5.  In order to produce steady DC from a recitified AC output, you need to add a filter. Connect a 100 F capacitor (C1) in parallel with the load resistor (RL) (Note the polarity of the capacitor)

6.  Measure and plot the peak-to-peak ripple voltage, VRIPPLE, of the output. Measure the ripple frequency. Tabulate all data gathered and compare the results with and without the filter capacitor.

Figure 2

Review questions:

1.  What is the purpose of having a half-wave rectifier in the circuit?

2.  Describe the procedure in this lab to arrive at the final design of both the hardware portion and the software portion to achieve the design objectives?

3.  Discuss the impact of having the capacitor on the output voltage and the effect of additional load on the ripple voltage.


1.  Measured voltage VSEC, the output peak voltage, VLOAD and ripple voltage VRIPPLE. Capture screenshots of your measurements from Multisim.

2.  Place a photo ID (any ID with your picture) on the breadboard and take a picture of the circuit board and pin out on the NI myDAQ device.

3.  Take screenshots of the measurements obtained from function generator and oscilloscope on the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher on your screen.

Part B: Full wave rectification: Software (Multisim):

1.  Construct the circuit of a half-wave rectifier in Figure 3 in Multisim. Use a function generator to provide the AC input of 30VRMS (Make sure to convert the RMS to Peak voltage) and use a center tapped transformer to obtain VSEC . Notice that the ground for the circuit has changed. With a 10:1 ratio, the VSEC should be 3 VRMS. Be sure to set the tolerance of the resistor to 20%.

2.  Connect the Tektronix oscilloscope so that each channel is across each diode. Observe the waveforms VSEC across each diode and notice that they are out of phase with each other. You can use the third channel to observe the output voltage VLOAD across the resistor.

3.  In order to produce steady DC from a rectified AC output, you need to add a filter. Connect a 100 F capacitor (C1) in parallel with the load resistor (RL). (Note the polarity of the capacitor).

4.  Measure the peak-to-peak ripple voltage, VRIPPLE, of the output. Measure the ripple frequency. Tabulate all data gathered and compare the results with and without the filter capacitor.

Figure 3

Hardware (NI myDAQ):

1.  Due to the lack of accessibility with NI myDAQ device, it is not possible to use the function generator to provide the two inputs simultaneously using the hardware.

Therefore, you will be using the Arbitrary Waveform Generator for this part.

2.  Using the jumper wires, screw driver and screw terminal connector, connect the board to NI MyDAQ Instrument Device to analyze the circuit.

3.  Please use the attached two sine waveforms (and ) that has the same amplitude as the 3 VRMS and are 180 out of phase with each other to provide input voltages VSEC1 and VSEC2 as two inputs to the two diodes for full wave rectification.

4.  Using the jumper wires, screw driver and screw terminal connector, connect the board to NI MyDAQ Instrument Device to analyze the circuit.

5.  Using the Arbitrary Waveform Generator from NI Elvismx Instrument Launcher, load the two files provided in step 6 for output channel AO0 and AO1. Launch the Oscilloscope (Set the Time/Div to 20ms) and run to measure the output voltage VLOAD, across the load resistor RL. Use channel AI0 to plot the output waveform for VLOAD.

6.  In order to produce steady DC from a rectified AC output, you need to add a filter. Connect a 100 F capacitor (C1) in parallel with the load resistor (RL). (Note the polarity of the capacitor).

7.  Measure and plot the peak-to-peak ripple voltage, VRIPPLE, of the output. Measure the ripple frequency. Tabulate all data gathered and compare the results with and without the filter capacitor.

Figure 4

Review questions:

1.  What is the purpose of having a full-wave rectifier in the circuit?

2.  Describe the procedure in this lab to arrive at the final design of both the hardware portion and the software portion to achieve the design objectives?

3.  Discuss the impact of having the capacitor on the output voltage and the effect of additional load on the ripple voltage.

4.  How is the output of the full-wave rectifier different from half-wave rectifier?


1.  Measured voltage VSEC1 and VSEC2, the output peak voltage

2.  Using two files provided for the input VSEC1 and VSEC2, measure the load voltage VLOAD and ripple voltage VRIPPLE. Capture screenshots of your measurements from Multisim.

3.  Place your student ID card on the breadboard and take a picture of the circuit board and pin out on the NI myDAQ device.

4.  Capture screenshots of your measurements from the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher showing both the input from the function generator and output on the oscilloscope on your screen.

Week 1 Project HCM3008 Health Information Management System


  • Assignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Due March 28 at 11:59 PMBefore beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting.
     In this course, you will progressively work on a system implementation process in six stages:
    • Week 1: System planning
    • Week 2: System analysis
    • Week 3: System selection
    • Week 4: System implementation
    • Week 5: User training and system maintenance
    •  This week you will start with system planning  while considering the following components:
    • Describe a fictional healthcare organization: type, size of staff, and amount and type of patients it is able to serve.
    • Establish the need for a system.
    • Set achievable goals and objectives.
    • Allocate a budget.
    • Identify a project manager (a fictitious name and title) and project team (fictitious names and titles).
    • Determine whether to build in-house or acquire from outside, and support your decision with reasoning.
    • Set a timeline for system implementation or project completion.
    • To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
      Submission Details:
    •  Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.
    •  Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write an individual essay addressing the following questions: A. Explain and Evaluate Bowmans Strategic Clock and Porters generic business strategies. Critically compare the two business strategy tools. (900 words 50 marks) B. Apply Bowmans Strategic Clock to a business of your choice that operates within the UK (the business should be related to your strand of study) and assess their current UK market position. Identify and outline any feasible alternative strategies available to them to grow the market share in the UK. Use a suitable strategic tool to form the basis of the recommendations. (900 words 50 marks) Question A Marks Availab le Correct explanation of Bowmans Strategic Clock and Porters generic business strategies 10 Evaluates Bowmans Strategic Clock 10 Evaluates Porters generic business strategy 10 Critical analysis and comparison of the two models. 10 Presentation, demonstrates critical analysis, wider reading and range of academic sources, referencing 10 Sub total: 50 marks Question B Marks Availab le Correctly and appropriately applies Bowmans Strategic Clock to a relevant business of their choice and assesses current UK market position 20 Identifies and outlines alternative strategies available to the business using a suitable business strategy tool. 20 Assessment Information/Brief 3 Presentation, demonstrates critical analysis, wider reading and range of academic sources, referencing


Week 5 Discussion

For our final discussion, provide an answer to all three of the following points:

· In your opinion, what advantages if any does the Home Shopping Network specifically have over brick-and-mortar retailers?

· How has the online marketplace changed the dynamics of your normal shopping routine?

· Provide some examples of online businesses and evaluate their effectiveness.

This Discussion Board is worth 25 pts. In order to be eligible for credit, all items above must be completed BEFORE the due date deadlines.  All postings must be courteous, thorough, on-topic, and demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter. Please use complete sentences and proper grammar in all postings.  Cite your work properly according to APA using at least two pieces of scholarly supplemental research.  

Book: Armstrong, G. (2019). Marketing. [Savant Learning Systems]. Retrieved from


 NOTE: Please see attached Chapter 1 The Social Media Security Process images below. 

The Scenario

Imagine you are a cybersecurity expert tasked with reviewing and improving your companys privacy and security policies as they apply to social media. Research and write a 2-3 page business brief sharing your evaluation and recommendations. Your audience for this brief is C-Suite (company leadership). They have some technical knowledge but will need your guidance to understand the implications of your recommendations.


Review Inasi et al. (2011), . Conduct addition research about best practices companies should use when creating security and privacy aspects of a social network use policy.


Include three sections: Introduction, body, and conclusion. Follow the general guidelines of . Answer the kinds of questions your leadership is likely to ask:

  • How are privacy and security issues handled in our current policy?
  • What are the strongest and weakest elements of the policy in terms of privacy and security? Explain your evaluation.
  • What changes do you recommend? Why?

Follow the paper.

strategic management

Please write an individual essay addressing the following questions: A. Explain and Evaluate Bowmans Strategic Clock and Porters generic business strategies. Critically compare the two business strategy tools. (900 words 50 marks) B. Apply Bowmans Strategic Clock to a business of your choice that operates within the UK (the business should be related to your strand of study) and assess their current UK market position. Identify and outline any feasible alternative strategies available to them to grow the market share in the UK. Use a suitable strategic tool to form the basis of the recommendations. (900 words 50 marks) Question A Marks Availab le Correct explanation of Bowmans Strategic Clock and Porters generic business strategies 10 Evaluates Bowmans Strategic Clock 10 Evaluates Porters generic business strategy 10 Critical analysis and comparison of the two models. 10 Presentation, demonstrates critical analysis, wider reading and range of academic sources, referencing 10 Sub total: 50 marks Question B Marks Availab le Correctly and appropriately applies Bowmans Strategic Clock to a relevant business of their choice and assesses current UK market position 20 Identifies and outlines alternative strategies available to the business using a suitable business strategy tool. 20 Assessment Information/Brief 3 Presentation, demonstrates critical analysis, wider reading and range of academic sources, referencing

5-1 Discussion: Considering Your Audience

Up to this point in the course, you have focused on the academic process of researching, evaluating sources, and writing an exploration document that is mostly for you and your instructor. This week, you started to look into evaluating your audience for a presentation and considering how you might tailor your writing or speaking to fit a specific audience. What challenges does trying to communicate your analysis of a work of art, literature, or music present? In your post, describe a time you had to explain the impact of a song, television show, book, movie, or some other work from the humanities to someone who was not familiar with the work.

In your post, make sure you answer the following questions:

  • How did explaining the impact of the work go?
  • What challenges arose?
  • How did your explanation change based on your audience’s education level, age, gender, cultural background, relationship to you, and so on?