Archive for March 27th, 2022


Probability and statistics are related areas of mathematics which concern themselves with analyzing the relative frequency of events.  Both subjects are important, relevant, and useful. But they are different, and understanding the distinction is crucial in properly interpreting the relevance of mathematical evidence.

In this discussion please discussion how probability and statistics are related and the differences between the two fields of mathematics.  *Please include references and/or links. 

Art sculpture

Discuss the different role of artists in ancient civilizations by comparing the Fowling scene from the tomb of Nebamun, the Landscape with swallows (Spring Fresco) from Akrotiri, and Three revelers by Euthymedes.. How did the artists’ roles differ and why? How did the different role of artists affect the arts of each civilization?

No extensive research or citing sources

mapping the issue

The Rhetorical Situation   

For your Issue Proposal, you organized your preexisting knowledge on your issue and sketched a plan for research. You then compiled several sources and summarized their contents for your Annotated Bibliography. For this paper, you will trace the history of your issue and map at least three different positions on it while maintaining your own neutrality.

Before people can make an informed decision on a controversial issue, they must know something about how the controversy has evolved over time and the range of current positions on the issue. To meet this need, major news organizations often inform their readers of public controversies by providing a neutral, unbiased description of an issues history and the main arguments made on all sides, and academic organizations often map field-specific controversies in order to provide researchers with an overview of unsettled questions and unsolved problems.

Your audience for this paper will be readers of a (fictitious) online magazine for UTA students that offers analysis and commentary about politics, news, and culture. The content will consist of a map of the controversy surrounding your issue.

Reading, Brainstorming, and Drafting

By this point you should have read several sources that provide background information on your issue and help explain how the controversy reached its current state. Draw from those sources to draft answers to the following questions:
What caused this issue to emerge in the first place?
What have been some of the major turning points in the history of the controversy?
Who is currently interested in the issue and why?
You should generate at least a page of content in this section.

You should also have read several sources that advocate a range of positions on your issue. Do some brainstorming to come up with a list of at least three distinct positions that reasonable people hold.
For each position youve listed, draft a description of it by answering the following questions:

What are the main claims of people who advocate this position?
What reasons and evidence do advocates cite to support their claims?
What are the warrants or underlying assumptions of arguments that support this position?
If you describe at least three positions in sufficient detail, you should produce at least a page and a half of content here.

For each position youve described, choose a source that advocates for this position and summarize its specific argument.
If you summarize three sources in sufficient detail, you should generate at least a page and a half of content here.

Take two of the positions youve described and draft a comparison of them that identifies areas of agreement and disagreement. Also, explain what causes their differences. For example, do they simply have competing interests? Do they focus on different aspects of the issue? Do they draw from different sources of evidence? Do they interpret the same evidence differently?
Then, compare the third position to the previous two, identifying its areas of agreement and disagreement with the first two positions and tracing the causes of its differences.

You should produce at least a page of content in this section.

Putting It All Together

As you prepare a draft that youll share with readers, begin with an introduction (which need not be limited to a single paragraph) that accomplishes three goals:

acknowledges what they say (see Ch. 1)
provides an I say (see Ch. 4)
answers the so what? and who cares? questions (see Ch. 7)
For this paper, the they say is not a view youre agreeing with or disagreeing with. Rather, its simply the conversation surrounding the issue youve selected. Begin by summarizing that conversation.

Your I say will not be a conventional thesis statement because youre remaining neutral rather than supporting a position. Instead, your I say will simply be a preview of what follows in the body of your paper.

The answer to the who cares? question is the UTA student body or at least a sizable portion of it. To answer the so what? question, explain to readers why your issue matters to stakeholders.

Once you have an introduction in place, feel free to arrange the content youve drafted in whatever way is most effective. One possible arrangement scheme is as follows:

Description of first position
Summary of first source
Description of second position
Summary of second source
Comparison of first and second positions
Description of third position
Summary of third source
Comparison of third position to first two

Choosing an Appropriate Style

Youre writing for publication and for a broad audience of readers youve never met, so your style should be more formal than in your Issue Proposal. At the same time, youre writing for a magazine, not a scholarly journal, so you dont have to write in stuffy, academic prose.

Make sure you construct coherent paragraphs that include topic sentences and supporting sentences that stay on topic.

The first time you reference a source, introduce it within the body of your text and, if possible, hyperlink to it. If you reference the source again later, just mention the authors last name. Make sure you enclose any quoted material in quotation marks. Dont use a formal system (e.g., MLA) for in-text citations because that is not the convention for most online magazines.

Youll want to stick mostly to Standard English because this is the norm in publishing. Proofread carefully to ensure that your paper reads the way you want it to and that youve corrected unintentional errors. The Purdue OWL website ( is a terrific resource for information on standard writing conventions.


Your paper should be no longer than 6 pages anything beyond that length will be considered a failure to adhere to one of the assignments basic requirements. It should be double-spaced, typed in Times New Roman font, with 12 – point character size and one-inch margins all the way around. Your paper should also follow MLA citation and formatting guidelines.



The Assignment

Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template provided in the Week 5 resources. Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each. 

Acc 515

Bigger than Enron

write a summary as you your take away from viewing this video. please describe your reaction to the ethical dilemmas addressed, using a separate paragraph identifying each and include a description of your solution and course of action for each. Why is the video different than the other?


LDRS 310: The Learning Organization Instructor H. Prins



Contemporary issues in leadership

Explain the main strengths and
weaknesses of this leader/manager
professional leading profile.
(Reflections on leadership excellence,
skills & attributes, credibility and
effectiveness/ styles of leadership and
team building capacity). Reflections
on topic 1 &2 in the module outline.
Explain the main strengths and
weaknesses of this leader/manager
professional leading profile.
(Reflections on leadership excellence,
skills & attributes, credibility and
effectiveness/ styles of leadership and
team building capacity). Reflections
on topic 1 &2 in the module outline.
Explain the main strengths and
weaknesses of this leader/manager
professional leading profile.
(Reflections on leadership excellence,
skills & attributes, credibility and
effectiveness/ styles of leadership and
team building capacity). Reflections
on topic 1 &2 in the module outline.
Explain the main strengths and
weaknesses of this leader/manager
professional leading profile.
(Reflections on leadership excellence,
skills & attributes, credibility and
effectiveness/ styles of leadership and
team building capacity). Reflections
on topic 1 &2 in the module outline.
Topic 1: What do we mean by leadership? Generic
Topic 2: Leadership Attributes (reflections on leadership excellence and effectiveness)

Managing interpersonal relationships

Managing interpersonal relationships: What are the Layers of Self Disclosure? Which layers do you think are appropriate to discuss on your first date?

For full credit, your response should be a minimum of 200 words and use terminology from your textbook  (please cite any sources you use). You should also reply to 2 other classmates–these should be a minimum of 50 words and should be thoughtful and thorough. You will need to create your thread before you are able to view other threads in this forum. 

Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  Remember to capitalize the personal pronoun, “I”. 

Ethics, Media, and Criminal Justice


Ethics, Media, and Criminal Justice

The media plays a major part in all facets of U.S. society. Increased attention on criminal justice issues and criminal justice administration by the media creates opportunities and threats to the status quo of criminal justice policies and actions. Chapters 11 and 16 in your text discuss the influence of the media on criminal justice and the theories of justice. For this assignment, you will support the evaluation of public issues that criminal justice organizations face in ethical decision making and the creation of a set of standards for ethical and moral conduct in criminal justice situations. In your paper,

  • Create an ethics policy for the media in handling the reporting of criminal justice issues and news;
  • Examine the significance of political bias in reporting; and
  • Create a foundation for the accurate and ethical reporting of news about the criminal justice system.

The paper

  • Must be three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the .
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Carefully review the for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Required Resources


Banks, C. (2016).  (4th ed.). Retrieved from

  • Chapter 9: The Ethics of Criminal Justice Policy Making
  • Chapter 11: Media Ethics and Criminal Justice
  • Chapter 16: A Sense of Justice


Blumenson, E. (2007). Killing in good conscience: Whats wrong with Sunstein and Vermeules lesser evil argument for capital punishment and other human rights violations? New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 10(2), 210-238. doi:10.1525/nclr.2007.10.2.210

  • The full-text version of this article is available in the ProQuest database located in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. This article identifies problems within ethics arguments regarding the death penalty. It will assist you in responding to this weeks discussion, Ethics, Logic, and Capital Punishment.

Harris, D. (2011, February 26). . Retrieved from

  • This article explores how social media affects legal ethical issues. This article will assist you in completing this weeks assignment, Ethics, Media, and Capital Punishment.

Recommended Resource

Supplemental Material

Hicks, W. (2015). . Retrieved from Resources List.docx

  • This document provides additional resources in the form of articles, multimedia, and websites that may be helpful in the development of your learning in the field of criminal justice. This source may assist you in your weekly discussions.