Archive for May 6th, 2022

lesson 8


Activity 1:  Advocating for community health promotion needs

Teams work together to decide how to advocate for community health promotion based on the communities they selected for their projects.  Focus on the community and needs identified in the assessment.  Who are the stakeholders?  How does the advocate focus on the needs while including the stakeholders?

Activity 2: Advocacy Plan

Use the 10 step Advocacy Framework in the Advocacy guide to develop a plan for a healthcare issue:

  1. Taking action
  2. Selecting your issue
  3. Understanding your political context
  4. Building your evidence base
  5. Engaging others;
  6. Elaborating strategic plans
  7. Communicating messages and implementing plans
  8. Seizing opportunities
  9. Being accountable
  10. Catalysing health development

Activity 3: Project Assignment:   Time to put it all together

By now you should have compiled much of the completed Project.  This week you will work on completing the project.

research method


 This assignment consists of writing the core elements for a research project that you already started in the previous sessions.

 You must use the Dissertation Proposal Form template, placing your writings in section  II. Research Question or Hypothesis.

 Save your document with the filename: FINAL_xxxxxxx (where xxxxxxx is your last name).


Development of a research question, hypothesis and objectives:

You must write a complex research question, that covers all relevant aspects of the research idea (the research question cannot be a dual answer question). Two hypotheses must be defined according to the research idea and question.

 I.  Research Question

 II.  Hypotheses

 III.  Research objectives (max. 8 steps)  


 Wordcount: 300 min -400- max.

 Font: Arial 12 pt.

 Text alignment: Justified


 This assignment consists of writing a methodology for a research project. You must include a research question.

 You must use the Dissertation Proposal Form template, placing your writings in section IV. Research Methodology

 Save your document with the filename: FINAL_xxxxxxx (where xxxxxxx is your last name).


Development of a research Methodology

Definition of the methodology to answer your question or test your hypothesis. How are you going to collect data to formulate your conclusions? Remember that your choices must be explained (if you just include the words of your choices in bullets points it will not be accepted). These are the contents to be included:

 Approach (purpose/reasoning)    (20%)

o  You must explain the reasoning you will use, the design of your research, the main purpose (explanatory, descriptive, exploratory, etc.), and the overall strategy you will follow.

 Methodologies:    (20%)

o  Quantitative; based on numerical data or statistics

o  Qualitative; based on non-numerical data

o  Mixed methods; if you intend to combine quantitative and qualitative data

 Primary data: explaining the type of data & sources (participants profile & sampling)    (30%)

 Secondary data: explaining the type of data you intend to use and sources you intend to obtain it from.  (30%)


 Wordcount: 250 min 400 max.

 Font: Arial 12 pt.

 Text alignment: Justified

Dissertation Outline

Welcome to Applied Learning Practicum! 

Executive format programs have an applied learning component (internship/practicum) that is an integral (essential) part of the established curriculum. These programs require the student take part in an internship (that is offered by the sponsoring employer through a cooperative agreement with the school), job shadow experience, or job reflection experience.

The INTR course serves as one way to help students reflect and connect their coursework to their practical work experience. This course is one of several integrated components that connect the practical experience to the curriculum. In this course, students can choose to participate in an alternative work-study, internship, cooperative education, or Curricular Practical Training (CPT) in an area directly related to the students course of study.

Due to the embedded practical experience component in the curriculum, students must identify their work-study, internship, cooperative education experience by the start of the term.

Please answer the following questions to identify what you have done to prepare for success in your INTR course this semester.

Question 1 – Briefly explain any steps you are taking, or plan to take, to gain hands-on experience in your program of study. (100 150 words)

Question 2 – State two goals you hope to achieve through applying your coursework this term to your workplace experience. (100 150 words)

dissertation topic ( Data Analytics & Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence )

1. In 250-300 words outline your dissertation topic ( Data Analytics & Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence ) and goals for this semester as they relate to your dissertation course.

2.  In 150 words If you do not have a dissertation topic please revert those you are considering. Also, include ways that you could improve your dissertation, as well as areas you may be struggling with. 


 Unit #3 Discussion Board – due May 6

As you craft your  Discussion Board posts, please choose among the following possible questions to answer in your response. Choose to answer 3 of the following questions. You are not being asked to answer all questions. However, you MUST demonstrate that you have an understanding of at least 3 core concepts in Unit # 3 (Chapters 7, 8 & 29) by answering 3 of the below questions. You must also compose a statement that is at least 200 words in length. You are being graded on the basis of word length and your ability to demonstrate an understanding of 3 core concepts. Create one paragraph for each answer.

Chapter 7: Crime, Law, and Deviance

1.   Michelle Alexander wrote a book entitled The New Jim Crow, in which she argues that mass incarceration is effectively a new form of racial hierarchy that limits the advancement of people of color. How has racial profiling contributed to this trend? Do you believe policing practices such as stop and frisk are more beneficial to social order than harmful to specific populations? Explain your position using at least one specific example to support your discussion.

2.   White privilege emerged out of racial consciousness among whites and was later codified into slave codes during the 18th century. Does white privilege still exist in the criminal justice system? If so, how do whites and non-whites experience being labeled a criminal differently? Furthermore, why do you believe white privilege persists? Whom does it benefit most, and why?

Chapter 8: Power, Politics, and Identities

1.   In what ways do you see the history of exclusionary practices that prohibited the participation of people of color from voting affect voting practices today? What can be done to increase voter participation among historically marginalized populations?

2.   On a scale of 110, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how would you rate Donald Trumps presidency? Do you believe Donald Trump won the 2016 election because he appealed to specific political interests, or because he pandered to a specific racial group? Or, was there some combination of race, social class, and gender that resulted in his victory? Explain your response using specific examples to support your discussion.

3.   Describe the society in which you desire to live. How is power distributed? Do all people have equal access to all resources? Does anyone ever need for anything? Would capitalism be present? How would elections be held? Who would hold the most and least power? Which of the three sociological theories used to explain the distribution of power in society would be best to create the type of society you want to live in?

Chapter 9: Sports and the American Dream

1.   Do you believe that whites or non-whites are more encouraged to play professional sports by agents of socialization, including their peers, family members, people in their educational experience, and in the media? Are there certain sports that certain races are more encouraged to pursue? If so, why do you think this occurs? Explain your position using at least one example to support your discussion. 

2.   You watched brief excerpts from the lives and careers of Jack Johnson and Muhammad Ali and you learned about the demonstration of Black power politics at the 1968 Olympics and the Palestinian struggle at the 1972 Olympics. Discuss a similar intersection of sports and politics that affected you. How were you impacted by the social or political message that intersected with the sports world? Is sports an appropriate venue for communicating social or political messages?

3.   We spent time thinking through the social protests of Colin Kaepernick and the NFL’s resulting denial of future employment. What is your perspective on Kaepernick’s message and the NFL’s reaction? 

Writing for Political Science

I have a short writing that is due by the end of the day today and it shouldn’t take very long. It needs to be in MLA format and needs a works citied. I have already started a little on it but feel free to edit it or remove what I have done. I have also attached a link for the interest group that I am working on. It needs to be in MLA formal with times new roman font, 12 inch font, and single spaced. Should be fairly easy. 

case application for health analytic – need as soon as possible. please see all attachments


The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to analyze data that was collected by the New York State Department of Health for all Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) procedures that occurred during 2011 thru 2013.  To complete this assignment, do the following:

–   Read the article that is on Canvas as Adult Cardiac Surgery in New York State 2011-2013.  Pay particular attention to Table 6 (Page 25) of this article where the data for each surgeon is presented.

–   After you have completed reading the article mentioned above, open up the Excel file that is on Canvas called Analyzing Cardiac Surgery Data.  This is essentially the date that you see in the article.  I have removed all surgeons who did less than 10 procedures at any hospital.  I have also removed the category of surgeons called All Others which you see in Table 6 of the article referenced above.

–   Based on the data that is presented in Analyzing Cardiac Surgery Data, please answer the following questions:

1) How many surgeons who performed 200 or more procedures during the time-period in Question had five or fewer deaths within 30 days of surgery?

 2) Please create a Pivot Table, which summarizes the data, using the Hospital Name as the
Row Label, the Region as the Column Label and the Sum of Cases as the Value. Which Region, Upstate or Downstate, performed more Open Heart Procedures?

3) Please create a Pivot Table, which summarizes the data using the Surgeon Name as the
Row Label, the Hospital Name as the second Row Label and the Sum of Cases as the
Value.  You do not need to provide a Column Label. How many surgeons performed Open Heart Procedures in more than one hospital?

Analyzing Open Heart Risk Stratification Data (Continued)

4) Does the definition of the Risk Adjusted Mortality Rate (RARM), that is discussed on page 4 of the reading assignment make intuitive sense to you as an observer of this data?

5) Does the use of a 30-day window for calculating the Risk Adjusted Mortality Rate seem to you to be a useful metric for rating surgeons and/or hospitals?

6) Based on the data presented here, which surgeon and hospital would you advise your 65 year old family member, who had a number of different pre-operative risk factors (see page 13 for discussion of the calculation of a risk-adjusted mortality rate) to perform the isolated CABG procedure?

week 11 410

Write your own dialogue in which a helper addresses a client’s issue with a change technique of your choice from the REPLAN model.  Clearly state the skill you are using and briefly explain your use of it.  Make sure to follow the guidelines for the skill that are provided in the book.  Choose a skill from the book from the E, P, L, A, or N sections of the REPLAN model (Chapters 9 and 10).  Do NOT pick from the R section, and do NOT pick countering.  Remember, the previous rules still apply: collaborative not prescribed, keep it simple, don’t add unnecessary skills/dialogue, etc.  

based on chapter 10


Police investigating an apparent suicide collect the following items at the scene: A note purportedly written by the victim, a revolver bearing very faint fingerprints, and traces of skin and blood under the victim’s fingernails. 

Which units of the crime laboratory will examine each piece of evidence?

2. You are the first officer at the scene of an outdoor crime scene. You find the victim bleeding, but conscious with an apparent stab wound in her abdomen. There is a hunting knife lying near the victim. The victim’s friends and several onlookers are standing nearby. You call for back-up and an ambulance and note that no one is fleeing the scene. 

Describe the steps you would take while you wait for back-up to arrive. 

250 words per question with one reference 

need in 6-8 hours

Week 1 Discussion: Scientific Method and Atomic Structure

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 1 and 2
  • Weekly Concepts

Initial Post Instructions

The Discussions in this course are set up deepen your understanding of the material as you make real world connections and employ creative thinking. To get the most from these discussions, full engagement is expected on the part of the student. Be sure to stop by the discussion section frequently, not only to post, but to read the postings of your peers and instructor. Engaging with your peers and learning together is key to this experience. For you initial post, choose one of the options below:

Option 1:

We will begin this topic by practicing the use of the scientific method. The steps of the scientific method are: observation, hypothesis, experiment, results, and theory. Using your understanding of the scientific method from your readings and lessons, you will be applying this knowledge to a real world situation. Take a real world scenario in the news, or another outside source and apply the scientific method, being sure to detail the controls on your experiment. Describe a result that would confirm your hypothesis.

Option 2:

Choose a scientific paper written in the last year.  The Chamberlain library is a great source for this.  For your chosen paper, look into the study and discuss how the scientific method was used in this paper.  Be sure to note they hypothesis, variables, results, etc.  Based on your understanding of the scientific method, be sure to discuss if you find this paper as a trustworthy source and why.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer or the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Here are some suggestions for how you can add to the discussion and explore the unit 1 content in more detail:

  1. Respond to one of your classmates posts and contribute to their experiment design. How could you improve their experiment?

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 source cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:

  • Link (webpage):

Course Outcomes (CO): 1

Due Dates

  • Encouraged completion date for initial post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday
  • Due date for all posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday
  • Posts must be on two separate days

T-Mobile and Sprint merger.


In addition to the case study the group should prepare a teaching note which will address questions specific to the case. The teaching note will include an exercise to identify the value of the acquisition. The acquisition is meant to create synergy values for the combined firm. Below are the steps necessary to complete the teaching note:

1. Perform a DCF analysis of the target, with free cash flow projections for ten years past the merger year and a terminal value = [final projected year free cash flow*(1+cash flow growth rate)]/[discount rate cash flow growth rate], and compare that with the acquirer offer. You will need to clearly identify any assumptions used when calculating NPV; specifically growth rates, inflation rates, and required return. Present at least two NPV values, one of which utilizes a required return calculated with your version of beta based on three-year monthly returns. 

2. Present alternate strategies for the merger and evaluate the validity and likelihood of those choices.

3. Provide an epilogue to explain what actually occurred with the combined firm or in the case of unsuccessful acquisitions the surviving target. This should include stock market performance post-merger/failed merger.