Archive for May 6th, 2022

Access, Powerpoint, Excel, Word Pro

Project Overview

The course final project is designed for you to apply the software application skills you acquired during the term. For this project, you will use all four of the Microsoft Office applications to create a unified project on a single topic. The instructions below are not step-by-step instructions – as part of the previous assignments you’ve already learned how to carry out various functions in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Instead, the information below details the requirements for the final project. If you need assistance with how to do something in one of the Office applications return to your SIMnet MS Office textbook. You can access this via the “Library” link in the top right-hand corner of SIMnet.

Software Requirements

You must use the following software applications to create the final project:

Microsoft Word 2019

Microsoft Excel 2019

Microsoft Access 2019

Microsoft PowerPoint 2019

No other versions of Office may be used. If you’re missing any of the above applications, keep in mind that the computers in the Open Computer Lab (DTEC 462) have all these applications available for your use.

Project Topic

Your project topic is your intended major/career.  You should begin developing your project after researching your intended major and career via the Careers in IT sections of the textbook and websites linked in Module 13.  This is the focus of your final project. You will use ALL the Office applications to create content related to your chosen topic. 

Project Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirements for each of the four applications are detailed in the checklists below.

  1. Each application component is valued at 65pts.
  2. There are 40 points (10 pts each application) allocated for professionalism, effort, and creativity.
  • Professionalism is assessed in evaluation of proper use of the required skills (e.g. competent in tables), grammar, spelling, and overall appearance.
  • Effort is assessed in whether the presentation exceeded the minimum requirements
  • Students who meet only the minimum requirements for each software application may not receive the 40 points for professionalism, effort, and creativity.
  • Creativity is demonstrated by applying the software skills acquired during the term.
  • Creativity is measured in various ways, including:

o  applying additional skills covered in the course but not listed as a minimum requirement,

o  adding additional graphics or pictures,

o  applying varying color schemes,

o  creative formatting of the Excel chart,

o  using various design backgrounds with presentation slides,

o  creating your own slide background instead of using a design template,

o  adding a border to the Microsoft Word document component,

o  graphically editing pictures and other graphics,

o  adding external sounds or movie clip in the PowerPoint component, etc.

  1. This project must be an original creation, not a copy and paste from this semester’s assignments. All rules concerning Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism will be strictly enforced.
  2. The project must be based on your original work.

Microsoft Access – (65 points)

___1. Create a database and name the file using your last name_final project

___2. Create a table

___3. Create a minimum of 5 fields in table

___4. Create a minimum of 6 records in table

___5. Assign a primary key (note the primary key must be unique for all possible data)

___6. Create a form based on table

___7. Create a query containing 3 fields your choice of fields

___8. Create another query containing 4 fields sort the query on your choice of field

___9. Create a query with at least 3 fields and restrict the query results with your choice of criteria

___10. Create a report based on table or one of queries

Microsoft Excel – (65 points)

___1. Create an Excel workbook and name the file using your last name_final project

___2. Create a worksheet with a minimum of 5 columns (title each) – apply formatting other than Excel’s default.

___3. Add a minimum of 7 rows to the worksheet (title each) – apply formatting other than Excel’s default. and 7 rows

___4. Create formulas in no less than 4 cells, these are separate from the functions in #5 and must be 4 different formulas

___5. Use the MIN, MAX, and AVERAGE functions

___6. Create a title for the worksheet merging and centering the text using a minimum of 5 cells – apply formatting other than Excel’s default.

___7. Rename the Sheet Tab using your last name and apply color to the sheet tab.

___8. Create a chart on separate sheet using the data on the main sheet; name the sheet tab Chart

___9. Add Sparklines to one or more pieces of data

___10. Change the Number Formatting from General to a Number Format of your choosing to one or more rows/columns of data

Microsoft PowerPoint – (65 points)

___1. Create a presentation and name the file using your last name_final project

___2. Use a minimum of 10 slides. Each slide must have a title.

___3. Select a design theme or create your own theme.  Use high contrast font color based on the color of the slide background.

___4. First slide must be title slide layout with your name, course and section number

___5. Add a picture of your face on the title slide and apply a style to the picture

___6. Use the Notes Pane to add a slide note to at minimum 1 slide

___7. Add a footer to the presentation with the date of development or slide number

___8. Add Online Pictures or other graphics to a minimum of 4 slides

___9. Add WordArt to at least one slide

___10. Apply slide transition to all slides in the presentation

___11. Use a SmartArt Diagram

___12. Add entrance effects to at least 1 text and 1 piece of Clip Art

___13. Create a table with a minimum of 2 columns and 3 rows

___14. Create a simple column chart

___15. Add a title to the chart

___16. Last slide must indicate that the presentation is ending

Microsoft Word – (65 points)

___1. Create a document and name the file using your last name_final project

___2. Apply a document theme that is different from the default Office theme

___3. Set margins to 1.25-inch top and bottom and 1.50 inch left and right

___4. Set line spacing to double

___5. Set paragraph spacing to before: 6, after: 6

___6. Create a header with your full name aligned left and the course number & section number aligned right

___7. Create a footer with the page number centered to the page

___8. Create a bulleted list, or numbered list, with a minimum of 2 items in list

___9. Add a picture of your face

___10. Create a title for your document: font of your choice, 14pt or larger, bold, italics, color (change from default of black), set to Small Caps, and centered to the page

___11. Create a subtitle for your document: format it using the Subtitle Style

___12. Document must be no less than 150 words

___13. Insert a comment within the document

___14. Using the Advanced Document Properties, add a Title, Subject, and update the Author to Your Name

Sending (uploading) the Project

  1. Launch MyHCC/Canvas
  2. Navigate to the Final Project Module
  3. Upload all files to the Final Project Submission link, be sure all 4 files are attached before clicking Submit.

Grade Point Distribution 300 Points

Microsoft Access


Microsoft Excel


Microsoft PowerPoint


Microsoft Word


Professionalism, effort, and creativity

  • Professionalism is assessed in evaluation of proper use of the required skills (e.g. competent in tables), grammar, spelling, and overall appearance
  • Effort is assessed in whether the presentation exceeded the minimum requirements
  • Students who meet only the minimum requirements for each software application may not receive the 40 points for professionalism, effort, and creativity.
  • Creativity is demonstrated by applying the software skills acquired during the term.

Creativity is measured in various ways, including:

  • applying additional skills covered in the course but not listed as a minimum requirement,
  • adding additional graphics or pictures,
  • applying varying color schemes,
  • creative formatting of the Excel chart,
  • using various design backgrounds with presentation slides,
  • creating your own slide background instead of using a design template,
  • adding a border to the Microsoft Word document component,
  • graphically editing pictures and other graphics,
  • adding external sounds or movie clip in the PowerPoint component etc.

This project must be an original creation, not a copy and paste from this semester’s assignments. All rules concerning Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism will be strictly enforced.


Total Points


Event SWOT Analysis

Assignment Overview:

Major sporting events are either hosted by the same organization/facility, in the same location each year, or they rotate and are hosted by a different organization/facility, in a different location each year.

Creating a SWOT analysis is a critical step in the event planning process, whether the event stays in one place, or changes location. It is important for an event planner to analyze all aspects of the event in order to ensure that everything goes as planned, and the best event possible is put together.

For this assignment, pick an event that stays in one place and another event that changes locations. Provide a brief introduction/synopsis of each event (one paragraph each). Then create a separate SWOT analysis for each event. Finally provide a comparison of the two events focusing on the differences which an event planner has to pay attention to when planning these events. The introduction and comparison should be in narrative formats. Each SWOT analysis should be in in a chart format of four boxes, one each for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as shown in the paper layout. 

Paper Details:

  • Paper should be two-to-three pages double-spaced in length utilizing proper APA style, with a cover page and reference page listing all sources.
  • The assignment should be submitted as a Word document.
  • You can include any documents of interest in an appendix

Paper layout:

Brief introduction of topic (2-4 sentences)

Para 1–intro/synopsis of stationary event

strengthsopportunitiesweaknessesthreats(SWOT must be in a chart form with bullets in each section not sentences)

Paragraph 2–intro/synopsis of rotating event


(SWOT must be in a chart form with bullets in each section not sentences)

Paragraph of your insights on above and comparison of the two events

Concluding paragraph

**Please be sure to put your SWOT analyses in a chart as shown in the paper layout. 

DO NOT go over three pages in length. 

S1/4 Discussion

  1. Review Chapter 13 in Principles of Information Systems. 
  2. In the discussion linked below, respond to the following prompts:
    1. Discuss the concerns and issues of privacy and compliance with the interconnected world of the internet.
    2. Discuss the various laws and regulations associated with cybercrime. Select two regulations or laws and provide an in-depth description. What are the challenges of enforcing such laws or regulations? Based on your understanding of the law or regulation, how could it be more completely and efficiently enforced?
    3. Do these laws and regulations need to be enhanced (regulation vs. net neutrality)? Explain why or why not.
  3. Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words 

S1/1 Assignment

The Bible contains truths regarding everything that happens in our lives. This is also true of laws and regulations that impact our actions, including our interaction with others in cyberspace.

The Bible has much to say related to following appropriate laws and regulations.  tells us:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. (New International Version)

Compare the Romans passage to : Peter and the other apostles replied: We must obey God rather than human beings! The context of the passage in Acts took place at a time when Peter and others were brought before the religious leaders of Jerusalem for preaching the Gospel of Christ.

  1. Review the material in the “Getting Started” section above, and read Romans 13:12 and Acts 5:29.
  2. Be sure to address the following prompts in your paper:
    1. Compare the two passages (Romans 13:12 and Acts 5:29). What are the similarities and differences between the two?
    2. How would the passage in Romans apply to issues related to cybercrime and other technology concerns? Feel free to share your personal view based on your cultural and religious background.
    3. How would this passage apply to your own life? Feel free to share your personal view based on your cultural and religious background.
  3. Your paper should be at least 250 words in length.

Healthcare Information Security Risk Analysis

In addition to the healthcare risk posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, significant cyber and information security threats are increasing. These global threats impact organizations and individuals. Youve been asked to complete some research for the healthcare domain that would like more information about the top security threats and attack methods related to COVID-19 that are targeted at healthcare organizations, employees, and patients. This risk analysis, prepared for a potential client, will include a risk register.

To prepare your risk analysis, complete the by identifying the top 5 healthcare information security threats and attack methods related to pandemics, based on research from at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Write a 1- to 2-page narrative of your findings that could be presented to the CIO of a healthcare organization. The goal is to raise executive awareness resulting in improved executive decision-making, implementation of recommendations, identification of opportunities, allocation of budget, and allocation of resources.

Include your risk register in your narrative, and do the following:

  • Describe the focus of the analysis, including the systems that are used.
  • Justify your risk ranking of the top 5 threats.
  • Analyze the resource requirements and relationships to other processes.
  • Recommend organizational and security-related actions that would eliminate or mitigate the risk and impact on the organization.
  • Discuss any opportunities created by the presence of the risk.
  • Summarize your key findings.


 Journal Reflection on Topic Ideas

 Share your topic idea(s) here. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Identify a topic in your specialization. (For IT students, Information Technology is not a topic, however, Millennial’s perceptions of smart phone technology could be a topic. These are examples).  
  2. What is the cited problem? The problem you want to address has to come from the literature, and be cited, who are saying there are problems.
  3. What is the population you would like to address?
  4. What methodology are you planning on using? (If you are unsure, do you plan on a quantitative or qualitative study?  You will determine your methodology in 839).
  5. Locate at least one article related to your topic. What was the research question in the study? Who were the participants in the study? What findings were reported?

500 words APA format  needed



Week 5 Assignment – Strategic Financial Analysis


The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with financial statements, the need to align the financials and the strategic direction of the firm, and the process of performing horizontal and vertical analyses of a company’s balance sheets and income statements.You will be provided with a scenario and a variances analysis. You will use the information in both to create a memo in which you demonstrate your audit financial statements and expenditures based on organizational priorities.



You’re a healthcare administration fellow at the prestigious Stanford Healthcare. You have been rotating through the various departments over the past nine months and now you have the honor of working under the mentorship of Chief Financial Officer Linda Hoff.Stanford Medicine includes Stanford Healthcare, Stanford Children’s Hospital, and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. This organization uses an integrated approach to strategic planning, which incorporates jointly agreed upon strategic priorities from its various entities. It also ensures a high degree of congruence in strategic focus by each entity.Before outlining the strategic priorities for Stanford Medicine, it is important to note that a firm’s directional strategy comprises three discrete yet interwoven components: vision, mission, and goals (or, in this case, priorities). Armed with this knowledge, you have familiarized yourself with the vision, mission, and priorities of Stanford Medicine. Below is what you found.When examining a company’s financials, it is prudent to keep the directional strategy of the company in mind. After all, in order to advance many strategic priorities, which include fulfilling the mission and positioning the organization to achieve its vision for the future, proper management of the firm’s scarce resources is vital. Failure to properly manage the financial performance of the organization can compromise the company’s ability to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.Our VisionPrecision Health: Predict. Prevent. Cure. Precisely.We will heal humanity through science and compassion by leading the biomedical revolution in precision health.Our MissionImproving Human Health Through Discovery and Care.Through innovative discovery and the translation of new knowledge, Stanford Medicine improves human health locally and globally. We serve our community by providing outstanding and compassionate care. We inspire and prepare the future leaders of science and medicine.Strategic PrioritiesA collaborative endeavor involving the entire community, the Stanford Medicine integrated strategic planning process yielded a framework that is human-centered and discovery-led, focused on three overarching priorities for our enterprise.By enhancing our strengths and achieving our goals in these priority areas, we will amplify our preeminence and remain uniquely positioned to lead the biomedical revolution in precision health,ensuring our continued ability to guide healthcare through significant global changes.Value FocusedProvide a highly personalized patient experience.Ensure a seamless Stanford Medicine experience.Digitally DrivenAmplify the impact of Stanford innovation globally.Deliver human-centered, high-tech, high-touch care and revolutionize biomedical discovery.Lead in population health and data science.Uniquely StanfordAccelerate discovery in and knowledge of human biology.Discovered here, used everywhere: advance fundamental human knowledge, translational medicine, and global health.Ensure preeminence across all our mission areas.

Variance Analyses

Normally, managers are expected to examine positiveandnegative variances, and then speculate as to possible explanations for the observed variances. Following this initial assessment, managers would be expected to dig deeper into those variances of greatest concern to the organization to uncover the actual causes for the variances, and then implement necessary corrective actions. Digging into allvariances would be costly and, quite frankly, a misuse of time and energy.The CFO asked one of her financial analysts to conduct a variance analysis of the company’s consolidated balance sheets and income statements for fiscal years 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, which has been completed. The analyst determined the variances for each account (line item) captured in the financials. Now that this first step has been accomplished, the CFO would like you to pay particular attention to the negative variances contained in the spreadsheet and focus on those variances you believeto be potentially the most impactful to Stanford.The financial analyst completed your variance analysis over time, which is referred to as ahorizontal analysis, and then proceeded to createa common size balance sheet and income statement of each of the four fiscal years (20152018). The common sized financials are captured in the provided spreadsheet.

Financial Management and Strategic Direction

Once you’ve completed your horizontal and vertical analyses of the financial statements, you should be able to get a sense of how well management has managed the financial resources of the company in support of its strategic direction. In business, the strategic direction should be evident in its vision and mission statements and strategic priorities. The strategic priorities should support the company’s mission, and the mission should help advance the firm’s vision for the future. Failure to effectively manage the company’s financial resources can seriously compromise the firm’s ability to fulfill its mission and, subsequently, the vision.


Based on the provided scenario, create a 34 page business memorandum to Linda Hoff, Stanford’s CFO.For guidance on writing a memo, take a look at this .In your memo, codify your findings and interpretations from the horizontal and vertical analyses and the level of alignment in the company’s fiscal management and its strategic direction. Include the provided Excel spreadsheet you used to complete your analysis as an attachment to the memo. In this memo, you will:

  1. Review the year-over-year variances contained in the audited Stanford balance sheets and income statements for fiscal years 20152018 in the . You’ll be expected to pay particular attention to the negative variances (color coded in red) that you believe to be potentially the most impactful to Stanford and provide a rationale for that belief.
  2. Hypothesize as to the reasons for the negative variances. Be sure the hypothesis is supported by evidence from the scenario, the balance sheets, and income statements.
  3. Explain the proportional changes in the common size results over the four fiscal year time frame and identify notable changes in the ratios. Also include a hypothesis, supported by a rationale, to suggest why these anomalies may exist.
  4. Identify notable patterns and variances that warrant further investigating and justify both with evidence from the three- year period. Specify potential consequences of the variances to justify the need to examine these variances further.
  5. Assess whether the vision, mission, and goals of the organization are aligned with their current financial position and provide an explanation of why it does or does not align. Provides specifics from the variance analysis to support the assessment.

Referral & Transition Resource


Please complete the attached chart and submit it.

Assignment Description: Students will research and locate the agencies in their county that service Part B (Preschoolers and older)  and Part C (children zero through age 3) services under IDEA. They will be successful doing this after reading notes in the Week 2 folder.

Upon completion of this work, students will have a resource to use and share with families.

This assignment fulfills Student Learning Objective:

Students will be able to examine the process and procedures to make referrals and transitions in collaboration with families and community partners. ( NAEYC 2a, 2b, 3d, 6b, 6d, 6e)

 Use the tools provided within them to locate the agency that services your county.

Complete this chart for Mecklenburg if that is your county of residence.



County of Service

Agency Name


Contact Person

Web Address

Referral Process

Transition Notes from Part C to Part B

Other Important Info

Answer the following:

What did you learn in the process of completing the chart? When do you feel that this information might be useful to you as an Early Childhood Professional? Explain.



It can be postulated that there are two scenarios when it comes to price setting by providers and provider organizations. Providers refer to those practitioners eligible to bill third-party payers for the services they provide to patients. Provider organizations are facilities where care is delivered to patients. The first scenario is that providers and provider organizations are considered “price takers,” in that the rates of reimbursement are set by the payers with little to no input from providers and organizations. The second scenario is that providers and organizations set their own prices and that payers are expected to pay these rates. These strategies will be explored in this week’s discussion assignment.

Briefly discuss what is meant to be a price setter or price taker, the strategies employed in both approaches, and a clear listing of the pros and cons associated with each price setting strategy. After weighing the pros and cons of each, which approach do you feel best meets the needs of the key stakeholders?

Women’s studies

 Write a brief reflection (2 paragraphs) on what you consider to be pornographic and what you consider to be obscene.  Are the definitions the same? What differences do you identify with these two concepts? 

DUE @4:30PM Mountain Time TODAY!