Archive for May 6th, 2022

Professor MacQueen

 Describe your understanding of your peer’s current event by providing additional historical elements that may have contributed to the current event. Discuss the similarities and differences between your and your peers’ perspectives.

Kate post

Hello, my name is Katherine Narron but I go by Kate. I am a single mother of two great kids, my girl is 10 and my son is 8. I work full time, take care of my house, and go to school full time, without the help of my parents I am not sure how I would make it work. I live in south Georgia and am currently working on my A.S. in Accounting to provide a better life for my kids. 

Everyone should study, or at least pay attention to, history because we can learn how to stop or prevent events from happening. When we pay attention to the past, sometimes we can prevent the same things from happening again. One of the events that have been in the news, locally, are accidental shooting of kids by kids. If we paid attention to the past events of kids getting a hold of guns and playing with them, then maybe parents/adults would make sure they are locked away. With guns safely locked away or just put up so kids could not reach them, the loss of innocent lives and injuries would stop.

Haley post


ello class! My name is Haley Reynolds and I am 23 years old and I was born and raised in Tennessee, though I recently moved to Huntsville, Alabama. I am currently pursuing my bachelors degree in health information management. I have always known that I’ve wanted to make an impact on caring for patients, but directly dealing with patients is not something that is necessarily appealing for me. Having my BS.HIT degree would allow me to help patients by making sure all medical records/files are protected, and it would be a job that is not going to slow down anytime soon that also has that ability to earn a great salary which in this day and age, is an absolute need to survive, in my opinion.

It is important to study history because it is how we learn about the past, and gives us a lot of insight into present-day issues. Learning history helps us develop the ability to avoid mistakes we have made in the past. One event that struck out to me immediately, is Covid. In 1918 the Spanish Flu pandemic was happening. They did not have the resources then that we have today. Knowing the information we do now, we are much better able to handle a pandemic at this time. Something the Spanish Flu taught us, is that social distancing works, but it works best if it is done earlier on. 


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

It has been estimated that organizations in the United States lose 5% of their revenues to fraud each year, and that 50% of inventory shrinkage is due to employee theft.

  • How can organizations combat employee dishonesty?
  • Can organizations screen for honesty in the selection process?
  • What can an organization do to encourage honest behavior among its workforce?


Baylee post

There are many ways that a business can combat employee dishonesty and I think firstly it starts with the culture. If the culture of the business is to respect one another and value each other, I think it will be less likely that employees will want to do something dishonest. Company culture is also a great place to instill honest behavior by leaders setting good examples. I also believe that if the employer provides for their employees, then the employees are going to want to keep that healthy relationship going. Lastly, I think that if the employees feel like the work they are doing is important and that their voices matter, then the employee is probably more likely to treat the employer respectfully.

If an employer is trying to screen their potential new hires for their morals, they may be able to find some answers in their resume. This would possibly require a phone call to past employers or references. Even after, one cannot always be sure of the character of people until being exposed first hand.

Kimberly post

Theft can take many forms. Stealing inventory is one form but stealing time is another. As an HR Manager I have dealt with both. I worked for a distribution warehouse and inventory shrinkage was a big deal. Employees would steal product and put it up in the ceiling to grab later. They would even put stuff in the back of the toilets. One person went so far as to steal a laptop and throw it out of a crack in the door where the trucks would pick up. At another distribution warehouse, employees were caught stealing company time by waiting in the lunchroom for their ride for almost an hour after their shift was over. They did not clock out until their ride was there. The only way we were able to catch some of these incidents was because we had cameras set up and saw the actions on camera.

One way to screen for criminal behavior is to run background checks. This does show a history but only if they were caught. You can also ask certain behavioral questions during the interview process but again, if someone is capable of stealing, they are capable of lying. It is hard to completely screen out candidates that may steal. One may be honest but run into a hardship so stealing becomes something they think about doing. Companies can do certain things to encourage honest behavior like addressing morale issues and any concerns regarding workplace dissatisfaction. They can also create systems for all accounting entries, petty cash receipts and inventory to monitor activity and prevent dishonesty, and create a system of checks and balances in writing and include repercussions for dishonest behavior and distribute the policy to all the employees.

Assignment: Journal Entry


Critical reflection of your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting has the benefit of helping you to identify opportunities for improvement in your clinical skills, while also recognizing your strengths and successes.

Use this Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement, the progress you made, and what insights you will carry forward into your next practicum. 


To Prepare

  • Refer to the Population-Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies found in the Week 1 Learning Resources, and consider the quality measures or indicators advanced nursing practice nurses must possess in your specialty of interest.
  • Refer to your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted in Week 1, and consider your strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Refer to your Patient Log in Meditrek, and consider the patient activities you have experienced in your practicum experience and reflect on your observations and experiences.

Journal Entry (450500 words)

Learning From Experiences

  • Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.
  • Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each?
  • What did you learn from this experience?
  • What resources were available?
  • What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?
  • What would you do differently?
  • How are you managing patient flow and volume?
  • How can you apply your growing skillset to be a social change agent within your community?

Understanding the Components and Impact of Quality Early Childhood Education Programming

  • A summary of the benefits of high-quality programs for young children and their families
  • At least three research-based components that contribute to quality programming
  • Why access to affordable high-quality care can be such a challenge for so many families
  • Your personal definition of quality as it relates to early childhood programs

See the links below to reference to support this discussion:

InBrief: Early Childhood Program Effectiveness

Why the Source of Preschool Funding Matters

MBA 504: Financial Management and Analysis

Read and summarize chapter 20 of your Financial Management Text in at least 400 words.

-What is trade credit?

-Is it beneficial to a business to offer trade credit? why or why not?

-How is credit worthiness determined?

-Research the term “after pay.” In your opinion, who does it help more, the customer or the business? Explain your answer.

-What is inventory?

-What is JIT?

-How is inventory monitored?

When a firm allows customers to pay for goods and services at a later date, it creates accounts receivable. By allowing customers to pay some time after they receive the goods or services, you are granting credit, which we refer to as trade credit. Trade credit, also referred to as mer- chandise credit or dealer credit, is an informal credit arrangement. Unlike other forms of credit, trade credit is not usually evidenced by

page666image17232 MANAGING WORKING CAPITALnotes, but rather is generated spontaneously: Trade credit is granted

when a customer buys goods or services.

Reasons for Extending Credit

Firms extend credit to customers to help stimulate sales. Suppose you offer a product for sale at $20, demanding cash at the time of the sale. And suppose your competitor offers the same product for sale, but allows customers 30 days to pay. Whos going to sell the product? If the product and its price are the same, your competitor, of course. So the benefit from extending credit is the profit from the increased sales.

Extending credit is both a financial and a marketing decision. When a firm extends credit to its customers, it does so to encourage sales of its goods and services. The most direct benefit is the profit on the increased sales. If the firm has a variable cost margin (that is, variable cost/sales) of 80%, then increasing sales by $100,000 increases the firms profit before taxes by $20,000. Another way of stating this is that the contri- bution margin (funds available to cover fixed costs) is 20%: For every $1 of sales, 20 cents is available after variable costs.


The benefit from extending credit is: Benefit from extending credit

= Contribution margin Change in sales


If a firm liberalizes its credit it grants to customers, increasing sales by $5 million and if its contribution margin is 25%, the benefit from liberalizing credit is 25% of $5 million, or $1.25 million.

Costs of Credit

But like any credit, it has a cost. The firm granting the credit is forgoing the use of the funds for a periodso there is an opportunity cost associ- ated with giving credit. In addition, there are costs of administering the accounts receivablekeeping track of what is owed. And, there is a chance that the customer may not pay what is due when it is due.

The Cost of Discounts

Do firms grant credit at no cost to the customer? No, because as we just explained, a firm has costs in granting credit. So they generally give credit with an implicit or hidden cost:

The customer that pays cash on delivery or within a specified time thereaftercalled a discount periodgets a discount from the invoice price.

Management of Receivables and Inventory 653 The customer that pays after this discount period pays the full invoice


Paying after the discount period is really borrowing. The customer pays the difference between the discounted price and the full invoice price. How much has been borrowed? A customer paying in cash within the discount period pays the discounted price. So what is effectively bor- rowed is the cash price.

In analyses of credit terms, the dollar cost to granting a discount is:


Cost of discount
= Discount percentage Credit sales using discount


If a discount is 5% and there are $20 million credit sales using the dis- count, the cost of the discount is 5% of $20 million, or $1 million.

But wait. Is this the only effect of granting a discount? Only if you assume that when the firm establishes the discount it does not adjust the full invoice price of their goods. But is this reasonable? Probably not. If the firm decides to alter its credit policy to institute a discount, most likely it will increase the full invoice sufficiently to be compensated for the time value of money and the risk borne when extending credit.

The difference between the cash price and the invoice price is a cost to the customerand, effectively, a return to the firm for this trade credit. Consider a customer that purchases an item for $100, on terms of 2/10, net 30. This means if they pay within 10 days, they receive a 2% discount, paying only $98 (the cash price). If they pay on day 11, they pay $100. Is the seller losing $2 if the customer pays on day 10? Yes and no. We have to assume that the seller would not establish a dis- count as a means of cutting price. Rather, a firm establishes the full invoice price to reflect the profit from selling the item and a return from extending credit.1

Suppose the Discount Warehouse revises its credit terms, which had been payment in full in 30 days, and introduces a discount of 2% for accounts paid within 10 days. And suppose Discounts contribution margin is 20%. To analyze the effect of these changes, we have to project the increase in Discounts future sales and how soon Discounts customers will pay.

1 If the customer pays within the discount period, there is a cost to the firmthe op- portunity cost of not getting the cash at the exact date of the sale but rather some time later. With the terms 2/10 net 30, if the customer pays on the tenth day, the sell- er has just given a 10-day interest-free loan to the customer. This is part of the car- rying cost of accounts receivable, which we will discuss in a moment.


page669image3664Lets first assume that Discount does not change its sales prices. And lets assume that Discounts sales will increase by $100,000 to $1,100,000, with 30% paying within ten days and the rest paying within thirty days. The benefit from this discount is the increased contribution toward before tax profit of $100,000 20% = $20,000. The cost of the discount is the forgone profit of 2% on 30% of the $1.1 million sales, or $6,600.

Now lets assume that Discount changes its sales prices when it institutes the discount so that the profit margin (available to cover the firms fixed costs) after the discount is still 20%:

Contribution margin(1 0.02) = 20% 0.20

Contribution margin = – = 20.408%(1 0.02)

If sales increase to $1.1 million, the benefit is the difference is the profit,

Before the discount = 20% of $1,000,000 = $200,000 After the discount = 20.408% of $1,100,000 = $224,488

so the incremental benefit is $24,488. And the cost, in terms of the dis- counts taken is 2% of 30% of $1,100,000, or $6,600.

While we havent taken into consideration the other costs involved (such as the carrying cost of the accounts and bad debts), we see that we get a different picture of the benefits and costs of discounts depending on what the firm does to the price of its goods and services when the discount is instituted. So what appears to be the cost from the discounts doesnt give us the whole picture, because the firm most likely changes its contri- bution margin at the same time to include compensation for granting credit. In that way, it increases the benefit from the change in the policy.

Other Costs

There are a number of costs of credit in addition to the cost of the dis- count. These costs include:

  • The carrying cost of tying-up funds in accounts receivable instead of investing them elsewhere.
  • The cost of administering and collecting the accounts.
  • The risk of bad debts.
    The carrying cost is similar to the holding cost that we looked at for cash balances: the product of the opportunity cost of investing in accounts receivable and the investment in the accounts. The opportunity

Journal Entry

Critical reflection of your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting has the benefit of helping you to identify opportunities for improvement in your clinical skills, while also recognizing your strengths and successes.

Use this Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement, the progress you made, and what insights you will carry forward into your next practicum. 

Media and Social Media Viewpoints of Criminal Justice DB

Like in a criminal justice professional conference seminar, you will pick the conferences that you wish to attend. You will select 1 of the 4 topics for your Discussion Board. Please read the instructions for the Discussion Board assignments carefully because they are different from your other classes that you have had Discussion Boards in.

Selecting 1 of the 4 topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum main topic posting. Please add your references to the main topic posting (required). You are encouraged to do research on the topic for other sources. You will be responding to a minimum of 3 classmates for this assignment. Each classmates response should be a minimum of 100 words. Your option is to respond to postings that concern your main topic selection, or you may respond to postings from classmates that have to do with 1 of the other 4 topics.

The topics come from the reading assignments for this week all located in the AIU Online Library.

Topic 1:
Wang, Yan; Yu, Wenchao; Liu, Sam; Young, Sean D. Social Media + Society; Thousand Oaks Vol. 5, Iss. 1, (Jan 2019).

Topic 2:
Dow Jones Institutional News; New York [New York]25 Nov 2017.

Topic 3:
Garrison, Tara A. Walden University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2018. 10979490.

Topic 4:
Bock, Phillip. Press; Sheboygan, Wis. [Sheboygan, Wis]12 Jan 2017: A.3.

Discuss the following: 

  • What is the problem with the public getting their understanding of criminal justice responses to crime? 
  • What is the responsibility of a public information officer (PIO), and why is that position so important? 
  • What is the difference between media outlets and social media sources?

vampire legends


Part A: Ch. 10 Role Playing Sim: Vampire Legends

In this role-playing simulation, you will be the acting CIO and will specifically work on the strategy and the budget of the game Ancient Age, the sequel to Vampire Legends. The simulation will require you to give a breakdown of the budget report, choose an allocation strategy based on the risks and expenses involved, choose the best advertising campaign, analyze threats related to information security, and decide the course of action in handling threats to information security.

Using the Vampire Legends Access link, complete the interactive before moving to Part B. 

Part B: Memo to CEO

Write a 2- to 3-page memo to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Vampire Legends organization that includes the following two parts:

  • Part 1: Analysis of Components of Information Security that does the following:
  • Categorizes the components of information security
  • Analyzes the components of information security as it applies to the scenario presented in Vampire Legends
  • Contains a breakdown of the budget report
  • Discusses your allocation strategy based on the risks and expenses involved
  • Describes your choice for the best advertising campaign
  • Outlines the course of action in handling information security threats in the future
  • Part 2: Role of Ethics that does the following:
  • Illustrates the role of ethics as presented in the Vampire Legends simulation conflict to reflect the relationship between ethics and the success of the Vampire Legends organization
  • Describes the consequences of the conflict
  • Discusses the solution to the conflict
  • Discusses the impact of ethics on revenue

Submit your assignment.

Powerpoint 7-1


A culturally competent healthcare program acknowledges the importance of culture, recognizes the potential impact of cultural differences, adapts to cultural knowledge and beliefs, and designs services to meet culturally unique needs. To design and plan programs that address cultural diversity, a program planner must be aware of cultural competency, health literacy, and ethical and social justice principles.

The team youre working with to plan and eventually implement your chosen health or healthcare program (the same program you will present in your course project in Module Nine) is looking for additional details about how ethical and social justice principles will be integrated into the program. They also want to know more about how cultural competence and health literacy will be promoted. To provide them this information, you have been asked to put together a brief presentation to share with the team at your next meeting.

This activity will help you determine the importance of cultural competence and health literacy in program planning. Also, it will help you apply social justice and ethical principles to your program. You will use findings from this assignment to explain the socioeconomic factors of program planning in your course project presentation.


Create a PowerPoint presentation with embedded speaker notes to describe how you will identify and address cultural and other socioeconomic diversities for your target population. Include your speaker notes as a Word document, either downloaded from your presentation or created separately, with slide numbers accompanying each slide note.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Health Literacy: Describe which elements of your program ensure health literacy among the targeted population. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • How would lack of health literacy impact the patients and the programs activities?
    • How would health literacy among the targeted population improve the programs ability to achieve its outcomes?
  2. Cultural Competence: Describe how you would make your program sensitive to various cultural practices and beliefs. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • Why is cultural competency one of the essential skills for a program planner?
    • How does your program address racial and economic disparities that are impacting your target populations healthcare needs?
  3. Social Justice Principles: Describe how you would apply social justice principles to your program planning and how their inclusion would help improve the programs ability to achieve its outcomes. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • Why is social justice important in the planning and implementation of healthcare programs?
    • Which two social justice principles does your program consider, and why does it consider them?
  4. Key Ethical Principles: Describe how your program satisfies key ethical principles and how including these principles would help your target population. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • How does your program satisfy the principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice?
    • What are two potential challenges you might face in applying ethical principles to your programs plan and design?

Note that all the claims in your deliverable should be evidence based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the scenario, textbook, or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research. Refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: NursingGraduate located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support. If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Guidelines for Submission

Your submission should include a 4- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation with embedded speaker notes and a Word document with your speaker notes. Use a clear, professional font and appropriate PowerPoint presentation slide design. For your speaker notes, you should use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

I’m working on this question and I need a sample draft to help me study

 500 words a for each …..2 references for each

1. Does suspect based profiling differ from racial profiling? Why or why not?

2. How do the contradiction and disagreement within the field of criminal profiling hinder advancements in this emerging field? How do they help to advance the emerging field?

juvenile treatment unit 5

Conduct an internet search for a juvenile program in your city or state that provides an alternative to incarceration. Read about the program and then present to your colleagues your reasons how or why the program might reduce recidivism, more effectively than incarcerating juvenile offenders.

Ensure you provide a link to your selected program, so your classmates can read about it.

You may search for a program of your choice, or use the following:

  • Teen addiction treatment 
  • Juvenile mental health treatment 
  • Juvenile pretrial diversion program 
  • Teen restitution program 
  • Juvenile community service 
  • Big Brothers or Big Sisters programs 
  • Juvenile community assessment centers 
  • Juvenile boot camps 
  • Teen cognitive behavior therapy