Archive for May 17th, 2022

Renewable Energy source

1)    Deeper dive into a Case Study of an innovative project deploying a Renewable Energy source.  The project can be installed and operating, in construction, or in the planning stage.  If its an operating system, report on the success/pros and cons of the project to date, such as:
a.    Is it meeting up with the original expectations of the developers?
b.    Is it achieving high operating cost savings over conventional energy sources?
c.    What issues have occurred and were they overcome and how?
d.    What are the conclusions relative to expanding on the project or using it as an example that others can follow?
If its a project in construction or in the planning stages, report on the same as above except projected into the future.  In other words, what are the expected benefits, operating costs, and issues.  You should also discuss if this is a first of its kind in the U.S. or globally that could set a precedent, or if its an extension of prior similar types of developments and what lessons learned is it addressing that came out of the earlier projects.

1.    Use at least three (3) references such as peer-reviewed reports, webzine or journal articles, government agency reports, or white papers or other reports or articles from credible organizations to support your paper and recommendation.
2.    Narrative of website pages of government agencies or other organizations are NOT acceptable reference as they are usually undated and include general information for the public consumption.
3.    Your resources should not be more than 1-2 years old, preferably more recent than that.
4.    Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced, 11 fonts

In this weeks readings, you have examined different factors, such as the distribution of the

In this weeks readings, you have examined different factors, such as the distribution of the continents, oceanic circulation patterns, and variations in the Earths orbit, that have affected global climate change in the past. As you look to the future, think about these factors that have affected global climate in the past and consider how they could affect climate in the future.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 16 of the course text, Earths Climate System (pp. 446479), paying extra attention to Section 16.6 Natural Causes of Climate Change (pp. 476479).
  • Review the websites and animations for this week that are listed in the Learning Resources.
  • Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course and consider which Earth science topic you might be most interested in continuing to follow. Do you think that you will listen to news reports about any of these topics with a different, more informed, level of interest?
  • Finally, as a result of what you have learned in this course, think about one action item you would consider doing that is critical to helping with the Earths preservation, locally or in general.

For this Discussion, your Instructor will either assign groups to threads or direct you to choose one thread from the choices listed this week.

If you are directed to choose a thread on your own, follow these instructions: Each thread is limited to a maximum number of students, based on class size. A thread will close if the limit is reached. If a thread is closed to new posters, select from the open threads. You will post both your initial post and your response post in the same thread.

By Day 3

Post two paragraphs predicting the top two most likely global climate change scenarios over the next 1,000 years, based on your evaluation of the causes of global climate change. Focus on one human-made cause and one natural cause. Justify your predictions with references to Chapter 16 of the course text. Then, share two key learnings from this course related to your Discussion thread topic and explain why they are important. Finally, describe one action item you might pursue to help with the Earths preservation and why.

Thread 1: Astronomy and the Solar System

Disney Discussion

Reflect on your viewing of Walt Disneys EPCOT film (1966) and build associations with all three Disney media forms weve studied: animation, television, and theme parks.  In what ways do you see the lessons learned from Disney’s experience in these media reflected in both the EPCOT plans and the films construction itself? Cite three specific moments from the film to support your analysis.
Link for the film:

Disney Discussion

Reflect on your viewing of Walt Disneys EPCOT film (1966) and build associations with all three Disney media forms weve studied: animation, television, and theme parks.  In what ways do you see the lessons learned from Disney’s experience in these media reflected in both the EPCOT plans and the films construction itself? Cite three specific moments from the film to support your analysis.
Link for the film:

erm d3


After reading this week’s article, and any other relevant research you locate, please discuss the following in your main post:.

case study link :


  • Which case study in the link was most interesting to you and why?
  • Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why?


  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)
  • At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.





1) Summarize what youve done in this lab as if you are explaining it to your CEO or another important non-technical person.

2) Given that you have learned the names of the SDLC phases, which SDLC phases have you seen/used in this lab? You may write what you did, what you saw in the Azure cloud environment & Azure DevOps menus. 

etc d3


Malicious individuals have discovered several methods to attack and defeat cryptosystems. It’s important that understand the threats posed by cryptographic attacks to minimize the risks to your network systems.

Identify one cryptographic attack and how you can protect against it. 

  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)
  • At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Marketing in Healthcare

Identify the market shares for general acute care services, by an organization, in a city of your choosing.

How much monopolistic power exists in this market?
Discuss the problems of monopolistic powers in healthcare and how they impact the city you have chosen.
The Trump administration is proposing changes in the ACA.  How would these change the market power of healthcare providers?  What can the government and other stakeholders do to moderate monopoly power?

must have a minimum of four (4) scholarly references/industry professional journals

Political Science Class

 Part I: IDs (Answer 4 ID Questions only, 5 points each, 20 points total)
Instructions: Identify AND Explain the significance of 4 of the following 6 terms, concepts, or
cases.  The identification should take the form of a definition and/or explanation of the term,
concept, or case.  The significance can take the form of its significance to American
government, an example, or an application to current events.
Word Limit: 100 words max (about 5 sentences max) for Each of the 4 ID Questions chosen
1. Signing Statements
Answer Here:
2. Gerrymandering
Answer Here:
3. U.S. v. Curtiss-Wright
Answer Here:
4. Civic skills
Answer Here:
5. Speaker of the House
Answer Here:
6. Engagement (political engagement in the context of political participation)
Answer Here:

Part II: Short Answer Question Congress and the President (20 points total)
Word Limit: 400-500 words max for Questions 1 and 2 combined (about 1 page max single
Instructions: Answer Both Questions 1 and 2
Fact Pattern: President Smith has declared war on England.  The President claims that England
might attack the United States, but he provides no evidence to support his claim.  The President
sends troops to invade England without consulting Congress first.  Upon hearing of the
Presidents invasion a week later, members of Congress are furious.  
Hint: There may be multiple arguments that the President can make in Question 1 and that
Congress can make in Question 2 below.  List and explain as many arguments as you think are
relevant (not just one).  Also, include important facts from the fact pattern above in your answers
to support your arguments.  

1. What are the Presidents strongest arguments that he has the power to invade England without
   getting authorization from Congress first?
Answer Here:
2. What are Congresss strongest arguments that the President acted improperly?
Answer Here:

Part III: Short Answer Question Public Opinion  (20 points total)
Word Limit: 400-500 words max for Political Cue 1 and Political Cue 2 combined (about 1
page max single spaced)

Fact Pattern: It is September 7, 2020, two months before the 2020 presidential election, and
Jenny Anderson is a voter in Ohio.  She is deciding on whether to support President Trump, the
Republican candidate, or Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, in the election.  
She is not an ideologue and she does not have high political knowledge.  Her parents are
Republicans and growing up, they regularly discussed politics at the dinner table.  However, in
the 2016 election, she registered as a Democrat and regularly watches MSNBC, a more liberal
news network.  However, she is currently an independent swing voter who voted for Hillary
Clinton in 2016 but for Mitt Romney in 2012.  She also reads the New York Times daily and on
the morning of September 7th, she read an article that said: Although the unemployment rate
has been at historic lows throughout President Trumps first three years in office, the
unemployment rate skyrocketed from 4.4% to 14.7% this past month due to the Coronavirus
pandemic.  This is the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression and there are no
signs of an improving economy in the near future.  
Explain TWO political cues that Jenny can use in deciding which candidate to support in the
2020 presidential election.  Hint: Your answers should not only include the political science
concepts requested below, but also should include the relevant facts from the fact pattern above
to support your answers.  
Instructions: Answer All 3 Questions for BOTH Political Cue 1 AND Political Cue 2
In explaining the political cues, provide the following information:

Political Cue 1:
1. Define the political cue.
Answer Here:
2. Explain how the political cue generally contributes to a persons opinion formation.
Answer Here:
3. Explain what facts about that political cue from the fact pattern above would make it more
   likely for Jenny to support either President Trump or Vice President Biden in the election.  
Answer Here:

Political Cue 2:
1. Define the political cue.
Answer Here:
2. Explain how the political cue generally contributes to a persons opinion formation.
Answer Here:
3. Explain what facts about that political cue from the fact pattern above would make it more
   likely for Jenny to support either President Trump or Vice President Biden in the election.
Answer Here:

Week 7 Discussion: The Client’s Education Level

Step 1 In your initial post, due Wednesday at 11:59 pm Mountain Time, respond to the following prompts.

  • Provide an example of an evaluation that you have experienced or witnessed and your thoughts on whether that evaluation was appropriate and effective.
  • Describe the importance of understanding the client’s educational level in implementing health-promotion interventions.
  • Provide methods to assess the client’s educational level with regards to health literacy.