Archive for May 17th, 2022

Compose an informative essay in which you explain how Mark Twain uses satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. You will begin by giving a working definition of satire and introducing Twain as a satirist.

You will then present three different examples of satire from the novel, including quotations from relevant passages, explanations of how each passage is satire (including types and devices of satire used), and an analysis of what Twain’s message was concerning humanity or society. Your essay must contain a minimum of THREE (3) direct quotations from the novel itself, incorporated using APA format.

1. Do you show that you understand satire and the ways that Twain uses it? Do you have sufficient examples to demonstrate his use of satire in this novel? 2. Have you supported your ideas and analyses with quotations from the novel? Have you incorporated them into your text appropriately, according to APA formatting? 3. Are your examples introduced , connected to one another by common themes, and summarized effectively so that the reader is able to follow your entire explanation? 4. Have you demonstrated your ability to write informatively with a formal tone, including appropriate vocabulary and grammar?

China History

What were the means by which the Han emperors of China established a long-lasting, and mostly stable, system of government?

What institutions in particular did the Han develop?

How did the Han build on the Qin Dynastys achievements?

How did the Han method of ruling differ from the previous rulers of China?

Anatomy Discussion8


The Autonomic Nervous System can be challenging to understand because it is connected to virtually every body function in opposite ways. We are going to explore the physiology of the ANS in this discussion by looking at specific examples of how it works. 

Initial post:  For your first discussion post, describe how the parasympathetic nervous system influences one function in your body. For example, the parasympathetic nervous system causes decreased blood pressure. If you chose this body function, you would describe the physiology behind the decreased blood pressure. How does it happen? What occurs in the heart/blood vessels? Which scenarios or external factors would cause the parasympathetic nervous system to activate this response? 

Microbiology discusion8

 For your initial post, do some research on coronaviruses and then share what you learn about how a typical coronavirus compares to COVID-19. What does it mean for a virus to mutate and what could this mean to the process of developing immunity? Many people have chosen to get vaccinated while others have not. What do you think are the benefits of getting vaccinated and are there any scientific or medical reasons (exclude personal or religious reasons) that could serve as reasonable contraindications to being vaccinated or that would justify prolonging this medical intervention?   

Discussion Reply

Journal Article Analysis: PTSD and Gray Matter Reduction

            Experiencing traumatic events often is life-changing for the experiencer. For some, that traumatic event can cause severe neurological changes, negatively impacting the functioning and well-being of the individual. In the anxiety disorder known as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms are mainly rooted in flashbacks, emotional numbness or detachment, and hypervigilance (Nolan-Hoeksema, 2020). One study used Voxel Based Morphometry with 75 participants aged 18-50 (with 25 having the diagnosis of PTSD, 25 being trauma-exposed controls, and 25 as the healthy control group) to examine gray matter differences amongst the sample (ODoherty et al., 2017). The results indicate that in the PTSD group, gray matter was reduced in parts of the limbic system, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and anterior cingulate cortex. Additionally, the authors indicate, Significant negative correlations were found between total CAPS lifetime clinical scores/sub-scores and GM volume of both the PTSD and TC groups (ODoherty et al., 2017). This study is significant because it correlates PTSD symptoms with regions of the brain which have lost gray matter, further establishing an understanding of what precisely PTSD is and how it changes the individuals ability to function. With a deeper understanding of how PTSD works, professionals will be better able to treat clients with this disorder.

            PTSD was chosen as the focus for this assignment as my goal as a future psychologist is to primarily work with those who have experienced trauma, including veterans, victims of sexual assault, and more. The symptoms of PTSD can be terribly debilitating, and it is not uncommon for those who have limited knowledge of the condition to discredit these individuals suffering. It is important that when dealing with this condition, that the individuals have a source of hope. For Christians with PTSD, that source of hope can be God. While the Bible is not enough to overturn the effects of PTSD, it can be enough to motivate the individual to seek treatment and adhere to it. Isiah 41:10 can be an excellent verse to help bring a glimmer of hope and a sense of peace to the suffering, as it states, Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness (King James Bible, 1769/2017).


King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online.

(Original work published 1769)

Nolen-Hoeksema. (2020). Abnormal Psychology (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

O’Doherty, D. C. M., Tickell, A., Ryder, W., Chan, C., Hermens, D. F., Bennett, M. R., &

Lagopoulos, J. (2017, August 30). Frontal and subcortical grey matter reductions in PTSD. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging, 266, 1-9.

Shaping of the Modern World

Choose one of the questions below and write a well-reasoned essay in response.  Your essay must have a thesis and draw upon evidence from the PRIMARY DOCUMENTS we have read for class.  The exam is open book- you may use the books assigned for class. Each essay should draw upon at least FIVE pieces of evidence from the sources- make sure to cite page #s of any text you reference, using the short citation form outlined in the syllabus. The exam is COMPREHENSIVE- it covers the whole span of the course, your answer should be sure to develop an argument that covers the whole length of time implied by the question.  High marks will go to essays that are original, make creative and sophisticated use of evidence, and that demonstrate a grasp of the complexity of the issues involved.
1.  Did the rise of nationalism completely revolutionize global politics, or do the nation states of modern times share many characteristics of the kingdoms, empires, and other states of the early modern world?

2. Did the idea of progress rapidly lose popularity in the last 100 years, or has progress always had both proponents and detractors since the beginning of modern times?

3. Was global colonialism completely transformed by the industrial revolution, or can we see many continuities in colonialism as it was practiced from the fifteenth through the twentieth centuries?

4. Can industrialization be viewed as a continuation of the process begun by the commercial revolution, or has the industrial revolution created radically different social, culutral, and/or political effects than pre-industrial commercialization?

5. Has the world experienced a uniquely rapid period of globalization since the end of the Cold War, or are these recent decades merely a continuation of a long trend reaching back to the fifteenth century (or before)?

6. Do either the theory of the end of history (that the modern world has been trending toward free market economics and democratic government) or the clash of civilizations (that the world has been divided  between Western, Islamic, Confucian, Hindu, and African civilization, locked in conflict with one-another) provide a coherent explanation by which we can understand the history of the modern world from 1500 to the present day?

Shaping of the Modern World

Choose one of the questions below and write a well-reasoned essay in response.  Your essay must have a thesis and draw upon evidence from the PRIMARY DOCUMENTS we have read for class.  The exam is open book- you may use the books assigned for class. Each essay should draw upon at least FIVE pieces of evidence from the sources- make sure to cite page #s of any text you reference, using the short citation form outlined in the syllabus. The exam is COMPREHENSIVE- it covers the whole span of the course, your answer should be sure to develop an argument that covers the whole length of time implied by the question.  High marks will go to essays that are original, make creative and sophisticated use of evidence, and that demonstrate a grasp of the complexity of the issues involved.
1.  Did the rise of nationalism completely revolutionize global politics, or do the nation states of modern times share many characteristics of the kingdoms, empires, and other states of the early modern world?

2. Did the idea of progress rapidly lose popularity in the last 100 years, or has progress always had both proponents and detractors since the beginning of modern times?

3. Was global colonialism completely transformed by the industrial revolution, or can we see many continuities in colonialism as it was practiced from the fifteenth through the twentieth centuries?

4. Can industrialization be viewed as a continuation of the process begun by the commercial revolution, or has the industrial revolution created radically different social, culutral, and/or political effects than pre-industrial commercialization?

5. Has the world experienced a uniquely rapid period of globalization since the end of the Cold War, or are these recent decades merely a continuation of a long trend reaching back to the fifteenth century (or before)?

6. Do either the theory of the end of history (that the modern world has been trending toward free market economics and democratic government) or the clash of civilizations (that the world has been divided  between Western, Islamic, Confucian, Hindu, and African civilization, locked in conflict with one-another) provide a coherent explanation by which we can understand the history of the modern world from 1500 to the present day?

Shaping of the Modern World

Choose one of the questions below and write a well-reasoned essay in response.  Your essay must have a thesis and draw upon evidence from the PRIMARY DOCUMENTS we have read for class.  The exam is open book- you may use the books assigned for class. Each essay should draw upon at least FIVE pieces of evidence from the sources- make sure to cite page #s of any text you reference, using the short citation form outlined in the syllabus. The exam is COMPREHENSIVE- it covers the whole span of the course, your answer should be sure to develop an argument that covers the whole length of time implied by the question.  High marks will go to essays that are original, make creative and sophisticated use of evidence, and that demonstrate a grasp of the complexity of the issues involved.
1.  Did the rise of nationalism completely revolutionize global politics, or do the nation states of modern times share many characteristics of the kingdoms, empires, and other states of the early modern world?

2. Did the idea of progress rapidly lose popularity in the last 100 years, or has progress always had both proponents and detractors since the beginning of modern times?

3. Was global colonialism completely transformed by the industrial revolution, or can we see many continuities in colonialism as it was practiced from the fifteenth through the twentieth centuries?

4. Can industrialization be viewed as a continuation of the process begun by the commercial revolution, or has the industrial revolution created radically different social, culutral, and/or political effects than pre-industrial commercialization?

5. Has the world experienced a uniquely rapid period of globalization since the end of the Cold War, or are these recent decades merely a continuation of a long trend reaching back to the fifteenth century (or before)?

6. Do either the theory of the end of history (that the modern world has been trending toward free market economics and democratic government) or the clash of civilizations (that the world has been divided  between Western, Islamic, Confucian, Hindu, and African civilization, locked in conflict with one-another) provide a coherent explanation by which we can understand the history of the modern world from 1500 to the present day?


An essential element of the Olympic Movement is the philosophy of Olympism. The Olympic Charter sets forth seven fundamental principles of Olympism. One of the fundamental principles of Olympism reads as follows:

Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles (, 2022, para. 1).

Furthermore, the Olympic Charter lists the following as a fundamental principle of Olympism:

Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement (IOC, 2022, para. 5).

In a hypothetically situation, it was announced in June of 2020 that the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) selected Chicago, IL, home of the Chicago Blackhawks, as a finalist in the U.S. bid process to become the 2036 host city of the Olympics.

International Olympic Committee (IOC). (2021, January 1). What is Olympism. International Olympic Committee (IOC). (2021, January 1). The Olympic charter.

In a 3- to 4-paragraph Journal entry, respond to the following questions:

  1. Does the use of the name Blackhawks by the Chicago Blackhawks violate either of the fundamental principles of Olympism listed above? Why or why not? How is this similar or dissimilar to the former name and logo of the Washington Football Team?
  2. Given that the USOC has selected Chicago, IL as a finalist for its bid process and the likelihood the Blackhawks home arena will be utilized for Olympic events, as time comes to submit a final bid to the IOC approaches, should the USOC put pressure on the Blackhawks organization to change their team name? Why or why not?

Support your writing with concrete examples from your personal experience, observations, and the Learning Materials. Be sure to use proper APA citations to support all presented thoughts and ideas in your work.

Discussion 1


Discussion 1

J.D. is a 37 years old white woman who presents to her gynecologist complaining of a 2-month history of intermenstrual bleeding, menorrhagia, increased urinary frequency, mild incontinence, extreme fatigue, and weakness. Her menstrual period occurs every 28 days and lately there have been 6 days of heavy flow and cramping. She denies abdominal distension, back-ache, and constipation. She has not had her usual energy levels since before her last pregnancy.

Past Medical History (PMH):
Upon reviewing her past medical history, the gynecologist notes that her patient is a G5P5with four pregnancies within four years, the last infant having been delivered vaginally four months ago. All five pregnancies were unremarkable and without delivery complications. All infants were born healthy. Patient history also reveals a 3-year history of osteoarthritis in the left knee, probably the result of sustaining significant trauma to her knee in an MVA when she was 9 years old. When asked what OTC medications she is currently taking for her pain and for how long she has been taking them, she reveals that she started taking ibuprofen, three tablets each day, about 2.5 years ago for her left knee. Due to a slowly progressive increase in pain and a loss of adequate relief with three tablets, she doubled the daily dose of ibuprofen. Upon the recommendation from her nurse practitioner and because long-term ibuprofen use can cause peptic ulcers, she began taking OTC omeprazole on a regular basis to prevent gastrointestinal bleeding. Patient history also reveals a 3-year history of HTN for which she is now being treated with a diuretic and a centrally acting antihypertensive drug. She has had no previous surgeries.

Case Study Questions

  1. Name the contributing factors on J.D that might put her at risk to develop iron deficiency anemia.
  2. Within the case study, describe the reasons why J.D. might be presenting constipation and or dehydration.
  3. Why Vitamin B12 and folic acid are important on the erythropoiesis? What abnormalities their deficiency might cause on the red blood cells?
  4. The gynecologist is suspecting that J.D. might be experiencing iron deficiency anemia.
    In order to support the diagnosis, list and describe the clinical symptoms that J.D. might have positive for Iron deficiency anemia.
  5. If the patient is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, what do you expect to find as signs of this type of anemia? List and describe.
  6. Labs results came back for the patient. Hb 10.2 g/dL; Hct 30.8%; Ferritin 9 ng/dL; red blood cells are smaller and paler in color than normal. Research list and describe for appropriate recommendations and treatments for J.D.

Mr. W.G. is a 53-year-old white man who began to experience chest discomfort while playing tennis with a friend. At first, he attributed his discomfort to the heat and having had a large breakfast. Gradually, however, discomfort intensified to a crushing sensation in the sternal area and the pain seemed to spread upward into his neck and lower jaw. The nature of the pain did not seem to change with deep breathing. When Mr. G. complained of feeling nauseated and began rubbing his chest, his tennis partner was concerned that his friend was having a heart attack and called 911 on his cell phone. The patient was transported to the ED of the nearest hospital and arrived within 30 minutes of the onset of chest pain. In route to the hospital, the patient was placed on nasal cannula and an IV D5W was started. Mr. G. received aspirin (325 mg po) and 2 mg/IV morphine. He is allergic to meperidine (rash). His pain has eased slightly in the last 15 minutes but is still significant; was 9/10 in severity; now7/10. In the ED, chest pain was not relieved by 3 SL NTG tablets. He denies chills.

Case Study Questions

  1. For patients at risk of developing coronary artery disease and patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarct, describe the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.
  2. What would you expect to see on Mr. W.G. EKG and which findings described on the case are compatible with the acute coronary event?
  3. Having only the opportunity to choose one laboratory test to confirm the acute myocardial infarct, which would be the most specific laboratory test you would choose and why?
  4. How do you explain that Mr. W.G temperature has increased after his Myocardial Infarct, when that can be observed and for how long? Base your answer on the pathophysiology of the event.
  5. Explain to Mr. W.G. why he was experiencing pain during his Myocardial Infarct. Elaborate and support your answer.

Submission Instructions:

  • Include both case studies in your post. Answer the questions in paragraphs,including headings, compliant with APA 7 ed, not question and answer format.
  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style 7 edition  with support from at least 3 academic sources (books  or journal articles from 2017 up to now). No websites references allowed. Please include DOI’s, page numbers, etc in the references(APA 7 ed). Plagiarism must be less than 10%.