Archive for May 17th, 2022

due in 2 hours for 250 words

Simple regression modelling is a useful to in understanding how one variable may influence another; in particular measure that relationship or make predictions for the value of a dependent variable.

Think about a problem where simple regression modelling might help you.

What is that problem and how will all the elements of a simple regression model we have discussed so far, assist you in understanding the relationship and making better decisions?

D1 Recap

High tech industries typically receive greater scrutiny from governments compared to others.  Fairly recently you likely saw daily headlines as the U.S. considered a ban against TikTok.  More recently, Elon Musk’s planned acquisition of Twitter is raising questions about what the acquisition will mean in terms of allowed users and content on the platform.    What are your thoughts about bans or government oversight of these platforms?  Can this risk be mitigated by companies?  If so, how?  Answer the questions on a page.


When you think of an Olympic host, what comes to mind? Do you think or the controversy-ridden Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, with allegations of cost overruns, civil rights violations, and political infighting or the awe-inspiring majesty of the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic opening and closing ceremonies?

Both Sochi and Rio de Janeiro spent billions in preparation for their respective Olympics, but their reception by the world could not have been more polarized.

Mention the words globalization and sports and you may think about the Olympicsan international event that brings together athletes from various nations to compete in sports. Many reasons may come to mind as to why globalization is analogous to the Olympics; however, consider the following excerpts:

  • Globalization offers huge potential profits to companies and nations but has been complicated by widely differing expectations, standards of living, cultures and values, and legal systems, as well as unexpected global cause-and-effect linkages (Collins, 2015).
  • The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind, in a spirit of friendship, solidarity, and fair play (, n.d.).

Imagine you are a member of the committee that will select the next host city for the Olympic Games. What are the economic, political, and cultural factors you would consider? What is the potential impact of a host city selection based on globalization efforts alone?

Collins, M. (2015, May 6). The pros and cons of globalization. Forbes.

Olympic movement. (n.d.). Olympic movement.

Post an explanation of whether you believe developing countries should be given the opportunity to host the Olympic Games. Then, explain why or why not.

In formulating your Discussion post, consider the following questions:

  • How do economic, political, and cultural factors affect the selection of an Olympic Games host city? How can the International Olympic Committee (IOC) consider these factors when selecting a host city to ensure that the goal of the Olympic Movement is furthered?
  • What is the impact of globalization on the Olympic Movement and the selection of Olympic Games host cities?
  • Cities submit bids to host the Olympic Games under the auspices that doing so will drive economic growth. Given the high construction costs of hosting the Olympic Games, is such always the case? What has been the economic impact of hosting the Olympic Games for a recent host city?

Colossa Genius

Discussion 1 DUE THURSDAY

 You are going to start hosting a weekly discussion of trending topics in your field of study, (Liberal Art) and would like anyone interested to be able to access it whenever they want to listen.

In your initial post, address the following:

  • What general technology-mediated channel might you consider using to suit your audience, purpose, and tone? Why?
  • What are key considerations you will need to address regarding your audience, purpose, and tone when selecting a specific technology platform?


Video Journal: Audience Analysis



Do you have a favorite public speaker? Or do you remember a speech that has made an impact on you? This can be a podcast, a TV show, a web series, or a live performance you attended. For example, you may remember a TED talk that particularly impressed you. What was the purpose of this speech and who was the target audience? In this journal assignment, you will identify and analyze the audience for a talk or presentation.

Please note that your Bongo submission is only viewable by your instructor.


Choose a presentation or talk that you have liked or found useful. Think about what you liked about it and how the topic was relevant or meaningful for you as the audience. Then, reflect on the speech, its purpose, and target audience in a video journal.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Topic Title and Relevance: Provide a brief summary of the topic and explain why you chose this speech. Remember to include the title of the speech and name of the speaker.
  • Audience Analysis: Describe the purpose and provide an analysis of the target audience of the speech.
  • Audience-Centeredness: Describe some ways in which the speaker adapted the speech to meet the needs of the target audience.
  • Presentation Tools: Identify any presentation tools or technologies the speaker used. Explain how these tools were helpful in making the speech relevant or more engaging for the target audience.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your response as a 23 minute Bongo video. Sources should be orally cited according to APA style.