T3, , three competencies.

THIS IS AN MBA COURSE, CALLED CAPSTONE, LAST FINAL COURSE OF THE MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COURSE, this task basically asks us to list a lot of COMPETENCIES from different courses i as a student have learnt in the MBA program, which i listed in the doc below called competencies.

anyways bro light prof, remember we been working on the stimulation, marketplace game, the business bike shop, the one that had 6 quarters, and etc. i am reminding u, cuz in the task, u goona basically choose 3 competences from the doc called”COMPETENCIES” and explain how the 3 competencies faciliated ur performance in the tasks.

(((((here is the PROMPT:

1) Explain how three competencies you developed throughout your MBA program facilitated your performance in the business simulation completed for Task 1 and Task 2.

Note: Course competencies can be found within each course. (dont worry bro, i had them listed in the word doc called competencies. )

2) Explain how each of these competencies would help you in the future as part of a business career. )))))

advices: question 1 plz make sure u write a page and a half (around 400 to 450 words).

and question 2 around 300 to 400 words. a total of 3 pages.

plz dont mix question one and two together. separate them so i dont get confused.

anyways, again, check the doc word i uploaded after u read the competencies, so that u can choose any THREE comptences, to answer the prompt above.

thank u.

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