
Please answer the following three questions and base your answers on the articles and/or the documentary. This means that you must quote/cite them accordingly .

Question 1

Participant observation relies on both observing the community an anthropologist works with as well as participating in community activities. Give one reason why participation and one reason why observation are fundamental anthropological methods. What are their advantages for the kind of work that cultural anthropologists do?

Question 2 (20 points)

Use a scene from the film, When Visitors Come, to describe the relationship between anthropologist Rina Sherman and her interlocutors. Is she accepted by the Ovahimba?

Question 3 (20 points)

In her article- “exchange in multiple ethnographic fieldwork”, Rina Sherman stated that, during her first year with the Ovahimba, her relationship to the people was so fraught that she almost gave up on her research project. How did participant observation help her navigate this challenge? Give one concrete example that shows the effect of that method in Sherman’s work.

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