Any topic (writer’s choice)

`Take a look at the image of the painting Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps by Kehinde Wiley (2005).Preview the document

Provide a short answer (150 to 300 words) to each of the questions about the work posed below.

1) Which of the 4 roles of the artist mentioned in chapter 1 do you think this artist fits into the best? Why?

2) What has the most emphasis in the work, or what is its focal point? What does that tell you about the work?

3)What associations (thoughts, feelings) does this work bring up for you? Tell us what element, principle of design or subject matter helps make each association.

4) How might your reaction to this work be different if the paint was used in a rougher way, like van Gogh, where all the brushstrokes were clear and visible?

5)How does the artists identity affect how you read the work?

6)How does the relationship between this painting and the historical painting it imitates affect how you see the work?

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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a paper in which you consider each of the following functions in turn, and identify the most important key recent development of each:  human resource management and development; civil rights, affirmative action and diversity for public organizations; budgeting for the public sector; public policy and management; and administrative law.  Write a conclusion in which you explain how these areas of PA study are connected.
Please remember that the information and instructions in regard to writing and styling your papers remains the same as in the first writing assignment.  You may write as few as four, or as many as seven, pages of text.  Each paper should have a title page and a bibliography / reference section.  Each paper must be paginated, and styled using APSA format. 

This is a conclusion paper for this class.  So this paper MUST take into account the following textbook and NEW research, please cite textbooks and new research in paper:

Milakovich, Michael E. and George J. Gordon.  Latest edition.  Public Administration in America.  Belmont, CA:  Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Shafritz, Jay M., and Albert C. Hyde, eds. Latest edition.  Classics of Public Administration.  Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Style Manual: 

American Political Science Association.  2006.  Style Manual for Political Science. Washington, DC:  APSA.  The APSA manual will be posted on our site in the Syllabus folder.

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