
3/23/22, 10:12 PM Metacogntion Activity 3 – Spring 2022 – Principles of Biology I (BIOL-1107-OF2) 1/2

Metacognition Activity #3

Due 11:59pm Sunday

Write a 1 page test wrapper reflection on your last two test. Use the following questionsas possible prompts to reflect on your test performance. Please answer one to two questionsfrom each section (preparation for the tests, planning, performance, and next steps). Please usesingle (or 1.5) line spacing, 1 inch margins, and 12 point standard font (Ariel, Times NewRoman, Calbri, etc.) and write in full sentences in paragraph format.

Preparation for Test

How did you prepare for the test? Explain your process.

What resources did you use in preparing for taking the test?

How does your exam preparation compare to three other peers in the class (askthem)


What strategies did you use for studying (e.g., study groups, online practicequizzes, office hours with instructor, review sessions, peer teaching etc.)?

How much time did you study (and how long over what time period)?

What aspects of the course did you spend more time on (or less time on) basedon your current understanding.

What percentage of your test preparation time was spent on these activities?(re-reading the textbook section(s)___?; reviewing your own notes (daily)___?,reviewing your own notes (sporadically)____?; reviewing PowerPointpresentations from lecture ____?; generating your own exam questions andanswering them____?; studying in groups_____?; other strategies____?


How did your actual grade on this test compare with the grade you expected?How do you explain the difference, if any?

How do you feel about your test grade (happy, surprised, disappointed)?

Examine the items on which you lost points and look for patterns. Were youcareless or did you run out of time? (Will need an appointment with Dr. DP tolook at exam results.)

3/23/22, 10:12 PM Metacogntion Activity 3 – Spring 2022 – Principles of Biology I (BIOL-1107-OF2) 2/2

Next Steps

What are you going to do differently for your next test?

What might be your goal (e.g., certain percentage)?

What study strategies are you going to use next time to enable you to get thatscore?

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