Category: Applied Sciences

Assignment: Education Analyzed Through Nonfiction And Fiction

In this weeks Assignment, you consider the  styles of creative nonfiction and fiction to relay messages concerning  womens education experience.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the brief biographies of Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, and Ntozak Shange in the Womens Voices and Social Change timeline media piece.
  • Review the Angelou and Walker readings from this weeks Learning  Resources to uncover the authors perspectives on the value of  education.
  • Review the Glossary of Terms and Techniques for Literature and  Creative Writing document for descriptions of creative nonfiction and  fiction.
  • How would you describe the difference between the two styles of writing? Do you have a preference? Why?
  • Consider people in your life who may have a strong sense of mother witnatural wit or intelligence or innate knowledge. What distinguishes people with this type of knowledge? 

The Assignment:

Write  a 2-page analysis of womens educational experience as depicted in the  works of Angelou and Walker. Include evidence of formal education and  mother wit. How do these works support your understanding of formal  education vs. mother wit?

Evaluation Of A National Cancer Registry National Study And Request For Best Practices

You have been provided with a recent national cancer study article to used as a guide.

a.       Your Role:   Cancer Registry Manager reporting to the Oncology Department Chair (MD).

b.       Your Task:   Using the attached cancer registry data national study as a supporting document, create a proposal of how to organize the institutions annual cancer registry report or create a patient education presentation for your community.

c.       Your Task:   Analyze the data, create at least three graphical displays and create a narrative summary of the key element or criteria for best practices in Annual Cancer Registry Reporting.

Assignment Final Project

  • Compile and include your photographic presentations from Weeks 14 in  the Final Project photographic series template or your own PowerPoint  format. Review the Milestone Assignments in the Final Project Summary to  assure that you have included all elements of your project. Consider  the process that you used to create each photograph in your photographic  series.
  • Compose the last photograph in your series to reflect a logical  conclusion to your photographic series that communicates the theme of  the message or story chosen in Week 1.
  • Compile your complete 5-photograph series.
  • Write a 2- to 3-paragraph assessment of your  success in conveying the theme and message or story through your  photographic series. Include answers to the following questions:    
    • Are there any elements of photography in your photographic  series that you would change? How might this change the perception of  the viewer? How might this change the message or story of the  photographic series?
    • What considerations did you make in respect to the process of  your photographic series to influence the perception of the viewer?
    • How will the viewer benefit from your photographic series?

Political Thought

Step 1: Case Scenario

Read the following case first; then proceed to the next steps.

You work at a research lab and are 1 of the 6 researchers. Philip, a well-known and highly respected scientist in the lab has offered a theory that the cholesterol in eggs can have serious negative health effects on children. He cites 5 case studies done in different regions of the country over a two-year period and all studies suggest that negative health issues can be linked to egg consumption. His presentation is very compelling and the research lab has been offered significant amounts of government grant money to promote the findings of the cholesterol study.

The lab goes forward with the cholesterol research and assigns the other 5 researchers the task of furthering the study. After one year of research and much economic success for everyone at the research lab, a meeting is convened to assess the progress of the program. At this meeting, Rose, a second scientist with a long history of field research experience offers the theory that while there could be a relational effect of the cholesterol in eggs to children, she argues that there is no causal relationship and these findings should be published. The group is stunned as no one has ever challenged Philips work and his previous studies on other areas have all been accepted by the scientific community. Rose is excoriated by the group and is told by the research lab that Philips reputation speaks for itself and her study is not credible and will not be pursued. Two years later, a rival lab proves Roses theory and Philps research lab loses all government funding.

Step 2: Reflection Part

Ask yourself:

  • How can it be that a group of intelligent, experienced researchers would not explore the possibility of another theory in their study?
  • What is the importance of dissenting opinions?
  • Do I listen to and fully understand the point of view of the person expressing a dissenting opinion, especially if that person is the sole voice in the room.
  • Do I arrive at my opinion without sufficient critical analysis?
  • Am I basing my position on assumptions that I presume to be true, but that perhaps are not sufficiently tested or researched?

After you have thought through your position on this scenario, apply your thinking to this weeks philosophers and complete Step 3 – the writing part of this assignment.

Step 3: Writing Part

In 1-2 pages, explain how Locke and Rousseau might respond to this case of the research lab and groupthink if they were confronted with this situation. How might they explain majority rule and the social contract to illustrate their philosophy in dealing with groupthink? Support your analysis with quotes or paraphrases from the philosophers. Use APA format and citation when writing your assignment.

HA525 Unit 10 Discussion

Using as reference:

Title: The Law of Healthcare Administration 

Edition: 8th (2017) 

Author: Showalter 

Publisher: Health Administration Press Book 

ISBN: 978-1567938760 

Answer with not less than 150 words 

  1. What was the most surprising information you learned this term?
  2. What was the most practical information you learned this term? How will you utilize this information in your professional field?
  3. Are there any unanswered questions that you have about the course material? If so, post your questions here so that you can get those answers before the term ends.

In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to  Brenda Newcomb and  Crystal Moore 

 Crystal Moore 


Understanding and learning all of legal jargon was a big part of this course. I have heard many of these terms before but now I feel as though I can effectively apply them to healthcare. 

I learned the importance of legal involvement within the healthcare system. The legal aspect of not only regarding patient care but facility standards and employee rights were intriguing. I must say that the most pertinent information I learned was the details of the Affordable Care Act. I have gained more understanding of the issues regarding the ACA and applying them to my field of work is a bit easier. I remain steadfast about my opinions of the ACA and I am a firm believer that it will take more time and constant revisions in order for the ACA to work effectively. 

I have no unanswered questions regarding the course material. Everything was straightforward and easy to apply what I have learned to the case studies and assignments. I enjoyed reading the case studies and found it easy to follow along and understand. Whenever I had a question it was always answered thoroughly. 

Good Luck everyone! blush with light skin tone emoticon

 Brenda Newcomb 

I think the most surprising information that I learned in this term was about the Bruesewitz v Wyeth case.  There were many interesting points that were made in the case. I think the most practical information I learned this term was the liability of hospitals. utilize this information in my professional field by always remember the liabilities of the place I work. There are no questions that I feel were unanswered in the course material.


HA515 Unit 10 Discussion

In not less than 150 words discuss:





As you prepare for the next major step in your career, your success at acquiring that next position up will depend on how prepared you are as a professional. What were some of the important elements mentioned in the videos provided that were important to you or stood out?

Be as specific as you can.

Did the video on Interviewing offer any helpful suggestions that you found extremely useful? Were you surprised that this process had many potential areas for enhancement or failure?

In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to Benjamin Schortgen   and  Julie Skala 

 Julie Skala 

I was not aware that Purdue Global offered all those benefits for me to utilize. I particularly liked the Career Network and CS Services and building your avatar. The Career Network and Job Tracker were exciting resources for me to use. In any career networking is a big advantage and you should try to befriend as many people as you can. It is usually who you know that gets you a job. Social media, as well as all the electronic media is new to me and job searching.

The video on interviewing was helpful. Being an older student and having gone through my share of interviews, I always use them as learning opportunities. This was a great reminder to learn about the company, take a notebook and ask questions. It also helped to remind me to prepare for the questions the employer will ask. It is nice to know we have a school that’s invested in our success.

 Benjamin Schortgen 

One of the best pieces of advice given in the presentation on interviews was to try to keep things professional and not personal.  This is important to me because my career goals are mostly centered at this time in my life around advancement with the healthcare organization for which I am already employed.

I know many of the leaders who would potentially give me a chance to advance in my career and they know me relatively well.  The key for me in this instance is to really make sure my professional accomplishments are highlighted whenever my number is called so to speak and an opportunity presents itself. 

Being prepared without sounding rehearsed is also an important point that I appreciate the reminder about in the career building videos. 



Write a one-page summary and response to the article that you. A template is provided in the Learning Resources to guide you in formatting your paper.

As you reflect on the findings in your chosen article, consider how the findings compare to your own professional nursing experience with Magnet, or if you have no personal experience with Magnet, your thoughts concerning Magnet:

  • Paraphrase and integrate information from the article into the paper.
  • Include an introduction, body, and summary (conclusion).
  • Consider factors or principles from the article that hold true for or resonate with you.



Agent Based Modeling can be used for introducing new technologies and for policy making and policy review. 

Research and select an article (dated within the last 3 years) discussing the use of agent based modeling(ABM). 

Using at least 300 words, discuss the article you found and specifically describe how agent based modeling (ABM) was used for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole.  

 Your document should be a Word document. To receive full credit for this individual project, you must include at least two references (APA) from academic resources 

Unit 8

Nutrition, Body Composition Labs, and Flexibility Labs

View an . Be sure to adjust your audio settings.

Unit Outcome addressed in this Assignment:

  • Identify strategies for effective weight management.

Course Outcomes assessed/addressed in this Assignment: 

EF205-4: Discuss energy metabolism and activity related changes.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.


Part I

For 1 day, record each item you eat and drink and how much of it (e.g., cups, ounces, or tablespoons). Set up an account on Once you have logged in, go to My Trackers My Nutrition and enter your 1-day food intake. After inputting all of your items for 1 day (including snacks), access your Daily Nutrition Feedback.

  • Summarize your findings from your Daily Nutrition Feedback. Be sure to discuss the nutrients within range of your goals and out of your range and discuss goals for improvement to your caloric intake.
  • Include a screenshot of your Daily Nutrition Feedback report for 1 day.

Part II

Complete the following body composition and flexibility labs.

In a minimum 2-page APA-formatted informative paper, discuss the following:

  • The results of all three body composition labs. Compare your results to others in your cohort.
  • Goals relevant to your results
  • How Part I compares with Part II
  • Whether your caloric intake is preventing you from reaching your weight (loss/gain/maintenance) goals
  • Where you could make changes
  • The consequences of obesity and the role of diet and exercise in the promotion of good health
  • Your flexibility results
  • The effects of obesity on flexibility and low back pain

Your written work should be highly developed and include a sustained viewpoint and purpose.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description above carefully;
  • consult the grading rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics;
  • be double spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font; and
  • use APA 6th edition formatting and citation style.

Please be sure to download the file Writing Center Resources from Course Documents to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.

References (2017). . Retrieved from

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). . Retrieved from (2018). . Retrieved from

Submitting Your Work

Put your responses in a Microsoft Word document and submit it to the Unit 8 Assignment Dropbox.

To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted project.

Data Analysis

The CDC is proposing to train public health professionals nationally on improving Influenza A prevention strategies targeting particular high-risk groups in the state. In order to prepare for next year’s flu season, the CDC needs to identify the locations where possible mass vaccination clinics need to be set up.

You are the head of a nine-member public health committee at the state public health department. You need to present the proposed data analysis design to the public health department chair. Your proposed data analysis design should include the following:

  • A proposal for the research design.
  • A sample, methods, and data analysis strategy that you would use for this study.
  • Specifics of your research.
  • Updated estimates on the number of influenza cases and related hospitalizations and deaths in your state in the previous years.
  • An analysis of data by geographical area.
  • An analysis of data by demographics.
  • Key flu indicators and their prevalence in your state.
  • Recommendations on the locations of future clinics.