Category: Applied Sciences

Research Manuscript

Research on Human error management in flight operation, through proper team performance training techniques and system approaches where individuals work together as a team to mitigate accidents and incidents. 

Note from Instructor

Just make sure your research it is not too top-level and has a rigorous methodology


Your task is to develop an integrated design for examining or investigating an issue or problem involving human factors in the aviation/aerospace industry as it might apply in a human-centric environment, model, simulation, work situation, or other application for use that would apply in industry, research, or operational environment. The purpose of this design is to demonstrate that you comprehend, understand, and can integrate the key elements of the Learning Outcomes for this course. Note, you can find the Learning Outcomes in the course syllabus. Hopefully, the topic will be inspired by some of the studies or issues that you have heard about or read about in this course. Although you will not be conducting the study or investigation that you propose, you will construct a research design in APA journal format (see the APA style manual) that is between 8 and 10 pages in length. Your introduction and background will explain the research statement or question and justify it by reference to previous research found in the scientific literature, and by logical argument. The method will describe data sources, participants (where applicable), variables, metrics, and procedures. The results should explain how you would analyze the data and the discussion should present possible outcomes and their applied implications.

Essentially, you would work toward constructing a design for an existing or emerging technology or situation, employing a human factors perspective that incorporates elements from each of the course Learning Outcomes. An essential aspect of this design, and the manuscript you write to describe it, is citing relevant research that supports your approach and explains the rationale used. Be certain your manuscript integrates topics covered in the modules of this course and that you address all the course Learning Outcomes. This may involve only a few sentences for some of them, but each outcome must be addressed to some extent.

The Course Research Manuscript must:

  • Comprehensively cover the application and design you select. Generally, the body will be between 8 to 10 pages.
  • Appropriately and clearly support the study design and proposed research findings (including in-text citations and references).

 In addition, the manuscript must include:

  • A proper title page
  • An abstract
  • A reference page
  • Proper APA style throughout (current edition)
  • A final submission in Word, Times New Roman font, 12-point size 

Asian American Studies

1.Final Essay: Assemblage (1000 Words)

Form: The form of this essay is an assemblage of many different elements of writing, taking after Jackie Wang. You must include at least 10 of the following 13 things (though try to include all of them): a poem, an image, a quote, five uses of the word you, five uses of the word we, five uses of the word I, three question, a heading, a remix, a reference, a transcript, anaphora, two asterisks. You may use each item more than once; you probably will. Each usage beyond the required total does not add to your total count towards 14 things (ie. using 5 asterisks still counts as 1 thing).

 Content: The content of this essay will circulate around your choice of at least two of the following themes of the course: colonialism, gender, queerness, neoliberalism, the family, migration, empire, visibility, multiplicity, carcerality, or any other pertinent theme. Implicitly or creatively answer any amount of the following questions: Why are these themes are important to you? What do they mean to you? How do they help you? How do they still confuse you? What do you want to do with them? Who cares? Why do you care? What will you do now? Where are you going? Where did you come from? What are your hopes? What are your desires? What are your fears? What do you remember? Who do you love?

Citations: You must reference or cite four texts, either poems or essays, from the readings weve done in class.

2.On Global Racial Systems (250 Words)

Asian racial formationsas noncitizen labor, as model minority, as threatening capitalist rival devalue Asians and  measure and mediate geopolitical and  national transformations. In our current moment, Asianness as model minority/model modernity is an index of the present U.S. settler racial order that reduces and dehumanizes blackness as surplus population, constructs Indigenous peoples as extinct or vanishing, and frames Muslims as threatening violence.

The authors of our final essay articulate our current moment as one in which various Asian racial formations both devalue Asians and also devalue other populations. Which part of this essay was most important to you? Where did you feel most drawn to? Why?


breakfast,lunch,snack and dinner for 3 days

Record food intake and activities performed for three days. 

Enter your food intake for three full days using the food journal .

Write a paper of at least 750 words that addresses the following points about your 3-day food intake:

  • Recorded intake of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids
  • Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide protein? Which provide carbohydrates? Which provide lipids?
  • Review how your recorded protein, carbohydrate, and lipid intake compares with the recommendations of the dietary reference intake. If your recorded protein-carbohydrate-fat intake was too high or too low, which foods might you add or remove to achieve your goal and keep other nutrients in balance?
  • Is the protein in each food you ate complete or incomplete, combining to become complementary? Why is this important?
  • How much of your daily recommended protein, carbohydrates, and lipid intake did you achieve? If your macronutrient intake is insufficient or excessive, what might you do to bring it into the recommended range? Provide specific recommendations.
  • Macronutrient intake ranges
  • Is macronutrient intake within the recommended range important? What are the effects of too much or too little of a macronutrient? What happens if you consistently eat too little protein? What happens if you eat too few carbohydrates? What happens if you eat too few lipids?
  • Fiber intake ranges
  • Does your fiber total meet 100% of the recommendation for you as calculated at iProfile?
  • Does your diet meet the minimum number of servings of foods from each fiber-containing group? If not, which of the fiber-containing groups–fruits and vegetables–fell short of the recommended intake?
  • Which specific foods provide the most fiber in your meals? Which provide the least? Identify trends in your food choices that might affect your fiber intakes.
  • Dietary modifications
  • What changes might you make to increase the fiber in your diet?
  • How might insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, or fiber contribute to health or illness? Provide examples.
  • What have you learned about your diet?

Cite three references other than the course text.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Include an explanation on the links between theory and relevant examples.

Professional Development – 1,000 + Word Count

It is important for a public health professional to show evidence of professional development over time. The professional portfolio is one way to collect and showcase achievements and artifacts or evidence of accomplishments.

1. Describe how you can apply theory and/or knowledge from your public health experience into practice while working in a nursing health care facility (provide specific examples).

2. What are the most important things you can learn from a nursing health care facility experience and how will you apply them to your public health career?

3. How has this experience helped develop professionalism skills, such as networking, team building, communication, and professional competencies in public health? What leadership qualities do you possess and how do you envision applying them to your public health career?

4. Articulate a personal mission, a set of core values, and vision regarding your role in public health. How will your core values help guide your ethical decision making in public health?

5. Include two or three scholarly sources to support your narrative.


1. Application of Theory or Knowledge to Practice:

Convincing reflective paper that expertly describes the application of theory or knowledge during the practicum experience. In-depth details are present, reflecting the integration of knowledge and skills gained through the practicum experience. Citations are used skillfully to support the narrative (three or more sources).

2. Evaluation of Learning and Professional Skill Development:

Expertly describes how prior knowledge has contributed to your understanding of public health and public health practice. Thoughtfully analyzes important items learned and professional skills gained from the job experience.

3. Mission, Core Values, Vision

Mission statement describes in-depth aspirations, characteristics, and guiding principles for public health. Clearly describes core values with a well-crafted description of their application to ethical decision making. High level of thought  was used in defining a public health vision, which demonstrates both a depth and breadth of knowledge.  


Create a 2-page pamphlet/brochure using the Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint, , or another brochure building tool. Include the following details:

  • A title.
  • Define carbohydrates and outline the basic functions of sugars, starches and fiber in the body.
  • Describe the differences between simple and complex carbohydrates, stating healthy carbohydrate sources.
  • Describe how sugars are broken down and used in the body.
  • Explain the difference between soluble and insoluble fibers, stating how the difference can be applied to food selection and consumption so as to improve health.
  • Include Information on one of the following disorders related to carbohydrates: lactose intolerance, diabetes, or hypoglycemia.

Include a definition, how it affects the body, and some courses of action used to treat and manage the disorder.

Include a reference with citations in APA format.

Include clip art and a background image.

Cultural And Linguistic Competence

1. 250+ word count 

What is cultural and linguistic competence? How does this competency apply to public health? Why is this important to the practice of public health?

2. 250+ word count

Reflect on your own cultural and linguistic competence. How confident are you in your ability to address the needs of diverse communities? How do you think you could improve your level of cultural and linguistic competence? 

School Segregation In NYC

Written proposal. It is a concise and coherent summary of your proposed research. Sets out the central issues or questions that you intend to address. It outlines the general area of study within your research falls, referring to the current state of knowledge and any recent  debates on the topic.

4. Sub-problems (Based on unresolved problem) 

5. Nature of the Problem and Importance of the Research (so what practical value does the study have?) 

6. Research Questions

8. Hypotheses [postulating whether the answers to questions are + or -] (if applicable) (based on preliminary literature review you must have one hypothesis for each sub problem)

These questions will be addressed in the proposal. APA format and about 4-6 pages



An 8-year-old girl comes to your ambulatory care clinic with complaints of left ear pain for the past 3 days. She had respiratory infection a week ago. On physical examination, the tympanic membrane is bulging.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What else should you ask the client?
  2. What teaching would you reinforce to prevent the recurrence of otitis media?
  3. What expected outcomes would be specific to this situation?   
  4. Include in text citations with 3-4 References

150 Words



Historically, works of art have been thought of as valuable and effective tools in the communication of power and authority.

  1. Compare the use of visual imagery in ancient times to the ways contemporary leaders use visual imagery to communicate the qualities of their leadership.
    1. Compare and contrast the visual and symbolic language used by rulers across time and place.
    2. In what ways did ancient rulers use works of art to establish and proclaim their right and ability to rule?


  • Identify additional details in their selected works of art that illustrate and support their discussion.
  • Compare and contrast the works of art your peers cite in their discussions and the ideas you express in your post.


  • Initial Posts 150-

150 Words



  • Discuss in what ways artists and their subjects or themes of art are similar across time and culture.
    • What exchange takes place when one culture influences another? Consider in what ways subjects, techniques, media, and artistic styles are shared.
    • Support your response with at least two works of art from our course that provide evidence your ideas.
  • How does learning about the visual arts of various cultures across time and outside your own cultural sphere impact your current perspective on cultural diversity?