Category: Criminal Justice

Application 4

**This assignment may not be resubmitted**

For this exercise, I am asking you to refer to a real life case of government misconduct that affected the lives of  thousands of juveniles and their families.

CASE: Kids for Cash scandal

You can learn about this story by going to the links below. Go to all links:

Videos about the case:,
Audio only:

Documentary: there is a documentary available, but we do not have it in our library, so you are not required to watch the documentary.

QUESTION: This assignment has 2  parts.

Identify a philosophy that justifies the judges actions and why it justifies his actions. (For this part, you’ll want to focus on the theories in part 1 of the book.)
Apply a philosophy that would condemn the judges actions and explain why his actions conflict with that philosophy. (For this part, you’ll want to focus on the philosophies in part 2 of the book.)
Review the following requirements before submitting your response:

Your response must reflect the material you’ve read.
Do not ask yourself, “What would I do?” ask instead, “What would a (hedonist,  egoist, utilitarian, deontologist, virtue ethicist, or social contract theorist) do?”
Content based on opinion does not count toward answering the question.
Be sure to cite the book as necessary according to APA style guide.
Failing to cite is plagiarism and results in a 0.

Topic selection

brief overview of the policy you chose: Its date of implementation, if known. What is its nature? Who is bound by this policy? Why is there a need for this policy? In your opinion, is this policy necessary? Should it be changed or even eliminated? Based on the five theoretical models given by Freiberg and Carson, upon which do you think this policy implementation decision was based? Why?

Forensic Science in the 21st Century

Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on your perception and concept of forensic science in 21st-century criminal justice.

Include a discussion of the following questions:

How important is forensic science to policing and criminal investigations, court processes, and security efforts at various levels? Explain your rationale in a historical approach.
How accurate is the popular media representation of forensic science? How does this influence popular opinion on justice-related issues?
What possible influence does the CSI effect have on the judicial process?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Examine the Budget Process

Evaluating the budget process must begin with an organizational assessment. Only then can you effectively assess if funds are allocated towards fulfilling key organizational goals. Develop a paper that provides a basic background portfolio on a specific organizational department or a local governmental entity of your choice. Be sure to include the following information:

Mission and vision statements
Goals and objectives
All revenue sources
Charges and fees
Budget lines and fund accounting principles
Clients and groups, or as they are also called stakeholders and interest groups; and
Organizational charts of your selected department or governmental entity
Data may be collected through personal observations, employee handouts, government documents, non-government published materials, legislative hearings, and other official records. Conclude your paper with an evaluation of how your department or governmental body currently manages its budget within professional accounting and budgetary standards.

Support your paper with a minimum of five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.