Category: Economics

Should we forgive student loans?

instructions posted below in files.

also, you can keep in mind the SEE-I Method when writing my essay.
which is:
“First step to critical thinking-ask questions SEE-I method
State the problem
elaborate. Explain or define the thesis from step one in your own words.
exemplify (give examples)
illustrate (its like)”

Should we forgive student loans?
Password: g7VQzzM.

Link above is how to use peer reviewed sources

Managerial Economics

Q#1. When a corporation offers shares of stock or other securities to the public, it hires an underwriter to conduct the sale. (The underwriter is an investment bank such as Morgan Stanley or Goldman Sachs.) Most commonly, firms and investment bankers use a procedure known asfirm commitment underwriting. In this arrangement, the underwriter buys the shares from the company and then sells them to the public. If the offering is undersubscribed or if the price must be subsequently lowered to unload the shares, the underwriter, not the firm, suffers the loss.

Why do firms and underwriters use this procedure? What is in it for each? How does this means of sale affect the buying public?

Q#2. Since the mid-1980s, baseball teams have bid vigorously for free agentsplayers with six or more years of service who are free to sign with a new team. After signing a five-year contract with a new team for an exorbitant amount, a free-agent pitcher has had three consecutive lackluster seasons.

a. How might adverse selection explain this outcome?
b. How might moral hazard cause this outcome? Explain.
c. What advice would you give owners in bidding for free agents?

Should we forgive student loans?

-Make sure you use peer-reviewed sources.
-Include a Word count at the end of the Essay (Maximum 500 words. Acceptable range 475-525).
-Write and revise at least once before you post here.
-Use Criterion for draft revisions.
-Make sure you look at the attached Grading Rubric before you start writing your response.

Everyone seems to be talking about the enormous burden of student-loan debt. Read the articles linked below, and use economics to analyze the student loan forgiveness program.

Prompt: What are the economic reasons to forgive (or not forgive) student loans?

Here is a list of questions to help you critically think through this topic:

Who benefits from loan forgiveness? Who loses from loan forgiveness?
What are the incentives? Who faces them? Are there any perverse incentives (moral hazard)?
What are the intended consequences of this policy?
What are some unintended consequences of this policy?
What are the short-term and long-term impacts of this policy?
You may find and cite some statistics on student-loans from reputable* sources. You can include data on an average loan (mean and median), demographic information or educational or employment status of debtors, type of education the loan was for (public school, private school, trade school, for-profit, STEM, Medical, undergraduate, graduate etc.)

You can use the statistics to bolster your argument or just as descriptive data.

*Newspaper reports, Online blogs etc. are NOT reputable sources.

You will get negative points if you use any of the following as references.,,,,

any newspaper website, any advice column

Week 9 Assignment ECO 100

It is important to be able to convey your understanding of macroeconomic concepts by communicating them to others. In the workplace you might do this by writing papers or reports (as you did for the Week 5 assignment) or creating presentations for your team, manager, or clients. For this assignment, you will develop a final report.

An Example Macroeconomic Paper and Macroeconomic Paper Template are provided below for this assignment.

Review the Macroeconomic Paper Example [DOCX].
Use the Macroeconomic Paper Template [DOCX] to help you get started.
For this final report assignment, you can use the same industry you selected for the Week 3 assignment, or you can select another industry.

Prepare a 2 page final report in which you examine one of the macroeconomic variables below:
Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The unemployment rate.
The inflation rate.
Visit the Census Bureau (NAICS) website and select an industry that has a description. Some of the smaller industries are named, but not described.
The industry could be broad, such as industry 11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, or it could be narrow, such as industry 112112 Cattle Feedlots.
The more digits in the industry label, the narrower the industry.
In a few short paragraphs:

Describe your selected industry using the industry description at the NAICS website. Be sure to write in your own words. Dont just copy and paste the NAICS text.
Identify some of the major companies in this industry. You will probably have to do a Google search for this information. For example, you could search for Biggest U.S. Cattle Feedlots.
Identify the goods, and/or services this industry produces. Use the information from the NAICS website. You can supplement this information with what you find in a separate Google search.
Select one of three macroeconomic variables (real GDP, the unemployment rate, or the inflation rate) that a business person in your chosen industry should monitor, and explain why that variable is important and how it might have an impact on your selected industry.
Describe in a sentence or two the important movements of the variable in the table and graph.
Excel tables and graphs are attached for each of the three macroeconomic variables (real GDP, the unemployment rate, and the inflation rate).
(See the Week 9 Assignment with NAICS Example [DOCX] below)
Review the Excel table and graph for the macroeconomic variable that you chose.
Summarize how you think this industry will perform in the future.
Be sure to provide support for your prediction of this future industry performance.
Your report should include a minimum of two references/citations in the text.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Resources to Complete the Assignment

Week 9 Assignment with NAICS Example [DOCX].
Business Source Complete.
This database has an option to search the Publication Type of Industry Profile.
How to Use Business Source Complete.
This instructional video illustrates how to use Business Source Complete.
D&Bs Business Directory.
Using this site, you can search by industry, get a profile of the industry, and see top companies.
Fortune 500 Directory.
You can find information on the top companies in most categories.

Price discrimination, vertical differentiation and peak-load pricing with discussion and summary

Please visit: Game titled Price discrimination, vertical differentiation and peak-load pricing under Single-player games. Create login for the game so that when you begin your simulation exercises, your results can be saved and not lost. That being said, if you are uncomfortable with creating the log in,  you will still be able to do the simulation but might have to conduct it fully in one go and save your results. Beginning in Week 3, portions of the simulation will be assigned for self-practice. We will also have a discussion board devoted to the Simulation available from Week 3 until Week 7. The purpose of this discussion board will be to help students strategize decisions. More details on how this will work will be forthcoming in Week 3. You will be expected to write a short summary (4-5 paragraphs) describing what you learned from the game in the context of the class materials.  The summary should also include images from the game showing what outcomes were for each year included in the Game (6 years of outcomes).  In addition to the short summary, there are two discussion post requirements with screenshots to correspond.  Also, images from the game must be saved and provided.

Macroeconomy Analysis

There are two parts in this attached file. First part you need to find a cuurent event that occuring within this three months and connect the news with the explanation of first part about aggregate demand. Second part is comparing essay that almost complete, but only need a single paragraph of conclusion.

1. Please find and scan the news outlet about aggregate demand; the outcomes MUST be based entirely on YOUR own CRITICAL THINKING perspectives as derived from the macroeconomy. This is NOT A SUMMARY, so plase ANALYZE the news THOUGHTFULLY. Then make the connection to the explanation of the Aggragate Demand in file attached.
2. Don’t forget to write a conclusion at the end of the paper and underline the thesis statement at the end of the 1st paragraph.
3. For this critical thinking, please write atleast 750 words.

4. After that, please help me to write a conclusion paragraph at the end of the analysis paper in the file attached (the one that comparing two articles) for atleast 70 words.

short paper

ECON 3540: Response 1
Due Monday, February 15th
Select one of the two prompts below. Your response should address the topic provided in its
entirety. Responses should be no less than 1000 words. Proper citation is required. Please
submit via Canvas (.doc, docx, and .pdf le types only please). Responses are due by 11:59
pm (MST) on the due date listed above.
Prompt #1:
The following quotes are from two historical gures (I won’t say which, but a quick search
will satisfy your curiosity) who hold very dierent conceptions as to the nature of what
constitutes a society and therefore an economy.
In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into denite [social] relations… in the development of their material forces of production.
There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are
In your personal opinion – this is economics, after all – what should be the scope of economic
analysis? What is beyond economists’ ability to explain? What should be taken as the
most basic economic agent? Why? Be sure to incorporate readings and class discussions
in your analysis.
Prompt #2:
The notion that the US healthcare system contains major ineciencies is generally agreed
upon by most economists and policymakers, regardless of political aliation. This is supported by the observation that despite spending nearly nearly three times as much on
healthcare than OECD countries, the US performs much worse in terms of life expectancy
(as well as many other health outcomes). The proposed solutions to these ineciencies,
however, vary drastically across the political and economic spectra. Proposals range from
complete privatization of all aspects of healthcare to a government alternative in competition with private insurers to universal single-payer healthcare. In your opinion, what
policies (if any) should be implemented to improve the US healthcare system? You should
specically discuss how and why your proposed changes will address particular ineciencies.

short paper

ECON 3540: Response 1
Due Monday, February 15th
Select one of the two prompts below. Your response should address the topic provided in its
entirety. Responses should be no less than 1000 words. Proper citation is required. Please
submit via Canvas (.doc, docx, and .pdf le types only please). Responses are due by 11:59
pm (MST) on the due date listed above.
Prompt #1:
The following quotes are from two historical gures (I won’t say which, but a quick search
will satisfy your curiosity) who hold very dierent conceptions as to the nature of what
constitutes a society and therefore an economy.
In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into denite [social] relations… in the development of their material forces of production.
There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are
In your personal opinion – this is economics, after all – what should be the scope of economic
analysis? What is beyond economists’ ability to explain? What should be taken as the
most basic economic agent? Why? Be sure to incorporate readings and class discussions
in your analysis.
Prompt #2:
The notion that the US healthcare system contains major ineciencies is generally agreed
upon by most economists and policymakers, regardless of political aliation. This is supported by the observation that despite spending nearly nearly three times as much on
healthcare than OECD countries, the US performs much worse in terms of life expectancy
(as well as many other health outcomes). The proposed solutions to these ineciencies,
however, vary drastically across the political and economic spectra. Proposals range from
complete privatization of all aspects of healthcare to a government alternative in competition with private insurers to universal single-payer healthcare. In your opinion, what
policies (if any) should be implemented to improve the US healthcare system? You should
specically discuss how and why your proposed changes will address particular ineciencies.

Airline Decisions

This module’s written assignment should be completed after reading Chapter 4 of your textbook.

Your prompt is as follows:

You are an analyst for United Airlines given the responsibility of making a go / no go recommendation regarding United adding Daytona Beach as a destination. Your recommendation should include the following:

1) A description of the fixed costs and the variable costs related to your recommendation ;

2) A description of the DOC, IOC and NOC issues related to your recommendation;

3) A description of the marginal costs related to your recommendation;

4) A description of the sunk costs related to your recommendation; and

5) A description of economies and/or diseconomies of scale related to your recommendation.

Your 600-800 word submission should 1) demonstrate your understanding of the material covered in Chapter 4; 2) demonstrate that you completed a minimum of 60 minutes of research regarding United Airlines including relevant items including but not exclusive to route system, fleet, etc.; 3) demonstrate that you have an understanding (from personal knowledge, prior or concurrent coursework, and/or online research) of the current commercial airline service available to and from Daytona Beach; and 4) begin with the phrase “Yes, United should add DAB as a destination” or “No, United should not add DAB as a destination,” and then use the remainder of the paper backing up your recommendation using the issues described above.

Your paper does not need to and should not include firm numbers. The paper should demonstrate your thought process leading to your recommendation, backing up this recommendation with facts that show application of Chapter 4 material to the prompt.