Category: Economics


In a recent unpublished Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis working paper (June 2020), Misty L. Heggeness investigated the impact the COVID-19 shock had on parents’ labor supply during the initial stages of the pandemic.

One of the consequences of the shutdowns has been a functional collapse of the childcare industry, and this has placed an unbalanced burden on working mothers. This observation led Ms. Heggeness to ask the following questions: “Will mothers be able to keep their jobs as … they are continually forced to balance childcare, household production, online schooling, and work? … (and) what role (will) fathers (or their significant others, podmates, housemates, etc.) play in the intermediate and long term?” (p. 21}

Given her questions, how do you see the domestic sphere and the formal labor market playing out over the next few years? What impact do you envision this pandemic having on gender wage equality, gender-based labor market participation rates, women’s’ rights, and mental health?

Assuming grade schools remain closed this semester and possibly into next, do you expect to see fathers, significant others, and/or extended family members (including podmates, quarantined buddies, etc.) stepping up across the board and taking on substantially increased roles in sharing household production and childcare or are you less optimistic and expect to see little domestic change at the household level, or, even worse, a greater increase in domestic violence, pod disorder, and/or divorce filings?  According to Ms. Heggeness, she strongly believes what happens in the domestic sphere will influence what happens in the labor market for both men and women.

Domestic responses to the abrupt changes we are now experiencing in the childcare industry have not and will not be uniform across households and demographic areas, but still which household trends do you think will likely dominate American society over the near term?  Search for some published data to support your opinion. Based on your opinion, can you think of anything we should be demanding from our government to promote the recovery of our childcare economy and to advance women’s rights as we continue to work through this pandemic and attempt to vaccinate the general public?

News Article Paper

Find a news article of your choice describing a good or service (you may use articles from websites such as or Summarize the situation and identify what supply or demand shift factor is at work. Describe the effect on equilibrium price and quantity given the shift factor. Provide a copy of your article with your written assignment.

Writing assignments are to be completed in
APA format, double spaced, and 1-2 pages in length. In your response, be certain to answer all questions
clearly and concisely

Money and the Bank

The phrases, Show me the money and You can take that to the bank demonstrate the influences of currency and the financial system in society. The phrase Show me the money from the 1996 movie Jerry Macguire, generally means that someone wants to know how much they will be paid for something or they want evidence that they will be paid. According to the Free Dictionary,  (Links to an external site.) the phrase You can take that to the bank means that a statement or a piece of information is true. According to Urban Dictionary, (Links to an external site.) it comes from an obscure reference that a check is a guarantee that you can take to the bank and redeem it for its face value.

In this activity, you will select a country and analyze the banking and financial system of that country. Locate a recent article (published within the last year) that discusses your selected country’s banking and financial system. You can use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to locate an article. Analyze the article and then provide the following in your discussion.

Analyze your chosen country’s banking and financial systems.
Describe how money is measured in your chosen country.
Discuss the evolution of money over time as it pertains to your selected country.
Describe the process used by the banking system to create and destroy money.
Summarize your findings using at least 250 words along with at least one reference to support your findings. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, Unemployment, and Inflation

In this Assignment, you will examine factors that affect aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate supply (AS). You will compute the rates of inflation using the U.S. consumer price index (CPI) and then examine how the results impact nominal interest rates, inflation, disinflation, and deflation.
Instructions: This Assignment presents scenarios in which you will analyze macroeconomic indicators of economic health. It requires a combination of short paragraph answers, computations, and completion of a 450-500 word essay. Answer all of the following questions in this document. You are required to follow proper APA format. Read the Criteria section below for more information before you begin this Assignment.
In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following outcome:
MT445-4: Examine how U.S. macroeconomic indicators are used to gauge economic health.

1.    Determine whether each of the following would cause a shift of the aggregate demand (AD) curve, a shift of the aggregate supply (AS) curve, neither, or both. Which curve will shift, and in which direction? What will happen to aggregate output and the price level in each case?

a.    The price level changes.

i.    Which curve will shift?

ii.    Which direction does it shift?

iii.    What will happen to aggregate output?

iv.    What will happen to the price level?

b.    Consumer confidence declines.

i.    Which curve will shift?

ii.    Which direction does it shift?

iii.    What will happen to aggregate output?

iv.    What will happen to the price level?

c.    The supply of resources increases.

i.    Which curve will shift?

ii.    Which direction does it shift?

iii.    What happens to aggregate output?

iv.    What happens to the price level?

d.    The wage rate increases.

i.    Which will curve shift?

ii.    Which direction does it shift?

iii.    What will happen to aggregate output?

iv.    What will happen to the price level?

2.    Explain whether the following statements are true or false.

i.    Some people who are officially unemployed are not in the labor force.

ii.    Some people in the labor force are not working.

iii.    Everyone who is not unemployed is in the labor force.

iv.    Some people who are not working are not unemployed.

3.    Refer to the following data on the U.S. consumer price index and answer the questions below.

    Year    CPI        Year    CPI        Year    CPI        Year    CPI
1988    118.3        1993    144.5        1998    163.0        2003    184.0
1989    124.0        1994    148.2        1999    166.6        2004    188.9
1990    130.7        1995    152.4        2000    172.2        2005    195.3
1991    136.2        1996    156.9        2001    177.1        2006    201.8
1992    140.3        1997    160.5        2002    179.9

a.    Compute the inflation rate for each year 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, 1991-1992 etc. using the CPI data for 1988-2006 in the table above. Show your work.

b.    Which years were years of inflation? What do you expect to happen to real interest rates during this time period if nominal rates remain unchanged?

c.    In which years did deflation occur? What do you expect to happen to real interest rates during this time period if nominal rates remain unchanged?

d.    In which years did disinflation occur?

4. Answer the following questions in a 450500 word essay.

Explain the difference between anticipated and unanticipated inflation? What are the costs associated with unanticipated inflation? Why do these inflation costs differ from those associated with anticipated inflation?

    This Assignment should be completed in this Word document.
    It should be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
    Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples where asked.
    Your sources and content should follow proper APA format (A title page is not required). Review the APA formats found in the Writing Resources accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course.
    Review the grading rubric to ensure all points have been captured in the paper.

References (add references in APA format in the space below)

Unemployment and Cost Inflation

Topic: Unemployment and Cost Inflation

The two main forms of economic problems are unemployment and inflation. There are different types of unemployment in the economy. Moreover, some employed people are underemployed, particularly during economic downturns like recessions.

Stabilizing prices is one of the macroeconomic goals of policy making. Price stability calls for taming inflation or deflationary pressure in the economy.

1. What are the various forms of unemployment? What type of unemployment is the most difficult to solve? Why?
2. Discuss the differences between unemployment and underemployment and give examples for each of them. What are the costs of unemployment and underemployment on the economy?
3. What are the costs of inflation? What are the costs of deflation? Why do policymakers need to tame inflation (deflation) to stabilize prices? When does rate of inflation become a problem in the economy?

Shape of Demand Curves, Barriers to Entry and Competition

Topic: Shape of Demand Curves, Barriers to Entry and Competition

The shape of demand curves firms face may change from one form of market structure to another. In addition, there are several factors that influence the nature of firms, including the level of competition they may be involved in or may not be involved in at a given period. Barriers also shape the nature of the various forms of market structures.

1. Why does a Starbucks coffeehouse face a downwardsloping demand curve while a dairy farmer has a horizontal demand curve? What other suppliers might face a downwardsloping demand curve?
2. How do barriers to entry impact the level of competitions in a market? What might happen to the market price as greater barriers to entry come into existence?
3. All barriers to entry are not created through market conditions. Barriers to entry, such as patents, licenses, or international trade restrictions, may be government imposed. How do governmentimposed barriers such as patents impact consumers and suppliers in these markets?

Perfect Competition Profit Maximization and Monopoly Merger Guidelines

In this Assignment, you will calculate total cost, total revenue, and total profit/loss. Based on the computed results, you will determine the optimal quantity of output that maximizes profit under a perfectly competitive market. Moreover, you will evaluate the antitrust laws and merger guidelines based on market shares of firms to prevent a monopoly and promote competition in the economy.
Instructions: This Assignment requires a combination of short paragraph answers and computations. Answer all of the following questions in this document. You are required to follow proper APA format. Read the Criteria section below for more information before you begin this Assignment.
In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following outcome:

GEL-7.02: Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within your field of study.

1.    How does the demand curve faced by a perfectly competitive firm differ from the market demand curve in a perfectly competitive market? Explain.

2.    How does the profit maximization condition for a monopoly differ from that for a perfectly competitive firm? How does this difference impact efficiency under each market structure? Explain.

3.    The following table provides market share information about the soft-drink industry. Review antitrust laws and the merger guidelines under Chapter 15: Monopoly and Antitrust Policy and conduct your own research on U.S. antitrust laws in the Online Library or the internet to answer the following questions.

Company    Market Share
Coca-Cola    37%
Pepsi-Co    35%
Cadbury Schweppers    17%
Other    11%

a.    Compute the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) market concentration rules that guide mergers between companies to prevent monopoly creation and to promote competition among firms. Based on the market shares of the companies in the table, the merger of which companies will be highly concentrated? What ethical rules will be affected based on U.S. antitrust laws and merger guidelines in regard to a highly concentrated market?

b.    Do you think the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission would approve a merger between any two of the first three companies listed in the table based U.S. merger guidelines and antitrust laws? Explain.

c.    Do you think this market has barriers to entry? If yes, what might be the market barriers?

References (add references in APA format in the space below)

    This Assignment should be completed in this Word document.
    It should be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
    Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples where asked.
    Your sources and content should follow proper APA format (A title page is not required). Review the APA formats found in the Writing Resources accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course.
    Review the grading rubric to ensure all points have been captured in the paper.

A 4-6 page essay on macroeconomics on their effect on the economy as a whole – using certain points.

The prompt straight from the professor;

The following is a list of topics to choose from:

    House sales discuss the rise and fall of the market in different regions

    Hyperinflation e.g. Zimbabwe, the Great Depression, etc.

    National savings rate of the USA.

    Agriculture and the effects of global warming

    Energy demands in the U.S. or China

    Fiscal policy differences regarding Democrats and Republicans

    Unemployment rates in various states

    What factors contribute the most to economic growth?

    In what ways does franchising contribute to an overall economy?

    The pros and cons of child labor in the globalized world.

    Developing nations and advancement of technology

    Emerging economy in India/Brazil/South Africa, etc.

    Paying for education in various countries

    Cleaning industrial pollution costs

    Legality of marijuana in the U.S.

    Cash and debit vs. buying with credit

Start with an introduction page that establishes the topic and its importance, and gives some details and statistics (be sure to cite your sources).

Discuss the topic with regard to its effect on the global or U.S. economy in the next two or three pages. Posit the arguments or the pros and the cons of the concepts being examined. How things might change about the concept in the near term?

Conclude with a page or so conclusion that summarizes the topic, expresses any limitations in the literature you examined or information you feel you would need to expand upon or change your opinions, and where future research would need to go to deal with the issue at hand from here.

Term Paper

Your term paper will consist of a case study of one particular developing country. You will
start off by selecting one developing country of your choice. The developing country is
defined on the basis of GDP per capita and includes low income and middle-income countries
according to the World Bank classification. You can visit the following website for more
detailed information on the classification of countries according to their income levels:
Next, you will review the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations and select
one of the first 10 goals listed on SDG official website: Your term paper should start off with
a brief description of the country in terms of its current status in the goal selected. You should
then analyze the progress and challenges involved in the selected development goal selected.
You may link it with the success or failure in meeting a similar MDG goal and discuss whether
the goal was achieved in 2015 or not. Charts and graphs to support your analysis are
especially encouraged. You should also provide a comprehensive analysis of the socioeconomic factors contributing to the progress or the lack thereof in the goal selected for the
country. Finally, you are expected to provide some policy recommendations that can enable
the country to meet the selected goal.

Economic and Financial Analysis Dissertation

The writer will be proficient with using STATA as this the writer, will be allocated to my dissertation.

In no more than 500 words explain your choice of topic and particular research focus.  This information will be used to identify an appropriate dissertation supervisor for you.  Please makes it a narrow and targeted topic as otherwise, you will find it difficult to complete.

In your explanation please include your initial research question(s), any key literature/theories and particular authors that you will be including in your literature review, the type of data and its source, possibly some idea on your method.

In order to identify an area, you will need to read journals and books – a process which I assume you have already started but may now need to be more targeted.