Category: Economics

Preferences and Production Description

I have attached the paper you completed for reference.  This is an ongoing project for the next couple weeks. 

Need to continue the development of the market by describing consumer preferences and how producers address these needs.  This assignment requires 3-4 pages.

Shoes for Women With Big Feet (Topic)

Preferences and Production
Describe in detail the characteristics of the consumers in the market.
What does demand look like in your market?
Is this demand elastic or inelastic? Why?
Are there obvious substitute goods or services available?
Is there a decreasing marginal utility of consumption? Explain.

Do your best to describe the utility function for a typical consumer of your particular product or service. Justify the functional form youve chosen. Here’s a good explanation of utility function (Links to an external site.) to help you; here’s another (Links to an external site.). You can be creative here, but do put some research into this step. Really think about your product/service and the “satisfaction” that consumers receive from it over time.

If your market has producers:
Describe the production process in detail for your product or service. Are there high fixed costs? Are there high variable costs? What are the production inputs?
In general (non-mathematical) terms, describe the production function. Then, relate this explanation to your specific product or service. You can use your textbook, and/or this resource (Links to an external site.) to help you.

If your market involves only buyers and sellers (e.g., the FCC spectrum auction or the residential housing market), describe (as precisely as possible) the rules of the market.

Write an economics opinion piece for Economics blog in the topic of environment related issue

Write a one-page opinion piece as an expert economist on a current issue of your choice within your topic (economics in environment). Check the news to find items related to your topic and write a short commentary from the point of view of an expert economist in the area. The purpose is to provide accessible, economic rationale as background for the news item.

Republican River Conflict

Please note any settled or ongoing court cases associated with this conflict. How long has this dispute been going on? Please describe what the conflict is actually about. Has there been any progress made between the two parties? Where does this conflict stand now? Please use the attached source and any others that are needed.

Response to Required Reading

Please read the Helpman article up to page 133 (stop at “economies of scale and product differentiation”).

Answer the questions are:
1. According to Helpman, what were the successes and failures of the Hecksher-Ohlin framework?
2. What is the “Leontief Paradox”, and what explanations have economists given to resolve it?

Consumer Demand

The article that you select should support or contradict course material. For example, an article might support or contradict economic theory or empirical results discussed in the textbook. You should not choose an opinion piece or an article that explains economic concepts to laypeople. To do well, you will need to read the relevant textbook chapter before choosing the article. The Bloomberg article on why hotels are still opening during the pandemic is a good example of the role of sunk versus non-sunk costs in firm production decisions.

you should briefly summarize the article (generally no more than one minute; assume that your classmates have read the article). Then, you should discuss how the article either supports or contradicts the related course material

EC368 East Asian Econimics

CAS IR 368/EC 368:  Contemporary East Asian Economics

1st Take-Home Examination


1.    Please complete the exam and submit as a Word document or PDF through Blackboard

2.    All written work must be your own. That includes proofreading. By submitting the completed exam to Blackboard, you are formally attesting that it is your own work.

3.    Please quote and cite all written work. You do not need to consult any texts beyond the assigned readings, but you should let me know what sources you used. Also, you should let me know if you are using the Flath textbook that is available through the library rather than Ito & Hoshi.

Part I:  Short Answer
Answer two out of three of the following questions in your bluebook.  (Approximately 300 words per question.)  (10 points per question)

1.    What were the main elements and effects of the Dodge Line?

2.    What were the main elements and justifications for the Structural Impediments Initiative?

3.    What are the implications of the decline in cross-shareholding since the 1990s?

Part II:  Essay
Answer one of the following two questions.  Be sure to answer all of parts of the question; otherwise points will be deducted on the assumption that you do not know how to answer it.  (Approximately 600 words.) (30 points)

1.    Discuss Japans post-war labor market.  What are the implications of enterprise unionism? What are the implications (and limitations) of lifetime employment?  How does seniority-based pay fit into the system?  How can the problem of shirking be dealt with in a system of lifetime employment?  How is the system being challenged today?

2.    Discuss Japans growth pattern from the 1950s through the 1970s. What are the roles of particular factor inputs and TFP?  How did those factors change over time?  What accounts for the decline in growth rates in the 1970s?

EC368 East Asian Econimics


1.    Please complete the exam and submit as a Word document or PDF through Blackboard by 11:59 pm (Boston time) on Sunday, September 27.

2.    All written work must be your own. That includes proofreading. By submitting the completed exam to Blackboard, you are formally attesting that it is your own work.

3.    Please quote and cite all written work. You do not need to consult any texts beyond the assigned readings, but you should let me know what sources you used. Also, you should let me know if you are using the Flath textbook that is available through the library rather than Ito & Hoshi.

Part I:  Short Answer
Answer two out of three of the following questions in your bluebook.  (Approximately 300 words per question.)  (10 points per question)

1.    What were the main elements and effects of the Dodge Line?

2.    What were the main elements and justifications for the Structural Impediments Initiative?

3.    What are the implications of the decline in cross-shareholding since the 1990s?

Part II:  Essay
Answer one of the following two questions.  Be sure to answer all of parts of the question; otherwise points will be deducted on the assumption that you do not know how to answer it.  (Approximately 600 words.) (30 points)

1.    Discuss Japans post-war labor market.  What are the implications of enterprise unionism? What are the implications (and limitations) of lifetime employment?  How does seniority-based pay fit into the system?  How can the problem of shirking be dealt with in a system of lifetime employment?  How is the system being challenged today?

2.    Discuss Japans growth pattern from the 1950s through the 1970s. What are the roles of particular factor inputs and TFP?  How did those factors change over time?  What accounts for the decline in growth rates in the 1970s?



The CPI measures

(a) measures the prices of all goods purchased by individuals and non-profit institutions

(b) the average cost of goods and services purchased by individuals and firms

(c) the average cost of the goods and services purchased by consumers

(d) the average price of food and fuel, the most volatilely-priced purchased goods


support your ideas/points with data/facts/examples

1.) Compound Interest (150 words)
* What did I learn?
* Why is it important?
* How does this/it shape my world today and the future

2.) Capitalism (Characteristics and Pros Cons (150 words)
* What did I learn?
* Why is it important?
* How does this/it shape my world today and the future


There are three questions. For the 1st and 2nd question, there is one article you need to read. For the 3rd question, you need to read two articles to answer the question. Please provide minimum 275 words for each answer. You can directly answer the question without any format. I really appreciate any help you can provide.