Category: Economics

Week 4 Discussion 1 Economics 100

Exploring Monopolies and Oligopolies

Reply to these prompts using the company for which you currently work, a business with which you’re familiar, or a dream business you want to start:

With your selected business in mind, determine if it is competitive, monopolistic competitive, an oligopoly, or pure monopoly. Explain how you drew your conclusion about its market structure.
How does the business/firm in this industry determine the price it will charge for the products or services it sells?

economic assignment Discussion and article

Through the use of the text choose four)

Define Micro/Macro Economics (p. 4)
List the four scarce resources (p. 8).
Explain the cost involved when you make the choice to create more robots & the cost involved when you create more pizza in the pizza & robots table. (p. 9) Also, explain the economic rationale behind the law of increasing costs. (p.9)
Draw the production possibility curve & explain the points inside, on, & outside the curve (p. 10 & 12).
List & explain the economic systems (p. 26)
Explain three of the characteristics of the market system  (p.27)
List & explain the five fundamental questions (p. 31)
Explain the concept of the Invisible hand, it’s 3 virtues, who created it, when & in what book. (p. 34)

Why would it be better to live in Presentville or Futureville p. 13 based on your choice of consumer or capital goods? Explain two reasons for the choice you made.
In which Village are consumer goods more attractive & what is the future growth impact? Explain two reasons for the choice you made.
On page 479, what is the GDP, unemployment, and inflation for 2018?

Through the use of the text choose four

Through the use of the text choose four)

Define Micro/Macro Economics (p. 4)
List the four scarce resources (p. 8).
Explain the cost involved when you make the choice to create more robots & the cost involved when you create more pizza in the pizza & robots table. (p. 9) Also, explain the economic rationale behind the law of increasing costs. (p.9)
Draw the production possibility curve & explain the points inside, on, & outside the curve (p. 10 & 12).
List & explain the economic systems (p. 26)
Explain three of the characteristics of the market system  (p.27)
List & explain the five fundamental questions (p. 31)
Explain the concept of the Invisible hand, it’s 3 virtues, who created it, when & in what book. (p. 34)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Have you ever wondered how the health of the economy is determined without a thermometer? In this activity, you will select a country and explore the concepts of nominal and real GDP to measure the economic health of your country. As part of your research, you will also explore these key economic factors.

Key Economic Factors
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Poverty rates
Housing Starts
Key Economic Factors
GDP per capita
Human development index
Standard & Poor’s 500
Key Economic Factors
Interest rates
Retail sales

Locate a recent article (published within the last year) that includes values for the key economic factors. You can use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to locate an article. Analyze your selected country’s economic well-being. Include the following in your discussion.

Discuss how nominal and real GDP for your selected country are affected if there is a decrease in taxes and an increase in interest rates.
Identify and discuss at least six economic indicators for your selected country.
State the relationship between GDP, net domestic product (NDP), national income (NI), personal income (PI), and disposable income (DI).

Basic Economic Principles

Unit 1 Assignment: Basic Economic Principles

Student Name:

In this Assignment, you will evaluate economic problems and opportunity costs to make informed economic decisions to effectively use scarce resources. You will also examine factors that affect production possibilities to determine the maximum possible output, given the resources and the current technology.
Instructions: This Assignment presents scenarios in which you will analyze macroeconomic and microeconomic issues, positive and normative economics, shifts in production possibility frontiers, and evaluate the role of opportunity costs in the business decision-making process. It requires a combination of short paragraph answers and completion of a 450500 word essay. Answer all of the following questions in this document. You are required to follow proper APA format. Read the Criteria section below for more information before you begin this Assignment.
In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following outcome:
MT445-1: Evaluate opportunity costs in the business decision-making process.

1. Analyze whether each of the following is primarily a microeconomic or macroeconomic issue.  Briefly explain your answers.
i.    Setting the price for a cup of coffee.

ii.    Measuring the impact of tax policies on total household spending in the economy.

iii.    A households decision regarding whether or not to go on vacation.

iv.    A workers decision regarding which job to accept.

v.    Designing government policies to address issues with the social security program.

2. Explain why each of the following is either a positive or normative economic statement.
i.    A 40-cent-per-pack tax on cigarettes will reduce teenage smoking by 10%.

ii.    The federal government should spend more on diabetes research.

iii.    Rising paper prices will increase book prices.

iv.    The price of bagels at Brueggers is too high.

3.  Explain the effect of each of the following on the United States production possibilities frontier (PPF).  Does it shift inward, outward, or not at all? Briefly explain your answers.

i.    A decrease in the average length of annual vacations.

ii.    An increase in immigration of foreign workers to the U.S.

iii.    An increase in the average retirement age.

iv.    The migration of skilled U.S. workers to Europe.

4.  Answer the following in a 450500 word essay.
An opportunity cost is the value of the best alternative we forgo to make a decision. The decisions we make typically involve constraints such as time, money, and other resources. There is no free lunch in our decision-making; we always encounter opportunity costs. If we decide to do something, it often means that we lose the chance to do something else. Therefore, we need to critically evaluate our decision-making to minimize our opportunity costs based on the viable alternative choices available to us at a given period.

Given the above information as the background, assume parents are evaluating the opportunity costs of stay-at-home moms or dads under different scenarios. You should thoroughly explain whether parents decision under each of the following scenarios would increase or decrease the opportunity costs for stay-at-home moms or dads (those who choose not to accept work outside the home).

a.    There is high unemployment rate in the economy. What is its impact on the opportunity cost of stay-at-home mom or dad? Does it increase or decrease the opportunity costs?
b.    There is low average wage rate in the economy. What is its impact on the opportunity cost of stay-at-home mom or dad? Does it increase or decrease the opportunity costs?
c.    There is improvement in the economic conditions that led to high demand for labor. What is its impact on the opportunity cost of stay-at-home mom or dad? Does it increase or decrease the opportunity costs?
d.  Suppose the government lowered income tax rates on wages earned. What is its impact on the opportunity cost of stay-at-home mom or dad? Does it increase or decrease the opportunity costs?

References (add references in APA format in the following space below)

    This Assignment should be completed in this Word document.
    It should be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
    Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples where asked.
    Your sources and content should follow proper APA format (A title page is not required). Review the APA formats found in the Writing Resources accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course.
    Review the grading rubric to ensure all points have been captured in the paper.

Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech?

Research on Georgia tech. write about my previous enthusiastic academic journey with economics in high school and how the school of economics of Georgia tech can help me in the future. write about their faculty and alumni of economics as well and do mention some articles if possible. please finish in 300 words. thanks.

Instrumental variable regression

1. In the first part, please describe the main issue and the method at hand including a critical assessment of the method, 5 pages, 5 sources. 
2. In the second part, present an application of the method in any economics-related topic including a literature reviiew, 10 pages, 20 sources.

Once there is endogeneity, e.g. reverse causality, one can use the variation of a variable that is correlated with the endogenous variable, but not affected by the dependent variable.


This is an assignment that has 2 components, 1b and 3b. I have attached the rubrics and instructions for both parts, as they detail the requirements and structure.  the assignments ask for information to be pulled from specific course topics, I will provide a list of the topics covered in the course. the are segmented into 3 different modules.


(1) The Market for Labor (week 2-5)
Determinants, characteristics and empirical evidence on labor market supply;
Determinants, characteristics and empirical evidence on demand for labor;
Determinants, characteristics and empirical evidence on labor market equilibria and the impact
of public policy on labor market outcomes.

(2) Unemployment and Job Search
Empirical short- and long-term unemployment patterns; job and worker flows; job search;
Equilibrium search and matching model; current unemployment patterns and public policy in
the Covid-19 pandemic

(3) You will choose a topic from a list I provide (week 9-12)
Topics choices will include: Education and labor market outcomes; wage inequality in Canada
and other developed countries; technological change and labor market outcomes; Employee
ownership and labor market participation. Other topics may be offered.


Fall 2020
Econ 3020
First Draft Guidelines
The first and final draft should be at least 4 pages, excluding the bibliography, graphs, tables, and other various visual aids. Your essay must be double spaced using Times New Roman 12-inch font.
2. Topic
You can write your paper about any topic of interest you but is related to content from Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 in the textbook. This may be an overwhelming endeavor as there are many interesting and open topics to choose from. But the fun from this project is that you have unfettered latitude to pursue an economic topic as long as it fits with the content of this course and it is a topic you are able to discuss and connect to Intermediate Macroeconomic theory.
An example of a relevant topic is the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic growth in the long term. There are different avenues for you to explore this topic, such as the effect of the pandemic on consumption, investment, international trade. Also, you can use the chapter on economic growth in the textbook (Chapter 8) to guide your investigation of the impact of the pandemic.
I will not be using a rubric to grade your essay, but I will be grading based on the quality of work that you have submitted. Specifically, how well you connect the economic theory to the discussion of your topic. Also, your paper should have a strong empirical component. This means the paper should analyze data in some way, such as using graphs or tables.
3. Empirical component
A strong essay should include the use of empirical analysis. This can be undertaken in the form of graphs, tables, summary statistics, and so forth. A popular and convenient source for publicly available economic data is provided by the Federal Reserve Bank at the following website: You can download data and create graphs on this website. If you have questions about navigating this website, please contact me.


Fill in the blanks
With either

2commodity money
3representative(commodity-backed) money
4fiat money

As early as the year 1000 CE, Norway used silver and other metal coins as currency.  This is an example of (BARTER/commodity money/representative(commodity-backed) money/fiat money).

In 1695, a private bank was granted the right to issue notes that were convertible to silver.  This is an example of  (BARTER/commodity money/representative(commodity-backed) money/fiat money).
After the collapse of this system, a few new systems were implemented, most of which also adopted the silver standard.

In 1873, the krone was introduced, and it was directly convertible to gold.  This is an example of (BARTER/commodity money/representative(commodity-backed) money/fiat money)  For the next 100 years, the krone fell off and on the gold standard until it finally abandoned the gold standard for good in 1971.
The krone remained pegged to various other currencies until 1992, when it was allowed to float.  Today, the krone follows the price of oil pretty closely, but it is not directly convertible to any commodity or other currency.  This is an example of (BARTER/commodity money/ representative(commodity-backed) money/fiat money)