Category: Economics

Refering to the case study above,Discuss how Kazakhstans government and Central Bank may use a monetary policy, a fiscal policy, and a supply side policy to increase Kazakhstans manufacturing sector and gain sustainable economic growth.

I am uploading the draft, the instructions and feedback from the teacher.

– Introduction is good.

– Proposed Supply side policy is really good but need to relate to manufacturing industry more directly

– Need to change proposed monetary and fiscal policy evaluation entirely. It needs to relate to manufacturing industry and economic growth more. That’s the question.


Please make sure you work on these changes as this CW makes up 30% of my final grade which I need to get into good University.

Agricultural or Food Policy Analysis

Objective: To discuss and analyze one agricultural or food policy.
FIRST: Choose an agricultural or food policy like crop insurance, COOL, bioenergy, a food safety policy (like the Food Modernization Act, food labeling, etc.), a food assistance program (like the school lunch program, (NOT SNAP), etc.), an agricultural resource or environmental policy (like water policy, EQIP, CSP, or some EPA rule affecting agriculture), or an agricultural trade policy (like NAFTA, WTO, SPS rules, some import restriction or export subsidy for some commodity).
SECOND: Provide a brief introduction and thesis statement.
THIRD: Describe the agricultural or food policy you have chosen with emphasis on explaining its key characteristics and dimensions (for example, the policy goals and objectives, key policy provisions, markets/groups affected, etc.).
FOURTH: Analyze graphically and discuss the market effects and who gains and loses from the agricultural or food policy you have chosen.
FIFTH: Summarize the main conclusions of your paper and demonstrate how those conclusions relate to your thesis statement. See University Writing Center for help.
FINALLY: Provide a properly formatted list of Works Cited.

1. Introduction
Does this section provide a brief introduction to the issues discussed in the paper?
Does this section provide a clearly worded thesis statement?
2. Policy Discussion
Does this section adequately and clearly describe an agricultural or food policy with emphasis on explaining its key characteristics and dimensions (for example, the policy goals and objectives, key policy provisions, markets/groups affected, etc.)?
Does the discussion flow well with appropriate transitions or does the discussion ramble?
Does this section simply list policy characteristics/dimensions of the policy without adequate
supporting discussion?
3. Policy Analysis
Does this section graphically analyze the economic market effects of the policy?
Is at least one analytical graph used to analyze the market effects?
Instead of analysis of market effects, is this section just a further description of the policy?
Does the section discuss/analyze who gains and who loses from the policy?
Is good sound economic thinking evident in the discussion?
4. Conclusions
Does this section summarize the main conclusions?
Does this section demonstrate how the conclusions relate to the thesis statement?
Rather than conclusions, does this section simply provide a collection of opinions?
5. Works Cited and other Items
Are there adequate, appropriate in-text citations of material used as sources?
Is there an appropriately formatted and complete list of works cited?
Does the paper follow the required format and is no less than 1,000 words?
Is this paper organized into the 5 sections as required?
6. English
Does the paper use correct grammar, spelling, and diction?
Is punctuation used properly?
Are the structure and style appropriate (professional language, effective flow and transition from
section to section, appropriate sentence structure, clearly stated objectives and conclusions, etc.)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You additionally need to include a cover letter, addressed to me and roughly one page long addressing your process for writing the final draft, any challenges you faced in researching or writing about your topic, any successes you faced in researching and writing the final draft and the most important thing you feel you learned in researching and writing your term paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your term paper will be graded on two distinct but equally important points.

Content: How interesting and informed are your ideas? Is this paper a book report (bad) or your own original thinking, supported by ideas you have read and researched (good)? How well have you expressed those ideas? How thoroughly did you research your topic? Did you respond to suggestions on previous drafts and incorporate needed updates?
Presentation: Is the paper clear, concise, easy to follow and well-edited? Are there spelling or grammar mistakes? Is the paper well-written? Did you respond to suggestions on previous drafts and incorporate needed updates?
Make sure you have checked everything off on the formatting checklist before turning in your final draft. Term Paper Formatting Checklist Preview the document

Finally, have you uploaded your data files? If you are writing a data paper you need to submit your raw data files under the Term Paper Data assignment. If you are writing a curated literature review you do not have data to submit and thus may skip this step.

You additionally need to include a cover letter, addressed to me and roughly one page long addressing your process for writing the rough draft, any challenges you faced in researching or writing about your topic, any successes you faced in researching and writing the final draft and your overview of he entire research process.

Here are some sample final papers to see an overall A level paper. Please do not distribute or cite as these are working papers and the property of the authors.


I want the language to be simple since I am a 3rd year university student,
include graphs not too sophisticated ones
VERY EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to follow the instructions in the TWO files i uploaded and follow them.

*include gulf news when in your research

Change in demand for airline tickets

I.    Introduction: The current relative demand for Airline tickets within the U.S.
II.    How does the change in demand for Airline tickets affects the Airline prices?
III.    With the Pilot shortage how does this affect the prices for airline tickets?
IV.    The rise of ticket sales impact the total cost of airline tickets?
V.    Conclusion

Using these references:

Abdella, J., A., Zaki, N. & Shuaib, K. (January 10, 2019). Automatic Detection of Airline Ticket     Price and Demand: A Review. Retrieved from https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxy

Atems, B., Bachmeier, L. & Williams C. (September 12, 2018). Do Jet Fuel Price Movements         Help Forecast Airline Fares and The Demand for Air Travel? Retrieved from https://

Dhake. (March 16, 2019). Local Airlines See Fresh Fuel Price Hike as a Major Blow.             Retrieved from

Fiig T., Guen, R., L. & Gauchet, M. (April 12, 2018). Dynamic Pricing of Airline Offers.             Retrieved from

Granados, N., Han, K. & Zhang, D. (February 24, 2017). Demand and Revenue Impacts of an         Opaque Channel: Evidence from the Airline Industry. Retrieved from       

Silk, R. (December 31, 2018). Airlines. Retrieved from https://bi-gale-com.ezproxy.libproxy.

Economic Analysis

For this assignment, you will write a 23-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing at least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document. Must use 2 sources.

Options include the following topics:

A specific piece of legislation relating to business regulation or taxation.

The party platform of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both).

The role of the Federal Reserve.

The budget process.

China in the world economy

China in the world economy.
–China was the world’s largest economy in 1820 and is the second-largest economy today- How? + Details

–The private sector is the main driver of growth and employment?

— Present more topics about China in the world economy.


A total of four slides is required

Slides should be well explained using the speaker’s notes as I will not be able to present in person.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Suppose you are a policy advisor for Governor DeSantis. He has just informed you that his constituents would like him to comment on the state of organ donation and address the inability of the current system to meet demand. His office is in charge of finding solutions to the difficult issue of organ trade.

He will be addressing the issue in the upcoming commission meeting and needs an economic analysis of the situation completed before then for review. Refer to the articles Black Market Bodies and Meat Market to help you begin to your analysis. Use the articles and other references you may find to evaluate the limitations that exist with the current solution to meeting organ demand in the US.

The governor asks that you draw upon your critical thinking and problem-solving skills in order to break down the complex problem that exists in the market for drugs and help him examine, propose, and support potential solutions. You are encouraged to propose and original solution or contribution even if it deviates from mainstream solutions.

In your analysis you must address the following:

What is the general state of organ donation in the US, according to the 2017 article?
Consider what would happen if the US did allow payment in exchange for kidney donation.  Provide a critical analysis – use the supply/demand diagram to help illustrate and discuss the current state of the market and also what the market would look like in the case of a free market economy (deregulation).
Who gains and who loses when deregulation occurs? Discuss the efficiency and equity of the market before and after the proposed deregulation.
Explore the policies that are currently implemented across the globe (i.e. those discussed in the articles – routine removal, presumed consent, organ donor points, “no give, no take”, etc.). Evaluate the limitations of these policies. Also consider how these policies fair in terms of the efficiency vs. equity debate. (you do not need to critique them all, select 2 or 3 that you find interesting/appealing)
Come up with a policy proposal of your own that might help deal with the vast shortage of kidneys in the US. Use the supply/demand diagram to show how the policy will decrease the current shortage of kidneys and analyze the impact to society.
If you had to pick from one of the policies you described, including your new proposal, which would you recommend for the US? Why? (If you feel strongly that our current policy is the best policy this is a valid argument, however you must defend your “no new policy” recommendation).

Keep in mind, Governor Desantis is not one for 1,000 page policy briefs.  He prefers his analysis to be professional, clear, complete, correct, and most importantly concise. His constituents also require credible sources so be sure to document all references. See GEA Grading Rubric below and Citation Guidelines (Canvas).

Steps to Examine How a Market Change Will Affect Consumers and Producers:

Determine how the supply/demand curves will shift.
Determine how these shifts will change the equilibrium price/quantity and if a shortage exists/changes.
Determine if the market is more or less efficient.
Analyze how these changes will affect the consumers, producers, and society.

Student Assessment

This assignment will be used to assess the required components of the general education curriculum. This course certifies as Creative Thinking and therefore the assignment will access students ability to:

Perform critical and analytical thinking
Problem Solve
Provide effective written communication
Evaluate the limitations imposed on any new approach or solution within a discipline to propose original contributions to problems.
Break Down complex problems to examine, propose, and support potential solutions even if those solutions deviate from acceptable, mainstream solutions.

Requirements: 750 words, double spaced, times new roman or calibri font, must have a supply/demand graph for initial US market and another graph for deregulated market.

Business plan essay

Develop a plan to manage a corporation during  a Business Cycle. It is assumed the company will be a for profit pure competitive company. 
    Stage One, as the Recession begins the demand for your product or services reduce substantially. You need to determine the Market Equilibrium, the Margin Cost= Marginal Revenue. Analyze the Total Revenue from a 5% reduction in demand and how you would drive your Revenue to cover the total Cost. Determine the price of your product and compare the peak price to the demand price as the economy slows. During the First Stage it has two back to back quarters of negative activity.
    Stage Two, as the economy hits the Bottom level, another 5% reduction in revenue hits the company. Determine your cost, and Profit Margin to Price, Cost of Production and Profit. Determine how you will maintain your operation after the impact of an initial 5% reduction in demand, with an additional 5 %. Explore all possibilities of matching the Supply of the product or services with the Demand at a determined price.
    The goal at this level should be to not only keep operating but to improve your market share and increase profit which can be used for new technology of capital goods which will make future cost cheaper and customer service improved.  In addition, no employees should be fired to cut expenses.
    Stage Three, as the economy begins to move out of recession based upon the Determinants of Supply and Demand as a pure competitive organization how will you invest funds to adjust to the New Expansion or Supply and Demand which would be a 7% growth from the trough.  In addition, at this stage you should invest in capital goods for long term production.
    Finally, how you would use the Principles of Macroeconomics to grow past the previous peak and develop a long term plan for a 3 % annual growth in Demand and the ability to Price and Supply this Demand to your customer base.