Category: Economics

Any topic (writer’s choice)

During the 2008 recession, the Federal Reserve started to follow “unconventional” monetary policies to kick-start the economy. Explain what is an unconventional monetary policy. How is it different from a conventional monetary policy? What are the possible dangers of following an unconventional monetary policy? Did this policy achieve its desired result?
2. What are the costs and benefits of unexpected inflation? How are they different from that of expected inflation?
3. What is the classical dichotomy? Explain using the theories and examples taught in this course.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Finally, I give you the option of writing a short essay, no less than 3 pages and no more than 5 on the topic “Recovering from Crises and Disasters”. You need to write what policies were adopted to help the economy (and society) recover from a great crisis or disaster occurred after 1910, and how the recovery occurred, how long it took, how difficult it was. You can choose the crisis or disaster: for example, one the two World Wars, the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression of 1929-1930s, the Great Recession (financial crisis) of 2008-2010, other major conflicts, other major financial crises. You can obviously focus on the United States but you can also choose another country, if you prefer. If you write a nice essay, I will raise your grade (without reducing the grade of others). This essay is purely optional. I would like to give you the opportunity to improve the grade to whoever wants to write an essay and also to give you the opportunity to reason on how countries can recover from difficult moments (such as the one we are currently facing).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Go to and read the essay, I, Pencil by Leonard E. Read. Prepare a page and a half summary of the article. I am most interested in your opinion. The paper should be typed and double spaced.

Here is the link again:

Economics of Kuwait in current circumstances

The prompt is in the material that I provided. Just a simple essay no need to be complex as it is 11th grade level. Also, ignore the citations as I will do them on my own I just need 3 pages of writing. It is expected to have less than 20% plagiarism (important) .Thank You.


All things considered, the economics of the present and future situation will prove quite interesting in the next coming months and years. You will write about any and all concerns about the economic situation in Kuwait, a specific other country, and or worldwide. Last week and the next several weeks I will focus on economic aspects that will be confronting the world and Kuwait.

1) 3 page
2) Proper format, indent and double space, 12 font maximum size.
3) Spelling and capitalization
4) Sources must be added on last page. NO, the sources DO NOT count as a page. Dont try it.
5) Source maybe videos, news sites, and or blogs of some credentials and seriousness. A
minimum of 5 sources.

Course project

Very Important Information about the Format of Your Assignment
As I mentioned in the class, the course project for our class is designed to be submitted in lieu of
a term paper. Please read the following instruction extremely carefully and follow the guidelines
exactly, in order to receive full credit.
My expectation is that you work on the project diligently and present it as if you are presenting it
to the upper management of your company or potential investors for your product. This will
allow you to learn the art of presenting your research in a professional and presentable manner.
As such, I do assign points to the elegance and clarity of your presentation. As a manager in
your prestigious business, you should also carefully read this project and its instructions, as if
assigned to you by the upper management of the company and be sure you understand what is
being asked of you.
All submissions should be electronic. I dont accept paper copies. You should submit your work
on Blackboard in the form of a Microsoft Word, but you can add an Excel spreadsheet as an
addendum only if you want; it is not mandatory. University computers have MS Word and
should be able to convert files to Word. I DO NOT ACCEPT OTHER FORMATS. If you have
any question about how to submit your project electronically, please contact me prior to the due
date. Technical failure to submit your project electronically will not be accepted as reason
for late or no submission. Please do NOT take a photo of your presentation and post it. Also
your paper should not be hand-written as you would not make a presentation to your professional
organization in your handwriting.
Be sure to answer each section of the assignment clearly. Your answers should include the
Question Number and, when applicable, its section number. Your answers should be given in
the sequence in which the questions are posted. For example, do NOT answer section 1, after
having answered section 4, and then followed by section 2! Please clearly mark each section and
please dont expect me to guess what section your answers belong to. If your answer is not
placed within the pertinent and identifiable section, it will NOT receive any credit. Moreover,
your answers should contain explanation of what you are doing and why. A simple yes or no
answer, or simply providing the numerical answer without any explanation will not be
sufficient. This is NOT a math problem and your detailed work should be shown with
explanation. This means for every major calculation or formulation, you should show and
explain your work. Remember, you are presenting this to the VP of your company, for
example, who may not understand technical terms and you should explain everything you do.
Your presentation should follow APA, or other standard, formats. Information on this format
can be learned from the following YouTube video:
With this introduction, please proceed to read the relevant assignment

Economic 380 Course Project
This is your course project, and it is based on what we covered in Chapters 2 and 3. You
will do well to review those chapters and lecture notes.
Your assignment is to create a product (a real or an imaginary product, a new or a product
competing with an existing one) for your business and construct a demand equation for
this product. This demand function is supposed to help you arrive at a pricing strategy
that benefits your business. For this project, you should start with a general and brief
description of your product and its characteristics. You are considered to be the expert
for your product, and know the market very well. In order to construct the demand for
your product, please follow the following explanation very carefully.
As you recall, we discussed the inverse demand equation of the functional form:
?? = ?? ?? ??
Where P is the price of the product and Q is quantity demanded. There are two
parameters in this equation: the intercept a, and the slope b, with which you are now
very familiar. If you dont remember what these are, please refer to your notes and
refresh your memory. The assignment is asking that you to use this form of the demand
function [not the direct demand equation] to estimate the demand for your product.
To construct the demand for your product, you must come up with your best
guess/estimate of a and b. Your estimate should not be a random number or an
arbitrary number. Being the expert for your product, your estimate of the intercept a,
and the slope b should make economic sense and be consistent with the nature of your
product. You must show the reason(s) why you have chosen a specific value for a and
b for your product. Simply picking a number as your best guess, without giving an
economic justification is NOT sufficient. In addition, you must present an interpretation
of what these parameters mean as it relates to your product and why it would make sense
for your market. Once you show a reasonable estimate for a and b, you must specifically
and clearly show the inverse demand equation with your estimate of parameters of a
and b in your equation. Please do not leave me guessing what your equation is!
Based on this general overview, the assignment requires answering the following
questions. The format of your presentation should be based on the description given in
the document titled General Information and Requirements for Assignments.pdf.
Briefly, your submission must be highly professional and well-written. Following the
instructions described in that document is extremely important and your grade will be
based on presenting your project using this format.
Finally please identify each section as shown below and write the result of your work
within the specified section.
1. (10 Points) Describe your product and its characteristics (What is it, how is it used,
what is the competitive landscape for your product, what are the current market
prices, etc.). I emphasize that you are the one who knows the most about your
product. Therefore, if any description or estimation does not conform to common
sense, it indicates that you are not familiar with your product and with the
assignment. Your estimation of the demand parameters should be based on this
2. (10 Points) As the manager of your product, you are in the best position to provide a
best professional guess for intercept a, and slope b. Describe the process by
which you estimated intercept a, and slope b. This description crucially depends
on fully understanding what these parameters mean and imply. Feel free to interpret
and describe them for your product. Simply stating that the numbers are the intercept
and slope will not give you any credit. Feel free to round the number so that you can
work with it easily and that your calculations dont get overly complicated.
Once you have specified these parameters, please be sure to explicitly write your
3. (45 Points) This question has five sections. Each section asks you to calculate a set of
numbers based on the following description. Specify a range of prices along the
demand curve for your product which must include several high and several low
prices. These prices do not necessarily imply that you would sell your product at
those prices. They are simply to give you insight on what your demand would look
like with high or low prices. Obviously, you can sell your product for any price you
want. However, you are asked to come up with a range of possible prices for your
product to verify the reasonability of your demand equation. I strongly suggest you
choose three high prices (in the elastic region of your demand) and three low prices
(in the inelastic region, and one in-between). You should identify at least 7 price
points. Enter these price points in column 1 of the table provided below.
a. (10 Points) For each price point, calculate the quantity demanded at that price
based on your demand equation. You should clearly show how this calculation
was done mathematically for at least one price. Input this quantity in column 2 of
the table below. You need NOT show derivation of this quantity in the table.
b. (10 Points) For every pair of price and quantity (question 3 and 3a), calculate the
point price elasticity of demand at that point (this is not an arc elasticity). As in
in section C(a), you should show your work for at least one calculation, but
include all the results in the table below. Write down these elasticities accurately
in column 3 of the table below.
c. (10 Points) Investigate the price-quantity combination at which the price elasticity
of demand for your product is -1? It is not sufficient to simply report such a price
and quantity, nor would it be sufficient to plug in a price and quantity and show
that at that point, elasticity is -1. You should show an algebraic derivation and
explanation of your work to indicate how you calculated this price and quantity.
If this combination happened to exist in one of your choices below, you should
still show mathematical proof of how these numbers can be algebraically derived,
as if you didnt know what they were.
d. (5 Points) Derive the revenue equation and calculate the revenue obtained at each
price and report it in column 4 of the table below.
e. (10 Points) Derive the marginal revenue equation and calculate the marginal
revenue obtained at each price and report it in column 5 of the table below.
1 2 3 4 5
Price Quantity Elasticity Revenue Marginal
Price 1 (a High price)
Price 2
Price 3
Price 4
Price 5
Price 6
Price 7 (a low price)

It is important to complete this table with the numbers you calculated in sections
4. This section has two parts asking you to draw some graphs. Using Excel significantly
facilitates these drawings, but you could also draw them on a professional graph
paper and include a high resolution scan of your work. Be sure your graphs are
labeled and titled.
a. (5 Points) Using the equation of your demand, please draw the demand curve
for your product with the price on the vertical axis and quantity on the
horizontal axis. Also draw the marginal revenue curve on the same graph. Be
sure to properly label each graphs. You are asked to draw the demand and
marginal revenue curves for your product in its entirety (not only a segment of
b. (5 Points) On a separate graph, draw the revenue curve in its entirety (you
obtained the equation in part 4d above). This graph should be drawn below
the graph in part 4a so that you can show a link between them.
5. (15 Points) Now you present these results to your company executives (or investors).
What conclusions do you draw from the table and the graphs you created in questions
4 and 5? Specifically, what are the important conclusions you would definitely point
out to these company officers about youre a) pricing strategy, b) profitability, c)
price elasticity of demand, or any additional insight you might want to report. For
this part, you may assume your costs are all fixed.

Country Project of Macroeconomics

The Country Project consists of two parts: (i) Data Analysis and (ii) Policy Recommendation.
Part One: Data Analysis
1. You will use data from the IMFs World Economic Outlook (WEO) database. Currently, the
latest edition is October 2019. To access the dataset, go to
Alternatively, follow the path:
IMF web page ( Data
World Economic Outlook (WEO)
World Economic Outlook Database October 2019
Download WEO data: By countries (country-level data)
2. Select one of the Advanced Economies or one of the Emerging and Developing
Economies. Collect available data series for the 5-year period 2014-2018. Analyze the data for
5 or 6 major macroeconomic variables, such as real GDP growth, inflation, unemployment,
government budget, current account, etc. Make sure you generate graphs (or charts, time plots,
etc) and briefly discuss each of the series (one to two sentences each).

Part Two: Policy Recommendation
1. Identify one macroeconomic problem that you think is the most pressing (i.e., low growth,
high inflation, a large deficit, etc) for the country of your choice.
2. Suggest fiscal or monetary policies that can address this problem. Use the IS/LM/FE and/or
the AD/AS models to derive the short-run and long-run effects of these policies on the identified
problem and on the rest of the macroeconomy

US BAILOUT 2007-08

Description of Assignment: Students work together to research and profile a policy within given context. The policy may be economic, social or political in nature. However groups are expected to apply microeconomic tools to assess the economic impact of the chosen policy. The choice of policy and context is left to groups to decide for themselves. They may choose to study a single policy within a specific country, presenting analysis of the situation prior to and after the inception of the policy. Alternatively they may choose to study the effect of similar policies in two different country contexts, presenting an analysis of why the effects may have differed. Finally, they may if they choose to, assess the possible impact of a new policy in a specific country context.

Grading Criteria (What constitutes a good assignment?): Grading criteria judges the following:

Adequacy of research. Evidence of sufficient breadth and depth of research and sufficient and appropriate sources and data. Please cite at least 10 different sources, with at least three from a peer-reviewed journal or published book. Data sources must be clearly identified. The report must contain a reference list or bibliography.
Use of Concepts: The report must make specific reference to microeconomic or macroeconomic concepts, frameworks and theories introduced during the course.
Graphs and Figures: The report must contain at least two graph and two figure. Where the graphs may illustrate a concept  or represent actual data relationships such as  a trend-line, bar chart, scatter plot etc. The figure may be a map, photo, or drawing etc. Please label figures and graphs and cite data sources.   
Form: Is the report clear, professional, logical and well presented (verbal and written format)?
Content: Does the content adequately do what the assignment specifies? Is there adequate coverage of themes in general, and for the specific country (is there something important about a particular country that is neglected, or especially well-handled)? Is the analysis intelligent well constructed?

Economics Group Case Report (1) (1)
Economics Group Case Report (1) (1)
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFORMAT
Format and attractiveness of Document
5.0 pts
Excellent and impressive document
4.0 pts
Well formatted and distinctive
2.0 pts
Acceptable document but with little or no value add
1.0 pts
Poorly presented content
0.0 pts
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRESEARCH
Adequacy of research. Evidence of sufficient breadth and depth of research and sufficient and appropriate sources and data. Please cite at least 5 different sources, with at least one from a peer-reviewed journal or published book. Data sources must be clearly identified. The report must contain a reference list or bibliography.
10.0 pts
Extensive Research
Use of more than 10 relevant sources including at least 3 peer reviewed or published source.
8.0 pts
Good Research Practice
Use of 10 relevant sources, including 2 peer reviewed/published sources
6.0 pts
No peer reviewed source
Use of at least 10 sources, but no peer-reviewed/published source
0.0 pts
Inadequate Research
Use of less than 10 sources
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONCEPT/FRAMEWORK
The report must make specific reference to microeconomic or macroeconomic concepts, frameworks and theories introduced during the course.
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Relevant Well-applied Concept
The team has understood and applied a key economic concept or framework, which is central to their analysis.
8.0 to >4.0 pts
Peripheral Concept
The team has understood and applied a concept, but it is not central to their analysis
4.0 to >2.0 pts
Incorrect or misapplied concept
The team has misunderstood or misapplied an economic concept
2.0 to >0 pts
No concept/framework applied
The team has either not incorporated a core economic concept/framework, or failed to make it explicit.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVISUALIZATION
The report must contain at least one graph and one figure. Where the graph may illustrate a concept or represent actual data relationships such as a trend-line, bar chart, scatter plot etc. The figure may be a map, photo, or drawing etc. Please label figures and graphs and cite data sources.
10.0 pts
Excellent use of graphs/figures
The report contains at least two graphs/figures, which serve to make a key point, or further the analysis, serving as a visual aid to the reader.
8.0 pts
Good use of graphs/figures
The team has included at least two graphs/figures, which help illustrate the argument, but these are not integrated into the analysis, whereby they are merely illustrative.
4.0 pts
Peripheral or standard graphs/figures
The report contains at least two graphs/figures, but these are incidental or irrelevant. Alternatively the graph used is generic and has not been modified in order to apply to the specific case.
0.0 pts
Less than two graphs/figures
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeANALYSIS
This creates to the depth and originality of the analysis, and gauges whether the team has used multiple approaches and lines of enquiry, interrogated sources and used a critical lens
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Original and Meticulous Analysis
The team has interrogated multiple sources and compiled a variety of different types of evidence. The report provides an original line of argument or provides fresh evidence for their conclusion.
8.0 to >6.0 pts
Good Analysis
The team has interrogated multiple sources and compiled a variety of evidence. While the analysis is not new or does not use fresh evidence, it is well well-organised and follows a logical, coherent method.
6.0 to >3.0 pts
Adequate Analysis
The team has interrogated several sources and compiled a fair amount of evidence. The analysis is well-organised and follows a logical, coherent method.
3.0 to >0.0 pts
Unclear or convoluted analysis
There are either logical issues, or a lack of clarity in the analysis and arguments presented
0.0 pts
Lack of or flawed analysis
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONCLUSIONS
5.0 pts
Excellent Conclusions
The report presents clear logical conclusions that follow from the evidence presented and the analysis made. Uses EVIDENCE and REASON to come to logical conclusions; –Makes DEEP rather than superficial inferences; –Inferences are CONSISTENT with one anotherIdentifies the most SIGNIFICANT, IN- DEPTH, and INSIGHTFUL implications and consequences of the reasoning; –Implications identified are DEEP rather than superficial
4.0 pts
Good Conclusions
The report presents clear logical conclusions that follow from the evidence presented and the analysis made. Uses EVIDENCE and REASON to obtain justifiable, logical conclusions; –Makes VALID inferences but some are SUPERFICIAL; –Inferences are CONSISTENT with one another. Identifies SIGNIFICANT implications and consequences, but LACKS some DEPTH and INSIGHT; –Implications identified are VALID, but some are SUPERFICIAL;
2.0 pts
Mediocre Conclusions
Does follow SOME EVIDENCE to conclusions that are mostly logic or valid; –Inferences are more often than not UNCLEAR or NOT based in evidence; –Inferences are ILLOGICAL, INCONSISTENT, and/or SUPERFICIAL. Identifies VALID implications and consequences; but misses SIGNIFICANT implications and/or implications grossly LACK DEPTH and INSIGHT; –Implications identified are SUPERFICIAL
0.0 pts
Unsatisfatpry Conclusions
Uses SUPERFICIAL or IRRELEVANT evidence to come to illogical or invalid conclusions. Ignores SIGNIFICANT implications and consequences of reasoning –Implications are INVALID
5.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0

Small Business Loans

The attached paper need editing. I attached the following: research paper, paper format. paper outline, and a sample paper to use a guide for formatting.

1 page for the abstract
1 page for the adding missing letters below.
**If you need see that you need an additional page added under discussion and conclusion to answer, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Paper is missing and needs the following added:
Abstract page
JEL codes
needs re-formatting

under Disscussion and conclusion, the following informtion from the outlined instructions is missing letters (b) (c) & (d).

Please let me know if you need any additional information such as data used and such

Thank you,


This reading synthesis should be based on two readings that you choose from all available readings and should include three sections:
(1) citation, keywords, and summary for article #1,
(2) citation, keywords, and summary for article #2, and
(3) your reflections on how the two papers relate to one another.
The citation should be in APA format.
. The keywords should be a list of 3-5 words or phrases related to the main content of the reading (e.g. pest control, bee diversity, cover crop management).
The summary can be written in bullet points or full sentences, should be page long, and should include items like research questions, location, methods, and management recommendations.
The reflection should (a) comment on how the two articles relate to one another in terms of content and methodology, (b) include questions or ideas the readings sparked for you, and (c) be ~1 page long.
Your reading synthesis should be about 2 pages total, double spaced, and should have your name at the top of the page.
Reading syntheses will be graded based on completeness of the summaries and thoughtfulness of the reflection section.