Category: Economics

law of diminishing returns

Another important law in economics is the law of marginal returns or the law of increasing costs”. Discuss in terms of your study in this course, how might you know that you are at a point of diminishing returns, or where more study will not benefit you like it did before? Can you identify any of the costs discussed in this lesson in your decision about how much study is enough?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You additionally need to include a cover letter, addressed to me and roughly one page long addressing how you chose your topic, why it is interesting to you personally, any challenges you expect to face in researching or writing about your topic and your plan of action going forward on your paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Details: The term paper proposal should be a one page research proposal detailing the testable question you want to investigate. You should be framing your proposal and topic as a causal question: What is the impact of A on B? ; Does A cause B?, etc.
The term paper proposal should be a one page research proposal.
You need to include:
your proposed hypothesis
why it is interesting or useful
how you will approach answering your hypothesis question
at least 2 sources on your topic (in APA format).

See details

-This is a paper that must be rooted in Economic Principles and analysis.

-Word Documents ONLY

-Properly formatted Essay ( the Writing Lab can help), more than 20% similarity will result in lower grades.

-Similarity to other works over 20% is subject to significant reduction of points

-This is intended to be in YOUR words and to show what you have been infected with in this course.

FInancial Management

Financial management is about making decisions with regards to investment in assets, the raising of capital to pay for these investments, and the creation of value for companies.

-> Explain the term financial management in detail and discuss why financial managers need to understand the concept of the time value of money in addition to financial instruments such as bonds and stocks. Please use examples to illustrate your explanations.

Word limit: 1,500-2,000

Monopolistic Competition or a Differentiated Oligopoly

Identify and describe the conditions you observed for a specific firm that operates in Monopolistic Competition or a Differentiated Oligopoly who differentiates their product. You should also provide brief market analysis including the state of the market before and after the differentiation, as well as the observed changes that resulted. Specifically, the following questions should be addressed:

What type of market structure was the product or service in when the differentiation occurred?
What is the differentiation? Describe specifically what the differentiation was and tell us what that means for rational business price and production decisions.
What was the observed change in the equilibrium price in the market?
Evaluate the result of the observed change from perspectives of efficiency and equity drawing upon price/cost margins for your explanation.
Evaluate whether the decision to differentiate the product was a good move for that business at that time.

Economics (Speculation)

1.The prompt is as stated:
Speculation is often considered to be morally dubious. But, can speculation actually be useful to the market process? This video shows that speculation can actually smooth prices over time and increase welfare.
Speculators take resources from where they have low value and move them through time to where they have high value. We also take a look at speculation in the futures market for instance, can orange juice future prices help predict Florida weather? Lets find out:

I will attach the video you have to use, this video ONLY for citation:
Discuss the video and answers the question(prompt) and make sure its 3 paragraphs
2. Reply back to what 2 people have said about the video, I will attach their responses, they will be labeled as response 1 and response 2. The responses don’t have to be long, just thoughtful and responsive to what the person stated.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read asimple climate-Solow modelby Tsigaris and Wood (discussed in class) and answerat least 5 of the 10 questions. Satisfactory answers to additional questions will yield extra credit. You mustwork in groups of minimum 3 and maximum5students and return a single report for the whole group. All the questions are tied together, so you need to work together on all questions.i.Final report dueWednesday 1 Aprilin class.Resources:a.A Simple Climate-Solow model for introducing the economics of climate change to undergraduate students, by P. Tsigaris and J. Wood, International Review of Economics Education(2016), vol. 23, pp. 65-81.b.Nord3 and 18.

Economic Geography

The economic geography of Latin America

Speak about the economic nature of latin american countries.

Include the following topics + 3 graphs showing the data found:

1) Interconnectedness: Foreign direct investments, trade(imports, exports); +Graph
2)  Geographical concentration of industry; + Graph
  3) Division of labor + Graph
  4) Gross domestic product

You will find at attached pdf file of some points elaborating the above.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Project Assignment:  Grade the performance of the U.S. economy today.  I want you to assign the economy a letter grade (A to F) in terms of its overall performance.  Explain and justify your assessment.  Be thorough but concise, and support your assessment with data and analysisnot religion or politics. 

Please note that you must assign an overall performance grade for the economy.  Whether you assign grades to any or all specific performance areas or aspects that you might consider is optional, but there must be an overall grade that is clearly identified as such.