Category: Economics

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These two cases provide examples of markets that are characterized neither as perfect competition nor monopoly. Instead, these firms are competing in market structures that lie between the extremes of monopoly and perfect competition. How do they behave? Why do they exist?

The Temptation to Defy the Law
Laundry detergent and bags of iceproducts of industries that seem pretty mundane, maybe even boring. Hardly! Both have been the center of clandestine meetings and secret deals worthy of a spy novel. In France, between 1997 and 2004, the top four laundry detergent producers (Proctor & Gamble, Henkel, Unilever, and Colgate-Palmolive) controlled about 90 percent of the French soap market. Officials from the soap firms were meeting secretly, in out-of-the-way, small cafs around Paris. Their goals: Stamp out competition and set prices.

Around the same time, the top five Midwest ice makers (Home City Ice, Lang Ice, Tinley Ice, Sislers Dairy, and Products of Ohio) had similar goals in mind when they secretly agreed to divide up the bagged ice market.

If both groups could meet their goals, it would enable each to act as though they were a single firmin essence, a monopolyand enjoy monopoly-size profits. The problem? In many parts of the world, including the European Union and the United States, it is illegal for firms to divide markets and set prices collaboratively.

Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?

My topic is “Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?” My opinion is to discuss the infrastructure in China and does it surpass the US? Please shows the statistical evidence that can prove it.

I have uploaded the format for the Essay; suggested _paper_format.pef. Please follow the instruction before writing the Essay. Also, a sample Essay called sample project.pdf is a reference to show you how the paper should be written.

Thank you!

Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?

Following are the requirements for the ppt:
(1) Having a slide that clearly states your research question.

(2) Having a slide that clearly explains why your research question is important and interesting.

(3) Having a slide that clearly lists the hypotheses 1, 2, 3… you will test.

(4) Having a few slides that explain why you expect those hypotheses to hold or not to hold.

(5) Having a few slides that list your data source(s) (web link, questionnaire, etc).

(6) Having a slide that demonstrates a screenshot of your data (Excel spreadsheet, Stata data editor view, etc)

My topic is “Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?” My opinion is to discuss the infrastructure in China and does it surpass the US? Please shows the statistical evidence that can prove it.

This is an economic statistic topic. so the evidence that you provide needs to be statistical.

Thank you!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Following are the requirements for the ppt:
(1) Having a slide that clearly states your research question.

(2) Having a slide that clearly explains why your research question is important and interesting.

(3) Having a slide that clearly lists the hypotheses 1, 2, 3… you will test.

(4) Having a few slides that explain why you expect those hypotheses to hold or not to hold.

(5) Having a few slides that list your data source(s) (web link, questionnaire, etc).

(6) Having a slide that demonstrates a screenshot of your data (Excel spreadsheet, Stata data editor view, etc)

I need 10 slides of PPT and 3 pages of  Essay. The PPT and Essay should be related, which means the Essay is describing the PPT but not a presentation speech.  I have uploaded the format for the Essay; suggested _paper_format.pef. Please follow the instruction before writing the Essay. Also, a sample Essay called sample project.pdf is a reference to show you how the paper should be written.

My topic is “Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?” My opinion is to discuss the infrastructure in China and does it surpass the US? Please shows the statistical evidence that can prove it. Thank you!

Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?

Following are the requirements for the ppt:
(1) Having a slide that clearly states your research question.

(2) Having a slide that clearly explains why your research question is important and interesting.

(3) Having a slide that clearly lists the hypotheses 1, 2, 3… you will test.

(4) Having a few slides that explain why you expect those hypotheses to hold or not to hold.

(5) Having a few slides that list your data source(s) (web link, questionnaire, etc).

(6) Having a slide that demonstrates a screenshot of your data (Excel spreadsheet, Stata data editor view, etc)

I need 10 slides of PPT and 3 pages of  Essay. The PPT and Essay should be related, which means the Essay is describing the PPT but not a presentation speech.  I have uploaded the format for the Essay; suggested _paper_format.pef. Please follow the instruction before writing the Essay. Also, a sample Essay called sample project.pdf is a reference to show you how the paper should be written.

My topic is “Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?” My opinion is to discuss the infrastructure in China and does it surpass the US? Please shows the statistical evidence that can prove it. Thank you!

Climate change

Assignment Instructions
Special note: feel free to check out the AddImage – Sakai pdf attached as supporting material if you need help uploading your image into the text editor.

See the screenshot of the initial setting of the C-Roads World Climate Simulator below.  It is necessary to use Google Chrome or Firefox to run the simulator.  It is recommended that you use the online version. This simulator is accessed at

C-Roads SIM screenshot initial setttings

This is the BAU (Business as Usual) projections for temperature increase of 4.2 degrees Celsius by 2100.  Under “Graphs” the CO2 concentration is above 800 (ppmm), far above the 450 maximum indicated by scientists.  These are far above the dotted lines which indicate the scientific recommended goal to minimize the impact of climate change.  Here the current scenario matches the BAU because no changes have been made by the user.  There are drop-down menus at the top (Simulation, Graphs, etc.).  Also, the years (2100) and % on the table beneath that can be changed.  This will automatically adjust the outcomes of the online simulation.  Additionally, under “Simulation” you can adjust a category called Assumptions and Sensitivities.  See my initial simulation below.

Instructor’s initial SIM

Here you can see that I have capped emissions for every region at the year 2050 and an annual decrease of 2%, with a 3% reduction in deforestation and a 4% promotion of afforestation.  The simulation indicates that this will result in a 3.1 degree rise in temperature by the year 2100, far above the recommended limit of 2 degrees.  Under Graphs > Impacts > Sea Level Rise, I was also able to determine that the projected sea level rise would only be slightly less than the BAU level 1+ meter.  Obviously, this scenario indicates that much more needs to be done to have a positive effect on climate change and to avoid the recommended maximums (always indicated by dotted lines on the graph) in order to avoid the massive negative impacts of climate change.  Under Window > 2100 Data Table, my SIM showed the following.

Year 2100

Atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppm)639.2

Atmospheric CO2eq concentration (ppm)681.6

High climate sensitivity temperature change (C)4.2

Temperature change (C)3.1

Low climate sensitivity temperature change (C) 1.8

Sea level rise from 2000 (m)1.1

Go ahead and explore different simulations with variables in the table, regionally and global, and the options of the Simulation and Graphs menus from the menu bar.  See what it might take to bring about a positive effect on climate change achieve the recommended scientific limits on temperature change and CO2 levels etc.  It is good to type some notes as you go to note the different variables and your exploration of the simulation because this SIM is online and cannot be saved.  You will be composing a 250 word narrative describing your interaction with the simulation.  Also, you will want to save and upload an image of one of your SIMs in the textbox.  You can right click on the images and save them to your computer and then upload them via the instructions below.  This can also be done with any method by which you take a screenshot, upload the image to your student workspace, set the image for public viewing  (Workspace > Actions > Edit Details > Publicly Viewable) and upload it here using the Image button (12th button on the middle row of the text editor).  In Windows, you can hit the PrtScrn (Print Screen) button and use MS Paint, Windows Photo Viewer, or another program to paste it and save it.  In Firefox you can now take and save and download screenshots from the browser itself.  Any method which works for you will be fine.

The image of your SIM and your 250 word narration of your experience and outcomes placed in the textbox and submitted complete this assignment.   

For more information, feel free to explore the following website.


Water Due March 29 Midnight, but try and do much earlier for better discussion.

Discussion Questions.  Respond to two of the following questions (SINGLE SPACED), but do not answer more then one of the Blue Gold Questions.

Part A Case Study (respond to one of two)
1) Kenya Wetlands & Water Management CEECEC Case Study. What is your takeaway from the case study? Use one or more of the EE/Sus concepts in your response and identify at least one stakeholder or distribution conflict.

2) EJ Case Study: Water. Report back to the class on an interesting case study of an Environmental Justice / Earth Justice conflict from EJAtlas.  Use the Filter > Catagory > Type > Water    [e.g. Water access…; Water treatment…; Weltands and coastal zone management, Tailings from mines (contamination of water); Interbasin water transfers/transboundary water conflicts; Dams and water distribution conflicts; Aquaculture and fisheries] Provide the title and hyper link for your case study.

Part B Respond one of the following

1) Standing Rock, Awake. Explain why the indigenous peoples are resisting pipelines and how they are or are not effective. Explain the connection and perspectives  that indigenous people have to the land, water and natural resources.

2) BlueGold Privatization & Conflict. Discuss what political and legal strategies have been used successfully by communities in the United States and elsewhere to resist the commercial takeovers of water supplies. What ethical and political issues are involved in privatization of water vs water as a human right?  Will privatization of water, and commodification of water help or hurt meeting UN Sustainable Development Goal #2? Do you think there will be wars fought in the future involving conflicts over water rights?

3) BlueGold & Story of Water Solutions. A number of possible solutions are presented at the end of the film. Choose a solution to the world water crisis discussed in the film that you found most interesting and explain why this stood out to you. Do you think it is, or could be, effective? Why or why not? How would it help or hurt the possibility or meeting UN Sustainability Development Goal #6 or #14?

4) UN SDG 6 & 14

a. Progress. Review the Progress Reports for UN SDG #6 & #14. Quote and discuss an area of progress towards the goal (e.g. a target) that has been accomplished, or an area not much progress has been made. What grounds of optimism to make the target or goal can be made from progress so far?  What do you think the difficulties will be to make the target by 2030 or alternative what needs to be done for more progress to be made to achieve the goal?

b. Missing? What do you think is missing in the goal or targets based on your other readings or video? Why is it important?

c. Quote and discuss what you found important in SDG 6 or 14. Explain why. What needs to be done to accomplish the goal?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This paper will consist on listening to an episode of the podcast Trade Talks( and will ask for your summary and your opinion.

– Episode 31.
Trade Wars and the Smoot-Hawley Tariff: What Really Happened?

1. Intro and summary of the episode: main topics.
2. Discussion extending the points made on the episode. How do they connect with the theory seen in class? Do you agree or not? What are they adding? (Use AT LEAST two models seen in class)
3. Conclusion regarding how important is the topic and what would you add.

Trade policy with imperfect competition
Trade policy
imperfect competition
Specific factors
HO Model
Ricardian Trade Modal
Trade in the Global Economy


    Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Compare the two evaluations, in relation to the factors that may affect the decision to conduct each of the economic evaluations.
    Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation.
    Explain the approach(s) you might take to address these ethical issues.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Compare the two evaluations, in relation to the factors that may affect the decision to conduct each of the economic evaluations.
Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation.
Explain the approach(s) you might take to address these ethical issues