Category: Economics

Economics Short Essay

Read chapter 4, Bad Jobs, Low Pay, and Overwork, from “Naming the System: Inequality and Work in the Global Economy” by Michael D. Yates.

Then, write a 400 words essay answering all or most questions below (not required to answer all):

Why are there always more low-paying jobs than well-paying jobs?
Can you describe long-term changes in employment in terms of economic sectors, geographic location, and the divisions between skilled and unskilled and male and female workers?
In which types of work would you find job creation and job destruction, respectively?
How do wages compare across countries?
How did working hours develop over the last decades?

*All citations should come from the chapter 4 of the book!
**Please include 2-3 statistics from the book in the essay!

Attached is the scanned Chapter 4 of the book (27 pages)

Economics paper

500 – 700 word report about an article from a current (not older then -1-2020) online magazine or newspaper. NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO DO THE FOLLOWING:

    Type or cut paste in the text of your own paper in the box provided under Assignment  and
    Copy and submit the original article (not your paper) as an attachment (click Add/remove Attachments). Also remember to show the WWW address where you retrieved the article.

What is the paper about?
This is a very specific paper assignment; it is an editorial, or a position paper that must follow a strict discipline in writing, using specific fiscal theories of government taxation and/or spending to bring about noninflationary full employment. Make sure that the article you choose is not an editorial and is not on information that are analyzed by an economist — remember that you are the economist and you are writing this editorial.

Part I.  Summary

First, you must find an article (that is not an editorial and is not on information that are analyzed by an economist/editor) that contains an issue that lends itself to analysis by using Fiscal Theories. Once you have decided that the article is appropriate, you must then summarize it using your own words.  The information you summarize in Part I is to be used in your analysis in Part II. Only information from the article that is included in the summary can be used in the analysis.

Part II. Analysis
Second, Use Fiscal Policies (Government taxation and spending to bring about noninflationary full employment) to analyze the information that you got from the article and you placed in the summary.

Part II correct and complete analysis is essential to be able to draw inferences in Part III.

Note: Do not use the pronoun I, use the appropriate theory to just analyze the information stated in the summary (you are not to explain the theory).

Part III. Drawing Inferences
Third, draw inferences (also known as prediction or provide a criticism or give solution of what fiscal policies to use to bring the economy noninflationary full employment) based on the issues summarized in Part I and analyzed in Part II using the same economic theories you used in part II above.

Note 1: You can also submit drafts under ” Discussion”  “Paper 2 (Article Report Two Discussion Forum”. This forum is most helpful when you submit a fully written paper.

Note 2:

    The USA economy as of March is at 1.6% inflation (the Federal Reserve considers 2% inflation as an ideal target rate), and 3.5% unemployment and 4% unemployment is considered as “Natural Rate of Unemployment–NARU” or full employment.   

econ research paper

To find the relationship between two variables (Y and X)
Y is people doing things repeatedly
X1 is Genders
X2 is Education level
X3 is weight
you need run data (addwave4.dta) through STATA.
I need table1 and table 2 (I upload already) in the essay
I need STATA do file and log file.
I upload my essay proposal and literature review, I hope that will help you.
And please do research paper base on those stuff.Thank you.

Applied Economics Inequality

Max 1,500 words, Arial 12 point font & double spacing
This should say what the essay is about and your particular slant on the subject and how you are going to develop it.
Main part
Contains the main contents and should have sub- headings, which form the skeleton of the essay. It should be structured in such a way that the subject unfolds in a coherent manner.
Draws the main points together.
Questions to answer:
1. Briefly explain the US pattern of educational wages over the period that is covered in the paper.
2. Now briefly explain what happened to the supply of graduates over the same period?
At the same time period (1963 1987) the supply of high school and college graduates
3. Why did the authors compositionally adjust the average wages that they then used to estimate the parameters in equation (17)?
4. Provide a full economic interpretation of the main findings from the paper and provide a critique based on the more recent evidence found in the wage inequality literature.

Economy_Breslow Price Gouging

Read Price-Gouging: Its just supply and demand by Marc Breslow, posted in this week’s Moodle section.

One way of summarizing Breslows article is The Law of Demand guarantees that there will sometimes be price-gauging. Explain what this means.  Do you agree with his reasoning?  Why or why not?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read case and answer following questions in OUTLINE format (bullet point, comprehensible, the case is reality)
1. As described in the case, the EU can do considerably less than the U.S. to avert a crisis including differences in their MANDATES. Please describe these differences.
2. Please describe the austerity measures that Greece undertook (and was asked to undertake) as described in the case.
3. What advantages does the EU (Eurozone) provide to its members (and others), if any? (YOU MAY NEED TO DO RESEARCH BEYOND WHICH IS PROVIDED IN THE CASE.)

Detrimant of Demand and Supply

Select a market for a product or service and then identify at least one critical determinant of demand or supply in that selected market and forecast a reasonable future change in the determinant. Explain the changes in equilibrium price and quantity you expect for that market. A graph is not required; however, it is helpful and illustrative to help you fully comprehend this weeks material.
Hint: To economists, the word determinant has special significance. Please pay particular attention to the listed determinants in Chapter 3 prior to posting.

the choice of appropriate technology : textiles in Kenya and the Philippines

just have to write for Kenya, not Philippines. we are supposed to discuss the economic strategies/development that has occurred for Kenya within a span of “n” years. whatever we can find the info on. for example it could be 5 or 10 years or something else. and then we are supposed to relate it back to the textiles technologies. I’m uploading the case study pictures as well here. thank you 🙂

economic growth

Please read the instructions CAREFULLY and focus on obtaining ALL POINTS.
Dont forget to include graphs in the appendix

Use these articles :

Financial Management for the Supply Chain Professional

This is a movie critique.


Movie Critique Instructions
Students are required to compose a film critique on each of the films assigned in the course. They should be well written, following standard rules of grammar and composition, and developing consistent, cohesive ideas over several paragraphs.
A critique is an analytical essay on a film, in which you give your opinion on the aesthetic quality of the film and then give your reasons for your opinion.  Do not limit yourself to reacting to the film (I loved it !) and do not use generic terms like incredible, wonderful, marvelous, etc. Unlike a review, you assume that the reader has already seen the movie; you do not need to give an extensive plot summary; you do not need to hide plot information so as not to spoil the surprise of the viewer; and you do need to be consistently analytical and critical.
Your first paragraph should summarize the films plot or principal action or genre, and act as a transition to the analytical part of the essay. The second paragraph should explain how the HR concepts for the week were depicted by the film and why the depiction was or was not meaningful. What HR lessons were learned? What suggestions might you give to the role players to effectuate different and perhaps more satisfying (or even prosperous) result?
You are under all circumstances to make sure the opinions expressed in your film critiques are yours and not those borrowed from a printed or internet source!  Plagiarism will be severely treated in this class.  I encourage you to consult outside sources on the film you are critiquing, but you must use a reference system to credit all the sources you use.
Your critique should also answer any questions posed in Blackboard.