Category: Economics

Assignment 4: Current and Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector

Provide a detailed description of the issues that you have researched.
Analyze the most significant economic effects of the researched issues on healthcare industry. Provide at least two (2) examples of these issues to support your response.
Suggest specific strategies that relevant entities / stakeholders may use to address the selected issues from an economic perspective. Justify your response.
Determine the strategic manner in which the United States can apply best economic best practices from other countries in addressing these issues.
Assess the likelihood of government and or private sector effectively addressing the issues.
Use at least ten (10) current references. Five (5) of these references must be from current peer-reviewed sources to support and substantiate your comments and perspectives.

ECO 310 RP


Answer one of the following:

1. The great problem facing capitalists in this period was the creation of an industrial workforce. How was this problem solved?

2. What factors determined where the transition to wage labor happened early, and where it happened later or not at all?

3. What kinds of people were the first to be employed in factories? Why them?

4. Why did people resist proletarianization? How were they able to resist becoming wage workers, or to improve their conditions once they did?

5. Beckert writes that “the capitalist revolution succeeded because it remained incomplete.” What does he mean by this?


150 word discussion topic. Review the trade balances in the photo below for at least 4 major global economics and discuss the data items relative to trends observed and any reasons you believe this is occurring based on research of these economies. Use the topics of trade balance, current account balance, currency units per US dollar, interest rates, and budget balance.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Prompt: Trace the evolution of the meaning of development over the course of the past century, and explain what this evolution, and the factors that encourages it, means for how economists seek to understand development, measure progress and guide policy.

Things to Focus On:
Why has the meaning of Development Evolved?
Policy: What is development?
    It is subject to Evolution
    We started with growth but why? We dont use it anymore but why?
    There are so many growth theories to the point where policies become troublesome to pick which one to use.
    The war in economics between government or no government involves the policy space.
    How do you monitor it? How do we measure it? How do we track it? (In regard to Evolution to Human Development)
    The monitoring will evolve
    What are the implications for the success or failure of policy?
    Why have we not simplified the cause or sources of growth and development even though we know and keep learning more and more information?
Side Notes:
    Dont write to the Rubric
    Use symbolisms
    Make sure you describe or demonstrate that you know what you are talking about:
o    Ex: Techniques for Analysis
Criteria for Essay:
1.    Essay follows accepted principles of writing including for example, Dudenhefer’s 6 Principles of Writing especially “end with something new, start with something old. It follows norms such as MLA. or APA – google them all if you do not know – and selects a title that reflects the specific essay and its tone. Pay attention to our articles, and GO TO THE WRITING CENTER

2.    Essay identifies the three broad phases in the modern evolution of the meaning of the term development – growth, modernization, poverty/human development/wellbeing – explaining the meaning of each and doing so within the context of time. So, for example the third phase is a thing of the 1990s on.

3.    Essay discusses – with research evidence to support discussion that was not provided by me – the proximate cause for each shift, displaying your understanding of the role and limits of theory and econ methods in shaping the evolution of the meaning. For example, for the era of growth, the role (if any as you see it) of the pandoras box from Solow’s residual in directing the focus from capital and growth to more than growth; poverty and the role of Neoliberalism and SALs; wellbeing, Sen

4.    Essay discusses and makes the connection with issues of association and causality in shaping the evolution of the meaning of development – and provides evidence. For example, the associations of education and productivity which though important, is not causal. Same for human development and growth.

5.    Essay demonstrates student understanding of the pattern to this evolution (of the meaning of development) – the “getting closer to the truth” approach to knowledge vs the pure falsification – (this gets at issues with correlation and causality)

6.    Essay considers how these shifts result in different ways of measuring progress; from average annual growth, to measures of poverty, to multidimensional measures of wellbeing and happiness.

Essay Help:
1.    Trace the Evolution of the meaning of development
2.    Explore the factors that have contributed to or shaped evolution
3.    Consider what this has done for changing how economists monitor the development achievements
4.    Consider what this means for policy

ECO 310 #3

Answer one of the following. While your answer should draw on the Baptist reading, I encourage you to also use material from Empire of Cotton where relevant.

1. In the decades before the Civil War, there was a vast increase in the cotton trade, with huge new areas of the American south being turned to cotton and the value of cotton exports from the US rising dramatically. How was this growth in the cotton industry experienced by slaves? How did it affect their lives?

2. According to Bishop, many of the traits that we associate with modern business were actually found first on slave plantations. What are some of the modern, rational business practices that first developed on slave plantations?

3. Historically, most labor has been unfree to some extent. Even today, most people have to obey the commands of a boss or supervisor at work. But slavery seems like an extreme case of unfreedom. What made slavery unique? What made it different from other forms of bound or coerced labor?

Note: Make sure your answer is based on the reading and uses specific examples from the text; dont just answer based on your general knowledge of slavery.

It’s hard out here for an inventor/innovator (with apologies to Academy Award Winner Three 6 Mafia)! While some (such as Edison, Jobs, Musk, etc.) become billionaires, many others fail — often for predictable reasons. Based on class discussion and re

It’s hard out here for an inventor/innovator (with apologies to Academy Award Winner Three 6 Mafia)!  While some (such as Edison, Jobs, Musk, etc.) become billionaires, many others fail — often for predictable reasons. 

Based on class discussion and readings, identify several (e.g., at least three) major reasons why inventors/innovators fail other than bad luck or their own lack of skills (which is addressed separately in Essay Question #2) and offer suggestions for how these predictable failures you identify might be anticipated, averted, or reduced.  If you have a personal/family business experience with failure (or adversity) as an inventor/innovator, you may include your experience as part (but not all) of your analysis. 

It’s hard out here for an inventor/innovator (with apologies to Academy Award Winner Three 6 Mafia)! While some (such as Edison, Jobs, Musk, etc.) become billionaires, many others fail — often for predictable reasons. Based on class discussion and re

It’s hard out here for an inventor/innovator (with apologies to Academy Award Winner Three 6 Mafia)!  While some (such as Edison, Jobs, Musk, etc.) become billionaires, many others fail — often for predictable reasons. 

Based on class discussion and readings, identify several (e.g., at least three) major reasons why inventors/innovators fail other than bad luck or their own lack of skills (which is addressed separately in Essay Question #2) and offer suggestions for how these predictable failures you identify might be anticipated, averted, or reduced.  If you have a personal/family business experience with failure (or adversity) as an inventor/innovator, you may include your experience as part (but not all) of your analysis. 

It’s hard out here for an inventor/innovator (with apologies to Academy Award Winner Three 6 Mafia)! While some (such as Edison, Jobs, Musk, etc.) become billionaires, many others fail — often for predictable reasons. Based on class discussion and re

It’s hard out here for an inventor/innovator (with apologies to Academy Award Winner Three 6 Mafia)!  While some (such as Edison, Jobs, Musk, etc.) become billionaires, many others fail — often for predictable reasons. 

Based on class discussion and readings, identify several (e.g., at least three) major reasons why inventors/innovators fail other than bad luck or their own lack of skills (which is addressed separately in Essay Question #2) and offer suggestions for how these predictable failures you identify might be anticipated, averted, or reduced.  If you have a personal/family business experience with failure (or adversity) as an inventor/innovator, you may include your experience as part (but not all) of your analysis. 

Economics – Drawing on the material from the module as well as on evidence from the articles referenced below, discuss the potential positive and negative impacts of patents on innovation.

I need to write a 1500 words essay to discuss the potential positive and negative impacts of patents on innovation.
This must be based on the module material from my uni (3 chapters which i have attached) as well as using the information on the 2 attached extracts.

Should economists replace Keynesian monetary theory? Why do New economists say traditional Keynesian DSGE IS-LM models need revision if we are to miss another crisis? What new variables, theories or emphasis are incorporated and why?

Should economists replace Keynesian monetary theory?

Why do New economists say traditional Keynesian DSGE IS-LM models need revision if we are to miss another crisis? What new variables, theories or emphasis are incorporated and why? This is to be a 5-7 page economic analysis with annotated graphs of your understanding of the failure or success of IS-LM Models for managing monetary policy (describe in economic terms you are reading and studying in this course) and the Reforms made to correct the underlying failings of prior policies and regulations..