Category: Economics

Health Economics: Managed Care Enrollment

Step 1: Research staff model HMOs and IPA HMOS.

Step 2: Utilizing your research, respond to the following questions:

Would you expect enrollment in managed care to increase or decrease in the future, presuming that future trends include the following:
Increasing technology available to treat illnesses
Increasing costs of medical care (can be partially attributed to the first bullet)
Increasing per capita income over time (as a general trend)

Is This What We Should Spend Our Money On?

Discussion: Is This What We Should Spend Our Money On?

The Federal budget is made up of three parts for planning purposes: Mandatory spending, which is enabled by ongoing appropriations, and so does not require new spending authorization; Discretionary spending, which has to be re-authorized each year; and the Interest on the Federal debt. For our purposes, because we are not looking at the legislative process, it is one single large spending pool. Below is overall Federal spending in the USA in 2018
2018 Federal Spending.
(Links to an external site.)

View the document or the Interactive Graphic.
So you can see that in 2018 Federal spending added up to $4.1 trillion, or 20% of then US GDP of $20.5 trillion. Obviously this was more than  revenues, which at $3.3 trillion left a deficit of (a bit less than) 800 billion dollars, or 3.9% of GDP.  We spent 24% of Federal money on Social Security + 14% on Medicare, which = 38% and growing of all US Federal expenditure on retired people. Another 15% of the entire budget in 2018 was spent on the US military. In addition we spent 9.5% on Medicaid, which is medical assistance for poor people. And we spent 15.6% on natural resources and the environment, general science, space & technology, general government, community & regional development, agriculture, administrative costs of Medicare & Social Security, energy & commerce, and housing credit programs. Another 7.9% and growing was spent on servicing the national debt. About four-fifths is spent on retired people, the poor, the military and the Federal debt.
On the Federal level, education spending is allocated to Pell grants, work-study, guarantees of student debt, and Head Start, a program for poor pre-school children. The great majority of spending on education in the US is on the state and local levels, although the Federal government plays a regulatory role.
Similarly, with respect to the environment, the Federal government plays primarily a regulatory role — in this case, most spending in terms of mitigation is by private industry. The largest exception is the national park system; there are also state and local parks and reserves.
Do you think these are the best priorities for US Federal government spending? Do you propose some other set of priorities? If so, what? Write about three paragraphs. Please use outside academic-level sources to support your position.

Minsky, Kondratieff and the Debt Cycle

Discussion: Minsky, Kondratieff and the Debt Cycle

is a simple explanation of the debt cycle by Ray Dalio, who made a billion dollars when housing prices collapsed in 2008, by “shorting” (betting they would fall in value) bonds built using mortgages.
It is an elaboration of Hyman Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis
(Links to an external site.)
, developed in the 1960s.
It in turn was built on the Soviet economist Nicholas Kondratieff’s “waves”
(Links to an external site.)
proposed in 1922.
Do you think this description of the debt cycle is an accurate way of describing how the business cycle works? Based on these theories, when can we expect the next Great Recession? (I don’t mean the next small recession, which is expected next year) Use outside sources.

Link to use:

Economic Forum

Davos 2020

Please go to this website:

Two years ago, the meeting in Davos focused heavily on harnessing technological innovation. Last year, this theme was overshadowed by fears of rising geopolitical risk. This year, (the emphasis was strikingly different. The official theme of the event was Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World. It appears that the optimism around technology was tempered overtime by a significant degree of skepticism. PLEASE comment on the above statement -Last sentence (It appears ….. degree of skepticism).

You have to go to the website above and get the ideas and some evidence to support your critical thinking thesis statements. PLEASE AVOID PLAGIARISM!!! My professor check plagiarism seriously. Thank you so much!

Economic Forum

Davos 2020

Please go to this website:

Two years ago, the meeting in Davos focused heavily on harnessing technological innovation. Last year, this theme was overshadowed by fears of rising geopolitical risk. This year, (the emphasis was strikingly different. The official theme of the event was Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World. It appears that the optimism around technology was tempered overtime by a significant degree of skepticism. PLEASE comment on the above statement -Last sentence (It appears ….. degree of skepticism). 

You have to go to the website above and get the ideas and some evidence to support your critical thinking thesis statements. PLEASE AVOID PLAGIARISM!!! My professor check plagiarism seriously. Thank you so much!


Please answer the following questions below in 6-10 sentences with page number and line of where information was retrieved. (ex: pg 65 line 2 or paragraph 1)

Please let me know if you can’t retrieve access to the book.
The information will be in Chapter 1-5, link below:

1. What was the initial lure for textile mills to move south?  Was there any government incentive to attract mill owners to the South? How did unions effect textile mills?

2.On top of page 84, Rosen states, They were considerably better off than women textile workers in the low-wage South during Americas postwar prosperity.  Indeed, it was in part the very welfare these workers enjoyed that made U.S. textile and apparel manufacturers begin to seek the comparative advantage of offshore production.  Define comparative advantage.  In your own words, describe the authors view, given in these two sentences, of offshore production

3.How did the U.S. government play a part ending production at U.S. textile mills especially in the North?

4.What were the textile initiatives offered to the textile industry by President Kennedy?  How come no funds were appropriated to the textile industry until 1970?

5. What the two-price cotton policy?  How did this effect U.S. textile producers?


Inside Job, a documentary made by Charles Ferguson, describes the policy environment and banking practices that helped create the financial crisis of 2008. (The film won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2010.)

write an essay providing your reaction to the film. Please address the following:

a. In summary, to what does Ferguson attribute to the financial crisis?

b. Ferguson conveys a very strong point of view with which you may or may not agree. In your essay, explain your reaction to the film. Do you find his analysis compelling? If not, why?

c. How would you compare this film to Inside the Meltdown?

Make sure to write your SELF REFLECTION!
Your essay must show that you have watched the whole movie. Don’t just write something everyone can get from the Google.


maintained hypothesis is one which is generally assumed to be true in the absence of contradictory evidence.  Argue that process innovations generally offer better returns on investment than do product innovations, rather than vice-versa, should be the maintained hypothesis based on (a) the principle of quadrupling down, (b) causal ambiguity, and (c) the three methods described by Rebecca Henderson in Making Money from Innovation.
can use 3-4 outside resource citations


Prof. Melissa Schilling, in her soon-to-be-bestselling work Quirky, and the short web clip we saw in class (, note the importance of individual (and solitary) contributions to innovation.  Discuss, using examples from class (e.g., our team-size experiment, Edisons process for finding the proper filament material, the challenges in marketing a better umbrella, etc.) both (a) why different perspectives and skills from multiple people are valuable in the innovation process and (b) even given this, why team innovation is not necessarily a superior approach.
3-4 outside citations


A maintained hypothesis is one which is generally assumed to be true in the absence of contradictory evidence.  Argue that process innovations generally offer better returns on investment than do product innovations, rather than vice-versa, should be the maintained hypothesis based on (a) the principle of quadrupling down, (b) causal ambiguity, and (c) the three methods described by Prof. Rebecca Henderson in Making Money from Innovation.
You can use 3-4 citations