Category: Economics


The following article describes the unique boarding process used by Southwest Airlines.

Use this article and three (3) others to answer the following questions in 5-7 pages.

Describe the change in Southwest Airlines’ boarding process.
What was Southwest’s main goal introducing the early-bird check-in?
Explain how Southwest Airlines used the game theory approach to increase its profits.
What is the outcome of the game involving early-bird check-in?
Identify what is the passengers’ dominant strategy.
Determine why travelers face the Prisoner’s Dilemma with the early-bird check-in process.
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the early-bird check-in process for Southwest Airlines.
Suggest ways in which other companies, or the company you work for, can utilize similar game approach to maximize profits. Note: One of your references should help provide a rationale as to why this is a good approach for this company and needs to have been published within the last 6 months.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

Describe the relationship between total utility and marginal utility.
Explain if marginal utility can be negative.
Examine the diamond-water paradox. Why are diamonds more expensive than water?
Evaluate the law of diminishing marginal utility.
Identify some items, explaining your reasoning, that do not follow the law of diminishing marginal utility.
Evaluate how the law of diminishing marginal utility can explain the diamond-water paradox.

Health Economics: Health Insurance Expense

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Post your response to the following statement on the discussion board. If appropriate, include personal experience in your responses.

“People most commonly buy insurance against hospital costs because it is that type of medical care that has the biggest average expense for individuals year in and year out.”

Creative Destruction

Creative Destruction

Students in their own words need to write an essay that meets the following criteria:
1. A complete definition of Creative Destruction as it pertains to Economic Theory
2. A detailed analysis of an example of Creative Destruction in the Historical Marketplace, for example, the death of the CD. (DO NOT WRITE ABOUT Joseph Schumpeter!!!!!!!!)
3. A speculative analysis of a market product or service that may be currently or in the future
will be creative destroyed and how, please speculate on what will destroy this. For example:
Tesla and the electric car.
The essay needs to have a clear introduction, a well laid out structure, and a solid conclusion.
The length of the essay is at the discretion of the writer as long as the criteria are clearly met.

(Please keep it at grade 12 level!!!!)

FI & Correspondent Banking profitable products offerings

FI & Correspondent Banking profitable products offerings

* products offered by FI & Correspondent Banking ( other than Money Market, Trade finance: LCs, LGs and counter guarantee and FX) that are profitable ( get products from three banks in different regions)

* Explain each type of product you, how it is profitable to the bank

* Give real examples of product offering by banks that the FI benefit from

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.    Read this article “Argentina’s Macri attempts to thwart economic plunge” The article discusses the Argentinian economy and suggests that political motives and populist actions might slow the economic recovery and obstruct the necessary steps that needs to be taken. 

2.    Create a paper in the form of an APA formatted article that addresses the following questions. Please use apply concepts and theories learned from the textbook to support your ideas, including at least 1 intext citation.
o    What type of economic downturns is Argentina experiencing as of Summer 2019?  Is the current government able to take the right course of action? Explain.
o    How is the currency (peso) responding to government policies?  Is it normal?  Explain it using the supply and demand model.
o    Why would Argentina face balance of payments crisis?  What kind of government policies would exacerbate such malfunction in the macroeconomy?

Fiscal and Monetary Policies

Develop an essay discussing the fiscal and the monetary policies adopted and implemented by the federal during the Great Recession and their impacts on the U.S. economy.

Your paper should be structured as follows

1.                  Cover page with a running head
2.                  Introduction: What is the economic meaning of a recession?
        A brief discussion of fiscal policies
        A brief discussion of monetary policies
3.                  Conclusions: Discuss the extent to which the use of demand side policies (fiscal policy and monetary policy) during the Great Recession of 2008 has been successful in restoring economic growth and reducing unemployment 
4.                  References

What Is the Importance of Human Resources to a Manufacturing Industry? Will Machines Be Able to Entirely Replace a Human Workforce

Select a research topic on an economic issue.  Consult with your instructor to discuss your ideas.
Conduct research on your topic using at least three sources.
Write a Research Paper with a Body length of 2-3 pages using APA style.
Double-space your Research Paper.
Include a Title Page, an Abstract with Key Words, a Body, and References.
In the Body of your Research Paper, begin with an Introductory Paragraph and end with a Concluding Paragraph.
Consider using the Writing Lab to provide assistance with editing your paper.
Your paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. Plagiarized papers, whether intentional or simply due to ignorance will receive a total grade of zero. Read the following information on

Applied Economice

1. Have you ever noticed that the grounds of city-owned parks are more polluted than those of country clubs?

Is it simply because people who use parks are less concerned with pollution compared with those who golf? Is that even true?
(b) Might the property-rights assignments have something to do with it? Who owns the city park? Who owns the country club?

Read the article The Role of Public Health Improvements in Health Advances: The Twentieth Century United States by DavidCutler and Grant Miller and answer the following questions.

Read the article The Role of Public Health Improvements in Health Advances: The Twentieth Century United States by David Cutler and Grant Miller and answer the following questions.
1.What is the general question that the article is trying to answer? That is, what is the fact or pattern that the article is trying to explain? Keep your answer to 1-2 sentences.
2.What is the authors specific hypothesis? That is, what is their proposed explanation for the observed fact or pattern? Keep your answer to 1-2 sentences.
3.Choose one of the tables in the article. What data sources/variables portrayed in the table? How does the evidence presented in this table relate to the authors specific hypothesis? Discuss your reasoning.
4.Can the evidence be explained in another way? That is, is the evidence consistent with another hypothesis that the author may or may not have considered.

Please answer each question separately rather than consolidating your answers into a single essay. Do not exceed a single page (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins). My goal is to challenge you to keep your answers short and on point.