Category: Economics


One of the most dramatic periods of fiscal stimulus took place during the major recession of 2008-2010. Not only were the conventional fiscal (and monetary) tools employed, but the federal government also pursued certain unconventional initiatives, such as the bailout of financial institutions on the brink of insolvency.

Please watch Inside the Meltdown, a PBS Frontline documentary first broadcast in 2009— Write a 2-3 page paper summarizing the film and addressing the following questions:

a.    What is systematic risk?
b.    What is a moral hazard?
c.    Why did the government treat Bear Sterns differently from Lehman Brothers?
d.    What do you think the government should have done with Lehman Brothers?
e.    What, if anything, surprised you about the events described in this film?


Explore the relationship between GDP per capita and entrepreneurship for several countries. Deeply discuss your findings Use the databases from and Please take screenshot of the data you use. Avoid Plagiarism!! Please cite your sources! Thank you so much!   

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Now that you read the case study and played the game (I suppose), it is time to addess the questions related to pricing and strategy.  Don’t forget to use the concepts that you learned in this class in addressing these questions!

1.    Reread the case study ( and make sure you understand the dynamics of the situation our company finds itself in. 

2.    Play the simulation game ( and make sure you have a good grasp of the cause and effect environment our company operates in.

3.    Submit your 15-page-long final project paper addressing the pricing and other managerial strategies available to the firm.  Below you can find a list of questions that you can address in your final paper.
Some of the questions that you can address in the final paper:
    Describe the SunPower companys main business and the specifics of the industry it operates in.  What is the competitive structure of the industry the company operates in?
    What are the shapes of the demand and supply curves SunPower is facing?  Is the demand elastic?  How do you compare marginal cost and average cost of producing the modules?
    Is SunPower company profitable?  Would inspecting the income statement provide a reasonable answer? 
    Discuss the cost and product curves of the company. 
    In Exhibit 8 the drivers of cost savings are listed.  Explain three of these drivers and their impact on the cost of the firm is facing.
    Is the SunPower company a price setter or is it a price taker?  What is the pricing strategy you would recommend for the firm?
    Discuss the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the business model and profitability of SunPower.
    Discuss the last paragraph of the case study text: The key was choosing and formulating the right strategy. Should, for example, SunPowers strategy focus on the pricing of modules? Or should it focus more on investing in process improvements? Or should the strategy be some combination of the two? If so, what was the right formula based on the multitude of variables that solar cell producers like SunPower faced?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This project consists of a case study and simulation game accompanying it.  The purpose is to apply the economic theories learned in the course to a simulation game and solving the case study.  The game aims to allow students to experience interactively the challenges of pricing strategy in a market with significant learning curves, knowledge spillovers and the potential entry of new competitors with radical new technologies. 

1.    Read the case study available here for free:

2.    Watch the instructional video available here:

3.    Play the simulation game available here:

4.    Submit your 2-page outline of the project briefly highlighting the pricing and strategies that you would like to address in your paper.  Below you can find a list of questions keep in mind
Some of the questions that you can address in the outline and ultimately in the final paper.
    Describe the SunPower companys main business and the specifics of the industry it operates in.  What is the competitive structure of the industry the company operates in?
    What are the shapes of the demand and supply curves SunPower is facing?  Is the demand elastic?  How do you compare marginal cost and average cost of producing the modules?
    Is SunPower company profitable?  Would inspecting the income statement provide a reasonable answer? 
    Discuss the cost and product curves of the company. 
    In Exhibit 8 the drivers of cost savings are listed.  Explain three of these drivers and their impact on the cost of the firm is facing.
    Is the SunPower company a price setter or is it a price taker?  What is the pricing strategy you would recommend for the firm?
    Discuss the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the business model and profitability of SunPower.
    Discuss the last paragraph of the case study text: The key was choosing and formulating the right strategy. Should, for example, SunPowers strategy focus on the pricing of modules? Or should it focus more on investing in process improvements? Or should the strategy be some combination of the two? If so, what was the right formula based on the multitude of variables that solar cell producers like SunPower faced?

China will overtake the U.S. as worlds top economy in 2020, says Standard Chartered Bank

Write a critical response to the article.I dont care if you agree or disagree with the article. feel free to voice your opinion.The response needs to be at least 500 words. Link to the article is below

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Though sustainability initiatives are admittedly often driven by regulatory requirements, an increasing number of companies are noticing that they frequently result in decreased operating costs and increased revenues. Recent research has shown a strong and positive link between successful sustainability strategies and corporate value. Sustainability can enhance businesses in several ways. Explain and analyze how one organization/company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is benefiting from sustainability initiatives.

Please include introduction and conclusion also use 4 references including this book as main reference  Cavusgil, S. T, Knight, G., & Riesenberger, J. (2017). International business: The new realities (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN: 9780134324838

An analysis using economic terms

For those of you who watched the game, what was your favorite ad? Provide an analysis using economic terms (Marginal cost, demand, supply, marginal revenue) to describe the intent and the outcome of the ad.

The Very Best Ads Of The 2020 Super Bowl

ECO 213

Find a newspaper, magazine or blog article that mentions Karl Marx and how he was right or wrong in terms of an economic claim he made. Write a quick one paragraph summary of the article and then quote the claim made by the author. Make sure to include reference or hyperlink to the source you used.

Health Economics: Induced Demand

Answer the following:
a.    What experimental and nonexperimental evidence can you cite about the extent of induced demand?  Is there any?  Is it unlimited in extent?

b.    Does the experimental evidence also reveal anything about the tendencies for shirking in a physician-firm that pays doctors a flat salary rather than on a fee-for-service (FFS) basis?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are assessed on your thoughtful
Please do not post a summary.
Your response should bring up substantive comments and questions with regard to the
reading at hand and the broader themes in the class.
You may choose to relate what you read to some part of your daily life, current events, or
some other situation, policy debate, etc..
Responses can be speculative, propose applications, or pose critiques.