Category: Economics

ECO 213

Find a newspaper, magazine or blog article that mentions Karl Marx and how he was right or wrong in terms of an economic claim he made. Write a quick one paragraph summary of the article and then quote the claim made by the author. Make sure to include reference or hyperlink to the source you used. Due next Tuesday by noon.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a one and a half to two page response to the documentary Inside Job. The response papers should be a critical analysis of an aspect of the film either a response to one of the themes posed in the discussion post on Inside Job, or to another part of the film that interested you. Please do not attempt to discuss all the issues raised in the film, but instead narrow in on one aspect. (Similarly, if you respond to one of the themes I posed, you do not need to respond to all the sub-questions). Please do not summarize the film. The responses will be graded according to how well they critically respond to an aspect of the financial crisis discussed in the film. The expectation is that you will develop a short argument, with a clear thesis, that clearly gives your opinion about a particular topic and substantiates this opinion with information from the film. If you wish, you can also use the other background readings from this section of the class or elsewhere; using additional information is, however, not necessary, and the response should be primarily focused on the film.

ECO 245 #2

1.        Use the information in the table on labor productivities in France and Germany to answer questions a through f.

a.    Which country has an absolute advantage in cheese? In cars?
b.    What is the relative price of cheese in France if it does not trade? In Germany?
c.    What is opportunity cost of cheese in France? In Germany?
d.    Which country has a comparative advantage in cheese? In cars? Explain your answer.
e.    What are the upper and lower bounds for the trade price of cheese?
f.    Draw a hypothetical PPC for France and label its slope. Suppose that France follows its comparative advantage in deciding where to produce on its PPC. Label its production point.If the trade price of cars is 5 kilograms of cheese per car, draw a trade line (CPC) showing how France can gain from trade.

2. Praschs article presents a critique of the theory of comparative advantage and the policy of laissez-faire that has generally been built upon it. Discuss his main arguments.

ECO 333 DBQ2

Post two short reflections on
Part A). a quote from Farley or Rees chapters (in quotes with citation) or supplemental links that has some meaning to you.
Part B) 1 of the 5 discussion questions below.
Comment or Question in a reply to at least two student posts. Reply to questions or comments on your post as appropriate.
Must do parts a and b and comments for full credit.

Part A. Quote with citation, and what it means to you. From Week 2 readings or supplemental brows links.

Part B. Discussion Questions suggested. Required: refer to Rees and Farley and supplemental when helpful. Quotes helpful.

1. Explain some of the advantages of the system approach of Ecological Economics and Resilience.  Refer to Ecological Economics concepts such as Ecosystem Services, Feedback Loops, etc. and concepts of Resilience such as Complex Systems, Tipping Points, Dynamics, etc. Refer to Rees and Farley

2. Some sustainability educators (e.g. in AASHE) claim System Thinking is necessary and essential to understand Sustainability and potential solutions. Why do you think this is so or not? Refer to Rees, Farley (see also Buckland, Sustainability Meta-Competencies)

3. Resilience approach has been used by Ecologists and Ecological Economics for many decades, but now is in popular use and by government. Why do you think that may be? Provide example(s). What is meant by Resilience in your example(s)? Refer to Rees and Farley.

4. Do you think that some Sustainability problems are a political-economic system problem that needs a system solution? Why? Provide an example. Refer to the chapters by Farley and Rees.

5. State your own question and answer it. Or, post an answer to another students original (#5) question. Refer to Rees and Farley.

Optional, include image or video in your post or reply.

Read, View and Browse

PCR 3. Thinking Resilience, William E. Rees [Read]

PCR 20. Ecological Economics, Joshua Farley [Read]

Ecological Economics Part1 Daly, Herman  [Herman Daly was chief economist for the World Bank and co-founder of Ecological Economics now also embraced by UN Environmental Program]

Story of Solutions, Annie Leonard.

Annie Leonard is a great communicator of sustainability, and is now the E.D. for Greenpeace USA [View]
Sustainablity Meta-Competencies (Learning)
Sustainability Meta-Competencies  Table, Engle & Buckland [Reference Table]
Engle et al Sustainability Competencies White Paper [Browse]


It is time for our first writing assignment:

Your paper should be double-spaced, 12-point font and with 1-inch margins.
Papers received later will be penalized according to a sliding scale for lateness.
Your paper should be approximately three pages.
There is no penalty for longer papers, but also no additional bonus.
You can choose between two prompts.

WBUR interview regarding vacancy taxes: (Links to an external site.). Los Angeles Times Article: (Links to an external site.)
CBS News piece on “Housing First” policy: (Links to an external site.)
Please choose one of the topics and write a piece discussing whether you think that the policy in question is a good public policy. You are welcome to use sources to argue your point.

Discussion #1

Lifestyle & Skills for the Future

The skills required for tomorrow will be different from today. The cost of tomorrow is changing rapidly. AI, robotic process automation and robotics will become increasingly more prevalent in all industries.

To acquire the same lifestyle of your previous generations, what type of trades offs will people have to make and why? Where will you live? How will you live? Will you have a large or small family? Where do you see the trends going?

Reference Articles –

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Summarize the article, what the author is trying to convey. Introduce, The main idea, what is the issue? The author point of view, his opinion. And Ended by providing your opinion. With some data/ hard information. Remember to provide reference, minimum 3. Essay in APA Format/ Font 12 Times New Roman

Deficit Spending

Write an essay analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of deficit spending and the effects of federal government borrowing on the economy i.e., the crowding out effect.

Your paper should be structured as follows

1.                Cover page with a running head
2.                Introduction: What is deficit spending and how does it work.
2.1.        Advantages
2.2.        Disadvantages
3.                Crowding-out Effect
4.                Conclusions: Do you believe that deficit spending helps or hinders short-term and long-term economic growth?
5.                References

Economics paper and 6-8 slide presentation.

There are three parts of this assignment one and two part need to be 6 to 8 pages in combine and then to create a ppt. please check the attached file for further details. My professor is very strict on plagiarism and grammar the plagiarism must be less than 3% otherwise i’ll not accept the project.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Need 6 -8 power point slides with fiscal policy and monetary policy- See information below! 


For this assignment, you will first need to choose a 10-year period in U.S. economic history between 1950 and today. You will then present the data collected from government sources related to a variety of macroeconomic phenomena and analyze them in conjunction with the models and core principles to explain the economy-wide changes during your chosen time period. You will also examine the events of the time in their relation to the macroeconomic issues as well as the corresponding government actions taken (fiscal and monetary policies) to address the issues.  Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany the data and graphs, information, and explanations presented on the slide.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Decade selected 2000-2010

Government Policies (Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses.)

a)    Fiscal Policy
i.    Examine the fiscal policies in place at the start of your specific time period in relation to their effects on macroeconomic issues. For instance, consider level of government spending, taxation, subsidies, unemployment benefits, and so on.
ii.    Analyze new fiscal policy actions undertaken by the U.S. government throughout the time period by describing their intended effects, using macroeconomic principles to explain the actions.
iii.    Explain the impact of the new fiscal policy actions on individuals and businesses within the economy by integrating the macroeconomic data and principles.

Your work here should include scholarly research which you can best find
information on specific fiscal policies, search by President instead of by years
start with these sites:

Congressional Budget Office
White House website
National Bureau of Economic Research

b)    Monetary Policy
i.    Examine the monetary policies in place at the start of your specific time period in relation to their effects on macroeconomic issues. For instance, consider the discount rate set by the Fed, the rates on reserves, open market operations, and so on.
ii.    Analyze new monetary policy actions undertaken by the U.S. government throughout the time period by describing their intended effects, using macroeconomic principles to explain the actions.
iii.    Explain the impact of the new monetary policy actions on individuals and businesses within the economy by integrating the macroeconomic data and principles.
AD-AS model

Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses.
Apply APA formatting to citations and references.