Category: Economics

factors affecting retail pricing strategy in the UK road transport fuel market

This paper needs to be an economic market report, this needs to be based on the uk road transport fuel market.  I have attached a guideline with more information and resources to use. Please understand this is a Masters level piece of work . It needs someone with understanding in Business Economics and Market analysis. It also needs someone who can deliver a quality piece of work within the 2 days period.  If your uncertain about the guideline provided please do not hesitate to ask. Please follow the guideline carefully


Read  Chapters 23, 32 and 33 from Henry George’s book, Progress and Poverty.

You can find the entire book at

After you finish reading it answer the following question: What is Henry Georges solution to the problem of growing inequality as a result of increased productivity?


You are an economist for the Vanda-Laye Corporation, which produces and distributes outdoor cooking supplies. The company has come under new ownership and
management and will be undergoing changes in its product lines and operating structure. As an economist, your responsibilities include examining the market factors that affect success or failure of a product, including the supply and demand for the product, market conditions, and the behavior of competitors with similar products.

The new owners are evaluating the operating structure, and you have two possible alternatives. One alternative requires a high level of investment in fixed costs compared to the other alternative. Jorge, your supervisor, has assigned you the task of evaluating the two alternatives.

Assume that the company has no debt. Regardless of the alternative selected, market conditions will require the selling price of the product to be $3.45 per unit. The details for each alternative are given in the table.

                                            Alternative 1              Alternative 2

    Variable costs                    $2.20                              $2.70

    Fixed costs                        $80,000                          $30,000

  Total assets                        $350,000                        $350,000

Jorge has asked you to provide detailed responses to the following questions:

Analyze how the CVP analysis helps management in the planning stage of a new business.
What is the break-even quantity for each of the investment alternatives?
Analyze the breakeven differences between the two alternatives. What does the breakeven quantity tell you?
Which alternative would you recommend to the company? Explain the pros and cons of each alternative and the reasons for your selection.


You are the new owner of Vanda-Laye Corporation. You are interested in your company’s cost and revenue relationships as well as its future pricing strategies.

Analyze how the Utility Theory can help you determine pricing as you make changes to the companies pricing strategies.
Evaluate what information is needed to assess the companys cost and revenue relationship.  What does this information tell you about the company?
Explain the impact supply and demand has on the companys pricing strategy.


Here are four individuals telling you their stories of how they became unemployed. In a multi-paragraph essay, apply the theories of unemployment to explain the type of unemployment that each of these individuals is facing and explain which of these individuals qualifies for unemployment benefits:

Two months ago, Marcelle used to work full time in an automobile manufacturing firm. “The factory where I used to work has closed because our market contracted so much, and so I was laid off. This is happening to people all over the country-all you see in the papers is that economic growth has fallen and incomes across the country have fallen. I have been looking very hard for a new job, but have had no luck yet.”

Until last week, Dominic used to work full time as a hair-dresser in downtown Cincinnati. “I decided to quit my job, because I want to move to New York City.”

Until last month, Francine worked part time at a ski resort. “Well, it is summer now, and so the resort is closed. I will apply again in the winter when the snow is back. I am not interested in working until then.”

Two months ago, Beauvoir had been working full time as a secretary. “I was a good typist, but I don’t know how to use a computer. My boss wanted to upgrade the office to computers, and so I was replaced by someone who is computer-savvy. I have been looking for another job, but it appears that I need to learn some computer skills.”

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Opp Cost and Comp Advantage

Here are some hypothetical numbers used to illustrate the ideas of trade-offs, specialization, and comparative advantage. Assume Sri Lanka, using all her resources efficiently, can produce either 1,000 bags of rice OR 3,000 bags of tea. Let’s also assume that, using all her resources efficiently, Kenya can produce either 1,000 bags of rice OR 1,000 bags of tea. Further, assume that the countries have similar resource endowments and that, initially, they are not trading with each other. Therefore, each of the countries has to produce both rice and tea for its citizens. Suppose that, in the no-trade situation, Sri Lanka was consuming 400 bags of rice and 1,800 bags of tea, and in the no-trade situation, Kenya was consuming 500 bags of rice and 500 bags of tea.

People Face Trade-off

You have one semester left to graduate and you have the finances to do a maximum of four courses. Three of the courses are required courses. The last course slot belongs to an elective. You have narrowed down your choices to three electives, all of which are very popular and very useful courses that you are very interested in. Decide on the course you want to take. Then using at least two economic decision-making principles, explain why you are making this choice.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Economic Growth

In this Assignment, you will take the role as an assistant researcher to conduct a study on the major
determinants of the variations in the economic growth of countries. Your research must be detailed, and
presented in a 4-page research paper that analyzes factors that indicate the disparities of economic
growth among countries. In addition, you will discuss the value of recognizing and accommodating
multiculturalism and diversity in a globalized economic environment and their roles in promoting long-run
economic growth and development

Brexit: The global Economic Consequences of Britain leaves the EU: Aftermath of UK Referendum

The term paper should not exceed 5 pages (Excluding the
reference section). please make sure you follow the instructions 5 pages excluding abstract, appendix and references

The text of your paper (the text only, that is, not including the Cover Sheet, Abstract, Table of
Contents, Bibliography/References, Tables, Charts, and other appendices) may not exceed
5pages (excluding the reference list).

Globalization affects in Saudi Arabia

Discuss how globalization affects the economy and international businesses of Saudi Arabia. How does the Saudi Vision 2030 transform economic barriers to influence more successful companies?

Please include introduction and conclusion also use 4 references including this book as main reference Cavusgil,  S.  T,  Knight,  G.,  &  Riesenberger,  J.  (2017).  International  business:  The  new  realities  (4th  ed.).  Boston, MA: Pearson.  ISBN: 9780134324838