Category: Education

Clinical Field Experience C: Monitoring Student Progress

Creating learning activities that appropriately support the diverse   learning needs of all students is a necessary part of the learning   cycle. The design process operates to establish learning goals that   magnify the current learning status of individual students in   preparing for success. This is a foundational aspect of classroom   instruction and an important step toward internal motivation and   successful student achievement.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

In the previous topic, you selected a student to work with   one-on-one during your field experience. Based on the information   provided while collaborating with your mentor and your observations,   complete the following for the student identified in Clinical Field   Experience B:

  • With your mentors guidance, select a content area of     ELA or math and a related state standard.
  • With permission,     meet with the student to discuss a learning goal appropriate for the     students current learning status.
  • Create a lesson     plan outline that addresses the learning goal and includes:     
    o The selected learning goal
    o The selected     state standard
    o Objective aligned with the     standard
    o Brief description of the Multiple Means of     Representation (Instruction)
    o Brief description of the     Multiple Means of Engagement (Student Practice)
    o Multiple     Means of Expression (Formative Assessment)
  • Collaborate with     your mentor teacher to review the lesson plan outline and learning   goal
  • Revise the lesson plan outline based on feedback from     the mentor teacher
  • With permission, implement the lesson     plan outline with the selected student
  • Use the formative     assessment to monitor and document the student’s progress

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor in   providing instruction and support to the class.

In 250-500 words, reflect on your experiences of observing,   planning, goal-setting,  collaborating, implementing the lesson   plan, and assessing student performance. Consider whether providing   focused attention to the student, involving him or her in setting   goals, and giving the student specific feedback on his or her   performance increased the students engagement and resulted   in improved academic achievement. What changes to your original lesson   plan did your mentor recommend? Did the suggested revisions improve   your instruction?

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment,   solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and   references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines,   which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student   Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning   the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Student Goals Timeline

The first step in the self-regulation cycle is setting goals   collaboratively with students. Once established, the monitoring and   implementing of strategies must take place. This allows teachers and   students to collaborate during the learning process and adjust   learning activities to assist students in achieving their goals.   Collecting data, monitoring progress, and making instructional   adjustments are the most significant pieces. Providing documented,   specific feedback to the student on his or her progress is an integral   component of communication with the student, family, and educational   support staff.

Use the “Student Goals Timeline” template  to create:

  • A student-friendly timeline to visually represent the     students progress in learning for one month
  • A     schedule to collaborate with the student to discuss progress towards     the goals for one  month
  • Identified points when family     collaboration will occur
  • The final assessment that will be     used to determine if the long-term and short-term goals were met     through the planned learning activities.

In addition, write a 250-500 word rationale which includes the following:

  • The importance of developing an organized, student-friendly     method for documenting students goals and tracking   progress
  • How the timeline allows the student to analyze their     assessment results and set goals for their future   learning.  
  • How the timeline increases transparency     for the students on their progress for the student, family, and     educational support staff.
  • Why assessment results should be     used to adjust instructional elements to meet the individual needs     of students

Support your findings with 1-2 scholarly resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment,   solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and   references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines,   which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student   Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning   the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Assignment: Advocating For Family Involvement And Effective Partnerships


Strong relationships that develop and blossom into mutually respectful partnerships with families are a foundational component to effective programs within the early childhood field. Consider the following scenario:

You have just been hired as the director of an early childhood education program serving children between the ages of birth and 5. In your first weeks on the job, you spend an extensive amount of time visiting each classroom and getting to know the teachers. When you ask about the relationships they have developed with children and their families, one response you receive seems to encapsulate the general attitude: “We are very busy making sure our curriculum meets state standards; we like to get to know the children but have to stay focused on getting these children to learn what the standards say so they will be ready in every way for kindergarten.” When you ask about building partnerships with families, you receive a related response: “Families are most concerned that their children are learning and that they will do well in kindergarten. In fact, the families of the children in my class don’t seem to want to be bothered with what’s happening on a day-to-day basis; they’re interested in ‘end results.'”

Based on these conversations, you know that you need to work with staff to cultivate a shared understanding regarding the importance of building relationships to ensure family involvement and effective partnerships. To that end, you decide to develop an engaging workshop that provides information on current research and theory, practical applications, and benefits and challenges staff may encounter as they work to engage families; develop rich, respectful partnerships; and involve families in the lives of their children at your school.

For this Application Assignment:

  • Review the Required Resources on the topic of Partnering with Families
  • Print and complete the Workshop Outline form below
  • Complete the Reflection below



After you have completed the Workshop Outline, reflect on the process you experienced while developing it, as well as how building relationships and partnering with families is a critical component of effective early childhood programs. Envision a program of your own and what you would like to develop in terms of engagement and partnership between teachers and families and in terms of your own relationships/partnerships with families of the children in your program. With this in mind, articulate:

  • Three goals related to building relationships and partnering with families
  • Ways in which you would help staff recognize positive outcomes of building relationships and partnering with families, work with challenges, and realize possible biases
  • Related areas and issues you would like to learn more about

  Assignment length: approximately 3 pages 

Discussion: Creating Supportive Relationships And Family Partnerships


As you have been learning, understanding, and valuing relationships with parents and other significant adults in children’s lives within the context of early childhood education is essential to children’s healthy development and learning. At the core of these relationships are the early childhood practitioner and his or her ability to cultivate such relationships with children and families, as well as strengthen relationships between children and families, both of which can create a substantive and lasting impact. Consider the research presented in your Learning Resources highlighting the significance of cultivating relationships with children and families and building family partnerships. In addition, review the media segment “Building Relationships and Partnering with Families.”

After you have considered these factors:

By Day 3


  • A research-based rationale* as to why relationships and family partnerships are essential to effective programs and practices within the early childhood field
  • Why understanding your own biases is critical to developing effective partnerships
  • Factors you need to explore further to be completely open to forming effective partnerships with every family.

Note: A research-based rationale responds to a central question or questions, based on current resources provided in and outside the course. To complete your rationale for this Discussion, use at least two current articles or other sources (published within the last five years). Cite each source within the body of your response. Your rationale should be approximately one page in length. For information on how to cite sources correctly, consult your Pocket Guide to APA Style or visit the Walden Writing Center at


Part 1: Pre-Assessment and Implementation

During your previous observation in your field experience classroom, you identified 3-5 students, above, at, or below standard achievement who would benefit from additional learning support. You also identified the standards and unit that your mentor class is currently learning.

With this information, develop a pre-assessment in the English Language Arts content area using the ELA Pre-Assessment template. The pre-assessment must align with the standards and unit that your mentor teacher shared with you during Clinical Field Experience A. This pre-assessment can be oral, written, or completed through technology. The pre-assessment should identify how well selected students know the concept, and provide data that would allow you to determine learning gaps and needs in order to develop an appropriate lesson to support learning needs.

  1. Share the pre-assessment with your mentor teacher and ask for his or her feedback.
  2. Administer the pre-assessment that you created to the selected group of students and use the data to prepare for the lesson plan in Clinical Field Experience C.
  3. With your mentor teacher, identify a book that can be used to create ELA activities appropriate for the identified students. You will use this book for your upcoming Clinical Field Experience C: ELA Mini-Lesson Plan assignment.

Speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, use any remaining time to seek out opportunities to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher or another teacher and work with a small group of students on instruction in the classroom. Your mentor teacher must approve any hours spent observing another classroom environment.

Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on your field experience and the steps you took to identify students for the pre-assessment. How did the pre-assessment provide data to determine the learning gaps and needs of students? What challenges did you face when developing and delivering the pre-assessment? Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Submit the ELA Pre-Assessment and reflection as one deliverable.

Unit 2 Leadership Theories IP


Deliverance 6-7page 

You have been called in to consult with the new principal of a large urban high school. The principal has just transferred from a smaller school in the suburbs of another city in another state. Her educational background includes one of the most prestigious schools of education in the country. In fact, she has published a handbook for classroom management. Her performance at her previous school was praised for its easygoing and adaptable nature.

She has been at principal rank for three years but is just in the process of acclimating to this more energetic and complex school environment. Although the school is nonunion, its faculty has been in place for many years, and the staff has an average of about seven years of experience. There has been little change in the school administration or organization. At the same time, the student dropout rate is at 51% and climbing, and the student graduation rate is only 46%. The director of instruction for her district has expressed concern about the quality of education in the school.

To begin your consultation, you want the principal to adopt a leadership theory as a general framework for her own development as a leader in this new environment. You have focused in on three likely theories: hierarchical, transformational, and facilitative.

Write a document in which you address the most likely leadership theory for the principal to pursue in this situation and for this background. She will also want to take into account her own preferred styles, so explain how you might help her confirm and document those. For the theory you have selected for consideration, describe the characteristics of the theory, and explain why it is appropriate in this situation, given her background and current circumstances.

Be sure to address the following:

  • What      reasoning do you give her for using theory as a starting point for      behavioral change or organizational change?
  • How      will this principal distinguish between her management responsibilities      and her leadership responsibilities? What are the ethical considerations      in both?
  • What      are a few of the key management actions that this scenario may suggest?
  • What      are some positive and concrete things that she can do to implement the      selected leadership theory in tandem with management actions?
  • At      what factors will you and she look for in the school to find results of      her adoption of the selected theory?

It is not necessary to adhere to APA document style for this submission. However, it is advisable to support your arguments and explanations with citations and a reference page formatted in APA style.

Please submit your assignment.

Unit 2 Leadership Theories DB


Graduate Programs Discussion Boards

Discussion Boards (DB) are a key component of online learning. They foster active participation of learners and dialog with fellow learners and instructors. Graduate-level courses require learners to create original posts to course DBs and to engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the course. Original posts and responses should be substantive, and if references are made to the works of others, APA guidelines for in-text citations and references apply.

Minimum Weekly DB Expectations

  • Post      an original and thoughtful Main Post to      the DB prompt.
  • Respond      to at least 2 other posts from learners and/or the instructor (Response      Posts).
  • The      first contribution (Main Post or Response Post)      must be posted before midnight (Central time) on Friday of each week.
  • Two      additional responses are required after Friday of each week.
  • For      DB assignment prompts with a Part One and Part Two, Part One should be      addressed in the first week of the unit with a Main Post and minimum of 2      Response Posts, and Part Two should be addressed in the second week of the      unit with a Main Post and a minimum of 2 Response Posts.

More on DBs

At the end of each unit, DB participation is assessed based on level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. DBs allow learners to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB are accepted after the end of the unit. Learners must demonstrate an appropriate depth of understanding of course content to receive credit for having submitted substantive posts. Typically, this is achieved with 4-6 strong paragraphs for Main Posts and 23 strong paragraphs for Response Posts.

Discussion Board Question Details

Part 1

Suppose that you have recently accepted a new administrative role in either a corporate or educational setting. Your new employer has requested that you select a leadership theory to use as a foundation for your role as a senior administrator. Focus your discussion on the following:

  • What      leadership theory would you select and why? Discuss why the leadership      theory you selected would be a good match for you and your new role within      this organization or institution.
  • How      does your approach differ from that of your classmates? How could that be      important in an organization with varied underlying theories?
  • Are      there ethical implications for the organization in which theories are      selected or predominate? How do leadership theories interact with ethical      considerations in an educational or corporate training setting?
  • What      might happen? As a leader, what can you do about it? Exchange your ideas      on this.

Part 2

Suppose you have recently accepted a new administrative role in either a corporate or educational setting. Imagine that the previous leader who was in this administrative role before you was a Great Man (according to the Great Man theory of leadership). Based on the leadership theory you selected in Part 1, participate in a dialogue on ways that your leadership theory and approach might be different from the previous person in this role. Focus your discussion on the following:

  • How      would you retrain members of your organization to respond to issues      according to your preferred approach?
  • If      training were not the answer, what actions might help affect the      organizational change?
  • How      does your approach differ from that of your classmates? What do you see in      common?

In your own words, post a substantive response to the Discussion Board question(s) and comment on other postings. Your response should address the DB question(s) and move the conversation forward. You will be graded on the quality of your postings, including mastery of the concept as well as critical thinking. If asked for your opinion, do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea; elaborate on your reasons and argument. Include enough detail to substantiate your thinking as well as your position on the questions or comments.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click to view the grading rubric.



Having an understanding of various types of literary texts and genres of literature is crucial in order to know how to integrate them into English language arts lessons in an elementary classroom.

Part 1: Matrix

For this assignment, you will complete the Literary Genre Matrix to describe different types of literary texts and how each can be implemented in the classroom.

Below are examples of fiction and nonfiction genre.

  • Fiction. Drama, fable , fairy tale, fantasy, folklore, historical fiction, horror, humor, legend, mystery, mythology, poetry, realistic fiction, science fiction, short story, tall tale, etc.
  • Nonfiction. Biography, essay, narrative nonfiction, speech, etc.

Choose two examples of fiction genre and two examples of nonfiction genre and address the following in the Literary Genre Matrix.

  • Definition of each form of chosen fiction and nonfiction genre.
  • Two examples of grade cluster appropriate texts for grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.
  • Two strategies to integrate each text selected into reading, writing, and listening instruction.
  • Two strategies to integrate chosen forms of fiction and nonfiction genre using a technology application.
  • Provide the name of the technology.

Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on the different literary genre and how each can be implemented in your future classroom. Explain the strategies for student comprehension in reading. What strategies do you use to choose appropriate texts/genres for grade level strands? How does selecting the appropriate text support a positive attitude toward reading and comprehension skills?

Support your findings with at least two scholarly resources.

Leading The Way For Developmentally Appropriate Practices

 Leading the Way for Developmentally Appropriate Practices

Leading the Way for Developmentally Appropriate Practices. 1st Post Due by Day 3. One of the many responsibilities of a program administrator includes serving as an instructional leader. As such, you are expected to both model and coach others in your program to ensure that their instructional strategies are developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive. As the educational leader, you have a unique opportunity to support each and every child in your program. Doing so will require an understanding of several important terms and laws.

To discover resources for advocating for children with disabilities, begin by watching this five-minute introductory video, .

In your initial post,

  • Describe why the video above is an important resource for program administrators.
  • Define and discuss the three dimensions of developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) outlined in our text (Knowledge of child development and learning; knowing each child as an individual; and the communitys social and cultural context).
  • Discuss the role of the program administrator in implementing DAP.

Field Experience

Part 1: Observation

Observing a classroom environment can provide much needed detail and understanding of students learning needs and continued progress.

For this field experience, observe a K-8 classroom during a math lesson. During your observation of the lesson, complete the Math Observation template.

Speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, use any remaining time to seek out opportunities to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher or another teacher and work with a small group of students on instruction in the classroom. Your mentor teacher must approve any hours spent observing another classroom environment.

With the help of your mentor teacher, identify 3-5 students above, at, or below standard achievement in the classroom environment that would benefit from additional learning support. Ask your mentor teacher for the unit and standards and unit the class is currently learning, in order to develop the pre-assessment for Clinical Field Experience B.

Part 2: Reflection

Following your observation, discuss the math lesson with your mentor teacher. In 250-500 words summarize and reflect on your observation and, and describe how you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice.

Your discussion should include the following:

  1. How do you engage students in learning opportunities specific to mathematics?
  2. What strategies do you use to apply real-world relevancy to math lessons?
  3. How do you modify or adjust instruction based on responses from students?
  4. How do you prepare to teach instruction in mathematics (vocabulary, knowledge of material, content standards, and resources)?

Speak with your mentor teacher about implementing a math pre-assessment during Clinical Field Experience B. Inquire about the unit and standards that the classroom is learning in order to prepare your pre-assessment.

Submit your observation form and collaboration summary as one deliverable.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the  for assistance.

Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.

Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to LoudCloud in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.