Category: Engineering

Looking Backward

Imagine that we are in the future: the year is 2070. Around the world, much attention is focused on the 50 years since the pandemic of 2020. It is also the year you have decided to retire. An architecture student has contacted you as part of their professional practice class to ask you to reflect on the last 50 years. Remembering that you were once in Pro Practice, in about 3000 words you survey the architectural, technological, social, and cultural changes and how they affected your practice.

Your submission for the final can take the form of the transcript of a hypothetical interview, an actual interviewwritten or on video–that you do with a classmate, a single narrative essay, or a short story, similar to The Machine Stops.

While this is clearly speculative, whatever changes, inventions, and innovations you describe should have some grounding in reality. For example, if you think well be in flying cars, be sure to research the state of that technology. Because you will need to do some research to predict the future, you should be sure to cite your sources.

For some inspiration and a sense of temporal symmetry, look back 50 years to 1970. Look for thru-lines and surprises.

Proposal laying out how you intend to approach the assignment, i.e., media, method, and at least three sources or references you plan to use

Looking backward

Imagine that we are in the future: the year is 2070. Around the world, much attention is focused on the 50 years since the pandemic of 2020. It is also the year you have decided to retire. An architecture student has contacted you as part of their professional practice class to ask you to reflect on the last 50 years. Remembering that you were once in Pro Practice, in about 3000 words you survey the architectural, technological, social, and cultural changes and how they affected your practice.

Your submission for the final can take the form of the transcript of a hypothetical interview, an actual interviewwritten or on video–that you do with a classmate, a single narrative essay, or a short story, similar to The Machine Stops.

While this is clearly speculative, whatever changes, inventions, and innovations you describe should have some grounding in reality. For example, if you think well be in flying cars, be sure to research the state of that technology. Because you will need to do some research to predict the future, you should be sure to cite your sources.

This is a draft for the 3000 words i will choose you again to continue the work.

I have also attached an example of how the paper should be about but don’t copy it.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

chemical engineering 3rd year assignment
the lab I need is experiment 1 which is labelled fluidised bed. Deadline is for 7th December. the experiment is explained in the report which, essentially water and air flow levels are increased at set increments shown in the attached zip file labelled ffb-5-10-2020-afternoon with flow rates respectively shown in the file which should display as an excel. The b564 image should show 3 columns, and at the top of the column from left to right it is 001, meaning 1 of 1 water columns. The middle and right column are labelled 001 and 002 respectively. The picture of the equipment could be used as diagrams in the assignment as they are pictures i she taken. Also, the sizing of the particles inside the columns are shown in image dd486b32
Please bare in mind, this report is only for experiment one in the lab manual not 2,3 or 4. Refer to page 6/7 of the manual to guide in how to write report.

Looking Backward

Imagine that we are in the future: the year is 2070. Around the world, much attention is focused on the 50 years since the pandemic of 2020. It is also the year you have decided to retire. An architecture student has contacted you as part of their professional practice class to ask you to reflect on the last 50 years. Remembering that you were once in Pro Practice, in about 3000 words you survey the architectural, technological, social, and cultural changes and how they affected your practice.

Your submission for the final can take the form of the transcript of a hypothetical interview, an actual interviewwritten or on video–that you do with a classmate, a single narrative essay, or a short story, similar to The Machine Stops.

While this is clearly speculative, whatever changes, inventions, and innovations you describe should have some grounding in reality. For example, if you think well be in flying cars, be sure to research the state of that technology. Because you will need to do some research to predict the future, you should be sure to cite your sources.

For some inspiration and a sense of temporal symmetry, look back 50 years to 1970. Look for thru-lines and surprises.

Proposal laying out how you intend to approach the assignment, i.e., media, method, and at least three sources or references you plan to use

Biological treatment of produced water

The report should contain the following
1.    Introduction about the process
2.    Objective and purpose of the process
3.    Complete flowsheet including the stream flow with composition.
4.    Process parameters which affects process and how effective is this process
5.    Design parameters, design consideration and key design criteria.
6.    Case studies
7.    Conclusions
8.    References (30 at least)


Future sections

Marquise can you do a quick write up like you did for TIC last time but for this Next Gen Dashboard coming to VA. basically, to have a section talking about how Archer is currently the Federal Dashboard but that in 2019 ECS was awarded a contract to build a Next Gen dashboard using elastic search. The PPT shows VA involvement timeline and the DEFEND grp B has the entire timeline on when it started and when it should be implemented. I just need a paragraph stating the facts for the Future section

Urban Modelling

Assignment 2
Urban Modelling
Within this subject, we have learned (or will learn) several urban models that can be
used to investigate different urban issues (e.g., travel demand and land use patterns).
These models include transport models (e.g., activity-based travel demand model), land
use models, land use and transport interaction (LUTI) models, and agent-based urban
models (e.g., agent-based energy consumption model).
For this assignment, students need to write an essay to review one or more urban
models, as well as their applications.

One specific example for this essay: Activitybased Travel Demand Model and its Applications: A Review.
Note: you may use other titles which can better describe your essay.

The essay should cover the following two topics:
(1) Introduction to the Urban Models Chosen
Describe how the urban models chosen work, for example, using equations and
(2) Applications of the Urban Models Chosen
Using some specific examples to explain how the chosen urban models have been
applied to solve urban issues.

Students are suggested to review relevant references (e.g., papers and books) before
writing the essay. Please check your citation and reference list very carefully. Your
essay should NOT contain any sentences which are directly copied from references.
Plagiarism will result into a zero mark for the assignment.

References should NOT be counted towards page requirement.

fire in space

1. Describe how NASA or others are studying fires in space and how to extinguish these fires

2. Pick one study, and show at least one picture, the theory they are testing and how the experiment is done and where? For instance, is the experiment done on ISS or somewhere else being monitored by people on the ISS

Format of Senior Design Proposal and Final Report

only fix and write for Section VI: Marketing Plan ( 1 pp.)
a. 2 Short Paragraph Introducing the Content of Section VI
d. 2 Target Market (Characterize this market)
e. 2 Means of Accessing the Target Market (e.g., Website, Commercial Advertising, Trade Publications, etc.)
Section VII: Team Personnel (4-6 pp. or more depending on total # of students in team)
a. 2 Short Paragraph Introducing the Content of Section VII

i will upload the word file just write the highlighted with Yalow pints.

Admission Essay to SCI-Arc

I am applying to the Southern California Institute of Architecture and need to write a 2000 word max. essay about why I am interested in this institute.

Focus on the design and creative aspects of the institute for the majority of the paper
Research the institute’s website, their history, their inspirational graduates and write about how they inspired me
Research other top Architecture institutes/colleges and write about why I choose this one rather than others