Category: Engineering

Who and What controls your space?

Answer the following question
We take for granted elements of control and rules that govern the use of the spaces we inhabit. How might
these elements and rules govern our behaviour? If these elements were not present but we knew there were
sill rules, would this make a difference in the way space may be controlled? If there are controls in place but
were not sure if anyone is regulating the rules behind these controls, would that make a difference? If you see
a control, do you have the capacity (agency) to regulate this control?

Research paper about Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) polymer

I will attach a PDF file under the name ” Project Information” that shows the exact task requirements for writing a research paper about polyether ether ketone polymer. I will also attach the rubrics on which the paper will be graded. Kindly follow the attached file exactly to conduct this research paper.

Surveying Methods in Archaeology

What I’m mainly interested in is  presenting some basics on topography, consider how we can use topographical applications in archaeology (what instruments and methods will be used with analytical examples) and then through case studies and examples to show the role of topography in archaeology.

Thermodynamic – The Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle

I need a degree level Lab report in Thermodynamics. I need to achieve an A at this Lab Report. Everything is included in the attached document and slides. The video presentation of the slides is on this link on my google drive:

Systems Engineers in the Corporate World

The specific purpose and objectives of the project must be clearly stated and unambiguous, containing sufficient detail to serve as a specific guide to the project.
Project’s objectives are clearly stated
Motivation for pursuing the project and its relevance are clearly stated
The topic is introduced, and groundwork is laid as to the direction of the project
Citations and References (sources are cited when specific statements are made)


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the linked video and read the attached article.

ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.)

VIDEO: (Links to an external site.)

WEBSITE: (Links to an external site.)

ARTICLE: Slums Arent Harbingers of Anarchy (upload in the additional material)

– Initial Posts must be at least 500 words long and must address the discussion prompt. 

– To receive full credit your response must include in-text citations to make note of facts and opinions you quote, paraphrase, and barrow ideas from.

– To receive full credit, you must include a bibliography of works cited at the end of your post. For in-text citations and bibliography use the APA style.

In your post answer the following questions.

Identify and describe the planning issue. (up to 6 pts)
What are the social, environmental, and economic implications of rapid urbanization? (up to 6 pts)
As Lagos and other sub-Saharan cities in Africa rapidly grow, should planners make new spaces for the most vulnerable populations? Why or why not? (up to 8 pts)
Use a case study of a to support your arguments (up to 6 pts).
Use reliable external articles, videos, and data to support your arguments and properly cite your sources in APA format (up to 4 pts).

Use of photos, maps, external links (e.g., news articles), etc. is encouraged.

Manuefacturing Engine Crankshaft

Simply follow the instruction provided. Please finish all three parts, materials, manufacturing, and measurement. Each part takes about 2 pages. The research is about automobile engine crankshaft. The reference no need come from the book btw we use Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing Materials, Processes, and Systems (6th Edition) by Mikell P. Groover.

Video Games

the general theme for the report is video games.

This the prompt for the report and what you should write about ——->  What properties within a video game can make players addicts?

you need to choose some properties that could possibly make players addicts and argue whether they cause addiction or not.

do not discuss balanced arguments in the report. side with one opinion in each point you write about and discuss through the report.


1- The words count should be from 1000-1200.
2- Minimum 4 sources(websites, webpages, and journals are preferred).
3- Complete APA documentation (in-text citation and Reference page).
4- text is supported by illustrations(figures, pictures, statistics… etc).
5-table of contents

see instructions

TOPIC: Physical factors relating to Airport Security



Chapters 13,14,15,16 (Attached) were covered in the module relating to the physiological sciences foundation of human systems engineering. Highlight some human factors or design implications from these chapters of relevance to Airport Security project focus and/or the general domain of project concerns (e.g. Airport Security, hospitals or healthcare). Make sure to provied EXAMPLES and focus on both the security personnel and passeneger experience perspectives equally, and try to cover more than one factor. at the end PRESENT A POTENTIAL SOLUTION or conclustion to the implications for better passenger experience through security checkpoints.

Physical factors relating to Airport Security

Chapters 13,14,15,16 (Attached) were covered in the module relating to the physiological sciences foundation of human systems engineering.

Highlight some human factors or design implications from these chapters of relevance to Airport Security project focus and/or the general domain of project concerns (e.g. Airport Security, hospitals or healthcare). Make sure to provied examples and focus on both the security personnel and passeneger experience perspectives equally, and try to cover more than one factor. at the end try to present a potential solution or conclustion to the implications for better passenger experience through security checkpoints.