Category: Engineering

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Safety Assurance Paper:
–    APA format with a title page, 1 pages of content, and a References page if necessary.
–    Imagine that you have been contracted to provide an external safety audit for an aviation company.  You have the opportunity to send a confidential survey to all staff members working within the aviation department.
–    Choose three questions that you would ask to assess the safety program of that company.
–    List the three questions that you would use and explain why these three questions are important for assessing safety.

Imposter Syndrome Reflection Paper

Imposter syndrome (spelled also as impostor syndrome), generally describes high-achieving individuals, who despite achieving obvious success, fail to internalize their accomplishments, resulting in feelings of ‘feeling like a fraud’ in their work, personal, or academic lives.  In this assignment, you will apply the principles of imposter syndrome to your personal experience as a transfer student entering the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the UC . In this assignment, you are to address two main questions:

1) In what particular areas of your academic journey have you noticed imposter syndrome the most?  This may include reflections on:

->Academic settings (courses, subjects, secondary or university campuses)
->Co-curricular activities (clubs, sports, organizations, leadership opportunities)
->Personal identities (gender identity, Person of Color, first-generation college student, non-traditional student, transfer student, geographic background, income status, etc.)

2) What are some tools, tactics, or practices you can use in your own life to overcome imposter syndrome?  To discover these, please consider:

->The class presentation and discussion on imposter syndrome
->TED Talk, or other informative video resources
->Published, peer-reviewed research on imposter syndrome
->Discussions with family members, friends, or peers on similar topics
->Personal experience in overcoming feelings of being a fraud

Although the assignment is primarily a personal reflection on this topic, it should include one reference to support your description of imposter syndrome and ways to overcome feelings of being a fraud.

Alternatively, if you do not identify as experiencing imposter syndrome at all, please use this paper to explain your stance, and ways in which you can collaborate and build up others (in your classroom, workplace, social gatherings) who may be feeling like an imposter in those settings.  Please still cite one reference.

Imposter Syndrome Requirement.

1. Reflection on Imposter Syndrome.

Writing contains a very clear pattern of reflecting on one’s personal journey specific to imposter syndrome. you must describes the background and experiences (i.e. identities, settings, characteristics, activities) as related to feelings of being a fraud.

2.Tools, Tactics, and Practices

Specific tactics and examples of how to overcome imposter syndrome are provided, and these examples are grounded in research and readily executable.


must be able to order major points in a reasonable and convincing manner based on that purpose. Writing has a clear organization, consistently executed.

4.Writing style

you must be able to develop their ideas using a writing style appropriate to the purpose of the assignment. Writing shows a consistently executed and appropriate style

5.Grammar and Errors

you must show very good use of standard diction, syntax, usage, grammar, and mechanics. Writing shows few if any errors, none of which detract from the overall quality of the paper. Reflection is at least 2 pages, double – spaced.

6. References and Resources

you must effectively utilizes one academic source supporting their reflection and major points. Writing uses source material that clearly supports the student’s main points and provides consistent documentation.

Thank you!!

Describe the innovation of Wrights early architecture

Reading 1: Brooks, H. Allen. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Destruction of the Box. The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 38, no. 1 (March 1979): 7-14.
Reading 2: Wright, Frank Lloyd. In the Cause of Architecture. Architectural Record 23, no. 3 (March 1908): 155-222. Reprint of text only.
Reading 3: Wright, Frank Lloyd. In the Cause of Architecture, Synopsis and Analysis.
Paper Topic: Describe the innovation of Wrights early architecture.
What to Write: You should use the content of Brooks excellent article for this writing assignment, supplemented by Wrights own essay (rather than the other way around).

Process Intensification Assignment

This is an assignment for Process Intensification assignment for masters level. In addition to the student guide (File name: B41ED Student Guide 2020) and my assignment questions (File name: Assignment 1 October 2020), I am adding a previous year’s assignment (file name: Previous Assignment) to give an idea about how to write the assignment. The questions are not the same for previous assignment and my assignment.

For question 1, student guide can be used to answer majority of the question.

For question 2, majority of the answer has to be based on outside sources.

For question 3, student guide can be used.

For question 4, writer must suggest a process. Previous assignment can be used as a guide to answer that question as the question is same. the section 7.7.1 and Table 7.1 mentioned in the question is available in the student guide. Please allocate majority of the time for question 4 as it carrier 50% of the marks.

This is a bit technical assignment. So all the concepts mentioned must be known by the writer with a preferable background in chemical engineering.

Ammonia production

Task 1: A technical paper will be given to the student by his/her Project Supervisor and he/she will be required to write an abstract and a critical analysis based on the scientific information available in the paper.                    [80 marks (Abstract: 35 Marks & Critical Analysis: 45 marks)]
Abstract: The Abstract must contain description of the topic, important applications of the topic, brief description about previous literature present in the paper, methodology adopted by the author, important results obtained and conclusions derived from the results. The word count is limited to 250 words and keywords should be written at the end of the abstract

Critical Analysis: With the introduction to the topic, students are expected to critically analyze the literature part that contains key findings of previous authors, methodology adopted in given paper, parameters used for analysis, analyze the results obtained (from graphs/tables), important conclusions derived based on the result, strength and weaknesses in the paper and scope of further investigations identified. Each topic has to be separately presented in the form of paragraphs and the word count for this part is 1500.


1.    Analyze a challenge or issue hindering the transition to more sustainable transportation.
a.    Example: How severe is local air pollution in LA (or Sacramento or Delhi or)?
b.    Example: Did racism lead to greater transportation energy use, and if so, how?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

class: Architecture Theory
1 response of each article: memory, nature, order, simple. (4 in total, each about 200 words, you should start by states the ideas in the articles and then analyze them )
dig deep in those readings
Don’t use simple language/general ideas to respond (you know what I mean, like repeating what the article talked about in a meaningless way)

(Here is a matrix my classmate produced when presenting the readings, use that for information)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

class: Architecture Theory
1 response of each article: memory, nature, order, simple. (4 in total, each about 200 words, you should start by states the ideas in the articles and then analyze them )
dig deep in those readings
Don’t use simple language/general ideas to respond (you know what I mean, like repeating what the article talked about in a meaningless way)

(Here is a matrix my classmate produced when presenting the readings, use that for information)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

class: Architecture Theory
1 response of each article: memory, nature, order, simple. (4 in total, each about 200 words, you should start by states the ideas in the articles and then analyze them )
dig deep in those readings
Don’t use simple language/general ideas to respond (you know what I mean, like repeating what the article talked about in a meaningless way)

(Here is a matrix my classmate produced when presenting the readings, use that for information)

Literature Review

Research Design in Social Science

Literature Review Assignment

Topic: The impact of COVID on Seattle property value

Write a brief (two five pages) literature review on your chosen topic. Make sure to include citations. APA format
    Include summary statement outlining points of agreement in literature
    Include summary statement outlining points of disagreement in literature
    Identify gaps in the literature
    Methodological approaches that have not been used
    Settings that have not been explored

    Try to develop a regression model to answer a research question for your topic. Describe the dependent variable, independent variable, and any other variables you wish to include in your regression model.
    Can you think of an instrumental variable that could be used as an approach to answer your research question? It is ok, if you cannot think of a plausible instrumental variable, but give it a try.