Category: Engineering


Proverbs 31:8

Isaiah 1:17

Psalm 82:3

Philippians 2:4

Matthew 10:8

Galatians 6:2

John 15:12

James 2:14-17

pick one and answer the question

Is there a verse that speaks to you individually?
How might the verse or verses help someone struggling with using substances?
Is there anything you learned about faith from the verse or verses?
How can a nurse integrate the principles learned from the verse or verses into nursing practice?

Emergency Food Organization Argument Essay

Janet Poppendieck argues that emergency food systems are a band-aid on the issue of food insecurity. Do you agree or disagree with her – and why? You should use the materials I provide below to make your argument.

Also, you can use FeedAmerica Website and as a side evidence to support argument.


Machining of Titanium Alloys

I need a report on machining of Titanium Alloys. The report will be divided into 3 parts.
1. Introduction
2. Machining Titanium Alloys
3. Introducing and discuss a specific application where Titanium machining is required. (Case Study)

I will provide the template and the detailed requirements.


In this second report, each team develops future mobility/transportation options for 2030 and 2050 of the city that you chose in the first report.
1. Future Transportation: To bring in the futurist element, the team shall review news articles and futurist literature to identify promising future emerging mobility options. Vehicle options have not changed much in the past 100 years (e.g., bus, rail, car, scooter, bike): will there be new modes, reintroduced modes (e.g., moving walkways, monorail) or will modes of the future just be variations of what we have now with enhanced technology, unique service offerings, different design, improved safety or special infrastructure? Each team member should investigate future transportation technologies and identify two mobility technologies/options that could be adopted for your city.
2. Goals and Objectives: Assume and describe basic community/city values. Based on these values, prepare a set of broad goals of your city for the years of 2030 and 2050, to enhance and address transportation problems that you identified.
3. Transportation Solutions: For one of your defined transportation problems from first report, develop 1 transportation technology that have potential to address the defined problem. the alternative must address the identified problems from an infrastructure perspective or an operations perspective. The description should include a full description of the alternative, including relevant system characteristics.The alternative must be consistent with the values, goals, objectives, and defined problems for this city.
font 12, Times New Roman, Line spacing 1.15) including Figures and Tables.
I have first report attached for your reference because you will need to see the transportation problems here. The city is Frisco Texas. I need to see how you do, so if you can send me to review first page whenever you finish, it would be. good

Urbanism Movements: New Urbanism vs. Everyday Urbanism

1. Watch this lecture video:

2. Read the three articles uploaded as the additional materials.

3. Write an reflective essay (at least 600 words)
    – Presentation of thesis/position,reflection and conculusion of urbanism movement — New Urbanism vs. Everyday Urbanism (based on the assigned readings).
    –  This essay should include reference to at least one urbanist from the article CityLab University: The Whos Who of Urbanism by Benjamin Schneider and the author(s) — you can find this reading in additional materials.
    – This essay should include the following parts based on New Urbanism vs. Everyday Urbanism: 1. Main themes, 2. Theories and authors of the movement;3. Primary projects from the Movement ( New Urbanism vs. Everyday Urbanism); 3. Current status of New Urbanism vs. Everyday Urbanism movement / criticisms; and 4. Personal reflection/opinion of New Urbanism vs. Everyday Urbanism movement.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read article answer questions:

Q1: Given the socio-economic success of fordist principles in the developed U.S. prior to 1960, the realization of the failings of the suburban model, and the developing worlds continued use of fordist principles, which, if any of the (5) key socio-economic transformations, are appropriate for re-adaptation in an already developed society?

Q2: How have principles, fordist or post-fordist, been adapted to meet the needs of other countries? Cultures? Explain.

Q3: What are the five (5) key socio-economic transformations that resulted in the rise of Post-Fordism?

Q4: With the decentralization post-Fordism movement, post-industrial cities are over saturated with abandoned factories, housing, and other amenities. The major question that cities, like Detroit, are facing is how a once populous city can shrink appropriately. What should these rustbelt cities do with all the vacant buildings without creating redundant infill that does not have the population to support it?

Airport Operations

Select a major US commercial air carrier and discuss how your selected airline relates to the selected topics listed below. Write a minimum of 2000 word paper, using proper APA formatting and a minimum of 5  (5-7) references from any source necessary to gather your information. Ensure you have reviewed the syllabus for further instructions and details for this assignment.

-Explain the history of your airline and describe its economic, structural, and competitive characteristics pre and post-deregulation.

-Identify the various route structure and product alternatives, the costs and benefits of each, and means for achieving product differentiation.

-Identify the various airline departments and the role of each in planning, development, and execution of flight operations

-Describe airline cost structure, the nature of fixed, variable, and controllable costs, and methods employed by your selected carrier to obtain sustainable competitive cost advantages over other carriers.

-Discuss the methods of Revenue Management used by your selected air carrier and how it relates to other industries.

Solomon Guggenheim Museum

You are required to write a research paper/report on how you feel about the structure, both the exterior and the interior. Discuss the construction, materials used, people circulation, lighting, etc. You should also discuss the history and include photographs in your presentation. You are to visit the structure and attach the entrance ticket/pay stub.

A Study on features of Different Twin-screw Extruders

Literature Review
–    Single screw extruding process
–    Different Twin screw extruding processes (1) Intermeshing Co-rotating type; (2) Intermeshing Counter-rotating extruders; (3) non-intermeshing Co-rotating type; (4) non-intermeshing Counter-rotating extruders;(5) non-intermeshing Coaxial extruders
Controlling parameters in twin screw extruding processes and their effects
Advantages and disadvantages of twin-screw extruders
Applications of twin-screw extruders
Reference in vancouver citation style

IoT based indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring system

Literature Review
–    What is IoT?
–    Arduino vs Raspberry Pi vs 8051 microcontroller
–    Measurand of Indoor air quality (IAQ)
–    Cloud for saving the measured data
System design of monitoring system (with circuit diagrams)
–    Proposed sensors used (with photos / diagrams of sensors)
Pros and Cons of monitoring system
Further development of the project
Reference in vancouver citation style