Category: Engineering

Biological treatment of produced water

The report should contain the following
1.    Introduction about the process
2.    Objective and purpose of the process
3.    Complete flowsheet including the stream flow with composition.
4.    Process parameters which affects process and how effective is this process
5.    Design parameters, design consideration and key design criteria.
6.    Case studies
7.    Conclusions
8.    References (30 at least)

Bhopal disasters

Information on the following points:
History of the disaster(who, what when)
Ethical and criminal issues related to the disaster
The societal, economical, and political impact of the disaster
Key reasons for unethical conducts
Review the nape code of ethics
Identify specific NSPE ethical codes that would be expected to govern the engineering decisions made in relation to the ethical disaster.

questions to be answered

Based on the paper that i will be attaching, Answer the following questions:
And please be aware that question 7 will have the longest answer. Thank you

1.    What is the US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and what is its role?

2.    How can overstatements or overbooking of reserves occur? What are the causes of overstatements?

3.    Describe the general enforcement process, including steps that the SEC follows for investigations.

4.    What are the potential triggers that can initiate reserve inquiries?

5.    What are the two main kinds of write downs? Define them.

6.    What are some impacts of reserves write-downs or overstatements?

7.    Present an analysis of any one of the case studies provided. Do not exceed 500 words. Note that we are not judge nor jury. The exercise is to raise awareness.

Summary of approach

Summary of Approach:
write a paragraph or two that briefly describes the approach you plan to take when writing about the impact of technology on the aviation maintenance field and maintaining currency.
Please note this assignment only requires a summary of approach not the final project.

The final project paper will be based on this summary of approach. Here are the final project guidelines  for reference only to give you an idea on what to expect:
In a paper of between 1000 and 1800 words (4 to 6 pages), do the following:

    Briefly describe the career field of aviation maintenance.
    Explain what drew you to this field.
    Examine the impact of past, current, and developing technology in your field, providing specific examples.
    Discuss the importance of remaining current in technology and other developments in your field.
    Explore ways to get and remain current in your field as you move toward a degree and as you are working in the field.

Currently don’t have a topic. Topic must be related to a Systems Engineering issue!

The proposal should contain a rationale or justification for the project. Generally, a brief account of the purpose, need, and significance of the investigation is given: motivation, problem statement, approach, expected results, and conclusions.  The objectives must be clear and concise. A brief account of the methodology is given, particularly those parts that are unique. The expected results and conclusions should be included.  The proposal should not exceed 2 pages, single-space.

Should be a problem and a solution proposed. Problem must be related to Systems Engineering field in some type of way.

explore an architectural element “Temples”

Please use the reading materials that I have provided along with additional resources you can pick that is related to the topic provided and make sure that each source is cited to reflect the paper.

But mainly use:

the Vitruvius (c.80-70-c.15 BCE). Ten Books of Architecture.  Translated by Morris Hicky Morgan (New York:  Dover, 1960 [1914]).

Vitruvius, Ten Books on Architecture (c.22 BCE), Books III-IV

Zaha hadid queen of the curve

This is a 5-6 page paper that has to be done by tomorrow at midnight. I will include the paper instructions and rubric as well. I picked to write about Zaha Hadid and how she’s the queen of the curve. This does have to include a couple of images that need to be referenced as well. As well as 3 citations.

Paris Architecture History

Need the response in 12-point font, and double space. Write 300-400 words per question.

1. How does the city of Paris change between the depictions on the model and the map? Be

Lutce, Early Roman Empire (1st to 3rd centuries)
Paris, Braun Plan (1572)

2. Explain the concepts of palimpsest and collage with these two examples.

Arnes de Lutce (2nd century CE)
Htel de Sens (1475-1507)

3. How are public squares (places) commissioned by Henri IV different from those
commissioned by Louis XIV?

Place Royale (Place des Vges) (1606-11)
Place Louis le Grand (Place Vendme) (1699-1720)

4. How (and WHY?) are these churches hybrids of two different cultures?

St. Etienne du Mont (1492-1626)
Sorbonne University Chapel (1635-42)

5. Explain Aldo Rossis definition of pathological and propelling monuments, “The Architecture of the City”, and what he means by the realms of history and memory. Give an example of each in Paris (but do NOT use any of the buildings from the other questions for your examples). Defend your choices.

Discuss sampling strategy for Cadmium

– Must be in past tense and include OSH ID, FR, Volume, LOD, required calibration, sample media, lab analysis, blanks, etc

– use OSHA methods and standards for taking samples.
– you have to do active sampling not passive.
– you have to include this items:
1- the sample ID number for cadmium
2- the flow rates
3- the sample medium
4- what can of test they do
5- (in past tense) you have to till the company what you did.
6- (in past tense) how did you sample for cadmium.

Assignment based on research paper in equipment Maintenance 2

Task A is 1500 Words (only using research paper that i provided pdf)
Task 1 is 300 words (any proper source) real reference with valid link
Task 2 is 300 words (any proper source) real reference with valid link
Complete before deadline
please follow guideline carefully and let me know if you face problem
Harvard reference
no plagiarism or similarity