Category: Engineering

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read this and write a two-hundred-word summary.

I’ve listed some questions relating to Arendt’s thinking that you could answer to help as a guide as you work:

What is public space? How does it relate to freedom?

What is agency? What are the its three criteria? How does it relate to public spaces?

The individual and public space: how does one appear in public space?

Do you feel that Arendt’s thinking is relevant to our present condition? Can it relate to our practice as designers?

What are some examples of public spaces in Lincoln?

You can gain background knowledge by looking through the Wikipedia page on Arendt:

Air Pollution in European Union Countries (Chemical Engineering)

The report must at least have:

1- 6 to 8 sources.

2- at least 1750 words.

3- Must follow one of the three formats: one-sided Argument, Problem or Solution.

4- At least one figure or chart  to explain and elaborate  to the topic.

5- relating the topic to Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I’m applying for Virginia tech as a graduate student, my major is architecture, and they asked me to write a two-page paper.

Why do you want to undertake graduate work?
Why do you qualify to pursue a graduate degree at Virginia Tech?
What do you expect to derive from your program of study?
If you have a concentration or area of interest in mind, briefly outline your interests in this area.
What do you expect to contribute as a student and subsequently as a member of the profession?
If you have not previously indicated in your application the names of faculty members you are interested in working with, please include that information in this statement.

I also attached a draft that I answered one question from the above so you can just take that part and add it to whatever you will write.

Audio Signals Processing

For the attached document, explain how each feature can be applied to obtain a plot graph or results.
is there functions/equations to be used?
what data should be provided to process using the subjected feature? (Audio graph or Amplitude x Time graph)

Frequency/Audio signal processing

*This is not a report kind of research. No intro, body, conclusion required*

I am asking for a list of signal processing features for  an audio based graph.

For the audio graph, list as much signal processes with a brief description and why it’s important for audio based graphs.

I am currently working on a project where I have an audio and a frequency based graphs that I require to process their signals. I need to find and know how to apply the signal processing tools for the audio graph so that I can analyze it further.

Again, this is not a report kind of research. I only require a LIST of audio signal processing features please.

Training Plan & Communications

Referencing the attached case study (BOLDFlash) along with the attached Areas of Focus and Framework paper, submit a written report in which you discuss how you will approach training the Mobile Division management team and communicating the new guidelines to existing employees.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
1) Training Plan: Communication – determine the communication strategies you will incorporate in all areas of focus, and describe why. Discuss how these communication strategies are appropriate for those individuals to whom your training is directed. Provide evidence to support your conclusions.

2) Training Plan: Collaboration – discuss the collaboration strategies you incorporate in communicating with all areas of focus. Determine the collaborative structure and strategies that will help the various managers and directors throughout and after their training experiences. Why are these appropriate? Who will be collaborating? Provide evidence to support your conclusions.

3) Training Plan: Method(s) – determine the training method(s) you will use (how will you share your training with trainees and other stakeholders) in your chosen area of focus. Your method must be appropriate for the audience to which you want to communicate. Justify your choice(s) of methods with research.

4) Specify Guidelines – identify the key steps of your framework for creating successful communications in your chosen area of focus. Keep in mind the various audiences that need the information. Remember that your guidelines need to be detailed for the management team to follow, clear for your colleagues to understand, and accurate to ensure that the resulting communications are successful. Discuss how you will approach training the Mobile Division management team and communicating the new guidelines for communication to them.


I am supposed to research about “Study and Design Pouring Patterns to resist Flexural Loading” of the 3d printing

I added a pdf that has all the highlighted parts that might help if you paraphrase and add an in text citation

this link will also help too

Science and Technology

For your final essay, I want you to write a historically-based, persuasive paper on the topic: “What should American science and technology policy look like in the 21st century?”

For this paper I would like you to make reference to topics, cultures, and “modes of science and technology” (e.g. “Babylonian,” “Hellenic,” etc.) from the entire course. This is a “comprehensive final” in that respect. You do not of course have to use everything in the course. But don’t base the paper on only the 1920th centuries, is what I am saying. I expect you to make references to cultures other than Western Europe and the United States (along with Western Europe and the United States).

Questions you might consider:

What kind of science and technology do we need in the 21st century?
What kind of social context would produce that kind of science and technology?
Are there examples of this in the past, both recent and far?
Are there examples from the past of social contexts that would not produce that kind of science and technology? (You can show knowledge by demonstration of the opposite e.g., “as this example illustrates, we could go the wrong way if we aren’t careful”)
The above are just guiding ideas, and do not need to be explicitly addressed in your essay if you want to go another way with it. I am happy to read a creative argument! Just make sure it addresses the main goal of this exam (showcasing knowledge).

REMEMBER: this is a historical essay! Yes, it is talking about the future. We can do that with history. But base it primarily in a discussion of the past. This is not meant to be a pure-opinion op-ed. The goal is for me to see that you have learned enough about this history that you can think about it synthetically not just as a recollection of facts, but as an active form of knowledge that you can apply to modern-day questions.

Statement of Purpose

I am applying to some prestigious master’s programs in the US, and I hope you could revise or rewrite my average personal statement into a paper that admission committees would love to see!

Some basic background:

I am an intl student, I went to a community college first, with a major in Chemical Engineering, and I was very miserable at that time, resulting in several F’s in my transcripts, and I got 2.38 GPA in the end.

When I transferred to a 4-yr uni, my major in the uni is Biochemistry, I turned it all around and got straight A’s except for one course : Organic Chemistry 1. I felt guilty for my past and I have been trying to make up for that, so I always pushed myself to get all A’s, so the first B grade in my current uni hurt my ego and I was diagnosed with depressive and anxiety disorder since then.

Because i got a B for Ochem1, I started to lose confidence in how well i could do in ochem, so my brain just shut down for OCHEM2, and got E grade (Failing incomplete) for this class first because I stopped going I am in the process of applying for a medical withdrawal for this course, and the following semester, I withdrew this class again. But in the third semester, I took it again and got an A.

I know Failing grades need good explanations but I don’t know what kind of explanations will be convincing and non-generic, I briefly explained in the first paragraph of SOP, but I think I need your professional help to revise/rewrite it. You don’t have to use all the information I have provided above, just pick whatever you think would be necessary to address in the SOP, and as for explanations, some details could be made up if my personal reasons aren’t convincing or are hard to write.

Besides, I really need your help in revising/rewriting/rephrasing this SOP into a professional, unique, and eye-catching one that could stand out!

Thank you!


This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):

SC200-4: Analyze how technology has driven scientific progress throughout history.

Science and Technology

Science is the study of how the universe works using the scientific method as a framework for asking questions. Throughout history, humans have built-up a body of scientific knowledge and have used this knowledge to develop technologies to make life easier or to broaden their knowledge. Scientific discovery drives technological advances and sometimes, as new technologies are developed, they enable scientists to answer questions that were unanswerable before. For example, researchers had to understand the physics of visible light and how it changes when going through different substances before they could use this knowledge to design microscopes. Once microscope technology was developed, it allowed scientists to ask questions about things that were not visible to the human eye. For this Assignment, you will look at this interdependence between science and technology by learning more about one biotechnology that is crucial to the modern world such as feeding a growing world population, fighting disease, developing new fuels, or cleaning up the environment.

Example: If you were thinking about cell phones (not a biotechnology), you could look at the scientific discoveries that had to happen before cell phones could exist. The discovery of electricity, electromagnetic waves, and the electrochemistry of batteries all had to happen before cell phones could be invented. You could also look at the technological advances that had to happen before we could have cell phones. Batteries, electric circuit boards, receivers, speakers, and satellites all had to exist before someone could invent the cell phone.

Select one specific biotechnology that you are interested in learning more about. For your selected biotechnology address the following questions in the table provided.

1. What biotechnology did you select? Explain what it is and how it is used.
2. Identify two scientific discoveries that had to take place before your selected biotechnology could be developed.
3. Describe the two scientific discoveries that had to take place before your selected biotechnology could be developed. When and how did the discoveries that you described take place?
4. Identify two technologies that had to exist before your selected biotechnology could be developed.
5. Describe the two technologies that had to exist before your selected biotechnology could be developed. How long have the technologies that you described existed?
6. Identify and discuss two positives and two negatives of biotechnological advances. Are there any biotechnologies that you think should not be pursued? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

Minimum Submission Requirements

At least 500 words not counting the instructions, questions or reference pages.
Use a minimum of four sources (with at least one from the PG library).
Free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.
No evidence of plagiarism.
Use the APA style for all citations.
Be original and insightful with no more than 10% taken verbatim from any outside sources.
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.


Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University Honor Code, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.