Category: Engineering


In many of the buildings covered in this class, we have seen recurring ideas about architecture realized in different civilizations and in different times. More specifically, in Lectures 15a and 15b we talked about five ways in which architectural ideas originated and moved throughout history. Here are those five methods with a brief explanation (and in parentheses instructions related to the assignment):

elaboration of basic forms, for instance the development of elemental forms in domestic architecture translated to more ornate but similarly organized temples. (Choose buildings with similar geometrical shapes, and for the second pair of images described below, please provide images that make that geometrical similarity clear.)
transfer of form through material, such as the stylized imitation of wood in later stone construction (For the second pair of images described below, please provide detail images of columns, beams, ceilings, joints, etc. that show the appropriation of a construction technique with the use of new materials.)
transfer of ideas through representation, as when architects make detailed drawings and models to explain their image of the building and how it should be constructed. (For the second pair of images described below, please provide the architectural model or drawing (on paper, stone, fabric, etc.) that was used to design the second building of your choice.)
transfer of ideas by copying good ideas, for instance architects, craftsmen, merchants, etc. bringing back new lessons in architectural styles, details, and structure from their travels. (For the second pair of images described below, please provide images that highlight the architectural elements, style, or construction detail shared between the two buildings.)
transfer of ideas through force, in other words, as armies expanded the boundaries of civilizations, the architecture of the capital or homeland would spread into new territory and often create hybrid versions of local buildings. (For the second pair of images described below, please provide illustrations of the actual buildings in new colonies rather than geographical maps or military forces.)
For this assignment, select two buildings that highlight one of the five methods above.

Building 1: One building must be from the time period of 2500 BCE to 1200 CE (in other words this building must be from the places and historical periods covered in this class).
Building 2: The other building may be from any time period or location of your choosing. Both buildings must have been built. (You may choose buildings discussed in the lectures, but you may not use any images shown in the lectures.) Together the two buildings must show the transfer of an architectural idea, demonstrating the one method you have selected. 
Gather two images for each building (these can be photographs, models, drawings, or maps) and organize them on one 8.5 x 11 in. page (landscape or portrait orientation).

The first pair of images should identify the two buildings. Label each of these images with the name of the building, its location, the name of the civilization, and its approximate date of construction.
The second pair of images should show, in some way, how an architectural idea spread from one building to the other through one of the above methods (see specific instructions for each method above).
In addition to identifying the buildings in the first pair of images, very briefly caption each of the four images to describe what it shows.

Then include a paragraph in your own words (max 100 words) that identifies the process of diffusion you have selected and describes this process as it relates to the two buildings.

Please cite all image sources using MLA, APA or Chicago style, and include this either with the four captions or separately on a second page.

To summarize: your final submission should be a pdf file with a single 8.5 x 11 in. page (with the option of second page that includes only image source information) that includes:

four images (two of a building from 2500 bce 1200 ce, two of a building from any time period)
two labels identifying each building and its location, civilization, and date of construction
four very brief image captions
an explanatory paragraph
citations for image sources (these can be included in the image captions, or listed on a separate page)


Your paper is called a “Proposal” and it must address the following:
a specific threat to aviation security and
your idea(s) for how to address that threat
This Proposal should be at least 600-800 words (minimum 2 pages). 
You need to describe the threat in as clear a manner as possible.  You can either (a) identify something new that has not been addressed but that you think is important; or (b) select an existing threat that you will address in a new and unique way.
Your Proposal must include reference(s) to the text or specific assigned readings that relate to your Proposal.
You need to then describe your solution or your idea to address that threat.  It could be (a) a way to avoid it, (b) a change in laws or rules that addresses it, (c) new technology that identifies or eliminates it, or (d) something else.
It must include references to resources in support of your proposal.  This might be from library resources, journal articles, or other similar materials.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the linked video and read the attached articles.

Covid-19: is working from home really the new normal? | The Economist

ARTICLE: Pandemics Are Also an Urban Planning Problem.pdf

ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.)

ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.)

ARTICLE: (Links to an external site.)

ARTICLE & VIDEO: (Links to an external site.)

ARTICLE: Covid-19 might not change cities (Uploaded in additional materials)

Your initial posting should address all the questions in the prompt in a minimum of 500 words.

In your post answer the following questions based on the supplied video and article.

1. How have pandemics changed the physical form and social composition of cities in the past? (up to 6 pts)
2. How have contemporary urban planners responded to the pandemic? (up to 6 pts)
3. Using the information you have gathered, what changes do you project for the future of cities following the current pandemic. (up to 8 pts)
4. Choose two cities not mentioned in the articles provided and compare those cities’ planning responses to the current pandemic.
5. Use reliable external articles, videos, and data to support your arguments and properly cite your sources in APA format (up to 4 pts).

Use of photos, maps, external links (e.g., news articles), etc. is encouraged.

electrochemical biosensor

see attachment

Abstract (100 words)

1.0 Introduction (300 words)
What is an electrochemical sensor?
1.1 Layout of electrochemical biosensor

2.0 Electroanalytical Methods
(need to include a mathematical model for each method below)
2.1 Voltammetry (300 words)
2.2 Impedance (300 words)
2.3 Conductometry (300 words)
2.4 Potentiometry (300 words)

3.0 Conclusions (100 words)

electrochemical biosensor

see attachment

Abstract (100 words)

1.0 Introduction (300 words)
What is an electrochemical sensor?
1.1 Layout of electrochemical biosensor

2.0 Electroanalytical Methods
(need to include a mathematical model for each method below)
2.1 Voltammetry (300 words)
2.2 Impedance (300 words)
2.3 Conductometry (300 words)
2.4 Potentiometry (300 words)

3.0 Conclusions (100 words)

Abstract + Background of my research paper – MATSim

Please write 550 words for one of the parts of my report – MATSim

(2) Abstract
(3) Background

based on the report – MATSim

***Attached is our report

***Another Attached is our instruction from our Class

or ***if you need to access to the book

W Axhausen K, Horni A, Nagel K. The multi-agent transport simulation MATSim.
Ubiquity Press, 2016.

Attached is the PDF version of the books
you can find from Google as it is a free book

**Just for your reference, below is my report content requirement**

Writing a report introducing your group project. This should include:
(1) Title
(2) Abstract
(3) Background
(4) Introduction to MATSim (e.g., framework, mechanisms)
(5) Introducing the base MATSim scenario that you choose, and also describing
your own MATSim scenarios (e.g., how and why do you modify the key elements,
such as network and daily plan, in your scenarios).
(6) Results of your MATSim scenarios (Note: you may need to compare the results
of your MATSim scenarios against those from the base scenario that you choose,
in order to understand how your modifications could influence the simulation
outcomes ).
(7) Conclusions (e.g., key findings, limitations and future work)
(8) Contributions of each member (see below for a specific example)
(9) References (NO specific requirement on reference format)

Nanomaterials Modified Electrochemical Biosensing

Nanomaterials Modified Electrochemical Biosensing

1.0 Intro: Why nanoscale materials for electrochemical biosensing?
(Electrochemical Biosensors Based on Nanomaterials)

2.0 Metal Nanoparticle
2.1 Gold Nanoparticles (Au-Nps)
2.2 Relevant Application

3.0 Inorganic Materials
3.1 Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs)
3.2 Metal Oxide
3.2 Relevant Application

4.0 Polymer Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
4.1 Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP)
4.2 Relevant Application

Reference paper: (you can use more)
Functional Nanomaterials and Nanostructures Enhancing Electrochemical Biosensors and Lab-on-a-Chip Performances: Recent Progress, Applications, and Future Perspective

Electrochemical Deposition of Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Sensing

Introduction to MATSim

Please write 825 words for one of the parts of my report

(4) Introduction to MATSim (e.g., framework, mechanisms)

based on this book:

W Axhausen K, Horni A, Nagel K. The multi-agent transport simulation MATSim.
Ubiquity Press, 2016.

Attached is the PDF version of the books

**Just for your reference, below is my report content requirement**

Writing a report introducing your group project. This should include:
(1) Title
(2) Abstract
(3) Background
(4) Introduction to MATSim (e.g., framework, mechanisms)
(5) Introducing the base MATSim scenario that you choose, and also describing
your own MATSim scenarios (e.g., how and why do you modify the key elements,
such as network and daily plan, in your scenarios).
(6) Results of your MATSim scenarios (Note: you may need to compare the results
of your MATSim scenarios against those from the base scenario that you choose,
in order to understand how your modifications could influence the simulation
outcomes ).
(7) Conclusions (e.g., key findings, limitations and future work)
(8) Contributions of each member (see below for a specific example)
(9) References (NO specific requirement on reference format)

operation research

Q.1 Partially completed products arrive at a workstation in a manufacturing operation at a mean
rate of 40 per hour (Poisson distributed). The processing time at the workstation averages 1.2
minutes per unit (exponentially distributed). The manufacturing company estimates that each
unit of in process inventory at the workstation costs $31 per day (on the average). However, the
company can add extra employees and reduce the processing time to 0.90 minute per unit at a
cost of $52 per day. Determine whether the company should continue the present operation or
add extra employees.

Q.2 The Universal Manufacturing Company produces a particular product in an assembly line
operation. One of the machines on the line is a drill press that has a single assembly line feeding
into it. A partially completed unit arrives at the press to be worked on every 8 minutes, on average,
according to an exponential distribution. The machine operator can process an average of 10 parts
per hour (Poisson distributed). Determine the average number of parts waiting to be worked on,
the percentage of time the operator is working, and the percentage of time the machine is idle.


chapter 10

Bowling, J. C. (2011). Grace-full leadership: Understanding the heart of a Christian leader (2nd      ed.). Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press.

Throughout the semester, each student will provide a brief overview of ONE chapter from the Bowling Book Grace-full leadership: Understanding the heart of a Christian Leader. The presentation is meant to be thought provoking and to stimulate and encourage an active class discussion. The presentation is worth a maximum of 10 points, will be given orally in class (5 minutes maximum time limit) and will include a 1-page written summary to be turned in prior to the beginning of class on your assigned presentation date. Please include your interpretation of how the chapter can be integrated into your nursing practice.The summary should be written in APA format and complete sentences.