Category: Graduate

BSG Experiential Paper

****If you have never taken the Business Strategy course and have never participated in the BSG please do NOT place a bid!!!*******

This paper is a minimum of two (2) pages double-spaced in APA format, summarizing your experience with the BSG simulation. A cover page and abstract are not necessary.

While the list below is not comprehensive, you are expected to address these and similar characteristics:

What were your key learnings during the BSG Simulation?
What strategies were successful and why?  Which were not and why not?
What did you discover about working as a member of a management team?
How did your team decide to organize its activities, meetings, and work?
Did members of your team agree on your firms strategies?  How did you handle disagreements?
What lessons can you take from this simulation and apply to your current professional role?

I need to give some background on my and my teams background with the game. The game was challenging the whole way through. We struggled every week to get a consistent good grade (we were the lowest team each week). While trying to alter the prices weekly, keep good credit ratings, maintain debt, and purchase stock, I’m not sure no matter what move we made we came out on top. We underestimated the impact a small move would make on us as a company. Focusing on corporate citizenship/production/& ratio seemed like good ideas but still we could never make a good imprint in the game. Our company (which we name Swift Sneakers could not reach our fullest potential even with attempting different strategy’s. If you can summarize the following into a 2 page paper while adding details about BSG that would be great!

advanced competitive strategy

The exam involves identifying an existing business opportunity, perform a cost analysis, and come up with a strategy to reduce some of the highest cost components in the business opportunity (we will discuss some prominent examples in file attached).
The written analysis should include the following elements: (1) description of the business opportunity that you identify, (2) quantitative analysis of cost  (3) the element of cost or differentiation that you wish to focus on and why, (4) outline your strategy to target the cost  drivers to generate a competitive advantage.
The entire written report should be no more than 6 pages, single spaced

Family Violence evidence review essay

For this assignment, you are asked to provide a review of the research and practice evidence on one of the following topics:

Risk factors and risk assessment in family violence
The effects of family violence on children and implications for practice
Multi-agency and collaborative practice models in response to family violence
Diversity, intersectionality and building inclusive responses to family violence
You will need to structure your Evidence Review just like you would an essay (e.g. with a title, introduction, clear paragraphs, conclusion and references), and make sure that it presents an overall argument.


4-5 page limit is for content only; it does not include cover page, abstract, and references used in the assignment
Please reply to the following questions in your paper, and separate each one with major headings and subheadings as needed to present an organized APA paper. Your responses can be 1-3 sentences per question, and all sub-questions should be included.

1. Begin by discussing what the article is about. What are the research questions that are the basis for this study? What is the research hypothesis, if it is present. (There may be several, so state them all.) If there are not research questions and/or a hypothesis, indicate that is the case and provide your interpretation of what the research question and hypotheses are. Why is this article important and/or useful to healthcare professionals? (4%)

2. What is the sample used for this study? Is it a representative sample of the larger population? Is the size appropriate? Why or why not? (2%)

3. Was an instrument used to collect the data? What is it called and who designed it? Were reliability and validity of the measures discussed? If so, do you think they are adequate? Why are the measures of reliability and validity important? (3%)

4. Were there tables or other forms of data displays? Were they understandable? What information and/or analyses from the study did they portray? (2%)

5. If the authors discussed limitations of their statistical methods, what were they? Do you agree with the authors’ position? Why or why not? Are there additional methodological or statistical limitations that you identified that the authors did not make note of? If so, what were they? (3%)

6. Comment on the studys findings (results) and the generalizability of the studys findings. Why are these results important and who are they generalizable to? If you were to conduct this same study, what, would you do differently to improve the study and its results? (3%)

7. What did you learn about statistical procedures, methodology, and measurement from this article and assignment? (3%)


Carlisle, G. C. (2015). The social skills and attachment to dogs of children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 45(5), 1137-1145. doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2267-7

Web API assignment: CodeQuiz

I need a website that is a timed quiz that uses web apis

the following below is the acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I am taking a code quiz
WHEN I click the start button
THEN a timer starts and I am presented with a question
WHEN I answer a question
THEN I am presented with another question
WHEN I answer a question incorrectly
THEN time is subtracted from the clock
WHEN all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0
THEN the game is over
WHEN the game is over
THEN I can save my initials and score

Lithium Titanate in batteries

This project is about research and computational modeling. You can use any software to design the material of lithium titanate: MATLAB, VESTA, QUANTUM ESSPRESSO or any material design software you prefer. There are some factors we research and see from the design: ionic conductivity, vacancy, energy barrier, band structure, etc. From those factors, we can emphasize that lithium titanate is one of the good choices for energy storage, high power of batteries.

The format of the report should be: Introduction, Literature Review, Hypothesis/Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Reference.

I have attached some journal articles related to lithium titanate. You can add more journal articles that you feel they are necessary.

Font: Times New Roman, size 12, APA format for the report.

Then, do one POWER POINT for presentation.

Environmental- Occupational Project

Final Project: Background Paper

This week, you will summarize the key background information needed to define the problem in detail, including why it is a problem, the main causes of the problem, the severity of the problem, who is affected by the problem, and previous attempts to solve the problem.
Gather the key background information on the specific problem you described in your last week’s problem statement to further examine and better understand the gap you identified in Week 2.
Recall the following example:
Recently, nail salons have been the focus of worker safety initiatives because they use hazardous chemicals such as methacrylates, acetates, toluene, and formaldehydes. Are consumers adequately protected from hazardous chemicals when they receive services in the nail salons?
The background information to be gathered for the above example would include the key types of information needed by a reader to understand the problem statement, which include the following:
The main health hazards of the chemicals listed
Chemical exposure levels in nail salons
The types of worker safety initiatives in progress and information on the groups or agencies that are undertaking these initiatives
Differences in exposure levels when salon workers and salon patrons are compared (average duration of exposure is an important component of this)
Identification of any vulnerable populations of consumers, such as pregnant women
Write a 3 to 5-page background paper in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:
Begin by stating the 2- to 3-sentence problem statement that you submitted in Week 2.
Provide, in a succinct manner, the key types of information needed by a reader to understand what the problem is and why it is a problem. This includes information such as how big the problem is, who is affected, and the time trends in the problem.
Provide factual information needed to understand the problem at the local, national, and global level (background). Include disparities (disadvantaged populations that are disproportionately affected by the problem or vulnerable populations).
Include appropriate statistics to document the extent of the problem, medical definitions of pertinent health problems or diseases, pollutant sources, and toxicity profiles of chemicals as indicated.
Be sure to provide enough information for the reader to fully understand the question you posed in your problem statement.
End the paper with a transitional statement that leads toward (but not yet discussed) the topics of Weeks 4 and 5, namely, the landscape and the stakeholders involved in the problem and the range of options available to address the problem.

Public Health

Discuss the hazards of nonoccupational exposure to lead dust and fumes in the United States. People discovered the ease with which lead metal could be molded into useful objects thousands of years ago. Before long, ancient medical writers began describing myriad occupational health problems suffered by heavily exposed lead miners and smelters. In time, health problems from nonoccupational exposure to lead at lower doses were also discovered
Discuss the adverse health effects of lead that occur at high levels of exposure in the context of a poisoning case. Review briefly a famous nonoccupational lead poisoning (plumbism) case from the past and list the health problems due to lead that this individual suffered.
Contrast the symptoms from high lead exposure to the adverse health effects of lead that occur at lower levels of exposure.
Describe one way in which nonoccupational exposure to lead occurs in the United States today through drinking, eating or other ingestion, or through breathing. Give an example of a typical exposure scenario for the route of exposure you choose.
Review the key public health preventive strategies used in the United States to prevent illness from lead exposure for the route of exposure you choose. Include primary prevention (stopping the exposure from occurring) and secondary prevention (detecting lead-exposed persons, treating them when medically warranted, and preventing additional exposure in the future).
Support your answers with appropriate research and reasoning and initiate comments on the postings of at least two of your peers.

Public Health

Final Project: Background Paper

This week, you will summarize the key background information needed to define the problem in detail, including why it is a problem, the main causes of the problem, the severity of the problem, who is affected by the problem, and previous attempts to solve the problem.

For this assignment:

Gather the key background information on the specific problem you described in your last week’s problem statement to further examine and better understand the gap you identified in Week 2.
Recall the following example:
Recently, nail salons have been the focus of worker safety initiatives because they use hazardous chemicals such as methacrylates, acetates, toluene, and formaldehydes. Are consumers adequately protected from hazardous chemicals when they receive services in the nail salons?
The background information to be gathered for the above example would include the key types of information needed by a reader to understand the problem statement, which include the following:
The main health hazards of the chemicals listed
Chemical exposure levels in nail salons
The types of worker safety initiatives in progress and information on the groups or agencies that are undertaking these initiatives
Differences in exposure levels when salon workers and salon patrons are compared (average duration of exposure is an important component of this)
Identification of any vulnerable populations of consumers, such as pregnant women
Write a 3 to 5-page background paper in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:
Begin by stating the 2- to 3-sentence problem statement that you submitted in Week 2.
Provide, in a succinct manner, the key types of information needed by a reader to understand what the problem is and why it is a problem. This includes information such as how big the problem is, who is affected, and the time trends in the problem.
Provide factual information needed to understand the problem at the local, national, and global level (background). Include disparities (disadvantaged populations that are disproportionately affected by the problem or vulnerable populations).
Include appropriate statistics to document the extent of the problem, medical definitions of pertinent health problems or diseases, pollutant sources, and toxicity profiles of chemicals as indicated.
Be sure to provide enough information for the reader to fully understand the question you posed in your problem statement.
End the paper with a transitional statement that leads toward (but not yet discussed) the topics of Weeks 4 and 5, namely, the landscape and the stakeholders involved in the problem and the range of options available to address the problem.

public health

Hazards of Exposure to Lead

Discuss the hazards of nonoccupational exposure to lead dust and fumes in the United States. People discovered the ease with which lead metal could be molded into useful objects thousands of years ago. Before long, ancient medical writers began describing myriad occupational health problems suffered by heavily exposed lead miners and smelters. In time, health problems from nonoccupational exposure to lead at lower doses were also discovered.

In your response, address the following:

Discuss the adverse health effects of lead that occur at high levels of exposure in the context of a poisoning case. Review briefly a famous nonoccupational lead poisoning (plumbism) case from the past and list the health problems due to lead that this individual suffered.
Contrast the symptoms from high lead exposure to the adverse health effects of lead that occur at lower levels of exposure.
Describe one way in which nonoccupational exposure to lead occurs in the United States today through drinking, eating or other ingestion, or through breathing. Give an example of a typical exposure scenario for the route of exposure you choose.
Review the key public health preventive strategies used in the United States to prevent illness from lead exposure for the route of exposure you choose. Include primary prevention (stopping the exposure from occurring) and secondary prevention (detecting lead-exposed persons, treating them when medically warranted, and preventing additional exposure in the future).
Support your answers with appropriate research and reasoning and initiate comments on the postings of at least two of your peers.