Category: Graduate

Data Visualization

the assignment about crating a website that handle (ref data) for 3 different type of users.
the first page should include links for each type of user.
each of user profile should visualize the data as required in the attached file.

the coding using d3v4 example of coding is similar to the attached zip file which include the data needed.

Functional Analysis Assignment

Solutions need to be clear and preferably typed out. (unless your handwriting is neat and I can understand and read your writing easily.)

Proving need to be done in a step by step fashion with clear headings of what you are trying to prove. Workings need to be very detailed and explicit.

I need THREE examples for qn 1 part(c) instead of an example as stated in the question.

I would like to receive an update of the first part of your solution by Monday 5pm.

I would like the expert to complete the questions in the following order: Q3, 5, 4, 2 and 1.

Please only bid for this assignment if you are able to solve all the questions. If expert show from the initial update of solutions that he is proficient, deadline can be re-negotiated. Thank you.

Online Booking and Management system for Beauty Salon

The main goal of the project is to create a web application that solves the issue of appointments in a beauty salon going unfilled, due to cancellations and time constraints. The project aims to provide a service to allow clients to book/cancel/modify appointments online. A dashboard with notifications for the business owner to keep daily track of appointments/activities/cancellations.  With this small business expanding its clientele, it is harder for clients to access appointments when needed.
A web app that not only provides a service to the business owner but also to customers via the Web to book appointments.
Software/Technology to be used
I have setup a microsft azure SQL database and a webapp sevice deployment through azure. using Spring IO to bootstrap and tomcat. JDBC
Coding needed fo this project- using Visual studio code with java(latest  version) with HTML CSS (some Javascript if possible).
The webapp will allow clients to book appointments in 30min slots from 11am to 8pm Tuesday to Friday. A drop down menu for specific treatments when booking a slot(nails,brows,wax etc).  Customers will be able to view available slots on date they select.

Banking System

As you can see based on the files I submit and the instructions on the screenshots, I completed the Lab1 (I attached since you will need in to complete lab1 and lab2). I need you to complete both the Lab2 and Lab3 by following the instructions


Complete a port scan.  Use NMAP for this.  Showcase the findings.

Use wireshark and perform a TCPFlood attack.  Record your findings.

Use Kali tools to perform a Hping3 attack.  Record your findings.

Write a 2 page paper that discusses your findings and what businesses should do to mitigate these attack vectors.

LAB 3 Assignment

It was brought to my attention that the laboratory does not contain information on what you need to do. After trying to contact faculty services, I wasn’t able to get a hold of anyone that could discuss what needed to be done.  As we are discussing footprinting and we have colleague, I have a few things that I would like you all to run.

Install whois on Kali.  You may have issues if this is not part of the repository list. Use the following commands.


This will let you know your repository listing. Ensure that the repository listing has the following inside.

deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free

Run the following commands in terminal.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

that should allow you to run the WHOIS installation command.

apt-get install whois

Run queries against domains.


whois -h
whois -h *
whois -h .banjo
Run this against a few different websites.  Copy the text from the terminal and store it into a file. Write a one-page summary for how this information could be used to attack a network.

Given the lateness of the hour, I will be giving a full week of extra time on this. Please accept my apologies. I will be working on the next lab to ensure that you guys have it out before it’s due. Thank you for your time and understanding regarding this.

Week 1 Discussion Board

In your own words, define employment-at-will. Why did this doctrine become viewed as harsh, immoral, or unfair, from an employees perspective? Research the Internet and find a legal case that involves a wrongful termination claim. Briefly cite/describe this case, the final ruling, and if you agree with the case outcome. Review the cases posted by your fellow classmates, respond to at least three of your classmates posts, and discuss the outcomes and the applicability of the employment-at-will doctrine.

Minimum 2 paragraphs to 1 full page

Accounting and Auditing

The website of The Tennessee Comptrollers Office gives the appearance of transparency. There one can find an invitation to see how the office is fulfilling its mission as well as a plethora of audits on various state organizations.
Listen to the video of the Tennessee Office of Open Records Counsel Public Hearing in Nashville, TN. (1:18:35)
Consider the following questions and be prepared to discuss in class:
1.Why is the comptroller of Tennessee holding a meeting?
2.What promises is he making?
3.How are the publics questions addressed?
4.What inferences can you make about the auditing practices in the Tennessee Comptrollers Office?

Bonus Discussion – International Conference on Cyber Conflict

Thoughts on two of the essays that were published in the review:

Strategic Cyber: Responding to Russian
Online Information Warfare (Page 193)

Borders in Cyberspace: Strategic Information
Conflict since 9/11 (Page 245)

Use the following website to access articles

Please provide a post – of at least 350 words – with your commentary on some of the assertions made in the article.

Bayesian decision theorem

In this problem we will apply discriminant analysis to recognize the digits in the MNIST data set ( As a bonus problem we will construct “Fisher digits”. We will train our model using the training data sets (“train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz” and “train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz”) and test the performance using the test data set (“t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz” and “t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz”).

1. The images are 28 x 28 pixels in gray-scale. The categories are 0, 1, … 9. We concatenate the image rows into a 28 x 28 vector and treat this as our feature, and assume the feature vectors in each category in the training data “train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz”) have Gaussian distribution. Draw the mean and standard deivation of those features for the 10 categories as 28 x 28 images using the training images (“train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz”). There should be 2 images for each of the 10 digits, one for mean and one for standard deviation. We call those “mean digits” and “standard deviation digits” in CSE455/555.

2. Classify the images in the testing data set (“t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz”) using 0-1 loss function and Bayesian decision rule and report the performance. Why it doesn’t perform as good as many other methods on LeCun’s web page? Before coding the discriminant functions, review Section 2.6.

3. [Optional] Construct the “Fisher digits” from the MNIST data set according to Sections 3.8.2 and 3.8.3. This web page on Fisher faces ( and this web page ( might be helpful. Answer two questions about these sections: (a) Why should the vector w minimizing Eq. (103) satisfy Eq. (104)? (b) Why should the between-class scatter matrix in Eq. (115) is n subscript 1 asterisk times n subscript 2 divided by n times the one in Eq. (102) in two-class case (i.e., c=2)? In addition, convince ourselves that Eq. (125) is the quotient between two “volumes” by referring the Wikipedia page on determinant (

Please submit your code, documentation and solutions electronically through UBLearns. Please typeset your mathematics in LaTeX or Word.