Category: Graduate


Part 1: Interpreting Correlations
A meta-analysis (Anderson & Bushman, 2001) reported that the average correlation between time spent playing video games (X) and engaging in aggressive behavior (Y) in a set of 21 well-controlled experimental studies was r+ = .19. This correlation was judged to be statistically significant. In your own words, what can you say about the nature of the relationship? Write a one-page response to this question.

Part 2: Correlations
You will use the following resources for this assessment. They are linked in the Resources.

Complete this part of the assessment using the DAA Template.
Read the SPSS Data Analysis Report Guidelines for a more complete understanding of the DAA Template and how to format and organize your assessment.
Refer to IBM SPSS Step-By-Step Instructions: Correlations for additional information on using SPSS for this assessment.
If necessary, review the Copy/Export Output Instructions to refresh your memory on how to perform these tasks. As with your previous two assessments, your submission should be narrative with supporting statistical output (table and graphs) integrated into the narrative in the appropriate place (not all at the end of the document).
You will analyze the following variables in the grades.sav data set:

Step 1: Write Section 1 of the DAA
Provide a context of the grades.sav data set. Include a definition of the specified variables and corresponding scales of measurement. Indicate the type of correlation for each X, Y pair (for example, Pearson’s r, Spearman’s r, point-biserial r, et cetera). Specify the sample size of the data set.

Step 2: Write Section 2 of the DAA
Test the assumptions of correlation for gpa and final. Paste the SPSS histogram output for each variable and discuss your visual interpretations. Paste SPSS descriptives output showing skewness and kurtosis values and interpret them. Paste SPSS scatter plot output with gpa set to the horizontal axis and final set to the vertical axis. Conduct a visual inspection of the scatter plot to analyze other assumptions of correlation. Summarize whether or not the assumptions of correlation are met.

Step 3: Write Section 3 of the DAA
Specify a research question related to gpa and final. Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Specify your alpha level.

Step 4: Write Section 4 of the DAA
Paste the SPSS output of the intercorrelation matrix for all specified variables.

First, report the lowest magnitude correlation in the intercorrelation matrix, including degrees of freedom, correlation coefficient, p value, and effect size. Interpret the effect size. Specify whether or not to reject the null hypothesis for this correlation.
Second, report the highest magnitude correlation in the intercorrelation matrix, including degrees of freedom, correlation coefficient, p value, and effect size. Interpret the effect size. Specify whether or not to reject the null hypothesis for this correlation.
Third, report the correlation between gpa and final, including degrees of freedom, correlation coefficient, p value, and effect size. Interpret the effect size. Analyze the correlation in terms of the null hypothesis.
Step 5: Write Section 5 of the DAA
Discuss the implications of this correlation as it relates to the research question. Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of correlational analysis.

Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature. Psychological Science, 12(5), 353359.

C Program

write a simple C program. (No headings or screen captures are required.) You will submit a single .c file.

Here are the requirements of the program:

1. Ask the user for their age in years.

2. Ask them for their height in inches.

3. Ask them for their weight.

4. Calculate and show their age in months.

5. Calculate and show them their height in feet (this will be a decimal number).

6. Calculate and show their BMI.

Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, and the Role of Aldolase Gene Expression: Presentation

Regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis is a critical concept in biochemistry and often difficult for students to learn. This assignment allows the student to formulate a presentation on the topic and link this to the regulation of aldolase expression in various tissues of the body.

Give a 25-minute lesson teaching with a PowerPoint presentation. Each of the following topics should be covered (review the rubric for context):

-An overview of the glycolysis and gluconeogenesis pathways
-How aldolase is involved in both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
-The different isoforms of aldolase and their different expression patterns
-An examination of how Aldolase B expression can be regulated by transcription factors HNF-1, HNF-3, C/EPB, and DBP

The lesson presentation should include a title and reference slide and have between 10-15 content slides. At least four references should be cited (only one can be the textbook).

Nelson, D. L., & Cox, M. M. (2017). Lehninger principles of biochemistry (7th ed.). New York, NY: WH Freeman and Co. ISBN-13: 9781464126116

Network Defense System

It is essential to have a basic understanding of network defense topologies in order to properly comprehend the defensive strategies deployed by companies to protect their information assets.
Use the Cisco Packet Tracer application to create a network diagram that makes use of the following devices listed below, which belong to Company X. The diagram should illustrate your knowledge of network defense by placing network assets in their proper location, so as to ensure their protection. Include, within the diagram, any small office/home office (SOHO) solutions that will be used to protect either the infrastructure or end-user devices.
Within the diagram make sure to include at a minimum:
10 mobile devices (phones/laptops/tablets)
Five desktop/stationary computers
Two servers (file/email)
One printer
One router/firewall
One WAN/gateway connection
One switch
One corresponding backup/replication asset for disaster recovery (local or remote storage/server)
Note: Any IP addresses used should be labeled next to the corresponding device.
Then, create a report outlining the abilities of the network topology in reference to securing network devices and other information assets used by Company X. Make sure to address the following within the report:
A detailed explanation of the topology design addressing the “why” and “how” of the topology defenses solution and design, specifically threat models, motivations (such as insider threat), and ideologies
Network defense solution list (i.e., software/hardware used to protect information assets)
Encryption policies used by the network and end-users
Disaster plan recovery, including restoration plans
When completing the report for this assignment, refer to the “Report Template.”
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a basic scoring guide, provided by your instructor. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopeWrite.

Microservices Architecture Project

Please see attached document with specifications. Not sure what the effort would be in doing this whole project so any feedback on Design timeline is welcome. Interested in a  Book ordering system with multiple Customers and their details would be a starting point for discussion. Some fields would be :
Customer Name
Customer Phone Number
Customer Email address
Transaction history
Number of Books purchased, what they were.
Orders Paid for and shipped
Customers Wish List
Has Customer Made any complaints or returned items- details of.
Any feedback would be welcome. I’m not sure re cost,  apologies if you feel its too low. I am flexible re price. thx

Microservices Architecture Project

Please see attached document with specifications. Not sure what the effort would be in doing this whole project so any feedback on Design timeline is welcome. Interested in a  Book ordering system with multiple Customers and their details would be a starting point for discussion. Some fields would be :
Customer Name
Customer Phone Number
Customer Email address
Transaction history
Number of Books purchased, what they were.
Orders Paid for and shipped
Customers Wish List
Has Customer Made any complaints or returned items- details of.
Any feedback would be welcome. I’m not sure re cost,  apologies if you feel its too low. I am flexible re price. thx

Office Supply Store Data Analysis

An office supply store tests a telemarketing campaign to its existing business customers. The company targeted approximately 16,000 customers for the campaign. Assume you are a consultant brought on board to help the company leverage and use the findings from the tests to its advantage. Refer to the accompanying spreadsheet, which contain the results of the tests.
The detailed requirements and expected deliverables are mentioned in Capstone Assignment.docx.
Three sample presentations are attached for reference. Data to be used are in excel file.

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Discussion Forum #4

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Discussion Forum #4

In Stephen Blank’s discussion of Russian Information Warfare, Cyber Warfare, and “Political Warfare” what are the 3 key takeaways do you make from his discussion? In your opinion, is Russian actions in cyberspace “cyber terrorism” in the traditional understanding? In what areas can the United States evolve and learn from the Russian example and philosophical differences in their view of cyber warfare

Your initial post should be at least 500 words.

Use the following for reference

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Chapter 5

Semantic Caching Demo on SparkSQL and HDFS

Overview: A caching system management used in SparkSQL/Apache Spark and HDFS

Requirements: SparkSQL, ApacheSpark, HDFS, Data caching algorithm and English skills.

Motivation: We are now using the HDFS to store and manage the data. And we do also the data analytics using SparkSQL in Apache Spark.

Normally, the Application Driver of Apache Spark will load the distributed data in HDFS into memory and do the processing. Finally, Spark will return the results to the HDFS. Sometime, the results we got from previous queries could be used again once or more time by next queries. Then, we want to cache these result in our memory long enough by using a mechanism of caching, it called semantic caching.

What we want is: an implementation of semantic caching program in Apache Spark. The program should be done by Scala/Java language but Scala is preferable.

Browser Extension

I need a simple browser extension for chrome. It must do the following things:

1) have a user sign-in with username and password and verify user info against a SQL database. keep the user signed in even after closing the browser. Have a logout button once signed in.

2) when the extension detects you are on a specific site have it overwrite & autofill info into a sign-in form using database information only if the user hasn’t exceeded the maximum number of active sessions allowed by the database.

3) display users active sessions for that site in the extension.

4) once user signs into site track users active sessions on the site and report back to the SQL database and close sessions once the user leaves the site or clicks to sign out on the site

5) when a user deletes the extension open up a specific page