Category: Graduate


Construct a lighter and smaller Residual Network (ResNet) architecture.Train your network to perform image classication by minimizng the cross-entropy between the network’s prediction
and the CIFAR-10 targets.
As the training proceeds, plot the loss value and the classication accuracy on training and validation set,
and choose the iteration with the least error.


please write an essay on any genre for 2500 words
All genres permitted. A maximum of 2500 words per entry. Limited to one entry per person. Text must not have been published, self-published or accepted for publication in print or online, or have won or been placed in another competition at any time (including the AF Academic Writing Prize). All entries are judged anonymously and no correspondence can be entered into.

Python Programming with FTK

1.    Write unit tests for the posted solution(s) from a previous assignment:

    Write at least 3 test cases for each function (text and binary files)
o    the tests should try different situations
    You may use 2 test files, or more
o    you may alter the prior test files or make your own

submit (1) your test files used for the unit tests, and (2) your unit test code.

Debt to income calculator Python Project

Project – Debt to Income Calculator
Program Python in Spyder IDE
Project Guidelines
    At the minimum, your code should include a least one of each of the following:
    container type (list, tuple, set, or dictionary)
    iteration type (for, while)
    conditional (if)
    try blocks
    user-defined functions
    input and/or output file (submit input data)
    user-defined class. The class must be imported by your main program and have the following required structures.
at least 1 private and 2 public self attributes
at least 1 private and 1 public method that take arguments, return values and are used by your program
an init() method that takes at least 1 argument
a repr() method
Provide unit tests that prove that your class methods work as expected. The tests should evaluate results using assert statements.

Need to provide all code files – code lines must be less than 80 lines

Module 6 Discussion – Dissenting View

Identify a reading  with which you disagree, and briefly detail your dissenting view. You can use Week 6 material for this.

Use the web links or pdfs as references.

Essay at least 500 words

See “assignment instructions”

Critically evaluate the view that CSR reporting should be treated the same as financial reporting i.e. it should have a strict and a well-developed reporting and regulatory regime supporting it. In addition, critically evaluate the arguments put forward in item 4, namely that there is a potential conflict between CSR and profit related activities. Can this conflict be resolved?

Nursing Informatics

Badge 5: PowToon

PowToon  Instructions

Create your free account in PowToon.

Your topic this week is on integrating informatics. Using the information from the lecture and supplemental reading, use PowToon to create an animation to explain 3 instructional objectives you created based on teaching nurses about the role of informatics nurse. If you need to jog your memory on writing objectives, a resource has been provided to assist. Please make sure you objective have the necessary components of writing S.M.A.R.T. objectives.

Do not use the objectives from the PPT lecture as they are different than the behavioral objectives you are writing for this assignment.

Your animation should include a brief introduction of who you are, what you are doing objectives for (the topic of the role of the informatics nurse), and the 3 objectives. Explain how each objective addresses the criteria for SMART objectives. End with a thank you for viewing.

Submit a Word document with your name, date, topic and link to your presentation (if you are unable to load the presentation directly into the designated assignment link). If you can submit the actual presentation, then just submit that as your assignment. This is due on or before Sun. The powerpoint needs to be inserted into Powtoon. Please see the pp file below. Thank you.

python programming

The included Excel file lists HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 in the world from 1979 to 2011. Use the dataset to complete following tasks:

Add one column as continent in the dataset and label each country/regionin the dataset to an appropriate continent such as Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, or Antarctica. Explain how do you validate the correctness of your labelling. Output the updated dataset as a new CSV file. (1 point). (Note: You must write a Python program to complete the labelling, manully labelling wont get any credit).
Write a Python program to find the country/region in each continent thathas the highest average HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 of from year 2000 to 2011. Find the country/region in each continent that has the lowest average HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 of from year 2000 to 2011. Create a bar chart to show the highest average HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 of from year 2000 to 2011 in each continent (1 point). Create a bar chart to show the lowest average HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 of from year 2000 to 2011 in each continent (1 point). Create an overlaid bar chart to show the highest and lowest average HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 of from year 2000 to 2011 in each continent (1 point). Select a country/region that is different from the average highest or lowest HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 from year 2000 to 2011 from each continent, then create an overlaid line chart for the selected country/region, the average highest and lowest HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 from year 2000 to 2011 for each continent (1 point).
Write a Python progrma to calculate the average HIV estimated prevalence of people ages from 15 to 49 for each year in the dataset for each continent (you only need simply add the estimate prevalence number of all countries/regions and divided by the number of the countries/regions in the continent). Based on the calculation, create a line chart for each continent to show the changes of the average HIV estimated prevalence from 1979 to 2011 (1 point). Create an overlaid line chart for all continents to show their changes of the average HIV estimated prevalence from1979 to 2011 (1 point).
Create two scatter plots to show the data (i.e. each country/region) inyear 1990 and year 2010, respectively. The vertical axis in the scatter plot is the HIV estimated prevalence, and the horizontal axis is the corresponding year average HIV estimated prevalence in each continent, which you calculated above. Using different color to show data from different continent (1 point). If you found any interesting result from the charts, explain it.
Write a report to explain how each question is implemented and its outputgraphs (2 point).

Research Paper- Utilizing Virtual Reality in Nursing Education

Research Paper in Technology in Education
Students will identify technology which has been adopted or  incorporated into nursing education. Students will investigate the history/origins, financial underwriting, analytics, advantages/disadvantages, marketing ability, security, and application to nursing education.  (Topics can include and would not be limited: social platforms (Portfolium, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest) Online Polling Surveys, Simulation, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile technology, LMSs, EMRs, community-based Data Information Networks, technology related professional organizations such as HIMSS, or related orgs, Informatics, Online, Education, the list can be endless. You can confirm your topic with your course faculty. 

You will do a 10-12 page (APA formatted inclusive of: cover page, abstract, and reference pages which are not included in page count), APA 6th ed. You will submit your draft to Smarthinking the online tutoring in Week 5, you will then submit the feedback from the Smarthinking Tutor to the week 5 assignment area. 

Week 6 the draft will be submitted to TurnItIn in the designated assignment area. 

The paper will investigate and report will include the following:

Researching the origin
Its purpose and function (audience, content);
Briefly describe how to use it;
The advantages/disadvantages of the technology;
Include  a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles within 5 years at the latest regarding how higher education has used the platform in instruction or marketing;
The privacy and confidentiality issues (what the choices are when setting up account, any disclaimers listed, what the security is, has it ever been hacked);
Statistics regarding usage (as few sources are Google analytics, Pew Internet Research); and
Offer recommendations for future potential use in nursing education.
Alignment with MSN Essentials and course objectives-what are the next steps in nursing practice related to this?
Suggested headings for your paper:

Introduction (Level one heading)

Background (Level one heading)

Purpose (Level one heading)

Using (platform name) (Level one heading)

Advantages of Use for Education (Level two heading)

Disadvantages of Use for Education (Level two heading)

Literature on (platform name) (Level two heading)

Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security (Level one heading)

Data Analytics of (platform name) (Level one heading)

Alignment with MSN Essentials and course objectives (Level one heading)

Recommendations for future use in nursing education (Level one heading)

Conclusion (Level one heading)

Ruby method utilizing SOAP API and HPNA to pull NAT configuration data from a rotuer

Note:  This is sensitive data.

This is what I need to have happened:

I want to watch and learn from this and be able to provide input.

I am using a Ruby  application created by my company but is passed on to me without
much knowledge of my own.

I have a fast-approaching deadline.  I need to create a method and or class that utilizes SOAP API and HPNA pulls data (NAT configuration) and stores it in a variable and prints it out.

If you are amazing at this then the price could be negotiable.