Category: Graduate

New Equipmen

Imagine that you are the asset manager for a major northern European Hub Airport. The airport is under strong competition from Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Madrid & Paris.
The probability of a winter snow closure is 0.333 per year. The downtime cost for the airport is 1m / day. In addition, the marketing department has estimated that reputation damage costs an additional 1m per closure.
With existing equipment it takes on average three days to clear snow during which time the airport has to be closed and penalties are incurred.
There is an option to buy new state of the art snow clearing equipment.
This equipment has been successfully used at Denver airport in the USA. It would cost 3m to buy and it would last 30 years if properly looked after and maintained. It is estimated that annual storage, upkeep, painting, maintenance and running costs for this equipment would be 50,000 per year. Training for drivers would be 10,000 initially and 500 / year thereafter. The snow clearance time with this equipment would be reduced from the current three days to one day.
Another option would be to lease the snow clearing equipment for 400,000 per year for a 30 year period. Under this option, the lease company would keep the equipment at the airport and undertake all maintenance and upkeep activities at their expense. You would still have to provide the drivers.
The airport finance department requires that all new investments have to make at least a 10% / year internal rate of return. It also states that a 5% discount rate has to be used in all financial calculations (this takes into account potential future inflation and the cost of raising capital).
Your task in this assignment is to consider the three available options:
1.    The status quo where no additional investment is made
2.    The purchase and upkeep of new snow clearing equipment
3.    The lease of new snow clearing equipment.
Fully discuss each of these three options. Consider all benefits, costs and risks associated with each one. Then state which would be your preferred option giving reasons. If you have to make any assumptions to complete your answer, then please state what these assumptions are and why you have made them.
For your information, the airport risk matrix is made available as a separate file: risk matrix.pdf.
As always report presentation and content are both important. Good diagrams and relevant photos always add impact. Make sure that your report has an abstract, contents page and section headings. Detailed descriptions of methodologies can be put in appendices so that the main report reads smoothly.
At least 5,000 words will be needed to adequately describe your analysis and recommendations. You will not be penalised if you feel that you need to use more words than the minimum.

fuel cell and hybrid vehicles

The topic is fuel cell and hybrid vehicles. The instructor asked me to write a matlab code and simulink for my control lecture as my final report. I am planning to do all literature survey and essay stuff but I only need a running matlab code and simulink model.

Choose Your Roadmap to Certification (FISMA)

*750- to 1000-word paper.
*Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA 6th Edition Style Guidelines.
*This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Designing a measurement and control system for a water supply system

You are tasked with designing a measurement and control system for a water supply system (see: Figure
1). Consider all of the mechanical components of the system to be already installed except the intake
valve and the pump. You must specify the pump, intake valve, any instruments you wish to use, and
whatever control logic and additional controls you intend to use to control the system. To make your life
easier, I have attached a pump curve that will work and a valve coefficient chart. You are free to use or
not use these resources as you see fit. Your objective is to operate the system at minimum cost (i.e.
least energy to the pump). You do not need to calculate the amount or cost of energy, but you should
make a good argument based on the pump specification and the control logic.

Economics in Healthcare

You must read through all of the powerpoints and presentations to be able to do the project. It is mandatory to be able to do the assignment

For this project, you are expected to identify a problem, issue or challenge in your setting (e.g., areas that could or should be reformed such as payment mechanisms, delivery protocols, fragmented care teams, etc.) or a similar work environment (hospital, clinical practice, health care administration). Using the concepts from economics that we will discuss each week, you will design relevant and feasible features (reforms) that could be adopted to improve the delivery of health care from your perspective.

You will effectively build on your experience as a health care provider/administrator and leader to construct a case study that explores the main challenges and potential solutions to your setting through the lens of economics.

It may be the case that the reform features (such as incentives, subsidies, cost-controls, taxes, etc.) that benefit you (or a practice or a professional in a similar position to yours) may not benefit someone else from the class, and vice versa.


To identify the aspects that could/should be changed to improve the delivery of health care in your professional setting.

To translate the challenges you identify (organizational, financial, structural/institutional, behavioral, access) into the language of economics and policy.

To construct a case/argument for the reform features you propose that take into consideration relevant aspects of health care in your professional setting (taking into account stakeholders such as, for example, state and federal governments, public and private health care providers, hospital board members, and/or health insurance plans).

To engage in discussions on how the changing economic and policy landscape in the American health care setting will affect your ability to deliver better care positively or even negatively and how economic concepts can elucidate these dynamics.

Week 2 of the course:

For your case study, refer to specific features of the ACA ( ) to anchor your case study in the context of the economic and policy structures that play a key direct or indirect role on the problem/issue/challenge you have identified.

e.g., If the focus of your case study is the high rates of inpatients admissions originating from the emergency department discuss the features in todays economic and policy framework perhaps despite coverage of preventive screenings, individuals are not adhering to them. Another issue you may have identified is the still large number of individuals without health insurance coverage or usual source of care.

Formulate recommendations. Describe a specific set of features using policy and economic levers as well as organizational structures that you propose could improve the situation you have identified. For instance, if your setting is a physician-owned specialty practice and youve identified that participation in a clinically integrated network is your recommendation, then include how your recommendation interacts with the policy  and economic features of the healthcare system.

Identify and Address Solutions (2-3 pgs. total)

Part 1: Identify the health care challenges that your entity faces. (1-2 pgs.)
Part 2: Formulate actionable recommendations to address described health care challenges presented in Part 1. (1 pg.)

Data and analysis (1-2 pages).

The goal of this part will be for you to dedicate time to understand the cost and potential benefits of your proposed recommendation(s). Given that each participant will be building different case studies from different settings, the goal of this week is not to conduct an in-depth statistical analysis (though if you do have access to relevant data, and would like to do a more concrete analysis that would be fine). Rather, the goal is for you to feel comfortable including statistics and relevant data (publicly available information, statistics from peer-reviewed articles) that strengthen and support the validity of your recommendation.

Structure of Health Care Systems (1 page)

Describe the organizational structure that would best address the challenges that you identified in week 2.

Using the concepts of the class and your own experience describe the opportunities and challenges that your recommended solutions may experience. Include information of how you propose to address potential challenges.

Part 1
Write (1-2 pgs.) which discusses the entire context, stakeholders etc.

Compile entire Reform proposal (all assignments)

Part 2:  Attach Executive Summary (A 8-10 slide presentation that summarizes the course project).

econmic questions

You will type answers to questions in Word as much as possible. If an answer requires graphs or
equations you will handwrite those two parts of an answer. Be careful to graph things clearly and in
detail. Handwritten equations should be clearly and carefully written
A. Using the IS-MP-FE and AD-A-LRAS model, GRAPH an economy operating at a point
where output is at its full employment level (Y=YFE), the real rate of interest is at its natural rate
(r=rN) and is at the desired rate of inflation (Hint: This is a point of GE, general equilibrium)
B. Starting from a position of GE, suppose the economy is hit by excessive optimism. In other
words, people expect higher future income and firms expect higher future marginal product of
capital. However, the central bank recognizes that there was no change in the level of full
employment output or in their target for inflation. What would the central bank do to keep
these variables operating at these desired levels? Illustrate your answer to this question with a
new graph which shows the initial GE, what excessive optimism does to the graph, and how the
central banks response keeps output and inflation at desired levels.
C. Starting from a position of GE, assume there is a technological improvement. Suppose the
central bank recognizes precisely the change in the level of full employment output that has
occurred, and there is no change in the target for inflation. What would the central bank do to
keep these variables operating at these desired levels? Illustrate your answer to this question
with a new graph which shows the initial GE, what the change in technology does to the graph,
and how the central banks response keeps output and inflation at the desired levels.
2. An inflation targeting policy would attempt to keep inflation at some constant desired rate and
not be concerned about anything else. Correct answers to Parts B and C of Question 1 illustrate
possible reasons why many central banks across the world have opted to target inflation. These
two analytical results imply that targeting inflation will keep output at its full employment level
in response to some of the most important shocks to an economy. This is a significant result
because even if the central bank didnt know the actual level of full employment output it would
still be able to achieve that level of output simply by holding inflation at a constant rate.
A. What difficulties does a central bank face in trying to implement a policy of attempting to
control the rate of inflation? (for this part of the question ignore the effects of unexpected
movements in the marginal product of labor, as these will be dealt with later)
B. Supply shocks, that is unexpected movements in the marginal product of labor, also affect
the economy. Explain a particular sort of event could happen to an economy that makes the
marginal product of labor higher than it was expected to be.
C. Using the assumption from part B and the AD-A-LRAS model, GRAPH and explain what
happens to output when that shock occurs. In this case, does implementing an inflation
target a monetary policy that keeps inflation keeping it constant at the target rate – make
it easy, somewhat difficult, or impossible to maintain output at its full employment level?
3. A linear version of the IS Curve can be algebraically written as:
Y = A br
where A represents all the things that shift the IS Curve (factors other than real output, Y, and
the real interest rate, r, for Cd
, Id
, NXd
, and G), and b is the interest sensitivity of spending, arising
from interest sensitivities of each component in desired spending.
The MP curve can be written as:
r = Q + cY + d
The real rate reacts to real output and the inflation rate (), with c and d being positive
parameters, and Q summarizes the effects on r of all target variables in the central bank interest
rate rule.
A. Derive algebraically an equation for the aggregate demand curve. Does inflation have a
negative effect on output in this equation (as it does in our lecture slides discussion of
aggregate demand)?
B. In a liquidity trap, the central bank has lowered the nominal interest rate to zero. Combining
this with the Fisher Equation you get: r = – (technically it is expected inflation, but to
simplify we will drop the expectation). Derive the aggregate demand curve equation under
this assumption.
C. Using the aggregate demand curve implied in Part B, draw the AD-A-LRAS graph assuming
the economy starts off in GE (at full employment). In your graph, the slope of the aggregate
demand curve is quantitatively larger (hence should be drawn steeper) than the slope of the
inflation adjustment curve. Suppose that for some reason the aggregate demand curve
shifts to the left. Show that shift in your graph. Is the economy in recession? When inflation
begins to adjust will this push output in the direction of full employment or will output be
pushed further away from full employment? Please illustrate clearly in your graph.
D. What sort of macroeconomic policy could work for the situation in Part C to bring the
economy back to GE? Monetary policy, fiscal policy, or both could be used? Simulative or
contractionary policy? (Hint: Look at the graph and think about the derivation). Explain how
you justify your policy recommendation.
4. A common assumption in macroeconomics is that the natural rate of unemployment and the full
employment level of output are unaffected by inflation. However, there are numerous theories
for which higher inflation may raise output and lower unemployment in the long run, and some
empirical evidence to support these effects. One such theory assumes nominal wages are
downwardly rigid. In other words, firms may be in a position to want to lower nominal wages
but there is some market force that does not allow them to. In fact there is ample empirical
evidence that labor markets behave in this way.
A. To get a sense of this mechanism, first GRAPH a Classical labor market model with a labor
supply curve, a labor demand curve, and a unique equilibrium point.
B. Suppose for some reason the real wage is above equilibrium. Combine our earlier
assumption that the nominal wage cant fall with the assumption that the price level cant
rise and GRAPH the resulting real wage line. How do these quantities of employment, labor
supply, and unemployment relate to those quantities when the labor market is in the
Classical equilibrium (for each one is it higher, lower, the same, ambiguously related)?
C. This analysis can be extended to when the price level rises. With fixed nominal wages, the
more price rises the lower is the real wage. Therefore unemployment is lower. The faster
price rises the greater the rate of inflation. Hence, this theory yields an inverse relationship
between unemployment and inflation in equilibrium (or the long run).
Can our equilibrium labor market model that we derived from wage setting and price
setting explain this effect? For that model, (see the slides) the natural rate of
unemployment is linearly related to the markup (mu) and factors that affect wage
bargaining (z) and a positive parameter (a) as follows:

Assume wage bargaining power is negatively related to the inflation rate:
z = H – e
where e is a positive parameter. H represents all other factors that positively affect the
wage bargaining power of workers.
We could show, using the production function (in logarithmic form) and an identity
between labor supply, employment and the unemployment rate that output (y) can be
written as a negative function of the unemployment rate:
y = J (1-)u
with J representing all other factors in the production function (capital, labor supply, and
productivity) and is the parameter from the Cobb-Douglas production function. Full
employment output occurs when unemployment is equal to its natural rate.
How does an increase in inflation affect the natural unemployment rate and full
employment output? (positive, negative, zero, or ambiguous). For each of these you must
derive relevant expressions and discuss them. And finally, does the real wage decline with
higher inflation as our first graphical analysis suggests it should? (Hint: to answer this very
last question use economic reasoning. Deriving an equation is tedious and unnecessary)

1D model of an orificed hollow cathode using Matlab

I am a PhD student in aerospace engineering and I need help implementing a 1D plasma model of an orificed hollow cathode in Matlab. The model is described in: ‘One-Dimensional Hollow Cathode Model’ by Katz et al. I tried it myself but could not obtain results and I have difficulties understanding some details of the model. The paper, explanations of my approach as well as my matlab script are attached.

Collateral Swap

the pdf explains everything but it wrote in italian and in english. You can use google translate to traslate the italian part of pdf. The exercise is only 3 ( not do the 4th ).
In the zip there is the project and it will very easy to complete if you are able to use java.
Thank you.

If you don’t understand some part in italian, also with using google maps, you can wrote me and I will explain to you

ML Python Project Report + Case Study

-Read the pdf (ML Report and Case Study Guidance and Grading Scheme).
-This is a 5000 words report that consists of two parts (sample report attached).

Part one: ML Project on Python (3000 words)
– Dataset is Telecom_customer_churn.csv
– telecomChurn.ipynb is the actual code used so far (you can work on it further please feel free to add/edit the codes  etc..)
– File “ML Project Presentation and feed back” contains the presentation that was presented to the professors and at the end has the professors feedback in the last slide.
– Sample codes also provided in the file Sample

Part two: Case Study on Spotify (2000 words):
under the pdf: MarrBernardWard_2019_26_Spotify_ArtificialIntelligence

ML Python Project Report + Case Study

-Read the pdf (ML Report and Case Study Guidance and Grading Scheme).
-This is a 5000 words report that consists of two parts (sample report attached).

Part one: ML Project on Python (3000 words)
– Dataset is Telecom_customer_churn.csv
– telecomChurn.ipynb is the actual code used so far (you can work on it further please feel free to add/edit the codes  etc..)
– File “ML Project Presentation and feed back” contains the presentation that was presented to the professors and at the end has the professors feedback in the last slide.
– Sample codes also provided in the file Sample

Part two: Case Study on Spotify (2000 words):
under the pdf: MarrBernardWard_2019_26_Spotify_ArtificialIntelligence