Category: Graduate

Physics and Mathematics. Multible choice task Monday 11/05/20

Need help Monday 11 MAY from 11.00AM to 16.00PM, with a multible choice assigment. I’m going to post the questions continuously (because I have to translate), by uploading a picture/file of the question, and need the answer continuously. It will be total 40 tasks.
Don’t need any calculations of the tasks, Only which answer option is right for the task.
The answer of each task, you can write in the chat, or upload a picture/file.

Online Application

A- Statement of Purpose: A brief description of why you want to participate in the internship program? and how it will add to your future career goals?

B-What do you think makes you a unique candidate? (min. 300 words)

1. How would this program help you meet your career and academic goals?
2. Talk about yourself and your interest in the field
3. Describe any relevant experiences and projects you have completed in your field of interest.

Individual Assignment


The purpose of this research is to identify the best combination of independent variables (drivers of the key  performance indicator) to predict the dependent variable (key performance indicator). The dependent variable in this  case is job performance however you will need decide which one variable (from those in the table below see Table 1)  is the best measure of job performance. The statistical technique you need to use is regression analysis (multiple linear  regression OR logistic regression). In the SPSS data file you will notice a column labelled data_type (0= training data,  1= test data). You need to refine your model using the training data then test your final model with the test data. There  are many metrics for model validation, we’ll use one known as Mean Absolute Error (also called MAE). With the MAE  metric, we take the absolute value of each error (error=actualpredicted). This converts each error to a positive  number. We then take the average of those absolute errors

Predictive Analytics JMP Project

To create a good project follow these steps:
Step 1) Decide what is going to be your dependent variable. As you already know, the dependent variable is the variable that you want to predict or you want to estimate it on average. In both cases, you have two options to go for. Either pick a numerical dependent variable or a binary (two level categorical variable such as Yes/No or 0/1) dependent variable.
Example1: Numerical: Monthly sales of a company
Example2: students grade with two levels of good or bad
Step 2) Find predictor or explanatory variables that you think might have a relationship with the dependent variable. You need at least 4 predictors for this project.
Example 1: number of products offered, products price, incentives, competitors prices, time of the year,
Example 2: study time, number of books offered, age, employment status,
Step 3) Use week 2 lecture to create some summary statistics and some graphs to get more information about your data. (This step is optional)
Example 1: Create a bar chart to see if the amount of sales is different for different types of incentives.
Example 2: Create a mosaic plot to see if employment status (employed vs unemployed) changes the probability of getting a good grade.
Step 4) Create your model with all the predictors.
Example 1: if you chose a continuous (numerical) dependent variable, use multiple regression or regression tree for modeling.
Example 2: if you chose a binary dependent variable, use logistic regression or classification trees.
Step 5) perform a variable selection and select your best predictors to be included in the model (you are going to learn about this in future lectures)
Step 6) Create the model but this time, only with the best subset of predictors.
Step 7) Draw the diagnostic plots and check for any assumption violations for example for a multiple regression, see if the residuals are normal or check for consistency of variance.
Step 8) If there is any violation, try to fix it using transformations or polynomial regression.
Step 9) It is better that you can fix the violation but sometimes violations need more complicated models to be solved so, if it wasnt possible, just mention in your report steps you did to fix it but it didnt work. (it is better to consult with me at this stage)
Step 10) Start writing your report. Your report should include the following sections:
    Introduction and statement of the problem being addressed.
    Outline of the analysis.
    Sources of data; method of collection.
    Presentation of the data and the data analysis (all relevant software output).
    Conclusions and recommendations for further study.

Step 11) Congratulations. You made a data analytics project on your own. Not many people in this word are capable of performing a deep analysis like this.

Multible choice test Monday 11/05/20

Need help Monday 11 MAY from 11.00AM to 16.00PM, with a multible choice test.

I’m going to post the questions continuously (because I have to translate), by uploading a picture/file of the question, and need the answer continuously.

It will be total 40 tasks.

Don’t need any calculations of the tasks, Only which answer option is right for the task.

The answer of each task, you can write in the chat, or upload a picture/file.

Please read uploadet file for info.

Compliance Audit

It is essential as a cybersecurity professional to have a complete understanding of how a compliance audit is conducted and documented because organizational sustainability often depends on the adequate assessment of information security and privacy management.Using the GCU Virtualization Environment, build either a Windows or Linux server. Then, search the web for technical controls related to HIPAA.Break the technical controls down into technical requirements appropriate for your virtual server with Pass/Fail criteria.Audit the virtual server and report if compliant or not.Once compliance testing has been completed, draft a certification letter for your client or organization highlighting the applicable controls tested along with the compliance model used.

Pscad Project

2.    Scan the handwritten solutions, and save the  file in PDF/ docx format.

3.    For all the PSCAD simulation question(s), report should include all the necessary graphs and calculations. Also, clearly mention assumption made (if any).

4.    Save the PSCAD model in .pscx  file format. Make sure the model is bug free and running.

Please help with this 3 pscad problems


Getting an assignment 15th of May 09:00. The assignment has to be done by 14:00. Around 6-7 questions.
The topics are
Units, Physical Quantities, and vectors.
Motion along a straight line
Newtons laws of motion
Applying newtons laws
work and kinetic energy
Potential energy and energy conservation
Momentum, Impulse, and collisions

Swing JAVA App with Database

I Need a MVC Java app that connect to a Database, mainly a CRUD app with Swing (Jframe,…).
It will be a main Jframe with some tabs, it’ll be used for property rental, it need to be a really clear code and basic functions, basic MVC.
I added a file to show you the main tabs.
I can provide you the database too.
If you have a french expert, would be maybe better.
I really dont know what the price could be for these basic kind of apps.

Applying classification algorithms to a data set derived from text data, twitter

I need the R code, interpretation of results and variables and reasoning for choosing certain parameters and such for Naive Bayes classifier, J48, logistic regression and SVM. I’m having issues with some functions, it would help me greatly to dedicate time on more important areas of my paper.
Data set: first 24 features are predictors, last one is the target variable. 0 are true news, 1 are fake news.
If it has any importance, I would prefer Caret package.