Category: Graduate

Secure Application development project

The Assignment is based on testing a java application and finding and security vulnerabilities in the source code. the testing should be done in two ways manually and with the help of automated tools. Further details will be provided once i discussed with the concerned person. i am attaching the the source code of the project.


Team A and B play 10 or 100 games. How many wins in 10 games do you feel there is a difference
in ability? How many wins in 100 games do you feel there is a difference in ability? Construct 95%
condence interval in each setting and test the null hypothesis “a winning rate is 0.5” under one-sided
signicance level 0.025.

Developing a mobile application using Apache Cordova

I need help developing a mobile application using Apache Cordova please.

I’m having trouble connecting to a MySQL database that I’d like to eventually store data in and retrieve from. I also need to be able to draw in the app and store these drawings in the DB. Thirdly, I don’t understand how to get prompts to appear on screen upon tapping the app.

I would like some help understanding how to achieve these tasks please.

Thank you.

Green housing gas emission reduction

Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Sustainability in a Town/City

The storyline:

You take a keen interest in community affairs in a city where you live or a city of your choice. In recent years, you have also become increasingly concerned with sustainability issues, and you would like to see local people actively involved in the promotion of greater environmental responsibility.

You are supposed to develop a scheme that could in your view achieve a significant reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions from energy use by residential, industries and transportation in that city. You believe your plan to be realistic, feasible and cost-effective.

You have spoken informally about it to the local district Councillor, who is sympathetic but slightly sceptical. She has asked you to present a report on the scheme for consideration.

Your scheme

    The scheme is concerned with energy consumption at the level of the individual household, i.e. the energy used directly by the residents and industries for heat and power energy.
    The aim of the scheme is to reduce total carbon emissions resulting from residential and industry in the city of your choice to achieve carbon neutrality in the city in the next 10 years.
    To allow a range of options, you have included at least two scenarios from a combination of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies applied in power generation and industrial processes, using renewable energy systems (e.g., solar, wind, geothermal) and end-user energy efficiency improvement (e.g., Micro-CHP systems, renewable combined with conventional, etc.) for reducing energy consumption and obtaining energy from sustainable sources.
    Carbon saving in transportation and using high-efficiency energy storage technologies will improve the completeness of your scenarios.
    In these scenarios please present the implementation timeline, as well as the technical and operational challenges and possible risks.

(The proposal that householders could simply buy their electricity from existing green energy suppliers should not form your scheme!)

    You need to calculate/estimate the total electrical and heat energy required for the town and the current CO2 emission and compare your suggested scenarios to offer the best option in terms of carbon saving and financial advantages.
    For your selected city use the available statistics for the numbers of houses and residential apartments and industries.
    Carbon saving scenarios in city transportation will add an extra advantage to your report.

The following report might be of help: (Links to an external site.)

Your report

    Your report must include clear descriptions of the area, population and housing that will be affected by the scheme.
    An estimate of the present annual CO2 emissions will be required. These are the emissions produced by the present power plants providing electricity of the town and energy-consuming activities at the household level. You will need to explain your assumptions about the consumption and the present energy supply systems.
    Your report should include a description of each proposed measure in the scheme, an estimate of the likely cost, discussion of the advantages and disadvantages, and your reasons for recommending it. The two types of measure reducing consumption or changing to sustainable sources will probably require rather different approaches in supporting your recommendations. Energy-saving measures are likely to affect individuals or households most directly, whereas changes in centralised energy sources may involve more general issues.
    You may include as many measures as you wish as long as your scheme complies with the description above but bear in mind the 3000-word limit on your report. You may use appendices if necessary. You will need to strike a balance between the number of proposals and the detail you can provide on each one.
    You may wish to refer briefly to options other than those you have proposed, and the reasons for rejecting them.
    Bearing in mind the principal aim of the scheme, an assessment of the reduction in CO2 emissions resulting from each measure is essential. You may wish to consider the need to find a balance between meeting the 100% carbon reduction target (carbon neutrality) and other factors that might limit the extent of the changes.
    Your final report should include a title page, table of content, abstract, introduction and literature review, description of the scope, scenarios and evaluation of presented solutions (e.g., technical, financial, etc.) completing with discussion and concluding remarks, future works and references.

Your readers

The Councillors will have a great deal of local knowledge, but are likely to vary in their technical knowledge, and may not have given much thought to energy systems until now. It would be sensible to regard them as reasonably intelligent people who could be expected to understand the broad technical and financial reasons for your recommendations but will not want to struggle with excessive detail.

Their common concerns are likely to be about matters such as the financial implications, the response of the electorate, effects on the local environment and employment. However, they will also have a wider perspective and will be interested in ideas which can show them as forward-thinking and responsive.

dining philophisor

Use threads to implement three versions of the Dining Philosophers problem. One of the programs must be free from both deadlock and starvation. One of them should be vulnerable to deadlock, and the last should be vulnerable to starvation.
Finally, you will write a report explaining your implementation and addressing the following questions:
1. What method did you use to ensure that one version of your program was susceptible to starvation but not deadlock?
2. What method did you use to ensure that one version of your program was susceptible to deadlock but not starvation?
3. What method did you use to ensure that one version of your program was not susceptible to starvation OR deadlock?

Health Rights Final

PowerPoint Presentation: The length of the PowerPoint Presentation should be approximately 1015 slides with relevant speaker’s notes and include a minimum of three visual components (e.g., audio narratives can be embedded in images, figures, tables, links with/or without video, etc.). Follow these guidelines to create your PowerPoint Presentation.
Include a cover slide with course number, course title, title of PowerPoint Presentation, your full name, and date.
Title of Presentation: Course Project: PowerPoint Presentation
Insert headers or titles or subtitles on each slide.
Insert page and slide number.
Keep it simple but engaging. Use appropriate images and graphics to illustrate and complement your presentation.
Number of slides: 1015 slides
Complete a minimum of three of the 1015 PowerPoint slides with a visual component to present, explain, and bring to life your presentation.


After reading the article, please address the following questions in a minimum 3 full length paragraphs :

Do you agree or disagree that the Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Council 31 decision weakens public-sector unions economically due to losing revenue from agency fees?  What is the rationale for your response?
Discuss the most important aspects of the Janus ruling, and how they have affected public-sector unions.
Do you agree or disagree with the Janus ruling?  What is the rationale for your response?


Public-Sector Unions after Janus:  An Update – discusses the effects of the Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31.

Week 5 case study

Please read the case, Collective Bargaining on the UMass Amherst Campus that begins on Page 9 of  the Society for Human Resource Management document, Employee and Labor Relations Student Workbook and answer the questions on Page 10 (also listed below) relating to the topic. Please prepare a 2 page summary, fully addressing all of the questions and fully supporting your views with the appropriate references, which should be included via in-text citations and listed on a reference page.  The assignment should be submitted as an MS Word document.

Case Questions:

Why didnt employees at UMass Amherst engage in collective bargaining after the passage of the NLRA in 1935? 
Why did the passage of the Massachusetts General Law in 1973 have such a big effect on union organizing at UMass Amherst?

What role does labor law play in encouraging or discouraging unionization?

Do you think teaching assistants should be considered employees?

Do you think managements reaction to employee interest in unionization differs if the employee already has high union density among other employee groups?

Minesweeper game with GUI

Implement in Java with a GUI the game Minesweeper with the following restrictions:

1. Board size: you should give the option to the user to choose at the start of the game between “Beginner”, “Intermediate” and “Advanced”. The board size and number of mines for each of these three choices are the following: Beginner: board 7×9 and 10 mines, Advanced: board 13×18 and 35 mines and finally Expert: board 22×25 and 91 mines

2. your game should have a timer that displays the number of seconds played so far, if the clock reaches 1 minute for Beginner, 3 minutes for Advanced or 10 minutes for Expert then the game is lost and the mines should explode

3. Implement some small animation of mines exploding and at the same time the game should also make an exploding sound. Obviously only the not yet uncovered mines should explode,the ones that were marked as mines should not explode. Furthermore your program should point out with a red X the locations where the player marked as mine and were not correct.

4. the control of the game should be done completely by mouse clicks: left click uncovers that location, right click marks as mine in that location, a second right click erases the mine marking for that location

5. BONUS for +2p a second click on a revealed location that has the number of mines adjacent to it marked will uncover automatically all the cells adjacent that are supposed to not have any mines.

As an example of what you should implement try this implementation of minesweeper:

Note: I need a single .java file as I compile and execute the code in command prompt

probability assignment

This assignment has questions related to conditional probability and information theory which is an engineering subject related to electronics and communications. question 1 part b,c , question 2 part d, question 3 part a,b and question 5 (whole) is related to basic probability, question 2 is related to theory of information theory subject (which is a general question) and question 4 is related to probability and information theory both.