Category: Graduate

Case 10: Best Practices in Estimating the Cost of Capital: An Update

In the Bruner text, carefully read Case 10: Best Practices in Estimating the Cost of Capital: An Update on pages 145 to 171. For this Discussion Board assignment, estimate the weighted average cost of capital for the company that you discussed in Discussion Board Forum 2. You must explain each part of your estimate and identify the source of any data that you use in creating your estimate in proper APA format. Your original thread should be at least 500 words.
Acceptable scholarly/professional sources include the textbook, and scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles, and professional valuation websites

Company Discussed is Sears Holdings Corporations

Spring Boot Java project(salon booking system) and final report

Problem Description-Spring Boot Java project
Online Booking Webapp for a small Beauty Salon – to develop a web application to manage their client database. This online scheduling software,allows individuals to conveniently and securely book their appointments and reservations to the salons services online .They will typically access the online scheduling system through a Book Now button found on the Web page.
Once a date and time are selected, the system will automatically confirm the booking and
instantly record it within the system, without any staff action needed. The Admin/owner will be able to access an admin page to view upcoming appointments and a client list.

i have attached a similar webapp i have previously done. would like it in a similar format.

Implement Java Producer and Consumer with Monitors and performance analysis

Implement in Java consumer producer model using monitors – compatible with book. (page 182) LockedQueue

See the definition of the interface and semantics of operations.

For performance evaluation, the following configuration parameters are suggested:
a) Initial list size. Populate the list initially. Test different sizes as they will generate different operating times. Ex .: 100k, 200k, 300k
b) Maximum list size. Limit the list’s growth to a determined value. Ex: 300k, 500k, 1000k.
c) Distribution of commands. What percentage will we have of adds, reads and removes.
           It is suggested to test with the same frequency. In another situation, increasing reads.
d) Number of executing threads. Vary the maximum allowed by the infrastructure available. It does not make sense to go beyond the number of threads, considering hyper-threading.
e) Execution time and warm-up. Set an initial time where measurements are not sockets. Then start measuring for a duration of the experiment. It is suggested 10 seconds of warmup and 1 minute of experiment. However, these values should
            be investigated empirically.
Metrics to be observed. The following metrics are of interest:
        a) General flow of the system in operations carried out
        b) Flow rate by type of operation.
        c) Average list size.

Speed up motion estimation

My project is speeding up motion estimation for various video processing applications. The programming is to be done in Matlab. My project supervisor has a meeting every week with me. He assigns me a particular task to be completed within that week.
Description- 1)Build a RavME Motion Estimator that uses motion from Compressed video as a kick start. Compare the below Measures of performance wrt to really good motion estimator(RGME) like EPIC
Are the vectors from RavME the same as from full search BM?
Are the vectors from RavME the same as ground truth or RGME?
Is the prediction error from RavME the same or better than full search BM?
Is the prediction error from RavME the same or better than RGME?

2)work on P – frame
Select candidate motion vectors at a site .. remember to scale depending on how far in the past they point to
For each candidate
Measure DFD
Measure Spatial smoothness
Pick the best

3)B – frames == same thing
Select candidate motion vectors at a site
Flip the vectors around. So if you have one vector pointing back, then just negate it and make it also point forward
Scale the vectors depending on the target frames
For each candidate
Measure DFD
Measure Spatial smoothness
Pick the best

4) then figure out for Iframe

The code should be simple without using any matlab functions

financial Ratios and growth rates

Analyze annual financial statements for (at least) the past five years and quarterly statements for the most recent four quarters. This should include financial ratios and growth rates. . How does your firm compare to its major competitors?
Company: Chipotle and competitors Pollo Loco and Del Taco
I need to calculate the following ratios:
Internal Liquidity Ratios
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio
Receivables Turnover
Average Receivable Collection Period
Inventory Turnover
Average Inventory Processing Period
Payables Turnover Ratio
Payables Payment Period

Operating Efficiency Ratios
Total Asset Turnover
Net Fixed Asset Turnover
Equity Turnover

Operating Profitability Ratios
Gross Profit Margin
Operating Profit Margin
Net Profit Margin
Return on Total Capital
Return on Total Equity
Return on Owner’s Equity

The Dupont Model
Net Profit Margin
Total Asset Turnover
Equity Multiplier

The Dupont Model (extended)
Net Profit/Pretax Profit
EBT/Operating Profit
Operating Profit Margin
Total Asset Turnover
Equity Multiplier

Financial Risk
Debt/Equity Ratio
Long-Term Debt/Total Capital Ratio
Total Interest-Bearing Debt/Total Capital

Earnings Flow Ratio
Interest Coverage (EBIT/Interest)

Cash Flow Ratios
Cash Flow Coverage of Fixed Financial Costs
Cash Flow/LT Debt
Cash Flow/Total Debt Ratio

Logic-based Programming

Via MS Excel, develop a logic-based programming application.

Use the data in the Mod_9_10 OUITBloodPressureTableau.xlsx Excel spreadsheet (or corresponding .zip file). Create a dropdown that allows the user to select:


    County Location

    Hospital Type

Use these selections to determine:

    The total number of patients at the specific hospital

    The average age of patients at the specific hospital (combined, male and female),

    The average change in blood pressure over the course of the treatment period from current to 6 months after admission.

Provide an Excel file with one button on it – I will select a state, county and hospital time to test your module. Be sure and save your file as an Excel – Macro-Enabled file structure.

The attached file has some of the codding. I just need the rest were it showes the final result. Also it is an Ecxcel Macro sheet were you have to active developer option in order to click the command button to see the Visual basic programming

Thank you

Generating xml/json file based on the value provided from csv/xls/xlsx

*Read only csv/xls/xlsx(sample file Excel2/xlsx) from src location configured in dl-config file.(5 threads at time)
*Rows in a file should be grouped on basis of configured columns mentioned in scenarios is explained more in
*Once the group is done , check the sizeConfig from dl_config file if the config is ‘Volumne’ and based on the sizeLimit copy the files mentioned in COMMAND_FilePath to workDir one it reaches 10 GB stop the file copying but the file which is still under process should be completed eventhough it exceeds more the config size, once the file completes stop it.If the config is ‘All’ then in group copy all the datafiles irrespective of size
group1 : (Volume Wise)
Ad,AT,AY -10.3GB – once copied start creating a manifest and zip it & rename it and move to zipFileStream path
AY,AG – 10 GB -once copied start creating a manifest and zip it & rename it and move to zipFileStream path
AH -2GB -once copied start creating a manifest and zip it & rename it and move to zipFileStream path

group1 : (All)
Ad,AT,AY,AY,AG,AH  -22.3GB- Copy all the files and create CNManifest.xml/Manifest_RE.json
and zip it & rename it and move to zipFileStream path
*Naming of file should be based on configuration
*once the zip file is moved archieve the csv file and update columns File_Generation_Outcome with SUCCESS/FAILURE for each row,and Error information in Import_Process_Feedback and zipfilename in ZipFileName

Chapter 12 & 13 Questions

Problem Scenario 1: write out 7 steps for all hypothesis tests

The following is a problem description. Use the mean & variance provided to answer the questions which follow, showing all calculations BY HAND. For all hypothesis tests, you MUST show all 7 steps we have been using and use the CRITICAL VALUE METHOD to make your decision.  Treat each question as a separate problem — we use the same data set but are answering different research questions.

Fitness Training
There are different approaches to fitness training. To judge which one of two approaches is better, 200 twenty-five-year-old men are randomly selected to participate in an experiment. For four weeks, 100 men are trained by Approach 1 while the other 100 men are trained by Approach 2.  The improvement in fitness was measured for each man and the statistics shown below were computed. The measurements are known to be normally distributed.

NOTE: use ONLY the Critical Value method for hypothesis tests. If you include both rules in step 4 or include both in your decision step, I will have to conclude that you do not yet understand them.

Approach 1      Approach 2
x _1=27.3      x _2=33.6
s_1^2=47.614      s_2^2=28.09

Answer the following four questions:

a) Estimate with 95% confidence the mean fitness improvement with Approach 2. Interpret the interval.

b) Do these results allow us to conclude at the 10% significance level that Approach 2 is superior to Approach 1 in improving fitness?

c) Scientists are interested in determining which of the two approaches results in more consistent fitness improvement. Do these results allow us to conclude at the 5% significance level that Approach 2 results in a more consistent improvement in fitness than approach 1?

d) Estimate with 99% confidence the variance of the fitness improvement with Approach 1. Interpret the interval.

Problem Scenario 2:

The following is a problem description. For all hypothesis tests, you MUST show all 7 steps we have been using and use the P-VALUE METHOD to make your decision.  For confidence intervals, there are not specific steps, but there is a specific Excel tool for each interval. Treat each question as a separate problem — we use the same data set but are answering different research questions.

Many parts of cars are mechanically tested to be certain that they do not fail prematurely. In an experiment to determine which one of two types of metal alloy produces superior door hinges, 40 of each type were tested until they failed. To evaluate how long hinges made with the different alloys would last, the number of openings and closings was observed and recorded (to the closest 0.1 million). Car manufacturers consider any hinge that does not survive 1 million openings and closings to be a failure., A statistician has determined that the number of openings and closings is normally distributed.

NOTE: use ONLY the P-value method for hypothesis tests. If you include both rules in step 4 or include both in your decision step, I will have to conclude that you do not yet understand the p-value rule.

The data is shown below, and the file is provided in canvas.

Number of Openings and Closings
    Alloy 1                                  Alloy 2
1.5    1.5    0.9    1.3        1.4    0.9    1.3    0.8
1.8    1.6    1.3    1.5            1.3    1.3    0.9    1.4
1.6    1.2    1.2    1.8            0.7    1.2    1.1    0.9
1.3    0.9    1.5    1.6            1.2    0.8    1.2    1.1
1.2    1.3    1.4    1.4            0.8    0.7    1.1    1.4
1.1    1.5    1.1    1.5            1.1    1.4    0.8    0.8
1.3    0.8    0.8    1.1            1.3    1.1    1.5    0.9
1.1    1.6    1.6    1.3            1.4    1.2    1.3    1.6
0.9    1.4    1.7    0.9            0.6    0.9    1.8    1.4
1.1    1.3    1.9    1.3            1.5    0.8    1.6    1.3

Answer the following four questions: write out 7 steps for all hypothesis tests

a) Can we conclude at the 5% significance level that the mean number of door openings and closings with hinges made from Alloy 1 is greater than 1.25 million?

b.) Can we conclude at the 10% significance level that the variance of the number of openings and closings for the hinges made from Alloy 2 is less than 0.065.

c.) Estimate with 90% confidence the difference in the number of openings and closings between hinges made with Alloy1 and hinges made with Alloy 2. Interpret the interval.

d.) The quality control manager is not only concerned about the openings and closings of the hinges but is also concerned about the proportion of hinges that fail. Can we infer at the 10% significance level that the proportion of hinges made with Alloy 2 that fail exceeds 18%?

Social media paper

You will write a 4.5-5 page research-based paper using proper APA formatting that describes the problems related to social media in the workplace and propose solutions on how a company could address these issues.  The page count does not include the cover page or reference page. An abstract is not required. The Library has a section on proper APA formatting with useful resources. The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a very useful, easy to navigate resource.

The paper will have the following sections:

an introduction;
a review of the related literature that highlights the problems found with social media and how it impacts the workplace;
a proposed solution on how to address each problem;
a concise conclusion that wraps up and unfies the central themes
a reference page (a minimum of five (5) scholarly resources must be used. (Wikipedia and similar types of information are not valid references).  Popular resources may be used if they add important information to the paper. Please review information in the Start Here module regarding scholarly and non-scholarly resources.
Papers shall follow APA guidelines and be submitted as a MS Word document with all resources properly cited within the body and listed on the reference page. 

The best place to begin searching for scholarly resources is by accessing the Library link in the course menu.

Small Data Analysis project (Basic)

This project is comprised of a number of small tasks. To accomplish the tasks, you would need to review the provided 9 datasets. (But only need to use 4 data sets for the project) and develop research questions that you find plausible and interesting. Then, you will use Excel to split, or merge, or manipulate the relevant data, perform the analysis and present the results. Note that not all information (rows, columns) needs to be used, selecting the interesting information to be used is part of your task and will depend on your research questions.

Tasks: you would need to use ALL quantitative methods introduced in this course to solve your own research questions.

The methods that you need to use include:
1) Descriptive methods, Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Line Charts, and Histograms (Lecture 2);
2) Normal Distribution (Lecture 3 and 4);
3) Simple Random Sampling (Lecture 5);
4) Sample Distribution (Lecture 5);
5) Confidence Interval (Lecture 5);
6) Hypothesis Testing of one population (Lecture 6);
7) Hypothesis Testing of two population (Lecture 7);
8) Association Testing, linear regression (Lecture 8 and 9);

You would need to use at least 4 different datasets to develop your research questions with the quantitative methods. Your research questions are not necessarily connected. They can be separate questions on different datasets. (You are also free to use other datasets of interest. But the datasets must contain more than 10,000 rows and 5 columns. A small dataset is not accepted.)
You would need to write a short report that summarizes your research questions and the datasets you have used. The report should contain: introduction, research questions with brief motivations, corresponding datasets, brief methodology, discussion of the results, conclusions.
1. The report should contain 1200  words (excluding graphs, images and tables).
2. Separate files, Excel files with and without formula should be submitted too.

The following are some research question examples using the provided datasets. Those research questions are only for inspiration. You can simply use the following questions. You are also strongly encouraged to develop more questions based on your own interest and investigation.

Will the ratings of electronics product and home and office accessories in Amazon the same? (Two population hypothesis testing)
Will the ratings after 2017 better than the average rating before 2017? (One population hypothesis testing)

Illustrate the average wage of the football stars across different countries. (Using Pie chart, Bar char……)
Illustrate the histogram of Spanish/Brazilian/ football stars wage/ball control/dribbling.
If we randomly select 5% football starts from the datasets as a small sample, can we find out the confidence interval of their wages? (confidence interval)
Is Spanish football stars wage higher than England football stars wage? (Two population hypothesis testing)
Is England footballer faster than the Spanish footballer? (Two population hypothesis testing)
Is Brazilian footballer dribbling better than the average dribbling score of England footballer? (One population hypothesis testing)
Can the factors as Acceleration, Aggression, Agility, Balance, Ball control, Dribbling etc. explain the footballers wage? Which factor is more significant? (linear regression)

Does shooting from shot_place #3 have higher probability of a goal than shooting from all other places? (histogram, normal distribution)
Where does Lionel Messi like to shoot the most? (histogram, normal distribution) Where does Cristiano Ronaldo most likely to goal? (histogram, normal distribution)
Do the factors such as shot_place, shot_outcome, location, assist_method, etc. significantly contribute to a goal? (logistic regression)

Do the hotels in UK have the higher review score than the hotels in US? (Two population hypothesis testing)
Can the negative review word counts and positive review word counts explain the review score? (linear regression)

Are the scores of restaurants having violation code F001 lower than the scores of restaurants having violation code F030? (Two population hypothesis testing)
Among the restaurants with scores higher than 90, which rule do they most likely to violate? (histogram, normal distribution)

Is the Spain wine more expensive than US wine? (Two population hypothesis testing)

Are the sales in holiday higher than non-holiday? (Two population hypothesis testing)
Is there any relation between the temperature and the sales? Is there any relation between the fuel price and sales? Do the Unemployment %, IsHoliday, CPI, Temperature (F), Fuel_Price, etc. explain the sales? (Association Testing, linear regression)

Do the factors as host_response_rate, is_location_exact, minimum_nights, maximum_nights, and etc. explain the price of the Airbnb? (Association Testing, linear regression)

Do people like videos in category 10 more than category 2? (Two population hypothesis testing)
Is there any relationship between the views and likes? If there is, is it positive or negative? (Association Testing, linear regression)