Category: High School

Python assignment

Submitted a .txt file with 10 different languages, each one on a new line.
Submitted a python file that demonstrates:
A linear search for a specific world language.
An insertion sort function.
A print() command that shows how the list has been sorted in alphabetical order.

python assignment

Using a text editor like Windows Notepad or some other editor, create a new text file of the names of at least 10 different world languages. (Make sure to save the file as a .txt file.) Write each one down on a separate line, then save the file and name it world.txt. Do not worry about putting the languages in any kind of order. Simply write them down in the order they come to your mind.
Using the Python code examples in sections 15.1 through 15.3, replicate the steps of reading in the text file world.txt to a list then perform a linear search for a specific world language from your list of world languages.
In the same Python program above, create an insertion sort function as shown in section 17.3 that will utilize the list of world languages already read in from the world.txt file and then sort them alphabetically.
Once the list is sorted, print out all the elements in the list using a loop of some kind to verify the entire old list originally created by you in world.txt has been properly sorted.

Submitted a .txt file with 10 different languages, each one on a new line.
Submitted a python file that demonstrates:
A linear search for a specific world language.
An insertion sort function.
A print() command that shows how the list has been sorted in alphabetical order.

WWII Interactive Timeline, American Battle Monuments Commission

View videos, all texts, and maps of each event listed below. On a Google Doc that you attach to this assignment, compose at least 3-4 sentences describing the event (who, where, when, what), the outcome, and the event’s significance in the war (for example, was it a turning point? Were new technologies/strategies used? etc.) Its okay to use additional reliable sources if you struggle with timelines wording.      *hint: It will be obvious if you cut & paste   


Watch Dr. Greger’s video on the Daily Dozen and write a summary of the video no less than 50 words .  Include your thoughts of the Daily Dozen on how it can help your health specifically, and talk about the challenges it would take to check off as many boxes as possible each day.  Furthermore, make connections between the Daily Dozen and how it can effect you economically in the short and long term.

Find pressure and temperature in otto process

Data: volume 0,35liters, compression ratio 1:9. 600J added in combustion between point 3 and 4 in the process.

Temperature and pressure in 1,2,3,4 in the otto cycle
Find energy added from 4-1

If a gas expands from point 4 to a new position 5, where the pressure is equal to the starting pressure. Then what is the temperature and volume in this point?

Python HW

All of the problems in this assignments should be solved with Dictionaries or Sets. 

Don’t build Dictionaries by hand: automate building your dictionaries. 

You will be asked to use a CSV file from called Missouri_Beer__Wine.csvPreview the document

Use Exceptions to protect your program from missing files, and provide the user a useful error message. 

Start with our (notebook): submit your version of the notebook and a pdf of your notebook after running the Unit Tests.

Statistics Confidence Interval Practice

1. A hardware manufacturer produces bolts used to assemble various machines.
Assume that the diameter of bolts produced by this manufacturer has an unknown
population mean and the standard deviation is 0.1 mm. Suppose the average
diameter of a simple random sample of 50 bolts is 5.11 mm.

(a) Calculate the margin of error of a 95% confidence interval for .

(b) What is the width of a 95% confidence interval for ?

2. You want to rent an unfurnished one-bedroom apartment in Boston next year. The
mean monthly rent for a simple random sample of 32 apartments advertised in the
local newspaper is $1,400. Assume that the standard deviation is known to be

(a) Find a 99% confidence interval for the mean monthly rent for unfurnished
one-bedroom apartments available for rent in this community.

(b) Does the confidence interval give us information about the statistic or the

(c) How to interpret a 99% confidence interval for the mean? (Circle the best

a. 99% of the intervals constructed using this process based on same-sized
samples from this population will include the sample mean.
b. 99% of the possible sample means
c. 99% of the intervals constructed using this process based on same-sized
samples from this population will include the population mean.
d. 99% of the possible population means will be included by the interval.

(d) What if the sample size was 40 for the 99% confidence interval in (a). How
would the confidence interval change with this larger sample size? No
calculations necessary. (Circle the best answer.)

a. The confidence interval would be the same width but shifted to the left
b. The confidence interval would be the same width but shifted to the right
c. The confidence interval would have the same center but be wider
d. The confidence interval would have the same center but be narrower

3. We have IQ test scores of 31 seventh-grade girls in a Midwest school district. We
have calculated that sample mean is 105.84 and the standard deviation is 14.27.

(a) Give a 99% confidence interval for the average score in the population. What
is the margin of error?

(b) In fact, these are the scores of 31 girls who volunteered to share their results
with the researchers. Explain carefully why we cannot trust the confidence
interval from (a).

4. The New York Times and CBS News conducted a nationwide poll of 1048
randomly selected 13- to 17-year-olds. We can consider the sample to be a SRS.

(a) Of these 1048 teenagers, 692 had a television in their room. Give a 95%
confidence interval for the proportion of all people in this age group who had a
TV in their room at the time of the poll.

(b) Of the 1048 teens surveyed, 189 named Fox as their favorite television
network. Give a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of all people in
this age group who would choose Fox as their favorite network.

(c) Suppose you were to change the confidence level in (b) to 95% using the same
sample. How would the confidence interval change? No calculations
necessary. (Circle the best answer.)

a. The confidence interval would be the same width but shifted to the left
b. The confidence interval would be the same width but shifted to the right
c. The confidence interval would have the same center but be wider
d. The confidence interval would have the same center but be narrower

5. A random sample of 188 books purchased at a local bookstore showed that 66 of
the books were murder mysteries. Find and interpret a 90% confidence interval for
the proportion of books sold by this store that are murder mysteries.

A tool to help piano students track their practice schedule

Brief outline of program design, labeling the classes and objects
Make a flowchart and a data flow diagram
Create simple menu for user

Criteria for Success
1. To be able to add new pieces and remove completed pieces from the practice schedule
2. To be able to vary the assigned practice time for each day
3. To be able to prompt the user to input the amount of time they practiced a piece
4. To be able to compute the total time for the imputed amount practiced for each piece
5. To be able to provide a summary of success and failed days based on if they met the assigned practice time
6. To be able to provide a summary of time practiced for each piece at the end of the week
7. To be able to print this information

Hurricane Data OOP Program

All I need done is a code written converting the already written hurricane data java code (included below) into OOP format. It’s not too difficult, its for my APCS A highschool course, I just don’t have time to write it. I have attached the instructions and rubric as well.

Hurricanes Data Challenge Program

All I need done is a code written converting an already written java code into OOP format. It’s not too difficult, its for my APCS A highschool course, I just don’t have time to write it. Email me back for all the information and programs needed to complete this!