Category: Human Resource Management

Unit II Principles Of Macroeconomics

Answer the following from the Problems Appendix in the back of your textbook on pp. 326-328, and upload your answers through Blackboard:

  • Chapter 3: Questions 1 and 10
  • Chapter 4: Questions 2, 3, 4, and 12

Your completed Homework assignment should be at least three to four pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style. 

SWOT Analysis


Review the media presentation on How to Do a SWOT Analysis in Required Resources. Read the Case Studies found under Assignment Files below. The link for each will take you to the article in the Herzing Library. Choose an article to read and analyze. Identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of a case. Suggest a course of action.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

 Eves, M. M., Danziger, P. D., Farrell, R. M., & Cole, C. M. (2015). . Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, 5(2), 167-178. 

Unit I Principles Of Macroeconomics

Answer the following from the Problems Appendix in the back of your textbook on pp. 325-326, and upload your answers through Blackboard:

  • Chapter 1: Questions 1, 2, and 4 
  • Chapter 2: Questions 1, 2, and 4

Your completed Homework assignment should be at least three to four pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Talent Management Plan Developing Talented Employees


Submit a 23-page paper that addresses the following questions. Your paper should follow APA style, be double-spaced with one-inch margins, and include a title page and reference list.

  • Describe one approach for conducting a needs analysis and the degree to which the approach might be useful to consider when developing a Talent Management Plan for Webuttik.
  • Describe one approach or model for conducting training and development of employees, and explain the degree to which the approach or model might be useful to consider when developing a Talent Management Plan for Webuttik.
  • Describe one approach or model for performance management and the degree to which the approach or model might be useful to consider when developing a Talent Management Plan for Webuttik.

What is Webuttik? 


Webbutik is an online retailer specializing in womens and mens apparel and shoes. Webbutiks leadership have decided to invest resources to improve the online retail experience for customers in order to stay competitive in the online retail marketplace. Before leaders can invest necessary resources into fixing the company website, they have to address the immediate problem of poor customer service and the impending mass exodus of customer service reps before the holiday season.

The leaders decide to hire a consultant (YOU) to develop a Talent Management Plan for customer service representatives and customer service managers. The Talent Management Plan would detail strategies and approaches to address the following goals:

  • Identification and selection of external job candidates for the customer service representative position
  • Identification of internal customer service representatives who are high performers and could be developed for managerial positions
  • Onboarding new hires
  • Training and developing existing customer service representatives
  • Improving recruitment and retention of customer service representatives

2-1 Stacee


reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name  


Please share three relevant things you have learned last week about your project , and cite sources (maybe documents or data), people or things you met or talked to, to gather information. Thanks. 

students response


Three relevant factors to the development of my business plan for a Natural Food Broker within the convenience channel that I have learned this week and had not anticipated:

  1. There is very little data on the Food Broker Industry.

Because the food broker industry is difficult to measure because companies tend to be small, private, and regional (Salmans, 1982, para 4).  I had to pivot and look at the driving factors of the food and retail industries, along with consumer trends which drive the demand for food brokers.  Th scope of this is a bigger than initially anticipated.

  1. The food broker has two customers.

As I was writing the initial plan, I was entirely focused on the C-store as the customer, and entirely missed the Brand as the actual customer, so I had to go back and re-rewrite some of my plan with this in mind. Although, the C-store customer is a relevant factor, the initial customer is the supplier and that is how a food broker generates revenue.

  1. Receivables or the lack of receivable must be considered in the financials.

I met with a reputable natural food broker that has been operating for almost 5 years in the foodservice channel. I interviewed John Hein with The Advance Natural Group to understand how the financials work or pass through from the supplier to the broker. One big call out he made was that there are often times the Supplier does not pay on time. This may have a significant impact on the amount of on-hand cash that is necessary to keep operating month to month.  Paying employees is a major function and greatest expenses a food broker has. He was able to identify about a third of suppliers pay behind schedule and that a solid contract proves to have some effectiveness when attempting to collect. 

Salmans, S. (1982, April 23). Food industrys middlemen. The New York Times. Retrieved


2-1 Michael


reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name  


Please share three relevant things you have learned last week about your project , and cite sources (maybe documents or data), people or things you met or talked to, to gather information. Thanks. 

students response


One of the concerns I have was diving in to the potential real estate markets to find potential sites for development. I spoke with a friend of mine Sam Collins about what my potential options would be. He suggested Camarillo, CA as a great potential market. There is lot of adult facilities, senior living, and memory facilities in the area. They city is not a stringent on getting licensing and getting documentation done. He mentioned to me that pricing is still somewhat fair for an acquisition. 

I sat with an accountant, David Zadeh, to describe the M&A background on what potential costs would be. One issue that continuously arises is securing a loan to acquire the real estate and for development. The plan laid out with David was potentially one route of acquiring the real estate developing and then doing a sale leaseback to gain back all the capital contributed to the project. That way that leaves us with a focus on the people and not worrying about underlying debt. The drawback is that you won’t own the real estate and you have a landlord to deal with afterwards.

A concern that arose was finding the right staff. We spoke with several colleagues of my brother who are family medicine doctors and some neurologists. We spoke with my wife and her colleagues who are nurses and nurse practitioners that will be required for daily needs. After our review, we had to maintain our labor around 30-40% potentially, however with the way that costs have arose through this proforma. The MD’s will be the x-factor in deciding how many we bring on board because they have a significant cost compared to nurses and nurse practitioners. The nurses and nurse practitioners are close to half the amount of labor payroll. There is a method used by the urgent care space where they have one MD on staff and the rest are all nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. 


Sam Collins, Real Estate Agent, CALBRE

David Zadeh, Business Consultant

Dr. Daniel Aminpour MD, Dr, Shawn Banafshein, MD, Mrs. Lina Aminpour RN, Mrs. Jacqueline Farnam, FNP



reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name  



Please share three relevant things you have learned last week about your project , and cite sources (maybe documents or data), people or things you met or talked to, to gather information. Thanks. 

students response


Last week, I have learned how to apply different concepts and strategies to my business plan project. Among those things is the distinct core competency. Investopedia defines core competency as a field or task which differentiates a firm from its competitors and is hard to copy. It is the things the firm does best such as Walmart and its low product prices and operating costs (Kenton, 2019). What differentiates my bubble tea shop from others is that aside from offering healthier drinks and snacks to customers, we will also have weekly live music. I believe that music has a lot of health benefits which is why I would like to incorporate that into my business plan. I also asked my friends and they like the idea of a bubble tea shop with live music once a week.

Aside from distinct core competency, I also learned about defining a mission and vision statement for my business plan. Not only will it define the path I would like to take with my bubble tea shop, but it will also help me align my team towards the same goal and values.

Lastly, I gained more knowledge about the bubble tea industry. I was able to identify the key players in the industry, the target market for my business, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, and the product and industry life cycles. These helped me understand the industry even more.


Kenton, W. (2019, August 22). Understanding Core Competency. Retrieved March 9, 2020, from

Cultural Information Paper


Your  new employee is going to be moving overseas! Develop a cultural  information paper that will help them understand how to make the  transition. (NOTE: You are able to choose any countryplease make sure  the county of choice is logical for the position.)

Include in this paper:

  • a short introduction to the country,
  • the local customs,
  • what to expect, and
  • a list of what is needed to work in the country.
    • For example: Certain countries require a work visa. Include the requirements for the work visa.

Include country-specific information needed to live and work in that country such as:

  • transportation availability,
  • housing costs,
  • union influence,
  • work week,
  • typical vacation time, and
  • anything specific to the country we would not experience in the US.
    • For example: Some countries the children wear uniforms and go to school all year

This paper should be 6-8 pages.

NOTE: The position  moving overseas is the job in your description from Week 3. Find  creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this  one.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using  Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides;  citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.  Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page  containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the  professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the  reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Dr. Vics Tips:  remember to write your paper as an HR manager with your audience being  your employees going abroad. Do not just write a paper with no context  make sure you write it per the scenario above and as an HR manger.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Include in this paper:

  • a short introduction to the country, 
  • the local customs, 
  • what to expect, and 
  • a list of what is needed to work in the country. For example: Certain countries require a work visa. Include the requirements for the work visa. 

Dr. Vics Tips: 1) write about the country by giving a general description of the geographic area, provide brief (two-three sentence) history of the country, and any important cultural, religious, political, conflict, or trade information widely known throughout that country. 2)  then write about any local customs from the region you will sending  employees customs can include language, holidays, traditions of the  area, celebrated festivals etc.  3)  write about the actual experience from what to expect on day 1 though  to day-to-day routines, try to be specific here with realistic  expectations. You can also write about day-to-day things like local  transportation (the bus or metro system) currency needs, where the local  grocery store is located, where the nearest in-network clinic or  hospital is located, and who to call if anything happens. 4)  write about the documents your employees might need, visas, passports,  copy of birth certificate, government ID, consulate or Embassy  documents, and important contact info from the company.  If any of you have every sent employees abroad all of this likely sounds very familiar.

To  help you out, here is a list of things to consider adding to your  paper: include country-specific information needed to live and work in  that country such as:

  • transportation availability,  

Dr. Vic:  cover available transportation options both locally and across the  country. Trains, airports, local busses, taxi service and always provide  an emergency transportation medium like a phone number employees can  call to have a taxi or other transportation means come to them. 

  • housing costs, 

Dr. Vic:  Cover how housing will be taken care of, for example will there be  corporate housing, or will the employee need to find suitable  reimbursable housing on their own sometimes this is a very cost  effective strategy for many smaller companies. 

  • union influence, 

Dr. Vic: provide union contact info, if any, and also union expectations. 

  • work week, 

Dr. Vic:  Here cover the day-to-day and week-to-week work flow for employees,  include work day schedule if different than 8a-5p for example in some  countries the work day lasts past 5:00pm and in other countries it ends  before 5:00pm. Cover when lunch is typically taken and also when breaks,  if any, can be taken. 

  • typical vacation time, and 

Dr. Vic:  here cover vacation expectations especially if it is different than  normal that is, cover if vacation is earned at a different rate for  example if employee will earn vacation hours or credit diffident than  normally. Also offer a trusted vacation travel agent phone number in  order to facilitate employees safety as they might want to travel. 

  • anything specific to the country we would not experience in the US. For example: Some countries the children wear uniforms and go to school all year 

Dr. Vic:  here try to focus on work customs and laws that might be different than  normal in the U.S.  Offer a Hotline phone number employee can call with  questions regarding work place expectations.

Dr. Vic: overall, concentrate on employee safety and expectation as you write this cultural information paper.

Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. 

Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources and may not be used for this or any academic paper.



Note: While representative of possible situations faced by Target & Walmart, all scenarios in this assignment are fictional.

Real Business

As you learned this week, understanding your competition and  adjusting your own business accordingly is critical to a businesss  success. A large discount retail store like Target competes not only  with other discount retail store stores but also with those stores that  offer just some of the products Target does, such as grocery stores.  Keeping track of all these competitors is quite a task; thats why large  companies have a team of market researchers dedicated to managing that  research.

Your Role

This week, youll assume the role of a Market Research Manager at Target.


Market Research Managers are responsible for creating and  improving processes for gathering information on various market  conditions, competitors, and consumer trends in their companies  industries. They are typically responsible for managing a team of  researchers and reporting their findings to the head of the department.  Teams across the company then use these findings to help improve  products, guide marketing efforts, and more.

As a Market Research Manager, part of your role is to consistently  analyze Targets position relative to its competitors and report on  these findings. As part of this process, you complete a SWOT analysis  for each of Targets main competitors each quarter. The quarter is  coming to a close, and your boss has asked for the latest SWOT analysis  for Walmart.


Step 1: Research

Search online and find 1-3 articles that discuss the competition between Target and Walmart. For each article:

  • Provide a link to the article.
  • Identify which aspects of the article will be helpful as you conduct your SWOT analysis.

Step 2: Strengths

Based on your own experiences shopping at Target and Walmart and the research you conducted:

  • Identify 1-2 strengths Target has in comparison to Walmart. For each strength, explain your rationale.

Step 3: Weaknesses

Based on your own experiences shopping at Target and Walmart and the research you conducted:

  • Identify 1-2 weaknesses Target has in comparison to Walmart. For each weakness, explain your rationale.

Step 4: Opportunities

Based on your own experiences shopping at Target and Walmart and the research you conducted:

  • Identify 1-2 possible opportunities Target has to be more  competitive with Walmart. For each opportunity, explain your rationale.

Step 5: Threats

Based on your own experiences shopping at Target and Walmart and the research you conducted:

  • Identify 1-2 possible threats that might diminish Targets  competitiveness with Walmart. For each threat, explain your rationale.

Step 6: Who Will Come Out Ahead?

Based on your SWOT analysis, do think that Target or Walmart is better positioned over the long term to come out ahead? Why?

Step 7: Real-World Application

Conduct a SWOT analysis for your company and one of its biggest competitors using the methodology outlined in Steps 1-6.

Human Resource Management 532 Talent Management Assignment 5 Sustainable Talent Management

Need help in writing the following attached paper 6 to 8 pages. The cover page and the reference page are not part of the 6 to 8 pages. The paper MUST but in APA format. Please use the textbook that is in the instructions. The title of the paper needs to be Sustainable Talent Management. Need to have more than 5 references on the reference page. The cover page should have the assignment title, student name, the professor’s name, the course title name, and today’s date in that order. Please make sure that you follow the Rubric that is attached as well.