Category: Human Resource Management

Discuss Board

  1. What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment? 
    Although it is not due until the end of the class, it is important that you begin planning for this project early in the course. What are your initial thoughts about how you will approach this assignment? Explain.  
  2. What are the most important elements of a Business Plan? Why?
  3. What other elements should be added to the Business Plan to encourage potential investors? 
  4. How important is accurate financial data to the Business Plan? Why?

Discuss Board


Pepsi Co and Coke American beverage giants, must adhere to the U.S Foreign Corruption Act wherever their businesses may take them. Both companies expanded their U.S businesses to India with differing initial results. Coke came home (initially) and Pepsi Co prospered.

Do your research and explain the socio-cultural barriers faced by these two companies? What in your view were the reasons which negatively impacted Coke and positively touched Pepsi Co?


Interactive: Select one company other than the 2 mentioned above, and share this companys experience in the United Arab Emirates. Comment on another learners company experience in a different location of the world.


Interactive: Comment on a different learners company experience in a totally different location from those completed earlier. Do you feel that cultural training is an essential pre-requisite for expatriates in any host country? Why/Why not?

Remember to use APA referencing in the body of your posting.

Labor Relations Discussion Board

assignment Details

This discussion has 3 parts:

  1. In your experience, how do human resources managers cope with demands, constraints, and choices confronting them with reference to employee rights and policies and procedures? 
  2. What are the benefits or consequences that you have witnessed when it comes to employee rights?
  3. What steps do you believe human resources managers use to solve problems and make decisions? If you have experienced this first hand, please feel free to share your experience. 

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Survey Of Strategic HR Management

Assignment Details

This discussion has 3 parts:200-250 words

  1. What do you perceive are the different roles and activities commonly required for human resource managers?
  2. How are human resources managerial roles and activities affected by aspects of leadership planning and compensation?
  3. In your opinion is it important for human resources managers to be certified through the Society of Human Resource Management? Explain your stance.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Individual Project

You have been asked to provide briefings to orient the next person sent abroad. Write a briefing that will:

  1. Assist one of your female managers from India in adjusting and communicating well with businesspeople in a South American country of your choice. (Remember that South America is a continent, not a country).
  2. Assist the executive from your chosen country in adjusting and communicating well with the female manager from India.

You may include areas as simple as basic etiquette in that culture to more sophisticated elements of business communication and business relationships.

APA format is mandatory (in text and in the reference section).

There are two main types of databases accessible in the library, through FIND ARTICLES & BOOKS. Keep in mind that the most popular databases are: ABI Inform Global, Academic Search Premier, and Business Source Premier. As a graduate student, you must steer away from inferior Web sites with anonymous writers, articles found on consultant Web sites, materials on sites like,, etc. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias most often repeat the information from your text. Acceptable Internet resources include among others government sites (especially for statistics). 

2 Discussions


Kirkpatricks Taxonomy

This weeks lecture describes the advantages and disadvantages of using Kirkpatricks taxonomy. As an HR employee tasked with creating and evaluating a training course for your organization, how would you use Kirkpatricks taxonomy to evaluate the training?  What could you do to minimize the disadvantages of the tool?

Use this weeks lecture as a basis for your post. Reference and cite the textbook in your original post.  Respond to at least two of your classmates posts.



Read the article . In the textbook, beta-testing is described as used for formative evaluation and for fine-tuning. How does the story of Apples beta-test meet the criteria?

Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two of your classmates posts.

EMR Presentation

 EMR systems fulfill many roles in a variety of health care settings. Like many technologies, EMRs may be under-utilized, or the users may not understand everything the system is capable of. As a manager, you are in the position to research and learn about EMRs, and then to educate others as to the benefits and limitations of these complex systems.

After several years working as a clinic manager in the hospital setting, you have been hired by one of your physicians who is leaving the hospital to start his own practice in the community. You will be the practice manager, and responsible for much of the research and development phases of this new venture. The physician has asked you to provide recommendations on what EMR to use. A few of your options include: pay for a license to use the system the hospital has in place – or – purchase a separate system entirely.

Create a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate your research and recommendations.

  • Length: approximately 5 slides o Audience: the physician (practice owner), a business consultant, and two Registered Nurses.
  • Summarize the reasons your practice needs an EMR system (include: demographic, administrative, and clinical data collection).
  • Clearly present the benefits and risks of each option
  • Your conclusion slide(s) should include a recommendation, specific steps for moving forward, and a timeline for implementation.
  • Record your presentation, or use speakers notes. List all references in APA format on a closing slide.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.


  • EMR presentation

Case Study On Samsung Electronics


In this unit, you will complete the case study of the company that you chose   in Unit II and have been researching throughout the course. Respond to the four   writing prompts below. Your responses must include information from academic   and  scholarly research, including at least two resources from the CSU Online   Library  and at least two other online sources.

1.  Create a case study summary of the company you have chosen, including a         general overview of the company, its external environment, and a list of   its       current strategies and objectives.
2. If the company continues with its present strategies and objectives, where         will it be in five years?
3. If you were the CEO of the company, what strategies would you recommend,         and why?
4. Describe the competitive strategies used by the companys main         competitors. Which of these strategies are the most effective? How can your         company combat these strategies? Support your answers.

If you paraphrase, quote, or use ideas from any source, you should cite your   sources using APA guidelines. Your case study should be at least three pages in   length, excluding a cover page and references page. Please contact your   instructor if you have any questions, or contact the CSU Success Center should   you need more support.

HR Related Question


Throughout the course of your professional careers–whether working directly in the Human Resource Management field or as the employee of an organization in any field–you will most likely need to conduct performance management. Performance management typically occurs through the setting and evaluation of goals that are set by either you, your supervisor/organization, or a combination of the two. Often, this process is connected to performance appraisals, which can impact promotions, raises, and your standing at the organization. They can also influence the day-to-day work that you do to ensure these goals are met.

Throughout this semester, you’ll conduct your own performance management in 3 stages:

Stage 1. Initial goal(s) setting assignment

Stage 2. A mid-semester goal(s) checkin and update

Stage 3. A final performance management review of your goal(s) at the end of the semester

Please review the assignment instructions below for Phase 1:

Goal setting is the process of identifying something that you want to accomplish and establishing measurable actions and time frames to complete these actions, which will help achieve the overall goal. For this assignment, you will explore at least one goal that you want to set for yourself for this semester. Your goal(s) must be written in the SMART goal format. Review the information below to learn more about goal settings and how to use SMART goals.

STEP 1: Review information on SMART goals

By Deb Peterson 

For each of your goal(s), be sure to address all aspects of the S.M.A.R.T. model as detailed in the article:


o Detailed and precise, not too vague. Write exactly what you want to accomplish.


o Generally use numbers to quantify. Establish clear definitions to measure if you are reaching your goals.


o Describe your goals using action verbs, and outline the exact steps you will take to accomplish your goal in a way that is possible to achieve.


o Give yourself the opportunity to succeed by setting goals that you will be able to accomplish. Be sure to consider any obstacles you may need to overcome. Also, does goal achievement lead to your long-term goal?


o Set a day/time and deadlines for achievement. Decide exactly when you plan to start and finish your goal

STEP 2: Write at least one SMART goal for the semester

1-2 sentences

Connect your goal to your own professional/academic/personal growth and development. Make your goal related to things like learning opportunities, skill enhancement, development/growth, etc.

Please do NOT make your goal about your grade for this class or other classes.

STEP 3: Current goal(s) status

1 sentence

On a scale of 0-5, state how far along are you in achieving your goal. (0 = have not started, 5 = goal completed). No one should be able to state 5 for the first phase of your performance management, otherwise, it is no longer a goal because it is already complete.

STEP 4: Indicators of progress

A couple sentences or bullet points

State how you will know you achieved your goal(s), including action steps to take to help you achieve your goal(s), and/or any special achievements that will show you’re achieving your goal(s).

HR Related Question


DISCUSSION QUESTION #1 (3 total points):

Which of the 8 NACE Career Readiness Competencies do you feel will be most challenging to get experience with as an undergraduate and why? Please explain your answer.

You will be graded based on making 1 initial post with your answer to the question, and also responding to at least 2 posts from classmates.

Your posts should be at least 3 sentences and provide a well-thought out commentary/explanation.

DISCUSSION QUESTION #2 (3 total points):

Please list one of the bullet point statements from your resume as an initial post.

Also, please post a response to one of your classmates bullet point statements that offers a suggestion about how she/he can improve the bullet point. Explain the reason behind the suggestion. Use this week’s lesson to learn how to develop strong bullet point and accomplishment statements.